
Victoria tried again with Heath.

"Heath, would they tell you not to eat because they weren't here to share this food with you?"

"No, Ma’am, they would tell me to eat all I can without making myself sick."

"Would they be happy that you won't eat this food because of them?"

"No, Ma’am, they would get mad, and tell me ta eat, and not ta worry about them. But I do worry about them. We are family, and we share with each other. How can I share this with them? It’s just not right. I get ta eat all this, and they are probably at home eating potatoes again. It’s just not right," Heath said, with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Leah started to get up to go to Heath but Victoria motioned for her to sit back down, and she went to Heath herself. She knelt down to his level and dried his tears with her napkin.

"Heath, what if I say you can share some of this food with them."


"I can have Silas pack some up to take with you when you leave tomorrow."

"Really? Ya do that?"

"Sure, it wouldn't be a problem," Victoria said, thinking at the same time what other things she could pack up for them

. "Mama, can we?"

"Sure, Heath. I think Rachel and Hannah would love that."

"Boy Howdy, thank ya, Ma’am," Heath said as he gave Victoria a hug.

Victoria got up and went back to her chair. "Can we eat now?" she asked.

"Sure can! C’mon, Nick, eat up so we can go into town!"

"Me?....what are you...it was you who..."

"Nicholas, eat up," said Victoria.

Nick glared angrily at his mother, but smiled when he saw the laughter in her eyes.

"I tell ya, Nick," said Heath, in between bites. "I don't know who got the bestest mama, you or me. Maybe we both got the bestest mama."

"Yeah, Heath, maybe," smiled Nick.

Jarrod smiled at his mother, saluting her with his glass of milk. Victoria nodded her head toward Jarrod to acknowledge the salute. The rest of the meal was eaten with Nick and Heath chattering away. After everyone was finished, Victoria sent the boys upstairs to get ready to go into town, while she and Leah stayed down and had a cup of tea before it was time to leave.

On the way upstairs, Jarrod decided he was going to ask Heath about his father. Something had been bugging him ever since they met Heath.

The three boys went into Nick's room. Nick was sitting in his chair, and Jarrod and Heath were sitting on the bed.

Jarrod wanted to know about Heath’s father, so he started to ask him.

"Heath, you’re always talking about your mother and the other two ladies. I was wondering why you never mention your father, and why is it that your father isn't here with you and your mother? "

Heath’s wide, innocent eyes looked at Jarrod then at Nick. Nick was waiting for Heath to answer the question, for he was wondering the same thing. Heath’s gaze dropped to the floor. He didn't want to see their faces when he told them.

"I don't have a father."

"Did he die?" asked Nick.

"No ...I don't know. I don't know who my father is. My mama never told me."

"What are you talking about, kid? Of course you have a father. Everyone has a father. Unless their father died," said Nick, not understanding what Heath was saying.

"Well, I don't have one!" Heath stared at Nick, daring him to say otherwise.

When Nick didn't respond to Heath’s outburst, Heath continued speaking. "I'm thinking my father didn't want ta have a bastard for a kid, so he left my mama and me when he found out that I was a bastard."

Jarrod and Nick look at each other both knowing what a bastard is.

"Heath, who called you a bastard?" asked Jarrod.

"People in Strawberry does, mostly my Uncle Matt. He calls me the little bastard or the bastard boy or just plain boy which is just as bad. He don't never call me Heath. I don't know what a bastard is. I know it’s something bad. My mama cries when I ask her, so I don't ask her no more. When I ask Aunt Rachel or Hannah they tell me never ta say that word, and that I was a good boy, and I should hold my head up and never be ashamed of myself. None of them tells me what it means. I'm thinking it had something to do with my light color hair or blue eyes."

"Why would you think that, Heath?" asked Jarrod.

"I don't know. My Aunt Martha is always saying ta me, ‘Look at you with your blond hair and blue eyes. You think you are something don't ya? Well, let me tell ya something, you are nothing but a dirty little bastard!’. She says that ta me when my mama isn't around. When my mama is with me, she would say ‘Oh look at his blue eyes and that blond hair! He is so adorable!” and she would pinch my cheek, but I know she wanted to slap me instead. I noticed your sister, Audra, has light hair and blue eyes. Does that make her a bastard too? Is your father gonna leave? Do you even know what a bastard means? I don't..."

"Slow down, Heath," said Jarrod. "We can try and answer that question for you."

Nick got up from his chair and sat on the other side of Heath.

"Heath, first, Audra is not a bastard," said Nick in a soft voice. In an even softer voice he said, "Yes, Jarrod and I both know what bastard means."

Heath turned pleading eyes on Nick. "Can you tell me?"

Nick looked at Jarrod. He wanted him to explain it to Heath. Jarrod nodded at Nick to let him know that he would explain it.

"Heath, Audra is not a bastard because she has a mother and a father. Our parents are married. A child who is born when their parents are not married...well, people call them bastard. You understand what I've just said?"

"Yes, my mama is not married, so I'm a bastard." The sadness was there for anyone who cared enough to see and hear. Nick cared enough. He ached to take the sadness away from Heath. "Heath, you are not a bastard."

"How can ya say that? I don't have a father."

"Yes, you do." Heath and Jarrod both looked at Nick.

"Want to explain that one brother, Nick?"

Nick ignored Jarrod. "You have a father, Heath. Everyone does. You just don't know who yours is." Heath started to say something, but Nick stopped him. "Listen to me, Heath. You couldn't be born without a father. Your parents, for whatever reason, never married. Maybe your father went away to find a better job, so he can ask your mama to marry him. Maybe he was killed, and your mama don't know that. There could be a lot of reasons why your father isn't around. Only your mama knows for sure. Somewhere out there you have a father. Maybe he’s dead. Maybe he isn't. People will call you names like bastard. People are cruel sometimes. They like to hurt people who are different in any way. They only have the power to hurt you if you give it to them. You have to be the better person and walk away. Sometimes people leave you with no choice but to fight. But never give anyone the power over you. You understand?" "I think so," said Heath. "It’s like with Billy Clark."

Jarrod couldn't credit what Nick had just said. Was that his brother that just told Heath to walk away from a fight?. No it couldn't be! His brother, Nick, who would tell you to go out there and fight, or he will beat the crap out of you himself? Jarrod decided to keep an eye on this new Nick.

Jarrod looked down at Heath. "Heath, what do you mean when you say it’s like with Billy Clark?"

"I don't care if people call me bastard. I do walk away. But one day Billy Clark said my mama was nothing but a whore, and that’s why a no good dirty bastard like me was born. I don't know what a whore is, but when Billy said it, I knew it was something bad. That’s why we were in a fight. I don't want anyone saying nothing bad about my mama. Do ya know what that word means?"

Nick looked at Jarrod again, But this time no one wanted to tell Heath what that word meant, so Nick lied.

"No, Heath, we don't know what that word means. It sounds like a bad word, so I wouldn't say it in front of your mama. Heath you are a.... mmmm.....Jarrod I don't know what that word is."

"Illegitimate, Nick, the word is illegitimate."

"Yeah, you are ill...ill...what Jarrod said."

"Illimet, Nick, Jarrod said illimet. Is that the same as bastard?" Heath asked Jarrod.

"That’s a legal term, Heath."

Heath looked at Nick. "What did he just say?"

"Heath," Jarrod cut in. "The word is illegitimate and..."

"That’s what I say," interrupted Heath. "Illimet."

"Illegitimate, it means a child who was born without their parents being married." Jarrod explained.

"Then why do people call me bastard instead of illegitimate?"

"Well," said Jarrod, "some people don't like it when someone is different from them. You are different because you were born without a father. Some people see that as a bad thing. Unfortunately, Heath, some people blame a child for what its parents did, when you had nothing to do with it. Sometimes, people thinks a child should pay for the sin of their parents, so they will call you mean names like bastard, or pick on you, or laugh at you. Those people don't know any better."

Heath looked mournfully up at Jarrod. Jarrod could see that Heath was ready to cry, and he was about to ask what was wrong when Heath spoke up.

"My mama’s sin, She gonna burn in hell, just like the preacher say?" Heath was starting to get agitated.

"Nice going, Jarrod!" said Nick.

"Be quiet, Nick! Heath, I'm not saying your mother sinned. She’s not gonna burn in hell. Your mother is a good woman, and she really loves you. I don't know what happened with your parents, Heath, but I can tell you this, if your mother did sin, I bet she asked God to forgive her, and I bet you she thanked God for letting you be her son."

"Hannah says, when ya do something bad, you ask God to forgive ya, and that your sin is between Him and you. She says sometimes something good can come out of something bad. You think I'm something good and not something bad like people say?"

Nick turned Heath around to face him. "Oh, yeah, Heath, you are definitely something good. Don't you let anyone tell you otherwise. You got me and Jarrod for your friends now, and that is really good!"

"Ya mean that? Ya really are my friends?"

"You bet, kid!"

"Ya don't even care that I'm a bas..."

"Heath!" said Nick and Jarrod together.

"Illimet," Heath corrected himself, "that I'm illimet."

"No, Heath," Jarrod said laughing. "We don't care that you’re illimet."

"Not at all, kid," said Nick.

"Boy Howdy! I'm gonna bust!"

"What’s the matter, kid, ate to much?"

No, Nick," said a grinning Heath. "I'm full with happiness. I never had so much happiness in one day. I'm gonna bust with it."

Nick grabbed Heath by the neck. " Come on, kid. Let’s get ready to go to Stockton."

An hour later the three boys walked downstairs together. Heath was in the middle holding a hand of each of the bigger boys. The two mothers looked at Heath and burst out laughing, hastily disguising their amusement as choking, so as not to upset Heath. Jarrod and Nick had decided to dress Heath up in some of Nick's old clothes. The shirt they put on him was two sizes too big, the pants legs were rolled up about five or six times, they had put an extra hole in the belt so it would fit him, and they had put one of Nick’s old hats on him. They had pushed it back and tied it down, otherwise it would have covered Heath’s face. The three boys were standing on the third step, with big grins on their faces. Heath, with his lop sided grin, was a sight to see. Leah thought she had never seen him look so completely happy. Victoria looked at the happy little boy. He looked so sweet in his over-sized hand me downs, her heart swelled with love for this innocent child.

Victoria turned to Leah, laughing. "Do you want to ask?"

Leah was shaking her head laughing. "I don't think I want to know."

"Me neither. Should we go?"

"Let’s, before they think of something else to put on my poor boy."

Victoria got Audra, and they all went out of the door. Jarrod helped his mother and Leah into the wagon, and he and Nick climbed in the back. Silas was not doing a good job of holding his laughter in as he picked Heath up and put him in the back also. He put the things they would need in the back, and he climbed in the front with the ladies. All three burst out laughing as Silas grabbed the reins and headed the wagon towards Stockton.


The Barkleys along with Leah and Heath were just outside of Stockton when they met up with Mister Harmon and his sister and her husband.

“Mister Harmon!” Heath cried out.

Mister Harmon looked at Heath. “For crying out...Is that you boy?”

Heath looked at himself. “Yeah, Mister Harmon, it’s me, Heath.”

“Well, with you hiding in those clothes, I wasn't sure it was you!”

“Huh?” said a confused Heath.

Mister Harmon looked at the three sitting in the front, laughing. Leah said, “Forget it, Mister Harmon, it’s a long story.

Mister Harmon smiled and gestured towards the town. “Should we enter?”

With that, both carriages and their eager occupants drove into Stockton to take in the sights. Stockton was bustling this time of year. People were running about trying to get all their Christmas shopping done. Stores were open later than normal hoping for last minute buyers. People greeted other people they didn't know. This time of year seemed to always bring out the good in people. Some say this time of year can work magic. The magic certainly seemed to be working a miracle for one five year old child. The child now had clothes that he could keep for a few years and boots he could keep for a couple of years. He had eaten more food in one day than he ever had before in all his five years of living. Most of all, he found himself with two best friends. The best of friends any boy could have. The magic still hadn't finished with the boy yet. It still had a few surprises left for him.

The two wagons pulled up at the livery. Jarrod helped his mother and Leah down. Nick jumped down and helped Heath down. Silas and Mister Harmon’s brother in law took the wagons into the livery. Jarrod joined Nick and Heath, and the older boys each took one of Heath’s hands. Leah was looking at them standing there. She started to wonder if Tom's two boys would feel so protective toward Heath if they knew about his heritage. Victoria walked up to Leah.

“What would you like to see first Leah?”

“I don't know. It’s awful crowded here. Why don't you lead and I follow?”

“All right. I have to get some things for the baby. Want to come with me?”

“Sure, I’d love to.”

“Mother?” Jarrod called before the two ladies could walk off.

Victoria turned towards Jarrod. “Yes, son?”

“Can the three of us walk around while you do some shopping?”

“I don't know, Jarrod. There are lots of people here.”

“Mother!” jumped in Nick. “We don't want to go shopping with you. It’s boring looking at baby stuff.”

“Nicholas, watch your mouth. Ok, you can go, but Heath has to get permission from his mother.”

Heath look at Leah. “Mama?”

“I'll make sure to keep a close watch on him,” said Jarrod.

“We’ll make sure he doesn't go wondering off and get in trouble,” pleaded Nick.

“Who will make sure you don't wonder off and get in trouble young man?” said Victoria to Nick who was constantly getting into some kind of trouble.

“Jarrod will, Mother, he’s the oldest.”

“Mmm...”doubted Victoria.

Leah looked first at Jarrod, then at Nick. “Heath can go with you if you two boys promise to keep a close eye on him, and Heath, you promise to behave and listen to them,” said Leah. “We promise!” all three said.

“Ok, then meet us right here in one hour, and we’ll all go to see the tree together.”

“We will!” the three boys shouted as they ran off.

Naomi, Mister Harmon’s sister, walked up to Victoria and said, “Do you mind if we come with you? We have to do some shopping?” She indicated her husband and her brother.

“Not at all, the more the merrier,” said Victoria. They went off to do their shopping.

Jarrod and Nick took Heath all over Stockton. They took him from one store window to another. Some of the store owners told them to come in and let each boy take a candy from the candy jars. Heath was saving his. Jarrod ate one of his and start saving the rest. Nick was eating his until he saw Jarrod and Heath saving, so he started saving his. Most of the places they went they got candy. Some of the women fell for Heath’s charm, especially when he smiled, and they would give him another piece. The windows they looked at all had some kind of decoration. Some had wreaths with red bows. Some had green holly framing the window. Others had signs made in red and green wishing everyone a Merry Christmas. The boys looked at one store window displaying all kinds of toys just shipped in from Pennsylvania. The three boys were looking at it when two boys came walking up to them.

“Jarrod, Nick,” said one of the boys.

Jarrod and Nick turned around. “Carl, Allen,” they both said.

“What are you both doing?” asked Carl.

“Just looking around,” said Nick.

“So are we,” said Allen. “What are you looking at?”

Jarrod and Nick moved so Carl and Allen could see the display. The five boys were looking at the toys and talking with each other. No one paid attention to Heath.

Heath turned around when the two boys called Jarrod and Nick’s names. When Jarrod and Nick started talking to the boys, Heath turned back to the window thinking about the type of games he could play. After a while Heath got tired of the window, but Jarrod and Nick were still talking with the two boys. Heath’s wide-eyed gaze swept the surrounding area. He noticed a man was trying to bend down to pick his hat up but was having some trouble. Heath looked at Jarrod and Nick, but they were still busy talking, so he walked over to the man and picked his hat up for him.

“Here ya go, mister,” Heath said, handing the man his hat.

The man straightened up and held on to the carriage with one hand, taking the hat with the other hand.

“Thank you, son,” the man said. He looked at Heath and smiled at the over-sized clothes he wore.

“Are ya ok?” Heath asked noticing the man was in pain.

“Yes, son. I will be when I get into the doc’s office there.” The old man gestured to the doctor’s office, which the carriage was parked in front of.

“Here, let me help ya.”

The man looked down at Heath, thinking, ‘Yeah a little boy like that is gonna help a big man like me’ Heath saw the look on the man’s face.

“I'm stronger than I look,” said Heath.

The man chuckled. He liked this kid! He wondered who the kid’s parents were.

“All right, son. I'll accept your help.” He placed his hand on Heath’s shoulder but hardly put any weight on him. Heath walked him to the doctor’s office. Jarrod and Nick’s two friends walked off after saying goodbye. Jarrod and Nick noticed Heath was gone and looked around. They saw him leading a man into the doctor’s office. They both shouted his name. “Heath!” They ran towards the doctor’s place.

The man had his hand on the doorknob and both he and Heath turned around when they heard Heath’s name being called. Jarrod and Nick came up to Heath.

“What do you think you’re doing, kid?” said an aggravated Nick.

“Heath, you know you’re not supposed to be wandering off,” said a concerned Jarrod.

“I'm not wandering off...” Heath started to explain.

“Jarrod, Nick,” said the man, “does this little guy belong with you?”

“Mister North,” Jarrod said. “Sorry, sir, we didn't know it was you. We’re supposed to be watching Heath, and we got worried when we couldn’t see him.”

“Well, this young man was helping me. You see my back gave out again.”

“I'm sorry, sir,” said Jarrod. “Anything we can do to help?”

“No, I'll be fine from here.” Mister North looked down at Heath. “Heath is it?” Heath nodded. “Well, I want to thank you for your help.” He dug into his vest pocket and brought out a fifty cent gold piece. “Here is something for all your help,” he said, handing Heath the coin.

Heath took a step back. “No, sir. I can't take that. I hardly did anything. I wanted ta help ya.” Jarrod’s admiration for this kid went up another notch. Nick smiled proudly thinking, ‘This kid sure is something!’ Mister North raised his eye brows. He knew this boy wasn't going to take the money unless he could think of the right thing to say, and he did. “Listen, son, did your parents teach you to respect and listen to your elders?”

“Yes, sir, my mama taught that.”

“Well, as your elder, I'm saying you have to take this.” He winked at Jarrod and Nick.

Heath didn't know what to say, so he looked at Jarrod and Nick. They smiled at him and nodded. Heath turned back to Mister North.

“Thank ya, sir, but that’s too much.”

“Nonsense! You don't put a price on for helping a stranger. The stranger pays whatever he wants to pay. I want to pay you this, and I want you to take it.”

Heath took the coin but he was uncomfortable doing it.

“Jarrod, Nick, tell your parents I said hello, and I'll see them on Christmas Eve.

“Yes, sir, we will,” said Jarrod.

Mister North looked down at Heath. “It’s been my pleasure to have met you, young man. I hope we meet again,” he said holding his hand out to Heath.

Heath shook hands with him and said thank you. Mister North walked into the doctor’s office, and Nick and Jarrod took Heath by the hands and walked away.

“What are you gonna do with your money?” asked Nick.

“I don't know,” Heath replied. “I reckon I should give it ta mama, so she can get stuff we need.”

“I've got an idea,” said Jarrod.

Nick and Heath both looked up at Jarrod. “What’s that?” said Nick.

“Heath, why don't you buy your mama a Christmas present with it?”

“I would like to do that! You think I can? Do you think I can get Aunt Rachel and Hannah something too, and maybe Mister Harmon?”

“Let’s see,” said Jarrod. “What would you like to get for them?”

“I don't know,” said Heath, looking at the coin in his hand. Heath reached into his pocket and pulled out the candies he had in there. “Maybe I can buy some jars and put some candies into ‘em and maybe put a ribbon around it?”

“Sounds like a good idea,” said Jarrod. “Let’s try this place.” The three boys walked into the general store. “Hi, Mrs. Harris.” Jarrod waved to the woman behind the counter.

“Jarrod, Nick,” Mrs. Harris looked around. “Where are your parents?”

“Father is away on Business. He should be back tomorrow, and mother is doing some shopping for Audra,” said Jarrod. He indicated Nick. “We brought Heath here to do a little shopping.” Jarrod put his hand on Heath’s shoulder. “He wants to buy his mother and some aunts a present.”

“Do you know what you want to get?” asked Mrs. Harris.

Yes, ma'am, some jars and some more candies, if I have enough, and maybe a red ribbon?” said Heath.

“How much do you have?” Heath held out the fifty cent piece. “There are some small jars over there,” said Mrs. Harris, pointing to a shelf along the wall. “They are three cents each, and the red ribbon is a penny. Pick out how many jars you want, then we’ll add them up and see how much you’ve got left for candies, ok?”

“Ok,” Heath said as he walked to the shelf with the jars on them.

While Heath was looking at the jars, Jarrod turned to Mrs. Harris. “Mrs. Harris, whatever Heath has left for the candies, add this to it.” Jarrod handed Mrs. Harris a quarter. “Yeah, this too,” Nick said, as he handed Mrs. Harris his quarter. “You can't say anything to him, or he won't take it,” Jarrod told her.

That’s awful nice of you boys. He must be someone special?”

Nick looked at Heath. “Yes, he is.”

Heath had four jars in his hands, one for his mama, one for his Aunt Rachel, one for Hannah, and one for Mister Harmon. As he started to go to the counter he thought of one more person, and he took another jar. Heath got to the counter, and Jarrod put the jars on the counter. “Do I have enough for some candies?” asked Heath.

“Well, the five jars and this ribbon come to sixteen cents. You have plenty left. What would you like?”

“Well, Mister Harmon likes licorice. Maybe five licorice and the rest these candies,” Heath said pointing to the hard candies.

“Well, you’re in luck,” said Mrs Harris. “The licorice is two for a penny, so you can have ten of ‘em, and you can have a bag full of these hard candies. Is that ok with you?”

“Yes, ma'am,” Heath said, with a big grin on his face.

Nick and Jarrod smiled at each other. They both knew Mrs. Harris had added some extras in there herself. The boys walked out of the store after Mrs. Harris handed Heath his treasure. Jarrod tried to thank her, but she just waved them out. The boys went to the wagon and put Heath’s things in there. It was getting dark when everyone met up.


“I think the first thing we should see is the tree,” said Victoria. “They should be lighting it soon. My husband and I donate a tree every time one of our children is born. This one is for Audra.” she looked down at the baby in her arms and smiled. “Should we go?” she said and led everyone to the center of town. There, on Main Street, stood a big tree. Everyone in town had helped decorate the tree by bringing something from home or donating from their store. The tree had an angel on top that someone had made.

Heath stood staring at the tree. He had seen Christmas trees before, but never one this big and wide. “It’s beautiful,” he thought. He took hold of his mother’s hand. “Mama, it’s beautiful.”

Leah looked down at her son, then back at the tree. “Yes, son, it is beautiful.”

Victoria took some matches that were being passed around and handed one to each of her party, including Heath. Everyone struck their match and lit a candle on the tree. After all the candles were lit everyone backed up to look at the lighted tree.

“Oh, Mama, did you ever see anything so pretty?” Heath just stared at the sight before him. Mister Harmon picked Heath up. “Heath, are you ready to see the stars from heaven in this town?”

Heath turned to look at Mister Harmon, “Yes Sir! I want ta see em!”

“All right. I know just the place we can go to get the best view.” He turned to Victoria and her sons. “I would like for you all to join us.”

We’d love to come,” said Victoria.

Mister Harmon went back to the livery and got the Barkley’s wagon. As everyone got settled in the wagon, Mister Harmon rode out of Stockton. About a mile out of town he turned off a side road that led to a steep hill. He stopped the wagon at the bottom of the hill.

“We have to walk to the top.” He turned to Victoria. “Do you think you can walk up there with the baby?”

“I'll get up there, Mister Harmon. Thanks for your concern.”

“I can help Leah up than come back for you.”

Before Victoria could say anything Jarrod spoke first.

“My brother and I can help her up, sir.”

Mister Harmon smiled at Jarrod, took Leah by the arm, and started to help her climb the hill. His sister and her husband followed, then Heath and Silas. With Jarrod and Nick on each side of her, Victoria followed. They made it to the top, and everyone sat to rest. Jarrod and Nick went back down to get the canteen of water that everyone had forgotten about. Heath sat next to Victoria, and he noticed the baby was awake.

“She’s smiling,” said Heath.

“Yes, she is,” Victoria replied. “Would you like to hold her?”

“Oh, I don't know,” Heath said, backing up a little. “She’s so tiny, what if I break her?”

“You won't break her,” Victoria smiled at him, thinking back to when Tom said the same thing. “Hold your arms out.”

Heath held his arms out, and Victoria placed the baby in his arms. The baby reached her arm out and touched Heath’s face. Heath smiled his crooked smile at the baby. Victoria was watching Heath when his face lit up with that smile, and a picture of Tom when he held Audra for the first time came to her mind. “The same smile,” she thought, ‘he has the same smile.’ Before she could think on it some more, Jarrod and Nick came back with the water. After everyone had a drink, and with the baby back in her mother's arms, they all went to the edge of the hill and looked at Stockton below them. It was now completely dark. Little by little, they could see the candles being lit, as they had a fine view of the little lights from this distance.

Heath was awed by the beauty of the scene. “Look, Mama, it’s like the stars are really falling from heaven and lighting Stocker all up!” Heath exclaimed, forgetting the right way of saying Stockton. More firelight could be seen as the townspeople finished lighting the candles. Heath looked toward the Christmas tree. “Mama, look over there,” he said, pointing to the tree. “It looks like all the stars fell on the tree!” Everyone looked to where Heath was pointing. The beauty of it took their breath away.

“It is beautiful,” said Leah.

“It’s lovely,” said Victoria.

“You ever see a more beautiful sight than this?” said Mister Harmon.

“Never,” Heath whispered. “Thank you, Mister Harmon, for bringing my mama and me here to see the stars from heaven.”

Mister Harmon picked Heath up. “You are welcome, son. You are very much welcome.”

Victoria had tears in her eyes when she looked at Heath, a child who obviously didn't have much of anything, but could see the beauty around him. Now that she could afford anything, she hoped and prayed she would never stop seeing all the natural beauty around her.

All too soon the lights started to go out in Stockton, and it was time to leave. Everyone piled back into the wagon, and Mister Harmon drove back to the livery. Mister Harmon and his family climbed out of the wagon. Silas climbed up in front.

“Mister Harmon,” said Victoria. “I want to thank you for the view. It was a sight I've never seen before.”

“My pleasure, ma'am. I found that hill when I first visited my sister here. I'd gotten lost and came upon it by accident. When I come to visit my sister around Christmas, we go there to see the sights. It sure is pretty from there.”

“That it is, and I hope you don't mind if my family goes there to see the view of Stockton?” “Not at all, ma'am. I don't own it. I'm glad you like it there.”

While Leah was talking with Mister Harmon the sheriff came over and talked to Victoria. After a little bit, he said goodnight and left. Leah climbed into the wagon next to Victoria, and Silas started driving them back to the ranch. When they reached the ranch, Jarrod took Heath’s things out of the wagon. Victoria told the boys to get to bed. Jarrod and Nick kissed their mother goodnight, said goodnight to Leah, and waited by the stairs for Heath. Heath kissed his mother goodnight, and he was giving Victoria a hug when Leah noticed the family picture. She walked towards it and had just picked it up when she heard Heath say “Goodnight Mrs. Barkley.”

Victoria turned round in alarm as she heard the sudden sound of shattering glass behind her.

“Leah!” Victoria shouted, as she turned at the sound of broken glass.

Leah was kneeling amid the broken glass, clutching a picture frame the glass came from. To anyone looking at her, it was as though all the blood had drained from body, she was so deadly white.

‘No!’ her mind shouted. “No! This can't be his family, but looking at the picture she knew it was the truth. There he was, sitting with his wife, their two boys sitting either side of their parents. All one had to do was look into the eyes of these two people to know the love they have for each other. Leah thought she was going be sick.

“Leah!” Victoria rushed to her side. “Leah, are you ok?” When she didn't get a response from the young girl she grabbed her by the shoulder. “Leah, what is it? What is wrong?”

Just then, Heath ran to his mother. “Mama....Mama!” When he didn't get a response out of her he put his small hand to her forehead, for that’s what his three ladies always did to him when something was wrong with him.

At the touch of Heath’s hand, Leah looked up at him, then at Victoria, before returning her gaze to the picture in her hands.

With a huge effort, Leah managed to control her voice. “Oh Victoria! I'm sorry. It slipped out of my hands.”

“I'm not worried about that. Are you all right?”

“Yes. I'm fine.” Leah lied. “I don't know what happened. I got a little dizzy and I thought I was gonna be sick.” At least that wasn't a lie. “I'm ok now. It must be all the traveling. Not used to it, I guess. I'm really sorry about the picture. I feel bad.”

“Nonsense! I should have let you rest before we went out.”

A small worried voice called, “Mama?”

Both of the ladies turned to look at the small child. Silas came and helped Leah to her feet. Leah opened her arms to Heath and he ran into them.

“Heath, I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm ok. I'm just over tired, I guess.” She kissed Heath on the top of his head. “Now you go to bed. We have to be ready when Mister Harmon picks us up tomorrow morning.”

“You sure, Mama? “Ya ok?”

“Yes. son. I'm sure. Good night.”

“Good night Mama. Good night, Mrs. Barkley.”

“Good night, dear. Jarrod, Nick, take him upstairs and get him ready for bed.”

“Yes, Mother,” the boys replied as they took Heath upstairs.

Silas started to clean up the glass. “Silas, I can do that.” said Leah.

“That’s ok, Miss, I got it. You best get some sleep. Don't want ya to be sick for tomorrow.”

“That’s a good idea Silas.” Victoria linked her arm through Leah’s arm. “Come on, It’s time we all called it a night.” She led Leah up the stairs.

Silas looked thoughtfully at the ladies, as they climbed the stairs.

“I know one thing, Miss Leah, you sure wasn't sick from your traveling, no, Ma'am, not from traveling,” Silas mumbled as he picked the picture up. “More an likely ya saw that there boy’s father in this here picture. Yes sir, he has Tom Barkley stamped all over him. Mrs Barkley she don't wanna see, but old Silas he see, he can see real good! Ain't my place ta say anything. I sure hope the boy will be fine. He is such a kind child. Mister Barkley he will be real proud of him if he know, but it ain't my place ta say anything. No, siree, not my place.” Silas continued to mumble to himself as he cleaned up the glass.

Leah was in the guest bedroom. She knew she wouldn't be getting much sleep. She kept seeing Heath in the middle of his two older brothers as they both held his hands.

‘He belongs here,’ she thought. ‘He deserves all this. He could be here, being protected by his older brothers, instead of back in Strawberry where his Uncle and Aunt pick on him. Where bullies like Billy Clark beat him up. Where he will always be known as the town bastard. Where he will be working in the mine when he is six, learning to set charges’

She could put a end to his life in Strawberry and let him have a new life here. She could wait for Tom to come home, and tell him in front of his wife. She could leave Heath here, and leave a letter for Tom like he did to her six years ago, and take off for parts unknown. She knew she won't do any of those things. Now that she had met his wife and really liked her, she wouldn't do or say anything that would hurt her. She will not be responsible for tearing this family apart. She also knew she could never give Heath up. He was her life, her only link to the one man she will ever love. The pain she felt when Tom upped and left her with only the letter to explain, would be nothing compared to the pain she would feel if she didn't have Heath any more, and she could never go through that again not in this lifetime.

Leah sat at the window and cried wretchedly. She cried for many things. For the life she, Tom, and Heath could have had. For the fact Tom will never know this son of his. For the fact Heath will go through life never knowing his family. Leah wept more wretchedly still as she acknowledged to herself that she would never, ever say anything about Heath’s parentage, and two people would pay the price for her silence. Father and son will never know each other, and little Heath is already paying the price for her sin and Tom’s. She cried at the knowledge she could never give up her child so he can have a better life. Leah wept until she was totally exhausted, and she crawled into bed, where she swiftly fell fast asleep.

The three boys were in Nick's room, putting candies in the jars. Heath didn't know how to fit the licorice in, so Nick got a knife and cut them into small pieces. After the jars were done, they tied ribbons around them. Jarrod and Nick helped wrap them up, and put names on them for Heath. When it came to the fifth jar, Jarrod and Nick were surprised when Heath told them to put their mother’s name on it.

“Put it underneath the tree when ya put all the other presents under,” he asked them.

They promised to do so, and the three boys went to bed. Heath slept in Nick’s room with him and Jarrod went into his room.

Victoria and Silas stayed up to get some food ready for Leah to take back with her. They packed potatoes, flour, wheat, corn, sugar, apples, cherries and peaches. Enough food for the holidays. Victoria wished she could do more for them, but she knew Leah wouldn't accept more. She hoped Leah would agree to take the food at all. She decided to use the promise she made to Heath about Rachael and Hannah sharing the food. That should convince Leah. After they finished, Silas went to bed. Victoria check on everyone, found everyone asleep, and went to bed herself.


All too soon, morning came. Everyone finished eating breakfast, in good time before Mister Harmon arrived. Silas and Mister Harmon loaded up the wagon with the food that Leah readily agreed to take. Victoria was surprised and delighted by Leah’s agreement, not realizing Leah just wanted to leave in case Tom should get back.

The boys were upstairs getting Heath things together. Jarrod took Heath to his room first and handed Heath a present.

“This for me?” Heath asked, when Jarrod handed him a present.

“Yes. It’s for you, but I want you to wait until Christmas to open it. Will you promise not to open it before then?” asked Jarrod.

“I won't open it, Jarrod. I promise.”

They then went into Nick's room, and got Heath things together. Before they went out of the door, Nick went under the bed and pulled a package out.

“This is for you, Heath.” Nick said, as he handed the package to Heath. Heath took the package with hands that trembled with excitement, and looked at Nick. “I want you to make me the same promise you made Jarrod.”

“I do Nick. I promise. But I don't have nothing ta give ya all.”

Jarrod got on his knees and taking Heath’s chin in his hand, he made Heath look at him.

“Heath, you gave us something we could never get with money.” Heath looked at Jarrod in confusion. “You gave us the beauty of Stockton. We’ve never seen the lights as stars from heaven before. When we went on that hill, that’s just what they looked like. It was a beautiful sight, and you showed it to us, Heath. When we took you for a ride on the horse, again, you showed us the beauty in that. Nick and I always ride horses, and we sometimes forget what it’s like to be riding just for the pleasure of it. Maybe one day you’ll come across someone who could use a little kindness, and you will remember this day as you show some kindness to that person.”

“I will always remember this day!” Heath threw himself into Jarrod’s arms. “I am gonna miss you something awful.” He then threw his arms around Nick. “I wish you were my big brother. You and Jarrod are so lucky to have each other.”

All three wiped their eyes before they went downstairs.

“Are you ready, Heath?”

“Yes, Mama.”

Heath put his arms around Victoria. “Thanks, Mrs. Barkley, for being so nice to me and Mama.”

Victoria hugged the boy to her. “You’re welcome, Heath.”

“Ma’am, would ya mind if’n I give baby Audra a kiss goodbye?”

Victoria lifted the blanket from Audra’s face. Not at all, Heath.”

Heath kissed Audra on the forehead and said, “Ya are gonna be really beautiful like your mama when ya are grown, and you are so lucky ta have two big brothers like Jarrod and Nick.”

Leah took Heath by the hand. “Heath, we have to leave now.” It took everything in her not to run out of that place.

Victoria noticed the package in Heath’s hand as he walked out the door. She looked at Nick and raised her eyebrows.

“I wanted him to have it, Mother, please,” said Nick.

“Nick, did you know what that was?”

“Yeah. I know, but I wanted him to have it.”

Victoria went over and gave Nick a hug, and she went upstairs to tend to her daughter's needs. Nick was looking out the door until he couldn't see the wagon anymore. Jarrod shut the door.

“Maybe we’ll see him one day, Nick.”

“Yeah. Maybe.” said Nick, still staring at the door.

“Nick, are you all right?” asked Jarrod.

“I don't know, Jarrod. Something inside me is telling me not to let him go, to go after him.”

“You’re just missing him, Nick.”

I expect you’re right, but it hurts really bad.”

“Hurts? Where, Nick?”

“Right here,” Nick said, as he pointed to his heart.

Jarrod put his arm around Nick's shoulders and led him upstairs. “I know, Nick I know what you mean.”

Heath sat on the bed thinking of that Christmas. It was the best Christmas he had ever had, and it was thanks to the Barkleys, his father’s family. Now that he knew, this was also his family, he sometimes wondered what would have happened if his father had come walking in, while Heath and his mother were still there. He would like to have seen him, even though they didn't know each other. Just to have laid eyes on him, even for a minute, would have satisfied a deep need in Heath, but it was not meant to be. It would have been hard on his mother, if Tom had come in. So, maybe it was for the best. But still...stop thinking Heath! You can't change what was never meant to be. Heath started to laugh, thinking back to when they left the ranch. How they heard noise in the wagon. How Mister Harmon stopped the wagon and told Leah to take the boy to safety while he investigated. How Mister Harmon took the tarpaulin off and found a turkey in a crate that Silas must have put in without them seeing it. How they all laughed, seeing the turkey! They ate good for a while. Everyday, they invited Mister Harmon to supper. Mama wouldn't take no from him. Heath remembered the laughter they all shared for a while. Then the food ran out, and there were no more Christmases with Mister Harmon, as he died seven month later.Heath started working in the mine, and the good times, well, they weren't forgotten, but they were put away in Heath’s memories, brought out when life threw too many curves his way. Like Carterson, when he was ready to give in. When he couldn't hold on any more, he thought of Jarrod and Nick. Not grown, for he didn't know them but as the little kids they all were. He wanted to see them again, tell them how that Christmas was special to him, and he knew he had to survive. That thought gave him the strength to hold on.

Now, his new family is downstairs. Mrs. Barkley, his new mother, is probably telling them the story. He wonders if Nick and Jarrod remember that little boy of long ago, and the present they gave him. He held up the long box he had in his hands, his gift from Nick. He laid it on the bed, went to his dresser drawer, and took out a book he had there. He opened the cover up and read the inscription.

To Heath,

May all your Christmases be bright.

Jarrod, 1857
