
Although Cassie couldn’t quite put her finger on it she had a very uneasy feeling about the launch. She tried to convince herself that she was wrong. But as the morning progressed the feeling’s got stronger and stronger.

Cassie fed David his breakfast then sat him down with coloring books and crayons. “Here you make a nice picture to give daddy when he comes back.”

She glanced at the clock. 7:45. “Steve should be getting ready to get into the capsule.” She thought. “I wonder if I could talk to him before the launch.” She looked down at David. “Hey David Want to call daddy?”

David ran over to her “right now!” He demanded.

“Well ok then.” She dialed the number for Andrews Air Force Base. “Yes I’d like to talk to Oscar Goldman please.”

“Mr. Goldman is in conference right now.” The snippy guard responded.

“If you don’t mind this is urgent. Tell him it’s Cassie Miller.” Cassie demanded.

“I’ll tell him you called.” The guard was about to hang up when Oscar stepped out of the conference room.

“Would that by any chance be for me?” He asked.

“Yes sir, someone named Miller.”

“I’ll take it in the conference room. Just patch it in.”

“Yes sir.” The guard replied. He switched the call into the conference room.

“Cassie.” Oscar chided. “How did I know you were calling?”

“Oscar could I speak to Steve, or has he already boarded the capsule?”

“He’s right here.” Oscar handed the phone to Steve “It’s Cassie.”

“Yea Cassie, is there a problem with David?”

“No, nothing is wrong. He just wanted to say hi to his dad.”

Steve spoke briefly to his son and then asked him to put Cassie back on. “Well I’ll be off in just a few minutes here.” Steve spoke. “Just take good care of David…I made arrangements that if anything happens I want you to take care of him.” Steve told her.

“I wish you wouldn’t say that.” Cassie cried. “Steve I’m worried enough about this.”

“What do you mean?” Steve asked.

“I just have a bad feeling about it, that’s all.” Cassie sighed.

“What sort of a bad feeling?” Steve wondered.

“I don’t know. Just woman’s instinct.” Cassie muttered knowing how much Steve hated that prospect.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be just fine.” Steve assured.

“I wish I could believe that.” Cassie’s voice shook as she spoke. “I don’t know Steve I just have a bad feeling. I’ve had it all morning.”

“Well don’t worry your pretty little head.” Steve tried to calm her. “I’ll be just fine.”

“I suppose so.” Cassie sounded distant.

“Come on Cassie. Everything is going to be just fine.”

“If you say so” Cassie put on a brave front. “We’ll see you in a couple of days.”

“I’ll be back before you know it.” Steve hung up and the men continued their meeting.

“You say the repairs will take about an hour?” Steve asked.

“That’s about it.” Dr. Andrews confirmed.

They were interrupted by a knock at the door. “T-minus 30 minutes Col.” The voice said.

“I’ll be right there.” Steve and Andrews stood. “Well I guess is it.”

“Good luck pal.” Oscar smiled. “By the way, what did Cassie want?”

“She’s worried about me.” Steve smiled. “I can’t wait to get back and make that little lady my wife.”

“Well I’m sure she suspects.” Oscar laughed.

“Did you say anything?” Steve chided.

“I don’t have to. You two can read each other like a book.” Oscar reminded.

“Yea I guess you’re right.” He gave Oscar a slap on the back. “I’ll see you in a few days.”

“Take it easy huh?” Oscar warned.

“I will.” He grabbed Andrews. “We need to get going.”

The two men headed for the launch pad while Oscar headed for the control room.

“How much longer?” Oscar asked.

“About ten minutes sir.” The man in the control booth stated.

Oscar was about to say more when Rudy tapped him on the shoulder. “Don’t look so worried. Everything will fine.”

“I guess I’m as bad as Cassie. I have an uneasy feeling about this.” Oscar sighed.

The man in the control booth began counting down. “In 10, 9, 8, 7…”

“6, 5, 4, 3, 2….Hold it Col. Austin we’re going to hold it at T-minus 2 seconds.” The controller said.

“What’s the problem Joe?” Steve asked.

“We have an oil leak. We may have to scrub the launch.”

“Scrub the launch? Can’t you get us a different capsule?” Steve asked. “That satellite needs to be repaired.

“Let’s see if we can’t determine what the problem is here.” Joe responded. “We’ll go over the ship with a fine tooth comb and find out exactly where the leak is coming from.”

“Do you just want us to sit tight?” Steve asked into the head set?”

“No you better get out of the capsule. It may take a couple of hours.” Joe sighed.

Steve gave Andrews the signal and the two men stepped out of the capsule. Oscar was waiting for them. “Sorry about that. I really wish we could get up there and make those repairs.”

“Me too Oscar” Steve, Oscar and Andrews headed back to the control room. “Did you fine out anything yet?”

“Not yet Col. We’re looking.” Joe assured.

Out on the tarmac the crew was in full swing. “They say we need to find that oil leak and repair it pronto.”

They had just finished taking the engine apart when one of the men called out. “Hey guys look what I found.”

“What Vince, the cause of the leak?” The head of the team asked.

“No Tom. This is more interesting than the leak.” They all gathered around the engine.

“Holy sh… the Tom stated.

“Those were my thoughts.” The Vince added.

“You better get Goldman down here…right away.”

They sent a young man to bring Oscar and company to the scene of the crime so to speak.

“What is it?” Oscar wondered.

“It’s a bomb sir.” Tom explained.

“A bomb….why would someone want…”

“Probably the same person who sabotaged the satellite” Steve surmised.

“Do you know what this means?” Oscar asked.

“Yea someone doesn’t want me to repair the satellite.” Steve figured.

“Exactly” he turned to Joe. “Can you remove it?”

“Yes of course. I’ll get our team in here we should be ready in a couple of hours.”

“What about the leak?” Oscar asked.

“We’ll repair it at the same time.” Joe assured.

“Good” he turned to Steve. “Do you still want to do this?”

Steve nodded. “Let’s get up there make the repairs and get back. I want to find out who’s responsible for this. Oscar who ever it is…he’s mine.”

Oscar nodded “what ever you say Steve.”


Two hours later the launch went off with out a hitch. And two day’s later Steve returned to earth. He was sitting in Oscar’s office.

“Any news on who planted the bomb?” He asked.

“We lifted the prints from the bomb. They belonged to a Soviet operative by the name of Boris Kristoff. We picked him and his partner Roman Ivano up this morning.”

“Picked them up? Oscar I said I wanted to go after them.” Steve complained.

“I was going to let you. But it all happened so quickly. They were being watched by our people while Rudy still had you in holding. They were leaving their apartment complex and our people thought why not? So they are already in custody along with Ivan Kristoff Boris’ brother. Believe it or not…he was actually working here.”

Steve raised his eyebrows, really?” He asked.

Oscar nodded. “It was a shock to me too. So how about Cassie have you asked her yet?”

“I’m going to tonight.” Steve smiled. “I have it all arranged Callahan is going to babysit…that is if I can pry she and David apart.”

David likes her pretty good huh?” Oscar asked.

“Like father like son.” Steve grinned.

Oscar laughed as Steve headed out the door.


An hour later Steve and Cassie sat in a private booth at their favorite restaurant. “Well” Steve began fumbling with his words.

“Yea well.” Cassie repeated.

“David likes you quite a bit.” Steve began again still stumbling over his words.

“He is so cute.” Cassie smiled. “Just like his father.”

Still fumbling Steve reached into his pocket and withdrew a small velvet box that he clutched in his hand. “I’d like you to join my family.” Steve smiled presenting the ring. “Would you be my wife and David’s mother?”

“Oh Steve!” Cassie stared at the ring. “I would love to.”

Steve sighed with relief. “Well then let’s put this on your finger.” Steve reached across the table and placed the ring on her finger.

They finished their dinner while making plans for the wedding.


When they arrived back at Steve’s house Rudy’s car was parked in the drive. “I wonder why Rudy’s here?” Cassie asked.

“David!” Steve cried. He jumped out of the car and sped into the house. Callahan met him at the front door.

“Col. Austin. David had a fever so I called Rudy. He’s in his room now. He said to just stay out here.”

Steve saw Rudy’s son Rudy jr. sitting on the couch. He and Cassie sat on either side of him.

A few minutes later Rudy appeared in the living room. Steve jumped to his feet.

“He’s fine. Just relax you can go in, in just a moment.” Rudy put his hand up to stop Steve.

“How is he? What’s wrong?’ Steve fired the questions.

“He has a little case of tonsillitis. I read his medical history. He has quite a problem with this.”

“I see.” Steve interrupted.

Rudy looked from Steve to Cassie and back to Steve. “I’m afraid his tonsils will have to come out.” Rudy sighed. “Not tonight of course. We have to wait for the infection to go down. In the mean time I’ll write out a prescription for some medicine.”

“I’ll have them filled first thing in the morning.” Cassie took the prescriptions from him.

“I’ll check back later in the day tomorrow to see how he’s doing.” Rudy assured. He turned to Steve “So how did it go with you two?”

Steve grinned. “Just ask the future Mrs. Austin.”

“That’s great.” Rudy put his coat on the helped his son. “Let’s go home huh RJ?”

“Ok Dad.” The five year old piped up.

After Rudy left Steve and Cassie dashed into David’s room. “How are you feeling son?” Steve asked placing a hand on the boy’s hot forehead.

“My froat hurt.” David rasped.

“Yea I know it does. But we’re going to get you some medicine to make it better. You get some sleep.”

They tiptoed out of the room. “Do you want me to stay?” Cassie asked.

“Yea if it’s not any trouble” Steve smiled.

“No trouble at all. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“You will do no such thing.” Steve corrected.

“Where do you expect me to sleep?” Cassie glared at him.

“In my room…I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“I hate to put you out.” Cassie whispered.

“Put me out. You’re staying here to help me remember. If anyone is being put out it’s you. Remember?”

“I guess you’re right.”

The next morning Cassie was up early. She went to the pharmacy to get David’s medicine and was back before anyone woke up.

“While Steve and his son slept Cassie got breakfast going so Steve woke to a pot of freshly brewed coffee.

“Smells good” He spoke from the kitchen door.

“Steve you scared me.” Cassie jumped. “I got David’s medicine. Is he awake?”

“I think so. I’ll go get him.”


A week later Rudy was back at the house to check David’s tonsils but David refused to open his mouth.

“Come on David.” Rudy coaxed. “I just want to have a little look “

“David shook his head. “No my ‘onsils’ went bye bye.” David cried.

“Come on David.” Steve tried to soothe the boy. “Uncle Rudy just wants to have on little look at your tonsils”

Again David shook his head keeping his mouth tightly closed.

“Here watch daddy. It’s simple.”

Rudy shined the light in Steve’s mouth and looked in Steve’s mouth. Steve closed his mouth and turned to David. “Ok now it’s your turn.”

“Mind if I looked again Steve.” Rudy asked

“Not at all” again Rudy shined his light into Steve’s mouth.

“There now” Steve spoke See how easy that was. “It’s your turn now.”

Slowly David opened his mouth and Rudy looked at his throat again. After he snapped off the light and turned to Cassie. “You can bring them both to the hospital tomorrow.”

“Both” Steve and Cassie echoed.

Rudy turned to Steve. “Yours are in worse shape than his.” Rudy pointed. “I’m afraid your tonsils have to come out too…..”

“You’re kidding me right?” Steve stammered. “Come on Rudy I feel fine.”

“I’m sorry Steve you can have bad tonsils without any symptoms.”

“Oh for heaven sake Rudy…”

“Don’t worry Rudy I’ll have them both at the hospital first thing in the morning.” Cassie assured. “Steve don’t be such a big baby. Especially in front of your son” Cassie chided.

“Yea well alright I still feel fine I’m telling you. I hardly ever have any sore throats….”

“Don’t argue.” Cassie gave him a slight slap on the shoulder. “If Rudy says they have to come out then they have to come out. Besides think how much easier it will be on David if you have yours out too.”

“I guess you’re right.” Steve sighed.

“I know I’m right.” She turned to Rudy. “Is there anything they need to do tonight to get ready?”

Rudy shook his head. “No I don’t think so. Bring them sometime before noon tomorrow and we’ll get them checked in. Then after they have a good night’s sleep we’ll operate the next morning.”

“We?” Steve asked.

“Yea me and Dr. Sideman he’ll remove David’s. He’s the best pediatric surgeon in the City. That way I can take care of you. I’ll introduce you tomorrow.”

“I’d really rather that you do David’s as well as mine Rudy.” Steve muttered.

“Well believe me, Rich Sideman is great. He’s great with kids too.” Rudy assured. “Like I said that way if I have any problems with you….I won’t have to worry.”

“Yea sure ok” Steve reluctantly agreed.

Cassie showed Rudy to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow at the hospital.”

“Try to be there before noon. That way we can get them checked in and everything will be all set.”

“Should they have lunch first?” Cassie asked. “I can fix them something here.”

“That would be a good idea. They won’t have dinner tomorrow night…” “So I’ll make them something good.” Cassie assured.

“Good. Try to assure Steve that Sideman is the best in the business. And that David will be better off with him. He did RJ’s Tonsillectomy last year.”

“I’ll tell him. We’ll see you tomorrow then.” Cassie closed the door and headed back to care for her ‘men folk’ “Now you two you are both going to bed and staying there till it’s time to go to the hospital tomorrow.”

“Aw come on Cass be serious.” Steve argued.

“No arguing Get in bed. I’ll take care of everything. “

“Why do I have to go to bed?” Steve persisted.

“You are going into the hospital tomorrow. You need all the rest you can get.”

“Uhggg!!!” Steve groaned.


After picking up RJ from school Rudy headed home. The phone was ringing when they walked through the front door.

“Hello” Rudy spoke.

“Rudy?” It’s Oscar. Say I just had the strangest conversation with Cassie. She says Steve is going to have surgery day after tomorrow?”

“That’s right.” Rudy interrupted

“What’s going on?” Oscar wondered.

“Nothing serious, Steve has to have his tonsils removed.

“What? He has to have his toenails removed. Rudy what are you talking about?”

Rudy started laughing. “Oscar he has to have his tonsils taken out. David does too.”

“Is it important?” Oscar asked.

“No, not really, but he could have a serious flare up when he’s out on the field on an assignment. It’s best he has them removed.”

“Ok I’ll see if I can get someone else.” Oscar hung up and thumbed through the file that contained the assignment Oscar had wanted to send Steve on.


Cassie went from Steve’s room to David’s and back again. “You know you’re going to not only wear my carpet out but yourself as well.” Steve teased. “Why not move David in here with me?”

“I thought you’d never suggest that.” Cassie sighed. “I’ll go get him.” She left the room and stepped across the hall to David’s room. She picked him up and carried him into Steve’s room.

“Here just lay him down next to me.” Steve offered.

Cassie placed David on the bed next to Steve. “That should make my work easier. Since he’s in here I’ll use his bed…”

“I don’t think that will work. He has a youth bed remember?” Steve reminded.

“Oh yeah I forgot. I am going to stay here though and take care of the two of you.” Cassie explained.

“You don’t have to do that.” Steve told her.

“I want to. Now you just lie back and relax. I’ll take care of everything.”


“Why can’t Austin handle the mission!” Hanson fumed.

“He’s sick.” Was all Oscar would admit to. He couldn’t very well tell Hanson that Steve was going to have his tonsils removed.

“Can it wait till he gets better?” Hanson was still furious but had calmed just a bit.

“I’ll keep on top of it and see what happens.” Oscar assured. He left Hanson’s office and breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he got in his car he started the engine and headed for Steve’s house.

“How is he doing?” Oscar asked when Cassie opened the door.

“He’s doing fine. We’re trying to keep it low key for David. We don’t want to scare him.”

“That’s a good idea. Can I see Steve? It will be for just a few minutes I promise.”

“Of course go on in. Rudy want me to bring them both to the hospital tomorrow by 11:00. That way they can get David all settled in his room. I’ll let Steve know you’re here.” “Thanks.” Oscar sat on the couch

Cassie tiptoed into Steve’s room Steve was reading a book while David slept. “Oscar’s here he wants to speak to you for a moment.” Cassie whispered.

“Just give me a minute. I’ll be right out.” Steve whispered back.

A few minutes later, Steve joined Oscar and Cassie in the living room. “What’s up Oscar?” Steve asked.

“We’re getting some reports that the Soviets are very upset that their plan to destroy that satellite we sent up was destroyed. They are under they impression it was a space satellite.”

“That’s ridiculous.” Steve stammered.

“I know. They are out to get all of those involved in repairing it. I want you…when you’re better to get to the bottom of it.”

“I will…maybe we should put this off till….”

“No Rudy says that’s not a good idea. He said you tonsils are in bad shape and if you would get sick on an overseas mission…it could be…let’s just say have it done. I’m sure you’ll be up and around in a few days.”

“Ok. Keep me posted would you?”

“You know I will. Steve these men are very Dangerous. They’ve already gone after Andrews.”

“Is he alright?” Steve asked.

“I’ve got him under twenty-four hour guard.” Oscar assured. ‘You just hurry and get better.”

“I will. Are you sure you don’t want me to…”

“No Rudy says this is best. We’ve discussed it. You’ll do much better after the surgery rather than what could happen if you don’t have it.”

“I suppose. I just feel a little silly that’s all.”

“I felt the same way till Rudy explained it to me. I’ll see you at the hospital tomorrow. Get a good night’s sleep.”


Come on you two get a move on.” Cassie called for the second time. Rudy want the two of you at the hospital by noon.”

“We’re coming.” Steve noted. “I had to repack David’s suitcase. All he had was his teddy bear and blanket. I thought he might need a few more items.”

“Good idea. I meant to check that myself. Now come on let’s get in the car.”

They arrived at the hospital and Rudy made the introductions. “Steve, this is Rich Sideman. He’ll be performing David’s tonsillectomy

Rich and Steve shook hands. “Why don’t we get David settled in pediatrics then you can go on with Dr. Wells.” Sideman proposed

They headed for the pediatric wing and tried to get David settled in. But the boy would have none of it.

“I want Daddy stay with me.” David cried.

“I’ll stay honey.” Cassie assured.

“No I want daddy!” David continued to cry.

After much reasoning they still couldn’t convince David. So it was decided that Rudy would bring Lynda down to watch over Steve so Steve could stay with his son.


“What is that?” The man asked. eyeing his partner who held a clear liquid in his hand.

“It’s a very concentrated poison Paul. We will replace it for what ever Wells is going to use on Austin when he has his operation.”

“Are you sure that will do it Brad?” Paul sounded skepitical.

“It should do the trick. Within hours after it’s administered it will go to work.” Brad explained.

“Now all we have to do is get to that Andrews guy and our boss’ will be happy. It’s not easy working for the KGB and the OSI.” Paul indicated. “But the KGB needs people on the inside.”

Brad nodded. “Yeah I know. When is Austin supposed to have his surgery?”

Well’s has it scheduled for seven in the morning.” Paul replied. “He’s supposed to be released later in the afternoon.”

“To bad that won’t happen.” Brad laughed….

“To bad it will take so long…” Paul continued.

“What do you mean?” Brad asked.

“You said it would kick in, in a matter of hours…I was hoping for something a little more fast acting.”

“Did I say hours?” Brad frowned. “This kicks in in a matter of minutes…”

“That’s more like it.” Paul began laughing. “Now how do you propose we get Andrews?”

“Let me see it must look like an accident…”

“But Austin’s won’t…” Paul interrupted.

“Aw Paul don’t worry. Mistakes are made in hospitals all the time. So a patient is given the wrong drug. There is nothing sinister about that.”

“I see your point.” Paul continued laughing. “Everything is all set then?”

Brad nodded. “I’ve given the poison to a colleague of mine. The transfer has already been made. He works with Wells. I guess the money was too much for him to pass up. Anyway he has it all set.”

“Wonderful, now about Andrews?”

“I think I have a plan.”

“What sort of plan?” Paul wondered.

“We’ll arrange for a fire in his home. No one knows about us so they won’t connect it to us.”


Steve and David were sitting at a small table paying candy land when Rudy, Oscar and Lynda stepped in. “So how are you two getting along?” Rudy asked.

“Terrible” Steve laughed. “He’s beat me five to zip.”

“Say what?” Rudy questioned.

“We’ve played five games. I haven’t won once.” Steve pretended to sob.

“Mind if I give it a try?” Lynda asked.

“Be my guest.” Steve stood from the table. Oscar and Rudy followed him over to the bed.

“Oscar I’m glad you’re here. I wanted to ask you something.” Steve sat on the edge of the bed.

Oscar looked around at the children scattered around the children’s ward. “Do you think it’s safe to talk here?”

Steve nodded. "They aren’t paying any attention to us. Now you said that bomb that was aboard that space shuttle was planted by someone who actually worked at the OSI.’

"Don’t worry Steve that’s been taken care of.” Oscar reminded.

“I just got to thinking.” Steve continued “what if there are more?”

Oscar thought for a moment. “I never thought of that. I’ll have it looked into.”

“Thanks.” Steve replied.

“By the way Rudy wanted to speak to you about something.” Oscar told him.

“Yeah Doc, what is it?”

“That new energy booster is ready I thought we could do it at the same time we do you tonsil surgery. That way I have to put you under only once. I mean as long as I have you out it might as well be for a good reason.”

“Sounds great…but isn’t that in Colorado?” Steve asked.

Rudy nodded. “We have a jet warming up for us. I’ve already spoke to Sideman. He’s discharged David. We’re already to go. I’ll remove David’s as well. That’s what you wanted anyway, right?”

Steve nodded “It sure is.”

Oscar was still thinking. “Listen, you two go on ahead. I want to get security started on Steve’s theory right away.” He paused for a moment. “I’ll have a car waiting for you at the Denver airport.” Oscar added.

“I’ll see you out there soon.” Rudy agreed. He turned to Steve. “Come on we better get going.”

Within the hour they were on their way, while Oscar stayed behind to deal with the possibility that foreign agents had somehow infiltrated the OSI.


Oscar was true to his word. When they landed Rudy, Steve, David, Cassie and Lynda were met by a car large enough for the whole group.

They were taken to the lab where once again everyone settled in. “I’m going to do your surgery tonight.” Rudy began “I thought after David goes to sleep. He’s still on eastern time and he’s pooped. He should be asleep by six. That will be 8:00 to him. That way you’ll be awake and alert tomorrow when I remove David’s tonsils….”

“I like that idea.” Steve agreed.

“Good then I’ll give David something to help him sleep then we’ll get started.”


Oscar sat at his desk. He was waiting for Russ to return with the findings of his investigation. He stood the minute the door opened. “What did you find out?” He asked after Russ was sitting in the leather char across from him.

“You’re not going to like it.” Russ handed him a folder containing the file with his findings.

Oscar glanced at it quickly. His eyes widened as he read slowing down with each entry. “is this on the level?” He was finally able to speak.

Russ nodded. “I’m afraid it is.”

“Why didn’t we know about this?” Oscar thundered with anger.

“They were good Oscar. In fact they were very good. They had a KGB agent in every sector.”

“I’m beginning to wish that were a spy satellite we sent up. Then we’d know what they were up to. I better get word to Andrews and then to Rudy.”

Again Russ nodded. “Did you take note of the fourth page? Maybe you should call Rudy first I’ll head over to Andrew’s house and warn him.”

“You do that.” Oscar reached for the phone and called Rudy’s complex in Colorado.


“Dr. Wells.” Lynda spoke softly. “David is asleep and Steve is ready.”

“I’ll be right there.” Rudy stood to leave his office when the phone rang. “Hello.” Rudy spoke.

“Rudy is Oscar. How is everything going?”

“I was just getting ready to take Steve into surgery. I thought I’d take care of him tonight that way he should be pretty alert when David wakes up. Have you found out anything?”

“As a matter of fact that’s why I’m calling.” Oscar told him what they had discovered.

“So Hempel was in on it to huh. He never comes to this complex. But there could be someone here. I’ll take extra precautions. You better get out here right away too. You know Steve. He’ll want in on this one.”

“I’m on my way to Andrew’s as soon as I hang up here. I should be there by 8:00 your time.”

“We’ll be waiting.” Rudy assured. “In the mean time I’m going to go ahead as planned. Do you have Hempel in custody?”

“Yes we do. We believe we have all the KGB operatives that were at the OSI. Right now we’re trying to get the ring leaders…”

“Wouldn’t that be the KGB?” Rudy asked.

“I mean there just might be a middle man. We need to break this ring and fast.” Oscar indicated.

“I agree with that. I’ll brief Steve the best I can. Then you can talk to him first thing in the morning.”

“Good. I’ll see you in a few hours.” Oscar hung up, grabbed his suit coat and headed for the elevator. He was just about to poke the button when the doors opened. “Russ. I thought you were with Andrews.”

“Oscar. Andrews is dead. There was a fire at his house I got there just as the fire trucks arrived.”

“It had to be the Soviets.” Oscar grumbled. “I have to get to Colorado. I’ll be at Rudy’s complex in Colorado Springs. Keep me informed. You better call Hanson at the NSB. They may have gotten to them as well.”

“I will.” Russ guaranteed

A few hours later Oscar landed in Denver. Cassie met him at the airport.

‘How’s Steve?” was his first question.

“He’s doing. Just fine Rudy told him what was going on. He was pretty upset. He said he wants in on the case as soon as he’s able to be up and around.”

“How soon would that be?” Oscar asked as they made their way through the airport.

“Rudy said day after tomorrow. Will that be soon enough?”

“I don’t know. Andrews is dead.” Oscar told her as they were getting into the car.

“Are you serious?” Cassie was taken aback.

“I’m afraid so. We need to find the ring leaders and find them fast…before they take over our government.”

“I’ll get you to him right now.”

They drove to Rudy’s lab and met Rudy just outside Steve’s room. “No incidents during surgery?” Oscar asked.

"I'm going on in Rudy." Cassie pushed the door open.

"That's fine." Rudy stated. He turned his attention back to Oscar. “Everything went just fine.” he reported

“That’s a bit of good news.” Oscar informed him of what had happened with Andrews.

“Steve should be up and around in a matter of days.”

“I don’t know if we’ll have that long.” Oscar muttered.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Rudy promised. “You can see Steve if you want. He’s right in there. David is asleep so you can talk.”

Oscar stepped into the dimly room. Cassie sat next to Steve who had just woke up. David continued to doze in the bed next to Steve.

“Cassie told me about Andrews. What do you want me to do?”

“I don’t know if there is anything you can do. Rudy says you’re going to be here till at least tomorrow. Russ may have everyone rounded up by then.”


The next morning Oscar and Steve sat in Steve’s room waiting for David to wake up from his operation when the phone rang. Steve picked it up. "Yeah he’s here Russ just a second.” Steve handed Oscar the phone.

“Yea Russ?” Oscar asked.

“We got them all” he informed.

“You’re sure about that.”

“I’m fairly certain. The NSB helped out.”

“That sounds great then. I’ll tell Steve.”


Soon Steve and David were recovered and Back in DC. “Well.” Steve began one afternoon. “Let say we get married this week-end.”

Cassie cried with delight. “This week-end isn't that a little soon....”

“Well maybe it is.... We did decide that it would be a simple ceremony. didn't we. Just a few friends and family. I mean in our line of work..."

“I suppose your right. strike while the iron's hot they say. Are your parents coming?”

“Of course they are most anxious to see their new grandson.”

“I’ll bet they are.” Cassie smiled


That weekend Helen and Jim flew in and everyone met at the court house. After the ceremony Helen and Jim offered to take care of David while Steve and Cassie left on their honeymoon.

They checked into their hotel in the Bahamas. As they closed the door on their suite Paul and Brad entered the room across the hall…

“Well here we are.” Steve said as he poured a glass of Champaign.

“Yea I suppose you’re right.” Cassie stumbled over her words. “This is silly I’m actually nervous.”

“Nervous?” Steve smiled.

“Well…maybe not nervous.” Cassie began. “It’s more like an uneasy feeling. I really can’t explain it.”

“You worry too much.” Steve smiled.

“Well you give me reason to worry.” Cassie teased. I mean the trouble you get into. But seriously I just have this feeling.”

“What sort of feeling?” Steve queried

‘I’m not sure. I just feel that we…well you to be more specific. You are in danger.”

“How could I be? All the soviet agents involved in operation kill me have been arrested….”

“Oscar said he was reasonably sure they were all captured.” Cassie reminded. “We’re not all that certain that they were.”

Steve held her close. “Well I am.” He whispered. “So let’s not worry about it anymore.”

“I suppose you’re right.” Cassie whispered back.

“Good.” Steve smiled. “Now let’s get on with our honeymoon.

In the room across the hall Brad and Paul were deep in conversation.

“Are you sure Austin is here.” Brad asked.

“I’m very sure. I checked the guest register myself.” Paul smiled. “He and his wife are booked in the honeymoon sweet.”

“How sad” Brad pretended to frown. “How sad, that she will be a widow before the night is over.” He turned to Paul. “How do you plan to do it? I mean do you still want it to look like an accident?”

“Naw. We’ve gone way beyond that now. We’re just going to have to kill him and be done with that.”


Oscar sat at his desk. He had just finished reading a file and was getting ready to call it a night when Russ burst through the door. “Bad news Oscar” he began.

“What’s bad news?” Oscar slipped the file into his desk drawer.

“I guess I should say good news bad news.” Russ began again. “Do you remember me telling you that if anyone were to talk it would be Jamison?”

Oscar nodded. “He gave you some information?” Oscar asked.

“He sure did. He sang like a canary.” Russ smiled. “The bad news is that we missed two.”

“What are there names?” Oscar reached for the phone.

“Paul Jeffers and Brad House” Russ informed.

Oscar quickly made a few phone calls. He slammed the phone down after the last one.

“What’s the matter?” Russ wondered.

“It’s Brad and Paul. They’ve checked into the same hotel as Cassie and Steve. Come on Russ we need to get over there. I’ll call Rudy from my car phone…tell him to stand by just in case…then I’ll call the hotel.”

Russ blushed. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

No I don’t. But I’d rather be safe than sorry.”

Where’d you go?” Brad sneered when Paul returned .

“I wanted to see which room our friends were in. Guess what. They’re right across the hall.”

“Interesting” Paul’s sneer turned into a broad grin. “I say we just stand at the door and wait for them to come out. Guns loaded if you get my meaning.”

“I get your meaning all to well my friend.” Brad smirked He picked up his gun and the two stepped out into the hallway and watched the door to Steve and Cassie’s room.


“Step on it Russ.” Oscar called. “I just spoke to Rudy. He’ll be waiting in case something un-or-seen happens. Now I’ll call Steve.” He again reached for the car phone and dialed the hotel”

Steve and Cassie were just getting ready to open the door to go out and get something to eat when the phone rang.

“I bet you ten to one it’s Oscar.” Steve grumbled. “Let’s just ignore it…”

“No Steve I don’t think we should. I’ll get it.” She picked up the receiver. “Hello” She spoke. She listened for a few moments then hung up

“Well?” Steve questioned.

She motioned Steve to come over to her then placed her finger to her lip when he tried to speak.

“What is it?” He whispered.

“There are more. And they have the room across the hall.” Cassie explained.

Steve nodded and the two headed for the door. “Ok let’s go.” Steve hollered out the door.

Steve and Cassie bounded out the door startling Brad and Paul who were standing just outside the door waiting.

Steve grabbed Paul while Cassie kicked Brad where in counted knocking him out cold to the ground.

“You watch over him.” Steve suggested. He was just getting ready to step back into the room where he planned to phone Oscar when Oscar and Russ came charging down the hall.

“Are you two ok?” Oscar asked.

“Yeah we’re fine.” Steve informed

“Good. We’ll take them from here.” Oscar took hold of Paul while Russ picked Brad (who was started to stir) up off the floor.

“Now” Steve turned to Cassie “on with the honeymoon.”

“Aren’t we going out to eat” Cassie asked.

“Let’s just order room service.” Steve smiled.


“Steve!” Cassie called two weeks later. “We better get going. Our appointment with the realtor is in an hour.”

“I’m coming.” Steve called. “I’m just saying bye to David.” He turned to the boy. “I’ll be back in just a bit. Mom and I are going to look for a new house. While I’m gone uncle Rudy and RJ are going to stay here with you.”

“Bye daddy.” David called out.

Steve entered the front hallway. “Hi Rudy thanks.”

“No problem. I hope you like this one.”

“We do. This is our second time we’re looking at it.” Cassie explained. “I think we’re going to try to bid on it in fact.”

“Hey that’s great. I hope everything works out.” Rudy grabbed RJ by the hand and the two headed upstairs.

“Well Mr. and Mrs. Austin?” The realtor asked.

“We’ll take it.” Steve announced

“Very well we’ll go fill out the paper work so you can make a bid.”

An hour later they sat in the realtor’s office. “Well I have good news.” She announced.

“The owner accepted your bid. I figured they would. He’ll be in just a bit and we’ll sign the papers.”

Steve and Cassie smiled at each other. “I need to use the phone.” Steve said.

“No problem.” She handed him the phone. “Take your time.”

At Steve’s house Rudy was reading the paper while the boys watched cartoons. He jumped when the phone rang. “Hello.” He spoke when he picked up the receiver.

“Yea it’s me Rudy it me. The owner accepted our bid. We still have a lot to do. We’ll be later than I thought.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll be here.” Rudy assured.

Six months later, Steve and Cassie were all moved into their five bedroom three bathroom two story house.

“Morning” Steve said as he entered the kitchen on their first morning in the new house.

“Good morning.” Cassie whispered.

“What’s wrong?” Steve asked.

“I don’t know. I don’t feel very well.” Cassie explained.

“You seemed fine yesterday.” Steve reminded.

“It’s just in the morning.” Cassie scolded.

“Maybe you better see Rudy.” Steve suggested.

“I already have an appointment.” Cassie told him.

“Want me to come with you?” Steve asked.

“I think you probably should.” Cassie smiled


“Well.” Rudy announced. “You were right Cassie. You’re going to have a baby. I’d say you’re about three months along.”

“Do you mean it?” Steve was elated. He turned to Cassie. “Did you know this?”

Cassie nodded. “Well let’s just say I suspected.

“This is great!” Steve exclaimed.

“I’m glad you’re happy. “I didn’t know I mean David is still so young.”

“He just turned four. He’ll be close to five when the baby comes.” Steve reminded.

“Well I’m glad you’re happy.” Cassie sounded relieved.

“Well” Rudy began. “You should be parents in about six months. In the mean time Cassie you’re off active duty.”

“Ok but you tell Oscar.” Cassie laughed.

“I will.” Rudy smiled


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