Two Weeks on the Job

Rudy ‘s eyes came up from his desk and set upon his protégé as she sat engrossed in yet another medical file from the 12-inch pile on her tabletop. She was sitting forward with her left elbow on the desk, her hand twirling a small section of her dark hair, her right hand making quick notes on a legal pad. He was amazed at the progress she was making through all the research, only being with the OSI for 2 weeks.

He smiled remembering the day she was born, it seemed like yesterday. He couldn’t believe how well things had turned out, how well she had turned out. Steve really was a great father and they were very close. Jennifer Austin was a perfect blend of both her parents in looks, personality, intelligence and interests, and like both her parents she was fun to be around with a witty sense of humor and an infectious laugh. Seeing her sit back and stretch he asked, “So Jen how are things going since moving to Washington?”

She turned to look at him, “Fine. Right now I’m living with my Dad.” She chuckled, “Actually I should say I’m living at my Dad’s house since he’s never there.” Rudy knew Oscar had him traveling all over the globe lately. “I haven’t had time to look for a house yet.” She sighed.

The elder doctor knew the reason for that, “Sorry you’ve been buried under so much paperwork.”

“That’s okay. It’s fascinating stuff. Don’t worry, I do take breaks to unwind.”

“Has it been difficult with your father being the subject of all the research?” He had been concerned that it might be too difficult for her.

She nodded, “Not really. I guess because it’s all on paper or video. I mean I have yet to see it in person. Seeing things done to him and watching him do extraordinary things on video tape is almost like special effects you know?”

Rudy nodded his understanding, “Well tomorrow it will be more real when your Dad has his yearly testing done.” The doctor was glad the testing would be Jen’s first exposure to Steve’s bionics instead of having him rushed in under a medical emergency where she would have to assist him in repairs.

Jen hoped her presence wouldn’t make things too difficult for her Dad. “Rudy I was thinking, I know my Dad is very nervous about showing his bionics to me and I know you wanted me to conduct most of the tests but I was wondering if tomorrow I could initially stay in the background with other things and slowly get more involved as the testing progresses. I think it would make him feel more comfortable, what do you think?”

Rudy smiled at her sensitivity and intuitiveness. “I think that’s a great idea Jen.”

“Well I should get going.” Looking at her watch and seeing it was already 7:00 p.m. “I’ll see you tomorrow Rudy.”

“Okay Jen. Don’t stay up too late.”

Jen balanced the file laden box with her knee and the door jam as her key opened the lock. Dropping her heavy bundle in the living room she ambled into the guest bedroom to change from her business attire to a pair of baggy sweat pants and oversized Yale sweatshirt. She passed through the kitchen grabbing a leftover half-pint of strawberry ice cream from the freezer and swiped a spoon from the drawer before dropping herself into the overstuffed couch.

She leaned down and rifled through the box and pulled out a video. After sliding it into the VCR she retrieved the cold carton wondering humorously if popcorn would have been a more appropriate choice. The wall clock struck 8:00 p.m. as the video began, her father not yet home from his present assignment. Sitting cross-legged she watched intently as the video documenting her father’s fourth marathon surgery filled the screen. After two hours the tape ended leaving her staring at the snowy static dance on the TV. Sighing heavily she wondered how long it would take her to wade through this overwhelming research. She thought back on her first week at the OSI when Rudy led her to the sub-terranian vault that held the Cyborg Project files. There before her stood 5-drawer filing cabinets lining the 18 foot wall which only held the paper files. The audio and video tapes were stored in two upright cabinets against an adjoining wall.

Reminding herself she wasn’t one to back away from a challenge she extracted the top file from the box, stretched her long thin frame across the couch and began reading until sleep overcame her just past midnight.


Steve was exhausted as he entered his home after a tense 4-day mission. He was running on adrenalin until halfway through the three hour debriefing when weariness settled in for the night. Seeing his daughter’s form on the couch he silently wandered across the living room when the wall clock chimed twice. He quietly sat on the coffee table and watched his daughter enjoying a peaceful sleep. He gingerly removed the file folder from her relaxed grasp. The fact the she never stirred told him of her own tiredness. He placed the file next to him on the table and noticed the empty cardboard ice cream container and spoon. He smiled having no doubt these were remnants of his daughter’s dinner.

He continued to watch her as he rubbed his face, his stress slowly leaving his body. He reminded himself that what he just went through was just a job and wasn’t near as important as this person in front of him. He leaned forward and slowly slid his arms under his daughter, lifting her easily as he stood. He deposited her, still sleeping, on her bed and covered her with a blanket. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead and stroked her hair. How he wished he could turn back time and do it all again. As he turned to leave the room his gut twisted remembering today was his yearly testing and everything would be out in the open. He hoped she was ready. Heading to his bed he hoped he was ready.

Jennifer awoke surprised to find herself in her bed. She smiled knowing her father must be home and was the reason for her change in locale. She stretched and checked the clock, 5:00 a.m. She exited the bed for the bathroom. Before returning to her bedroom she peeked into her father’s room and smiled, finding him sprawled out face down on his bed still fully clothed and sound asleep. She silently grabbed her running shoes, slipped one of Steve’s psychological evaluation tapes into her walkman before heading out the front door for a three mile run. Multi-tasking, she rationalized, was the only way she would get through all this information before her retirement.


Arriving at the OSI lab Rudy greeted her with a smile as he poured her some coffee.

“Well I hear your father finally made it home.”

“Yeah he was still asleep when I left.”

“I guess you and he don’t get to spend too much time together.” He commented handing her a steaming mug.

“Thank you. We try to do something together once a week like play tennis or golf, go horseback riding, or…” She chuckled, “last week we went to a Karaoke Bar.” Her mind traveled back to seeing her father on stage. “He’s actually not a bad singer!”

Rudy was shocked, “Steve sang in public?”

She nodded, “Only because we dared each other and made a bet. Of course we did have several drinks to loosen us up.” She continued smiling at the recollection.

“So did you brave the stage?”

“Oh yeah, I couldn’t let him win the bet. I must say I was really bad. I was shocked that no one left the bar or threw anything at me. I looked at my Dad and he had that proud look on his face even though I couldn’t carry a tune. He said it was because I was willing to take control of my fear and still do what I was terrified to do. You should come next time Rudy.” The doctor just chuckled and nodded negatively, “I really don’t think you want to hear me sing.”

They were interrupted when Steve entered the lab still feeling awkward knowing that he was a frequent topic of conversation between his long time friend and daughter.

“I was wondering when you would get here.” Rudy commented knowing Steve was anxious about the tests today. Steve, dressed in shorts, a USAF tee shirt and running shoes, greeted his daughter and friend. Rudy decided to make small talk as he made preparations. “Jen was just telling me about your fun night at the Karaoke Bar.” Steve just gave him a nervous grin as he sat in the chair waiting to get wired up.

Noticing Steve’s lack of interaction the doctor asked, “Everything go okay on your assignment?”

“Yeah, as well as could be expected.” He answered quietly not sure he wanted his daughter to hear details.

“What’s that mean?”

Steve didn’t look up, “I arrived too late. We lost two agents, one of ours and one from Interpol.”

“What time did you get in last night?” He asked seeing his friend’s tired eyes and knowing Steve felt responsible even though he wasn’t. Rudy had already discussed the mission with Oscar who took full responsibility. The OSI held off sending Steve knowing they were probably already too late.

“About 10:00 p.m. but the debriefing took another three hours.” Steve patiently waited for Rudy to finish attaching the sensors to his thighs and calves, just wanting to get this over with.

Jennifer busied herself at her desk with the never ending flow of information, listening in on the men talking. Steve just glanced at her back as Rudy directed him to the treadmill. Steve took a deep breath before the tests began. Jen tried to stay in the background as they started but her curiosity and a quick look at the monitor enticed her toward them. All her education and experience told her that this couldn’t be real but she reminded herself that she was witnessing the event. This was not a video, not special effects, it was real life. She froze half way across the room. He father’s back was towards her. 35 mph….48 mph…52 mph….60 mph. She looked at the other monitor….heart rate 60 bpm, blood pressure 120/80. She perched herself on the edge of the table and watched her father doing the impossible. After 30 minutes Rudy gestured that he had enough information causing Steve to slow to a stop. He stepped off the machine and turned as Jen quickly settled herself back into her chair.

Steve removed the sensors from his legs as Rudy was busy documenting his findings. Steve wandered out into the hallway trying to belay his anxiety. He took notice of several young men from the security and computer sections hovering about the hallway. He nodded a greeting to them before turning and returning to the lab.

“Rudy, is there something going on…a security breech or something?” He was worried there may have been attempts to steal information or worse get to the two people who worked on the bionics project, the two people closest to him.

Rudy looked up as Jen looked at Steve from her desk, unsure why he had a distressed tone in his voice. “No not that I know of why?”

”Why are there 4 security personnel and 2 guys from the computer section hovering around your lab. Are you sure there isn’t anything unusual going on?”

Rudy nodded confidently then realization set it and he grinned, “Oh you mean those young men trying to find any excuse to be down in this section?” He no longer noticed them after two weeks.

Steve nodded and Jen suddenly knew what her boss was alluding to and immediately began to blush. Rudy explained, “Well it seems since a captivating dark haired, blue-eyed doctor began working here and an unusual number of eligible bachelors have found their way down here.”

He smiled toward Jennifer and Steve followed his gaze as he replied with a crooked grin and a raised eyebrow, “I see. Well she is her mother’s daughter.” He said as he began absently playing with a ruler.

Jen spoke up, “What’s that suppose to mean?”

Steve smiled remembering how men flocked to his wife. Rudy and Jennifer waited for Steve to answer, “A few hours before we were married I watched 3 or 4 different men hit on your mother while she sat alone on the beach, like bees to honey….” His thoughts drifted off to another time and place.

Jen defended herself, “It’s not like I’ve been flirting with them. Tell him Rudy, I come in, do my job then leave.” Steve couldn’t help but chuckle at her defensiveness. “Plus I’ve already told them several times I’m too busy right now to spend time with them.”

“So you’ve at least spoken to ALL of them?” Her father asked jokingly shooting Rudy a wink.

“Yes, and I was honest and polite. I told them I would let them know when my schedule slowed down. Unfortunately it hasn’t helped and I’m beginning to feel like a zoo animal.” Her frustration was beginning to show.

“And what, Ms. Austin, will you do when your schedule lightens up?” Her dad was curious and enjoying teasing her.

She sighed knowing what he was doing, “Then I plan on going out with every single male in the building, maybe two or three at a time since there is at least 150 of them.” She winked at him.

“Over my dead body!” They all shared a laugh that seemed to break the earlier tension. “Well, Dr. Wells are you ready to continue?”

Rudy felt this was a good time for Jen to jump in, “If you don’t mind I’d like Dr. Austin to test your arm.”

Steve nodded offering his right arm to his daughter. She smoothly affixed the sensors to the upper and lower portions. Rudy was glad to see more relaxed atmosphere. Steve started with the free weights starting with 500 lbs. As he went through the prescribed repetitions he got an idea. Continuing up to the 1,500 lb weight he stood and began walking toward the exit.

“Dad, where are you going?” Jen confusion swiftly changed into embarrassment as she realized what he was doing. “DAD!”

Rudy couldn’t restrain his laughter as Jen cringed against the wall, her hand over her eyes. Both physicians could hear Steve’s firm voice from the open door, “Gentleman…” All six heads of the young suitors instantly recognized Steve Austin and also took notice of the 1,500 lb weight in his one hand.

“I was just made aware that you are here to mingle with our newest employee. What’s her name?”

“Jennifer.” They all responded and six heads nodded excitedly in unison. Steve allowed a crooked grin to form on his face, “Does anyone happen to know her last name?” He asked calmly studying each face. They glanced at one another and all nodded negatively.

“Well gentlemen it’s Austin, Jennifer Austin.” He focused on his arm as he began doing bicep curls with the weight as he continued, “That’s right boys she’s my daughter, my ONLY daughter.” He looked back at them, “Now if I’m not mistaken the government does not pay you to stand around and gawk at your colleagues, am I right?” He stopped his exercise.

“Yes sir.” Came from the small chorus.

“Good. Jennifer has told me she has politely declined your offers for the present time, is that correct?”

“Yes sir.”

“Well I guess you will have to wait until her busy work schedule slows down and she will be in touch with you okay?”

“Yes sir.”

“I’ll tell her you stopped by.” He winked and returned to the lab where both doctors were in stitches.

Jen was the first to recover, “I can’t believe you just did that.”

Steve looked innocent, “What? You said your way wasn’t working so I thought I’d help.”

“You seem awfully confident that it worked.” She challenged.

Steve gently placed the barbell on the floor, winked at Rudy and stared at his daughter, “It worked with all your admirers…since the eighth grade as I recall.”

Jennifer stared at her father in shock unsure if she should believe him or not. “You didn’t.” Steve just gave her a familiar lopsided grin without answering. “Oh God you did didn’t you?”

“Are we going to get on with the testing?” He glanced from Jen to Rudy back to Jen still smiling and letting his daughter wonder.

Baptism Under Fire