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Spike's Bio

William The Bloody (James Marsters), or, as he is more commonly known, Spike, is around 120 years old. He was turned into a vampire by his one time lover Drusilla. He, Drusilla, Darla and Angelus formed a group of vampires and went around together killing and feeding. Spike himself ended up killing two slayers by himself. He showed up in Sunnydale to kill both Buffy, the current Slayer, and soul-riden Angel ("School Hard"). He eventually helped Buffy stop Angelus and left town, but not for long. He returned, only to be captured by Initiative Commandos ("Wild At Heart") and have a chip placed in his head which prevents him from feeding. Due to his neturing, he began hanging around with the Scooby Gang, helping them on occasions and opposing them on others. Eventually, he fell in love with Buffy, and supposedly changed is ways so that his love would not be unrequited. However, he has had no such luck. He is witty, sarcastic and the one person everyone loves to hate and hates to love.

First Appearance: "School Hard"

Significant Others: Drusilla (Season 2)

Defining Quote: "And you're what? Shocked and disappointed? I'm evil"

Episodes Appeared In: "School Hard", "Halloween", "Lie To Me", "What's My Line Part 1", "What's My Line Part 2", "Suprise", "Innocence", "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered", "Passion", "I Only Have Eyes For You", "Becoming Part 1", "Becoming Part 2", "Lovers Walk", Season 4 (except for "The Freshman", "Living Conditions", "Fear, Itself" and "Beer Bad"), Season 5 (except for "The Body") Back To Current Characters Page
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