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Willow Rosenberg's Bio

Willow Rosenberg (Alyson Hannigan) is Buffy's best friend and a practicing witch. She attends University Of California - Sunnydale with Buffy. She has slowly become a very powerful wicca, especially with the help of new love interest Tara. Willow is shy and brainy, but has emerged from her geek persona very much since entering college. Willow is the most level headed of all the group. Although she used to scare very easily, she has come into her own as a slayerette. She began her devulge into the dark arts when she was asked to take over Jenny Calendar's computer class when she was murdered ("Passion") and found Jenny's wiccan sites.

First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"

Significant Others: Oz (Season 2 and 3) Xander (Season 3) Tara (Season 4 and 5)

Defining Quote: "I don't *wanna* be our only hope! Uh, I crumble under pressure! Let's have another hope."

Episodes Appeared in: Every Episode

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