
Scott Yeager had been thoroughly questioned by the NSB during Steve and Oscar’s absence. He couldn’t provide any new information other than Jennifer was still unharmed and at her home at 11:00 p.m. when he left her. After being dismissed he returned to his desk in the OSI computer section, staring at a photograph of Jennifer and him from a recent hiking trip, his heart a dead weight. Her dazzling smile and sparkling eyes spoke volumes to him through the glass of the picture frame but could not tell him where she was or if she was safe. He silently vowed to make her his wife as soon as she was back, not to be separated from her again.

Upon their return Oscar’s office was crowded with FBI, OSI, NSB and CIA agents. Steve wondered if there weren’t ‘too many cooks in the kitchen’ so to speak to get the job done. Finally a strong lead came through. The doctors were being held in an isolated area southeast of the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Maryland. After all details were confirmed an impatient Steve was out the door with a hand-held radio assuring Oscar he would be in touch. As he walked swiftly down the corridor Scott Yeager caught up with him.

“Colonel Austin!”

Looking over his shoulder Steve slowed his steps but did not stop. Scott jogged to catch up. “Colonel Austin I understand you are going to look for Dr. Wells and Dr. Austin.”

Steve eyed the brown-haired man curiously without answering. “I want to go with you.”

Steve stopped and gazed at the meticulously groomed, dark suited, desk jockey with one raised brow wondering if it was a ploy to move into the ranks of operative quickly. “And you would be…?”

With an awkward outstretched hand the slightly embarrassed young man introduced himself, “Scott Yeager sir.”

Steve eyebrow shot up again in surprise, “Mr. Yeager.” He took the extended hand and after releasing it he began his quick pace again. Scott tried to make his case as they walked, “I want to help you find Jennifer…please.” He knew his desperation was showing but he didn’t care.

Steve stopped again, “Mr. Yeager…”

“Scott.” He corrected.

“Scott I’m aware of your close relationship with my daughter and I understand your wanting to help but I don’t think you realize what that entails.”

“I can’t just stand around and do nothing waiting for news.”

Steve could see the sincerity, pain and frustration in his dark brown eyes. It was obvious the handsome young man was deeply in love with his daughter. “Scott I wish I could say yes but unless you have advanced skydiving skills, stamina to run at least 15 miles at a fast clip and experience in hand-to hand combat I’m afraid it’s out of the question.” Seeing him struggling to keep his emotions in check Steve took a deep breath, “You know I’ll do everything in my power to bring her home safe. Okay? Besides if I took you along and anything happened to you my daughter would have my head.”

His attempt at humor was lost on Scott who was deflated knowing his skills and experience didn’t match what Steve required. He just nodded as Steve continued, “I promise to tell her that you twisted my arm but I still said no.” He winked and smiled. Scott offered his right hand again, “Thanks Colonel Austin.” Steve shook his hand, “Call me Steve.”

Scott relaxed a little and returned the smile, “Good luck Steve.”

“Thanks.” With that Steve turned and exited the building to catch a flight to Maryland.


It was midday as Steve was gliding down to earth by parachute approximately 20 miles from his target so not to attract unwanted attention. The old missile silo sat alone in the middle of nowhere, nothing manmade could be seen for 50 or 60 miles in any direction. Approach by air or road was out of the question. Steve covered the final miles quickly on foot. He was able to get a good tour of the exterior before finding the abandoned tunnel located on his map. This would be his entry to the compound that, to the inexperienced eye, looked abandoned. He hoped and prayed his daughter and friend were still here and unharmed.


Jennifer declined Victor’s offer of food and a chair. They were alone in his office. He stood in front of her as she effectively played the role of the grieving daughter, staring at the floor, providing an occasional sniffle. He lifted her face by her chin telling her he would make her feel better. His other hand slowly went behind her head and released her long hair from the hair band. “Just as I thought…stunning.” She gave him a weak smile moving into her role of a frightened female.

With his hands on her face he swiftly pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. She fought the nausea building in her stomach as the kiss lingered. He instantly sucked in air, his eyes as big as saucers, when her knee impacted his groin Backing away his head dipped she spun and kicked him in the head propelling him against the cement wall. “Why you little bit…” He growled coming at her in a fury expecting to subdue her quickly but her speed and agility surprised him. She ducked from his initial grasp but then he was able to grab her by the hair. Her elbow to his ribs had no effect. Angrily lifting her 130 pound, 5’10” frame with both hands he threw her eight feet into the heavy desk with a loud thud. The impact took her breath away, leaving her dazed.

Grabbing her by the neck he yanked her onto unsteady feet. A defiant stare quickly replaced the dazed look and she gouged his eyes. As he released and stepped back she spun again, her fast moving extended leg connecting with the side of his head. Gustinov went down on one knee disoriented. She grabbed a statue from the bookcase with both hands and swung hard but only managed to strike her assailant’s forearm protecting his head. He grabbed her ankle with his free hand sending her to the floor with a thud, the air forced from her lungs. Kneeling over he wrapped his meaty hands around her narrow throat again watching her face turn crimson.

She was just about to kick him off her when their violent dance was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of Victor’s men informing their boss of a possible intruder on the grounds. Hauling the young woman to her feet, hands still encircling her neck, he shoved her at his men ordering them to take her away then search the building. Victor stood breathing heavily while wiping the blood that ran down his battered face, not ready to give up the challenge.

Jennifer was roughly pushed into the cell, her breathing still heavy, and adrenalin still coursing through her body. Rudy watched her quietly sit herself on the cot across from him with arms folded across her stomach, eyes closed, attempting to get control. He was trying not to think the worst seeing the red hand prints becoming visible around her neck. Taking a seat beside her he asked if she was alright.

Gazing at the floor she answered him, “I’m okay. I would have had him but we were interrupted. I heard his men say there might be an intruder in the area.” She stood to walk off the rest of the adrenalin rush; she reached down to retrieve her denim blouse on the cot and suddenly winced, dropping the shirt. She slowly regained an upright posture silently reminding herself not to try that again. Her flinching didn’t go unnoticed by Rudy who asked to have a look and she tiredly nodded.

Hiking up her tank top revealed an elongated bruise forming on her right ribcage. Reassuring him she would live she gave him a familiar lopsided grin. “You need to sit Rudy. You’re in worse shape than I am.” Taking notice of his swaying she helped him sit on the bed. A loud groan from the never-opened steel door directly across from their cell caught their attention. Both doors simultaneously swung open bringing a very much alive Steve Austin into view. He was shocked at his good fortune of landing right at his planned target so easily.

“Are you two okay?” He asked as he hopped out of the tunnel.

“We will be soon.” Jen replied as her father went to work pulling the cell door open, snapping the steel lock. Upon entering he briefly glanced at Jen standing in the center of the room before checking Rudy sitting on the cot looking a little worse for wear. Jen explained the situation, “Rudy took a hard blow to the head. He’s got a nasty concussion. There are five men that we know of, all armed. Did you bring the Cavalry?”

“No. I parachuted in alone. Oscar’s standing by until I get you two out safely. Is there any useful transportation around here?” Steve asked seeing Rudy was definitely not up for a fast escape on foot.

Jen nodded, “I heard Victor order his men to take the two vehicles that brought us here and abandon them somewhere.”

Steve stood mentally reviewing their options when he noticed the bruise on his daughter’s face and the hand prints on her throat, raising a questioning eyebrow at her. Jennifer in turn raised a brow at the bruises on his face as well as the stitches in his forehead. Dr. Wells was amused at the succinct conversation between father and daughter. Jen questioned first.

“Car bomb?” Steve nodded.

“Hand to hand?” Jennifer nodded. They shared smile.

“I saw a windsock when I approached. They must plan on flying out of here. It’s possible they have a plane stashed in this gigantic dungeon somewhere. Let’s go.”

Steve took the lead while Jen kept an eye on Rudy, the double vision and dizziness making it difficult for him to keep a steady pace. Steve gestured for the group to stop, footsteps echoed down the metal stairway. Silently directing his daughter and friend out of harm’s way he waited for the massive door to open. When it did he braced his back against the wall and kicked the door swiftly shut with his right leg, affectively knocking their unwanted visitor out cold.

Steve bent down and retrieved the inert man’s 9 mm weapon, checked the clip, advanced one bullet into the chamber, and released the safety before handing it to Rudy. “Just in case.” Steve said as an unsure Rudy accepted the gun with a nod.

On their way upstairs they came across another of Gustinov’s men but he passed without detecting them in the shadows. The trio waited until the coast was clear and moved onward. Opening the door to the living quarters they came face-to-face with a surprised and battered Victor. Jen quickly laid a hand on her father’s chest before he could react, “This one’s mine.” Steve let her go but stayed ready, not sure if it was a good idea.

Her voice was confident and unwavering, “Victor it seems you’ve wanted to feel my body against yours all day. Well here’s your chance.” In an instant she was off the ground and kicking. Gustinov didn’t have time to react as her leg contacted his face with a sickening crack. Stunned he staggered and she stepped forward, coiled, spun and kicked again. When she got too close he grabbed her and spun her around, holding her in a choke hold.

Steve stepped forward to intervene when Jen, focusing all her anger and strength at once, efficiently flipped Victor over her shoulder, the sound of his impact with the concrete floor caused Steve and Rudy to wince. Gustinov made a weak attempt to regain his feet when she knocked him unconscious with a punch to the face. The young woman stood over him panting, holding her injured side and shaking the pain from her right hand, “Well I feel much better, how about you Victor?” The inert form at her feet responded with an unintelligible groan. She looked at her father and Rudy who had smiles on their faces. “That’s my little girl!” Steve announced proudly as they made quick work of hogtieing Victor with lamp cords.

Opening every door along their journey Steve was sure he would find a plane hidden somewhere close by and his persistence was rewarded by the fifth door when they came upon a fully fueled Cessna 172 with the key in the ignition. With three armed men still wandering about Steve tried but was unable to secure the immense metal doors to prevent unwanted visitors. Moving onto the task at hand he turned to his daughter, “Okay Jen you’re our pilot today.”

“What? I’ve never flown a 172. I don’t know the numbers!”

Steve concentrated a few seconds, rubbing his forehead, trying to recall the information they needed. It had been at least a year since he had flown a 172. He placed a hand on her shoulder and provided her with the speeds required for safe takeoff, cruising and landing adding that they would figure out the rest in the air. “Jen get in the plane.” He ordered having a gut feeling they were running out of time.

“What about you?”

“I’m your doorman.” He smiled and motioned in front of the 4-seated aircraft to the industrial sized doors to the outside. Steve helped Rudy into the backseat while Jen belted herself in and glanced around the cockpit to familiarize herself with the location of needed instruments. The three escapees knew the loud engine start in the cavernous space would bring the remaining well armed men down on them instantly. Their exit would need to be smooth and swift.

“Ready?” He asked standing by her open door and Jen nodded.

“Okay, get her started up and I’ll open the doors. NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT STOP YOUR TAXI. If there’s flat land in front of you just increase your speed for takeoff, I’ll catch up okay?”

She nodded not liking his last instructions, “You mean your going to jump onto a plane during taking off?”

“Nothing I haven’t done before.” He said confidently with a wink as he secured her door latch.

Seeing him in position she primed the engine and turned the key but the engine did not turn over. She quickly primed the engine again and tried the key and a sputter was followed by the propeller jumping to life and increasing in speed causing the entire aircraft to vibrate. The engine sound was deafening in the enclosed space. Steve began opening the doors as the men in suits entered through the door behind them firing their weapons at anything that moved. With a release of the brakes the plane lurched forward and slowly entered the daylight picking up speed. The ground directly in front of her was too cluttered with rock and brush for a safe takeoff. Immediately seeing the windsock Jen adjusted her path accordingly.

While he was sliding the heavy door along its track Steve was only vaguely aware of the bullet that impacted his upper right arm without hampering its use. Hearing the increased rpm of the aircraft’s engine Steve knew there was not enough time to close the doors and meet his ride. He began to run towards the plane as it swung its nose into the wind. Adding full throttle Jen kept on a straight path using the rudder pedals waiting for the speed to increase enough for takeoff, she wondered where her father was. Looking out his window Rudy informed her that Steve was heading towards them.

Gustinov’s men were desperate to prevent their guest’s escape and continued firing bullets in their direction. As Steve leaped onto the right wing strut he felt the familiar burning pain in his right chest as another projectile found its mark. He slid into his seat and secured the door as the fixed landing gear eased off the ground.

“I don’t know where we are. I need a heading!” Jen yelled over the engine’s roar.

“Three-One-Five.” Steve replied without hesitation.

Jen banked the plane northwest before giving her father the bad news. “We can’t stay in the air.” She locked eyes with him. “We have no transponder and no sectional map.” Both passengers knew she was right. Airspace is a three dimensional area with invisible boundaries that change with altitudes, requiring a sectional map to navigate through it. Being this close to Washington D.C. and multiple commercial airports without it they would soon fly into a high traffic area risking a midair collision or into a restricted area and possibly be shot down.

Without a transponder they could not be identified on radar. Getting on the ground as soon as possible was their only safe option. Steve figured they were 30 or more nautical miles from their captors. It was time to call in the Cavalry.

“We can find a safe field to land in and Oscar can pick us up.” Steve reached to the floor for his radio with his right arm and doubled over in pain immediately getting the attention of both doctors.

“Dad what’s wrong?” Rudy was unbuckling himself to check out the situation while Steve struggled to breath through the intense pain.

“I took a bullet…in my right arm. It must…have…shifted onto…a nerve.” He breathed out through clenched teeth. “One of the bad things… about mechanical limbs...is a bullet can… bounce around like a pinball… in the empty spaces.” Rudy’s voice reached Steve from behind, “Let me see it.”

“NO! Don’t move it please.” He held it close to his side. “Just let it settle down.” He withheld the fact that another bullet was somewhere in his chest, not wanting Jen distracted from flying the plane.

Jen leaned forward to get a look at his right arm and was shocked at the blood covering her father’s light blue shirt. “Dad did it go through the arm? You’re bleeding!”

He nodded, “I got hit a second time getting in the plane.’ He rested his head back as the feedback from his arm slowly decreased.

Reaching between her father’s knees she grabbed his hand-held radio off the floor, “Does Oscar have a code name or something?”

”Yeah,” Rudy replied, “Snow White.”

Jennifer shook her head unable to suppress a small smile at the name, “What frequency?”

“118.6” Steve answered as beads of sweat began forming on his face. Rudy checked his carotid pulse relieved it was rapid but strong.

Jen cued the radio, “Snow White this is Cinderella come in…. Come in Snow White.” Steve looked at Jen and crooked grin crossed his face at his daughter’s self-imposed call sign.

“Cinderella this is Snow White go ahead.”

“Three are airborne in a Cessna 172. We have no transponder or map and need to make immediate landing, requesting medivac for pickup.”

Oscar heart sank at the request for a medivac and immediately ordered one into the air. “What’s your position?”

Jen rolled her eyes in her passenger’s direction as if to say ‘how the hell should I know,’ “Stand by.”

Without a sectional map they would have to rely on landmarks. All three began scanning the ground for anything familiar. Steve quickly took note of a unique bend on the Potomac River just ahead where he knew there was a small State Park with fields flat enough to land safely in.

“Jen, tell him to meet us at Eagle State Park on the west side of the Potomac.” Jen immediately nodded and relayed the location for landing.

Gliding the light aircraft onto the grassy field it slowed to a stop quickly. Jen was immediately out her door, around the plane and at her father’s side while Rudy grabbed the first aid kit he found under his seat.

Both doctors noticed Steve was going into shock. In the back of both their minds were Steve’s upper arm and the nuclear cell it contained. A bullet through that would be fatal.


With the last few hours of activity combined with the turbulent flight Rudy was fighting the dizziness that threatened to drop him to the ground. He leaned himself against the airframe while Jen unbuttoned her father’s shirt, barely keeping her hands from shaking from fatigue and adrenalin. “Dad, can you hear me?” His eyes flickered opened. Rudy handed Jen a large thick bandage which she applied to the chest wound. The pressure on the wound was answered with a soft groan from the patient. Jennifer requested Rudy take over maintaining wound pressure. “Dad, I need to look at your arm.” He gave her a weak nod. Although she was slow and gentle the intense pain radiated through his shoulder and neck causing him to breathe in short gasps.

“Rudy, look, the wound is near the nuclear cell.”

Stepping closer holding firmly to the wing strut he instructed his protégé, “You’ll need to open it up.” He instructed, trying to rub the blurriness from his vision to get a clear look.

Jennifer reached across to her father’s left hip pocket to retrieve the utility knife he always carried. She swiftly sliced open his shirt sleeve then carefully cut through the plastiskin and opened the small access panel. Breathing a sigh of relief she informed Rudy the cell was intact. Upon closer inspection she could see the 9 mm slug deep in the circuitry, against the Musculocutaneous nerve. “Should I disconnect the neurolink?”

“No, the neurolink cannot be disconnected unless he is heavily sedated or anesthetized.”

“What about severing the link quickly with a wire cutter?”

Rudy nodded, “That’s too drastic. We’ll have to wait.”

As the doctor’s debated on a course of treatment Steve remained semiconscious. A small cough sent shockwaves through his arm causing him to writhe in pain and struggled to catch his breath. Jen felt helpless as she tried to keep him still, having difficulty seeing him in such pain. “Rudy we have to do something with his arm before that chopper gets here. He won’t last being jostled around on the trip back. He’s already drained from the shock and blood loss.”

Rudy watched Steve slowly lose consciousness knowing it was a gamble to disconnect his arm if he wasn’t completely unconscious. “Wait a little bit.” He instructed hoping Steve would sink a little deeper into unresponsiveness. Jen was growing impatient, “Where’s that chopper?”

“They’ll be here, don’t worry.” Rudy checked Steve’s pulse again with his free hand finding it rapid and not as strong as before. Making sure Steve was not responding to any stimuli he felt it was as good a time as any, “Okay access the link.”

Doing as she was told Jennifer carefully disconnected the circuitry using the flat head of the screwdriver on the utility knife. Helicopter rotors caught their attention as they closed the access panel on the arm and covered the bullet hole with gauze. They watched anxiously as the rotorcraft slowed to land and Oscar, with 2 corpsman carrying a stretcher, exited.

An unresponsive Steve was gently transferred from the Cessna to the stretcher while Jen filled Oscar in on Steve bullet wounds and Rudy’s concussion. Oscar informed them that government agents were already taking Victor and his men into custody.

On the bumpy flight to the medical center Jen and the corpsmen got an IV started and a pressure bandage applied. Steve came to for a short while leaving Jen and Rudy glad they had disconnected the arm. Oscar and Rudy watched as Steve grasped Jen’s hand and she leaned over him to hear his weak voice, “You were great today. I’m very proud of you.” His eyes closed and his hand released hers. She quickly wiped the tear that threatened to fall before leaning herself back against a seat absently rubbing her right ribcage. Rudy took a seat next to her on the floor of the chopper and offered her 2 aspirin to ease the pain. She smiled, popping both in her mouth and swallowing them dry. “Thanks Rudy.”

“You’re welcome.” He said as he squeezed her hand.


Oscar assisted Rudy into a chair in the corner of the examination room after he adamantly refused medical treatment. He wanted to be available to Jen if she needed him. He knew she had committed most of Steve’s medical history to memory but her knowledge of bionic construction was still limited.

Jen requested a nurse order two units of blood from the blood bank while a second nurse began cutting off Steve’s bloodied clothes. An oxygen mask was applied and the I.V. continued to provide the much needed fluids to the unconscious patient. A third nurse informed the physician of the low blood pressure, rapid pulse and labored breathing.

Jen took in the information as she placed her stethoscope against Steve’s right chest wall confirming her suspicions. “He’s got decreased breath sounds on the right side. There’s no doubt the bullet nicked his lung.”

Rudy watched her smoothly orchestrate her treatment team and efficiently stabilize her patient the best she could all the while remaining emotionally detached just as she needed to be. ‘This is definitely a baptism under fire’ Rudy thought with full confidence in her abilities. A few times he saw her flinch as she bent over the patient. He knew she was physically hurting and wondered if her ribs were indeed fractured but knew she would refuse treatment in order to provide her father’s care. He wished he could take over but the dizziness and frequent blurred vision from the concussion made it impossible.

Dr. Austin politely instructed her staff to move the patient to the operating room while she went to change clothes. As she turned to leave the room Rudy caught a glimpse of the tearful look in her eyes and followed her. Her quick purposeful strides got her to the doctor’s locker room a few seconds before him.

He stood inside the closed door watching her grab a pair of light blue scrubs from the shelf before relocating herself at her locker. She remained standing and he watched her take a slow, deep painful breath as he spoke, “Jen are you alright?”

She nodded unconvincingly not trusting her voice while opening her locker. She quickly pulled her blood-stained tank top over her head, tossing it on the top shelf. Before she could don the oversized cotton shirt Rudy was next to her staring at the large bruise covering her right side just below her bra. It was two tones darker and twice as large then it was a few hours ago. “Jen we need to get this x-rayed.” He said in a caring tone.

She sighed and stared at the floor trying not to give in to her weariness, keeping her father foremost in her mind. “Not now Rudy.” She said softly, allowing him to gently touch the injury and flinching at the slightest pressure. They locked eyes and she gave him a small grin and a shrug. Pulling the V-neck top over her head she said firmly, “I have work to do.” She quickly pulled off her jeans, the oversized top hanging to her mid-thighs while she pulled on the unisex untailored pants. She successfully pushed back her emotions as she pulled the drawstring tight around her small waist.

In the operatory Jennifer Austin was now functioning as a trauma surgeon, her favorite role. She would normally be relaxed and enjoying the work if it weren’t for the fact that her patient, lying anesthetized and intubated below her, was her father. Just before beginning her task she glanced up at the sound of the door opening and Dr. Wells entered in minimal surgical garb and seated himself off to the side, silently assuring Jen she would not go through this alone no matter what the outcome.

After removing the bullet and repairing Steve’s lung she questioned Rudy as she finished closing the surgical sight. “Rudy should I take the time to repair the arm or do you want me to just remove the bullet?”

“Where was the bullet again?” He was having difficulty remembering the details as his head throbbed.

“It’s resting against the musculocutaneous nerve. I can’t tell if any other components are damaged. I don’t think so considering how much movement he had before the bullet moved. I was thinking of just removing the slug, making sure the synthetic nerve is undamaged and reconnecting the neuro-link. After he wakes up we can better assess the damage by what movements he has with the arm.” She looked up at her colleague waiting for his input. He nodded, agreeing with her logic and Jennifer finished the job.

Steve was settled in the recovery room with Oscar at his bedside. Rudy, a little steadier on his feet since taking a short rest, ambled in looking for Jen. “How is he?”

“Jen said she expects a full recovery.” Oscar answered with a smile. “She did a great job didn’t she?” Rudy nodded as he checked Steve over. “When we brought her on board I was concerned that she wouldn’t be able to handle performing surgery on her father if the situation presented itself.” Oscar said with all sincerity.

“Yeah me too. I was definitely impressed with the way she was able to stay detached enough to get the job done. I’m wondering though about the emotional toll it had on her. Do you know where she is?” Oscar nodded negatively but Rudy had an idea as to her whereabouts.

Rudy opened the door to the medical resident’s sleeping quarters, a 12 foot by 14 foot room with set of bunk beds on opposite walls and a small table and chairs against the wall between them. The light from the table lamp was enough for him to make out the room’s sole occupant on a bottom bunk sitting against the headboard supported by two pillows. Rudy quietly sat himself on the edge of the bed seeing her eyes closed and assumed the bulk under her shirt was an ice pack.

She slowly opened her eyes as the bed shifted. “Sorry I woke you.” He whispered.

“It’s okay I wasn’t sleeping just resting in case they need me ya know?”

The male doctor nodded his understanding. “You did a great job today Jen.” He said quietly.


“I think it’s time you got some real sleep. You’ve been going for almost 48 hours now.” He saw the concern on her face and continued, “Don’t worry he’s stable and resting comfortably. I’m sure he’ll sleep through the night. Besides I see you have your beeper on if something changes.”

She smiled and conceded. “I guess you’re right.” Rudy stood, grabbed her ankles, easily sliding her down the bed into a lying position to prevent further rib pain from her repositioning herself. He watched her eyes close as he sat back on the bed. She grasped his hand and said. “You’re a great friend Rudy.” Her voice quickly faded as she instantly surrendered to an exhausted and well-deserved sleep.

He continued holding her hand for several minutes, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. He looked at her peaceful face. He smiled knowing what the world saw on the outside, the intelligence and unmistakable femininity, was nothing compared to the strong and gutsy spirit on the inside that he had witnessed over the past 48 hours. ‘Yes both her parents should be proud.’

Rudy suddenly felt the strong pangs of envy. In his sixty-odd years he never once regretted not marrying and having children that is until now. He continued to stare at Steve’s living progeny suddenly realizing he loved her as much as her father if that was possible.

Standing to leave he lifted Jen’s shirt and gently removed the towel-wrapped bag of ice she had on her injury before covering her with a light blanket. He leaned down and kissed her forehead smiling at the thought that she was as close to a daughter as he would ever get. He switched off the dim lamp and left the room. His heart mixed with sadness and pride.


Thanks to a telephone call from Oscar Barbara was able to be at Steve’s bedside, holding his left hand when he awoke the following morning. She spent an hour staring at his tanned and ruggedly handsome face as he slept, her thoughts of the past years tainted with regret over their time lost. She was deep in thought of ‘what could have been’ wondering if their child would have been as beautiful as Jennifer.

Steve smiled as his sleepy eyes took in her youthfully beautiful face. She returned his tired smile with a loving one of her own and a morning greeting. The patient did not have to ask who contacted her. Even though Steve had yet to share the news about Barbara with anyone but his daughter his gut told him Oscar was probably aware of their reunion before they finished their lunch that fateful day after meeting at the cemetery. Steve absently wondered if Oscar had any hand in their initial meeting.

“How do you feel?” She asked.

“Ready to get out of this place.” He replied with a wince trying to sit up comfortably.

She chuckled knowing how impatient and impulsive he could be. “I think you’ll have to wait and see what Rudy has to say about that.” The patient shot her an exaggerated look of annoyance for not immediately supporting his plan for escape.

They were interrupted by a knock on the partially opened door, two heads peeking in on their shared patient. “May we come in?” Dr. Wells asked.

“Sure.” Steve answered happily, anxious to introduce the two women that meant the world to him. “Barbara Thatcher this is my daughter Jennifer, Jennifer this is Barbara.” The two women exchanged warm pleasantries.

Barbara feeling a little out of place excused herself to get some coffee. Jen and Rudy displayed amused glances and smiles as the pretty woman gave Steve a tender kiss stating she would return soon. Steve grinned telling her he would be waiting.

Jen positioned herself on the left edge of the bed facing Steve while Rudy stepped to the right side to examine his damaged arm. She was able to muffle the sharp intake of breath but it did not go unnoticed by her father. “Jen what’s wrong?”

She smiled reassuringly, “Just a few hairline fractures of my ribs nothing serious.” Steve’s questioning eyebrow went to Rudy who nodded. “Don’t worry I check her myself.”

Steve placed his left hand on Jen’s, both hands resting on her thigh. “Well Cinderella I guess the Ball has ended.” She rolled her eyes hoping in his injured state he wouldn’t remember. Steve continued to grin.

“Glad to see your memory of the past 24 hours is intact.” She stated sarcastically.

“Yep.” He said with a teasing wink.

“I see you’re feeling better.” Rudy commented seeing the familiar humor from his patient.

“Why wouldn’t I be seeing as how you never fail to fix me up?” He looked at Rudy and suddenly the doctors realized what the patient didn’t know. Rudy explained, “Steve I didn’t fix you up. Jen did the surgery. I couldn’t because of the affects of the concussion. Steve was a little surprised and remained silent staring at the end of his bed. After she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze his eyes went to his daughter’s face.

“Thanks Jen and I’m sorry…” She placed her free hand on his mouth to quiet his apology. He knew how emotionally difficult it must have been. Before taking her OSI job Jennifer admitted to her father and Rudy that having to provide medical treatment to her father in a critical situation was her biggest fear, what if she couldn’t save him.

“No apology is needed. Besides this rookie had to be broken in some time right?”

There were nervous chuckles that were followed by silence when Rudy broke in, “Looks like your arm didn’t sustain too much damage.” He asked Steve to move it through a full range of motion. “It’s a little uncoordinated but nothing that can’t be fixed.” He smiled at Steve.

“Does that mean I can get out of this place?” Jen smiled knowing from her research the numerous hospital stays her father had endured starting with a whole year’s confinement in 1971. She fully understood his dislike of hospitals.

Rudy answered, “Maybe in a few days.” Jen couldn’t help but add, “Of course you’ll need someone to keep and eye on you at home.” She punctuated her statement with a wink.

“I’m sure I could find someone.” Steve assured her.

Rudy retorted, “I bet you could.”

Jen suddenly remember another subject she wanted to discuss, “Oh by the way if you’re feeling up to it I’d like to bring Scott by to meet you this afternoon.” She smiled and winked teasingly “You’re much less intimidating lying in this bed.”

Steve decided to use his own ammunition, “Oh Scott and I have already met.”

Jen was surprised and anxious about where and when that happened and most of all what transpired during that meeting in her absence. Reading the emotions on her face Steve continued, “Yes, we had a very interesting conversation.” Jen’s stomach clenched as her father ended his explanation there.

“Really. Okay I guess I don’t need to bring him by then.” Was all she could come up with as Steve nodded.

“Well I think we should give the patient some time to rest before his ‘nurse’ returns. Don’t you Dr. Austin?”

“Why, yes Dr. Wells, I’m sure he will need all his strength when she gets back here.”

Steve gave them an annoyed look as the two physicians laughed while heading out the door. In the hallway Jennifer spotted Scott at the nurse’s station. She only spoke with him by phone since the rescue. She walked to him and they shared a tight embrace and deep kiss before walking hand-in-hand to grab some breakfast.


After verifying with Dr. Wells that Jen had driven home to grab lunch and a shower Scott took the liberty of speaking with Steve. Finding him awake and alone Scott tentatively entered his room. Steve was surprised to see him without Jennifer.

“May I come?”

“Sure Scott. Where’s Jen?”

“Oh, she went home for a little while. I wanted to speak with you alone…if that’s alright?”

“Sure pull up a chair.” Steve raised an eyebrow at the young man, “What’s on your mind?”

“Your daughter sir.”

“I see. Go on.”

“Well I’ve been thinking and…” With his pause lasting several seconds Steve tried to help.

“And what Scott?”

He took a deep breath, “I want to ask you…if it’s alright…to…marry your daughter.”

Steve smiled, “Don’t you think that’s something you should be asking her?”

Scott smiled nervously, “Well I though it would be better if I asked your permission first.”

Steve was curious, “I see. Why’s that?” Scott began fidgeting suddenly very uncomfortable with the question. “Mr. Yeager?”

“Well I’ve heard rumors around the OSI that you are… shall we say…very protective of Jennifer.”

Steve chuckled knowing his little stunt with the heavy barbell must have circulated quickly. “Rumors huh?” Scott nodded.

“I’m sure they were just exaggerations.” Reassured Scott.

“Well Scott whether or not you marry my daughter is up to her.” Chuckling he continued, “In case you haven’t noticed she does have a mind of her own, a very strong mind of her own.”

“Yes sir I have noticed that on occasion.” He smiled.

“May I ask why you want to marry her?” Steve queried.

Scott wasn’t sure how to put it in words, “Well, besides her intelligence, warmth, sense of humor and beauty. She has this ‘something’. I don’t know what it is or how to describe it. I just can’t stand to be away from her.” He looked at Steve feeling stupid when, seeing the look on Steve’s face, it dawned on him. “You know what I’m talking about don’t you. You know what that something is.” Scott’s eyes met Steve’s which were full of understanding. Steve nodded and his heart filled with love and sadness remembering how it was with Jessica.

“Her mother had the same ‘thing’ about her. I could never define it either. It’s almost like a magnetism that once it had you it never let go.” Scott nodded still waiting to hear the answer to his important question.

“Scott I understand how difficult it was for you to ask my permission and I appreciate it but I don’t believe it’s my place to give permission for you to propose to my daughter, she’s an adult. However you seem like a man of high integrity and strong moral character and if you are asking for my support for your marriage I am more than willing to give it to you.” He gave him a smile and offered his hand. “Good luck.”

Scott shook his hand excitedly, “Thank you sir.” He turned and practically ran from the room to make arrangements. Steve laid his head back and smiled. Slowly falling asleep he dreamed of his beautiful wife Jessica.

If Your Love Something Set it Free