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Xander Harris' Bio

Alexander "Xander" Harris (Nicholas Brendon), 20, is Willow's best friend since, well, forever. He was the first person in Sunnydale besides Giles to discover Buffy is the Slayer. He joined the Scooby Gang because he was maddly in love with Buffy. He has often proved pathetic and helpless in battle, but occasionally he recalls a trick or tow from when he became a military man ("Halloween") and helps out the gang. Witty and sarcastic, Xander is always quick with the comebacks, but not so quick when it comes to intellect. He decided not to attend college and now works as a construction worker.

First Appearance: "Welcome To The Hellmouth"

Significant Others: Cordelia (Season 2 and 3) Willow (Season 3) Anya (Season 4 and 5)

Defining Quote: "But I never help. I get in trouble and Buffy saves me."

Episodes Appeared In: Every Episode Back To Current Characters Page
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