(Original air date 03/04/68)
On the way to the station, Heath comes across an unhitched team grazing on the side of the road. Puzzled, he flicks his horse further up the road where he discovers that a robbery took place, leaving a man and woman dead.
On the way, Nancy admits to Heath of having serious qualms about meeting Jim for the first time. Heath begins to question her about her past, convinced he's met her before but can't recall where. He begins to entertainment serious doubts about her true identity when she mistakes Jim's maid for his late wife.
They arrive at Jim's farm. The tension between the two as they meet for the very first time is almost palpable. Heath excuses himself and leaves the couple alone to get acquainted.
The next night, Victoria, Nick and Heath are invited to dinner at Jim's place. Victoria offers to help Nancy with her wedding dress and at the same time, wants to take the opportunity to show her the new school where she hopes Nancy will accept a teaching position. Nancy declines, stating that she wants to dedicate her time to being a wife.
Heath is still bugged about not being able to recall Nancy's face.
Next stop, the stage depot. Heath asks the station agent (Renny McElroy) to show him the content of the dead woman's suitcase. Judging from the clothes, she must have been a showgirl, something that Jim never told him.
Jim tries to appease Nancy's qualms about Heath's attitude, saying that he must be infatuated with her and that he's afraid to admit it.
At the dinner table, Heath is lost in his thoughts while Jarrod and Victoria discuss the perfect wedding gift for Jim and Nancy. Nick hollers in, prompting Heath to get a move on the cattle branding. Heath informs him that he's going out of town for a few days and that he'll have to do without him. Nick won't hear of it.
They stop their horses near a river. Nancy begins to ramble about her love for Jim . She asks Heath for a chance to prove her sincerity and assures him she'll be good for Jim. She threatens Heath that if he hurts her, he'll wind up hurting his friend as well.
Later, Nancy goes to the hotel and tries to convince Reed to drop the entire stratagem. Heath is distrustful and that despite everything, she believes she loves Jim. Reed calls attention to the fact that he rescued her from that filthy saloon in Copper Creek and that he wants what's best for them both. A quick divorce and a nice settlement will provide them with wealth for the rest of their lives.
Because Nancy can't go through with the scheme, she decides to pack up and leave. Jim believes she's jilting him on account of Heath. He storms out of the house in a jealous fit.
Jim catches up with Heath on his way to the train station. He vehemently accuses him of wanting to leave town with Nancy. Heath denies the allegation and both end up engaging in a fistfight. Jim pleads with Heath to leave Nancy alone, that he needs her more than he does.
A cute little dog barks up at his leg. Heath calmly warns its owner, Keefer, to call his pet back. When Heath pushes the dog aside, Keefer gets angry and provokes him into a draw. Heath shoots the man down before he has time to realize it. Not far away, Reed witnessed the entire scene and decides to board the same train as Heath.
They both leave the saloon together. Nancy discerns the shady silhouette of Reed standing in a hayloft across the street with a rifle. She warns Heath of what is about to happen. Heath dodges the bullet by rolling on the ground and fires back at Reed who drops dead.