
The snow continued to fall and Steve knew their ride home would not arrive until the storm had passed. It would be dark soon and the snowfall looked as if it had slowed somewhat. He took a deep breath and went around the cabin to a shed. Removing a shovel he headed out. The experienced pilot knew Oscar’s helicopter would need a place to land safely when it arrived. He began methodically shoveling the snow off the helipad. He could have completed the task within minutes with his bionics but preferred to take his time, the solitary monotonous chore giving him time to sort out his thoughts.

Rudy watched his friend’s slumped shoulders as he walked over near the lake. The doctor headed over to feed the dying embers in the firebox before searching through the kitchen for something to eat. The stranded trio was lucky David stocked the cabin well not knowing how long he would be staying there.

It was hours before Rudy heard Steve’s boots hit the porch, effectively knocking off any snow. He arrived at the door in time to hear Steve experiencing a debilitating coughing fit that left him breathless. Rudy opened the door just as it quieted but noticed a pale Steve had a white knuckled grip on the porch post. Getting control of his breathing Steve glanced up as the door swung open and saw Rudy’s worried expression. “I’m fine Rudy.” Steve rested the shovel against the wall and headed indoors.

Rudy fixed up an appetizing dinner but neither Austin was hungry. Kayce looked spent even after her 2 hour nap and Steve was fighting the tension in his stomach and the heavy weight in his chest. He wanted to talk through everything with his wife but he just didn’t have the energy at the time. Kayce was giving her husband the space that he said he desperately needed to work through the problem. She just hoped the silence wouldn’t go on much longer.

The three settled in for the night in the warmest room, the living room. With the fire blazing Steve and Rudy each took a chair across the room from each other and a blanket leaving the couch and heavy quilt for the mother-to-be. Steve assured them in a tired voice that he anticipated their rescue would come in the form of a helicopter in the morning. Rudy hoped he was right as his worry for his two friends had grown over the past few hours, neither one looked good.


Halfway through the night a strange muffled sound awoke Kayce. She threw off the quilt and tip-toed over to her sleeping husband. She leaned down to retrieve the blanket he had thrown off during the night. Before placing it back over his form she heard the noise again. He labored breathing was clearly audible from the small distance between them. She leaned over him and saw the sheen of perspiration on his forehead. She placed her hand on his head and immediately felt the heat radiating off his body. He stirred but didn’t waken.

“Rudy.” She whispered. “Rudy.” She called a little louder. The doctor sat straight up in his chair and saw Kayce’s frown.

“What is it?” He asked walking towards the couple.

“It’s Steve. He’s burning up. Every now and then it sounds like he’s struggling to breathe.

The doctor leaned down and felt his friend’s skin. There was no doubt he was running a very high fever. Suddenly Steve began coughing and with some difficulty was able to clear the substance stealing his breath. “Rudy what is it?” Kayce asked concerned.

“It’s possible with the water he took into his lungs from falling into the lake wasn’t completely expelled. He laid on his back for at least 12 hours and now the cold weather. There’s a good chance he has pneumonia.”

“He only fell into the lake a little over 24 hours ago. Can pneumonia develop that fast?”

The doctor nodded, “Yes it can if he aspirated water into his lungs. We’ll need to get him medical attention soon. Don’t worry Oscar will be here in a few hours.”

Kayce reached down and stroked her husband hot cheek. Steve opened his eyes briefly then blindly brushed her hand away. He mumbled in a sleepy voice. “Just… need… sleep.” He dozed off again unaware of the potential life-threatening situation.

Kayce spent the rest of the night trying to cool her husband’s upper body with cold towels. She hoped it would be enough to keep his fever under control until Oscar arrived. Rudy wanted to take her place so she could sleep but she adamantly refused. The guilt of not telling her husband everything that was happening from the beginning was eating away at her. She needed to be physically close to Steve even during his sleep.


The large black chopper landed by daybreak. Oscar was relieved that his friends were unharmed. The tall man escorted Kayce to the helicopter as Rudy led a stubborn Steve who insisted on walking to the aircraft on his own two feet. Once aboard Rudy kept a close eye on his patient. Steve’s face was very pale and drawn. The fever had not broken. It was getting more and more difficult for Steve to draw air into his lungs. Kayce stayed close to him as his head rested against the side of the rotorcraft, his eyes closed.

Once at the medical center in California Steve was roused by the noise and movement around him when the aircraft landed. He brushed off the attempt to get him on a gurney. Sliding himself out of the chopper he staggered through the hospital door. With the decreased oxygen in his blood and the after affects of the concussion he almost collapsed just inside the treatment room after an episode of coughing. It did not surprise any of the medical staff and they easily lifted him onto the treatment table to allow Rudy to go about his work.

It was less than an hour when the doctor exited the room. As the door closed behind him Kayce could hear the fierce coughing of her husband. She waited for Rudy to speak.

“His fever’s up to 103 degrees but I’m confident that with the intravenous antibiotics it will break soon. Until then we are treating the fever conservatively with cool towels.”

“Is he awake?” Kayce asked hopefully.

Rudy nodded, “Not really, between the violent coughing fits, the high fever, and the concussion he’s physically spent.” Seeing the fear in her eyes he added, “Don’t worry you can see him soon.” She gave him a warm smile in return.

Oscar looked at Rudy and inquired, “Concussion? How did Steve get a concussion?”

“I’ll explain it to you later.” Rudy replied and returned to the treatment room.

It only took twenty minutes to get Steve’s treatment started and move him to a private room. Oscar and Kayce stood by his bedside alarmed at the sound of his breathing. The top of the bed was elevated and his short, brown hair was still pasted to his forehead as the fever continued. His face was a chalky white with his cheeks flushed. The plastic mask over his nose and mouth expelled the vaporized medication that was being mixed with oxygen. Rudy ordered the treatments every two hours through the night. He hoped it would break up the sticky substance that had settled in his patient’s lungs making his blood oxygen levels fall dangerously low.

The three watched as the nurse replaced the two towels that covered his bare chest and abdomen with cooler ones while the doctor assured them that with the antibiotics and the breathing treatments they would see a significant improvement by the following morning. Kayce slid into a bedside chair with the intention of staying there through the night. After a short conversation with Rudy, Oscar left the building.

The young woman stirred slightly when a blanket was placed over her tired body. Rudy knew trying to get her to lie down would be a losing battle. He checked his patient’s vital signs and was satisfied with his findings. Discontinuing the third breathing treatment since his arrival the doctor removed the oxygen mask and turned off the machine. With one last listen with his stethoscope Rudy felt hopeful with the decreased rattling in Steve’s lungs.

Kayce fell into a dreamless sleep on the chair, her legs stretched out and resting on a drawer she had opened on the nightstand. She was the type of person who could sleep anywhere if she was tired enough. That was the case this evening. She didn’t wake the whole night.


Steve awoke in the morning. He looked around the stark white room before remembering bits and pieces of the flight to the medical center. His body felt stiff and sore. Rolling onto his left side his tired eyes fell upon her angelic face framed by randomly scattered strands of sandy hair. He lay there silently staring at the unique woman he was madly in love with. He knew deep down inside his heart nothing could happen that would change that.

As he watched Kayce sleep he thought on her recent experience. She was, without a doubt, the strongest woman he had ever met. Behind those delicate facial features and beautiful body was a resilience that would never die. He let a smile grace his face realizing she meant the world to him and knew they would get through this horrible situation together as man and wife.

He was hit with a sudden, unexpected cough that regrettably woke the pregnant woman. She grinned as she eyed his face. “Good morning.” She greeted softly.

“Hi.” He replied with a sigh.

“What are you smiling at?” She asked as she dropped her feet to the floor and leaned forward to be closer to him.

He placed his hand over hers, which was resting on the bed. “I was just reminding myself what an incredible woman I married.” She smiled and lowered her head, embarrassed by the unexpected compliment. He added in a quiet tone, “I’m sorry I didn’t protect you from David.”

She looked up into his blue eyes seeing the guilt just hovering there. “Steve you couldn’t protect me from him, I couldn’t protect me from him. I don’t want you to blame yourself for what happened. Can you ever forgive me for deceiving you?” She asked holding back the tears welling up in her eyes.

Steve exhaled slowly, “Yes but you have to promise me you will never, ever keep anything from me again. Okay?” She nodded and leaned in placing a tender kiss on his lips.

“Come here.” He directed pulling her close. She gave him a warm smile and planted her lean form next to his. He wrapped his arm around her and they lay there enjoying the closeness.

“Kayce, why did you decide to keep the baby?”

She stared across the room with her head on his chest, “In the beginning it was because there is a 50% chance this is your, I mean our baby. Personally I like those odds. I couldn’t abort it if there was ANY chance of it being your baby. Then as the weeks went by I guess I became attached to it. I do love this child Steve.” She said feeling a little guilty as she placed a maternal hand on her stomach. She moved her head to look at her handsome husband, “Will you be able to love this baby knowing how it may have been conceived?”

Steve lay silent for a moment before answering the question with unwavering eye contact, “Kayce I love you more than anything in this world. This child is a part of you no matter who the biological father is and because of that I will love it as much as I love you.”

Her smiled reached up her face and added a glint to her cobalt eyes. “I love you Steve Austin.” She squeezed him tight and they both closed their eyes and fell fast asleep.


As the final months of Kayce’s pregnancy passed Steve was more than happy to be involved. As Kayce had hoped months ago her husband was present at all her obstetrician appointments. With her hand in his they looked forward to the upcoming event.

As promised, since Steve’s recovery from his bout with pneumonia, Oscar only sent him on domestic assignments, feeling the Austin’s had been through enough in the past months.

When the moment arrived Steve took his wife to the hospital in the early morning. The baby was three days late. The father-to-be was a little anxious that he wouldn’t get Kayce to the hospital in time. Being in this situation before Kayce assured him it would be many hours before the child actually arrived. Kayce was just tired of being pregnant and ready to move onto the next phase of motherhood.

As Kayce had predicted she was still in the labor room 18 hours after their arrival at the hospital. She urged Steve to postpone calling his parents until she was ready to deliver and he agreed. Rudy stopped by to make himself available to Dr. Coughlin. The young obstetrician was made aware of some of Kayce’s special medical history and didn’t feel completely comfortable unless Dr. Wells was there.

Kayce asked Steve over and over if he would stay by her side. Steve assured her each time that he would stay joking that he didn’t want her to suddenly grab an unsuspecting nurse with her bionic hand during a contraction and break it. Steve had to remind himself frequently to only hold Kayce’s left hand with his right, not wanting his hand broken either.

As the couple passed the 20 hour mark Steve stepped outside the room to call his parents. In the hallway he asked Rudy to sit with her until he returned. Rudy was glad to be of some help and went to her side.

Kayce was lying in the bed with her head elevated. She had a sheen of perspiration on her head as she breathed through another contraction. Only Rudy noticed the bending of the bedrail under her left hand. He stroked her cheek as the pain subsided.

“How are you doing Kayce?”

“Hi Rudy. I’m doing fine for having a three day old baby inside me. Can’t you get Dr. Coughlin to move things along a little bit.”

Rudy gave her a smile, “I think he wants nature to do the work.” She returned his smile knowing he was correct.

“Rudy, I’m worried about Steve.” She saw his confused expression. “He’s been handling the situation pretty well but I’m afraid once the baby arrives it will open the wounds again. This baby may be a constant physical reminder of what David did to me. Do you know what I mean?” She asked as her tired eyelids closed. The doctor could see she was exhausted but still worried about her husband.

“Stop analyzing him doctor. He’ll be fine.” Rudy smiled at her, “Kayce you know how much the mind and body work together. I think worrying about Steve’s reaction to the baby’s arrival is causing your labor to last longer. Relax and let things happen okay? Steve is going to be fine.”

She smiled at him and there was a sparkle in her eyes, “Who’s doing the analyzing now doctor?” Rudy chuckled. At that moment Dr. Coughlin arrived to check his patient’s progress. Kayce grabbed Rudy’s hand with her right as another contraction hit.

“So how are we doing?” The obstetrician asked as Rudy winced, surprised at the strength this sleight young woman had in her human hand. Catching her breath the patient replied, “I don’t know. Something feels different than the last time I gave birth.” She looked at Rudy then at Dr. Coughlin, “I guess that’s good since the last time didn’t turn out so well huh?” Finishing his quick exam he looked at her and stated, “I think you’ll be ready to deliver this bundle within the next hour.” Rudy saw her face relax, “Oh thank God.” She exhaled.

Steve returned to his wife’s side to inform her that the expectant grandparents were on their way. He took her left hand in his right and did his best to support her through the delivery. Rudy sat off to the side occasionally answering Dr. Coughlin’s questions regarding pain medication dosages since only half of his patient’s body was human flesh. Dr. Wells was able to quickly rattle off the dosage information so Kayce’s delivery could be less painful.

The actual active labor only lasted an hour and a beautiful baby boy was delivered. Kayce was suddenly anxious when she didn’t immediately hear his cry. She panicked thinking this baby had died like her first child and frantically asked how her baby was. Steve assured her that the baby was fine and his statement was punctuated with a loud shrill from their son. He leaned down and gave her a tender kiss.

As the doctor was finishing up a nurse handed the swaddled baby to Steve who settled the child on his mother’s chest. Kayce placed a small kiss on his forehead before the nurse took him to the nursery. It was only moments before an exhausted Kayce fell asleep.

As expected Steve spent the next day at his wife’s side. The only breaks he took were to go to the nursery to see the baby. Rudy caught up with him standing at the glass window eyeing the baby boy he was now responsible for. Steve felt the doctor’s presence but remained silent, one question after another floating through his head. Rudy admired the baby without saying a word. The doctor had a feeling Kayce was right with her prediction that actually seeing the child would open the wounds made by David Ashbury.

Steve finally spoke in a quiet tone, “Rudy, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure Steve.” Rudy answered as he looked at the haggard father.

“If this child is David’s, what are the chances he will inherit the same mental illness that David had?” Steve asked without taking his eyes off the tiny bundle.

Rudy took a deep breath, “Well from what Kayce has told me David was normal up until around the time she divorced him. His illness came about shortly after that. What he suffered from could have been treated easily with medication and therapy but according to Kayce David’s parents always talked him out of treatment.” Steve looked at the doctor with a shocked expression and Rudy finished his thought, “It would seem the affluent Ashbury’s didn’t want the stigma of having a mentally ill son.” Steve just nodded before returning his gaze to the baby unsure how he felt at this moment. After several minutes he thanked Rudy and headed to Kayce’s room.

He sat down at his sleeping wife’s bedside and rubbed his face with both hands. He noticed she was waking up. She slowly opened her eyes and fear fell upon her face. “The baby…is he okay…is he alive.” Steve tried to clam her, “Yes, he’s fine Kayce.”

She let out a long sigh realizing how lucky she was. The doctors arrived and were happy to see their patient awake. With some rest they expected the mother to make a quick recovery. Within a few days the family of three headed home.


The white-haired woman watched the house from her car wondering how the tramp could live with herself after what she had done. Seeing a Mercedes pull into the vacant drive she saw a handsome young, brown-haired man exit the vehicle. ‘Well you always did attract the rich and handsome’ the older woman thought as Steve pulled the car seat from the back seat. Not knowing he was being watched, he headed right for the front door.

Pulling the mail from the black box Steve kept a dialogue going with the bright-eyed infant who cooed at each sentence. Steve gave the tiny boy a half-grin as he promised an afternoon of fun, just father and son. “At least until your mother gets home.” He stated placing the car seat on the couch.

The new father flipped through the mail as he absently began pushing the door shut unaware there was an unexpected visitor in the doorway. The uninvited guest pushed lightly on the door stopping its motion, which caused Steve to look up from the white envelopes with a raised eyebrow.

“May I help you?” He asked the meticulously dressed woman.

“Yes, I’m here to see Kay Ashbury, I mean Austin.” She stood stiffly on the porch.

“I see. Well, she’s not home at the moment. Are you a friend of hers?”

“Hardly, I’m her former mother-in –law, Cecelia Ashbury.” The woman explained through pursed lips with a formal posture that implied she expected some sort of recognition on Steve’s part.

Steve forced down the anger inside him already sure he didn’t want this woman in his home. He politely offered an outstretched hand, “Mrs. Ashbury, I’m Steve Austin, Kayce’s husband.” Cecelia did not accept the outstretched hand and Steve slowly lowered it.

“I know who you are.” She commented more curtly than she intended. Hoping to correct her error she added with her polite socialite smile pasted on her face, “You are famous aren’t you?” She hoped to stroke his ego a bit in order to gain entry into his house. What she didn’t know was Steve never had much of an ego. Steve eyed her closely, noticing the instant change in her demeanor.

He quietly replied, “I guess you could say that, at least at one time. Mrs. Ashbury I think it would be best if you returned when my wife is here.” He suppressed a smile while deliberately referring to Kayce as ‘his wife’.

“When do you expect Kay…I mean Kayce to return?”

“I’m not sure but I would think within an hour or so.”

“Mr. Austin, I have come a long way to see Kayce and I do not know my way around this quaint city of yours. Would it be alright if I just come in and wait for her?”

Steve thought a moment and against his better judgment, nodded politely and stepped aside allowing Cecelia Ashbury to enter his home. Her eyes immediately went to the infant beginning to fuss in his seat. “My, what a beautiful baby.” She smiled at the child. Steve thanked her and quickly picked up the infant to remove the extra layer of clothing that was protecting him from the fall weather.

Without taking her eyes off the bundle she inquired, “Is it a boy?” Steve nodded as he continued his task. “How old is he?”

“Three months.” Steve replied curtly, there was something he really didn’t like about this woman. Steve leaned over and placed the baby on a blanket on the floor.

“Oh, that’s a wonderful age! I remember when my precious David was that age.” She sighed heavily and Steve’s gut twisted at the reference. He wondered why she was here and didn’t think Kayce was going to be happy about the surprise reunion. Cecelia’s gaze left the floor and settled on Steve’s face. He felt a chill run down his spine when her grey eyes met his blue ones. He wasn’t prepared for what she was about to say.

“You know that baby looks exactly like my David when he was that age. How could that be Mr. Austin?” She challenged him with a knowing expression and a voice as cold as ice. Steve swallowed hard and picked up his son, “I don’t know Mrs. Ashbury. Don’t all babies look the same at this age? If you will excuse me I have to change him.” The new father stood and quickly headed down the hall to the nursery. He had no idea if the baby needed to be changed or not, he just had to get away from that manipulating ice queen.

He laid the infant on the changing table and whispered, “You know I don’t think your mother was exaggerating when she described that woman.” He quickly concluded his chore while composing himself. He headed back into the family room leaving his son asleep in his crib. He stood unnoticed in the doorway watching the wealthy woman eyeing the photographs on the fireplace mantle. He hoped Kayce would return soon or he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions, which would include literally throwing this woman out onto the curb.

The front door swung open and two pairs of eyes saw the shock register on Kayce’s face at the sight of her former mother-in-law in her living room. At that moment Steve realized he may have made a huge mistake allowing this woman into the house. Kayce quickly regained her composure, “Cecelia, you are looking well.” She stated plainly unable to bring herself to say ‘nice to see you again.’

“Kay, how are you?” She smiled from across the room. Steve could swear the temperature in the room dropped twenty degrees.

“I’m fine.” Kayce glanced at Steve, “I guess you’ve met my husband.” Cecelia nodded, her lips once again pursed tightly.

“May I ask why you are here?”

“Maybe it would be best if we spoke alone.” Cecelia eyed the tall brown-haired man and Steve took the hint, “I’ll go check on the baby.”

“No Steve, don’t go. Anything Cecelia needs to say can be said to both of us.” Kayce glared at the well-dressed surgeon’s wife.

Cecelia took a deep breath, not expecting to have a spectator. “I don’t think that is wise Kay but if you insist.” She quickly glanced at Steve then back at her former daughter-in-law. “It has come to my attention that the infant you recently gave birth to is David’s child. Now you know how much I loved my David. I’m sure when he came to see you all those months ago you realized what he meant to you and in a moment of weakness…well… I may be older but I understand how two people in love can easily give in to expressing that love…even if one is already married.”

Steve’s eyes remained on his stunned wife. Kayce was speechless as Cecelia droned on and on about David. Kayce couldn’t formulate a rational thought as the woman continued with her reason for flying from Montana to Washington D.C. “I’m sure your husband would prefer not to raise a child that is not his…a child who is a result of your marital infidelity and…”

“STOP IT! JUST STOP IT!!!” It was the first time Steve had ever heard Kayce shout. He watched her take a shaky breath and took a step towards her when Kayce held up her hand stopping him in his tracks, indicating to him that this was her fight.

Kayce was able to keep her voice cool and controlled, “Cecelia it is true that the child in the nursery may, in fact, be David’s,” She noticed the glint in the woman’s grey eyes. “However I was never unfaithful to my husband.”

Cecelia arrogantly replied, “Well I can understand how you might want your husband to hear that.” She gave Kayce a cocky smile relieved that the young woman had openly admitted to the infant possibly being her grandson.

Kayce took a step towards the woman, “If that child is David’s he was conceived when your mentally ill son kidnapped, drugged and raped me.” Kayce was barely controlling the anger that suddenly encompassed her entire being.

“Now Kayce we both know David was not capable of such acts besides women loved him, his good looks, his charm, his money. Do you really expect anyone to believe he actually needed to take you or anyone by force?” Kayce realized her mother-in-law was just as delusional as her son. “It’s alright Kay. I’m here to help you fix the situation. I came here to get custody of my grandson.”

Steve immediately covered the distance between him and his wife within seconds and Kayce smiled and calmly replied, “You will never get custody of that child Cecelia. Now please get out of my house.” She reached over, turned the doorknob and opened the door.

Cecelia Ashbury, much like her son, hated to be denied, “I’m sorry you feel that way Kay. It will be much harder on you when it is settled in the court room. Understand this I will not have my only grandchild raised by anyone but his grandfather and me.”

She took a few steps closer to the door when Kayce confidently assured her, “I think you should understand that I do have evidence, strong evidence that will stand up in any court of law, that your deranged son raped me. Do you really want him labeled a rapist? I’m sure it would give your country club friends something to talk about for months.”

Stepping nose to nose with the sandy haired woman Mrs. Ashbury smiled, “Oh you know how loyal my friends are. They already know what kind of woman you are. I knew David should have never married you. I warned him many times that you would be his downfall someday.”

“Cecelia I have never done anything but be polite to you and your stuffy friends. The only thing I ever did was take David away from his domineering mother.”

In a huff the older woman stepped onto the porch “I’ll see you in court!”

Kayce smiled at her, “There is something else you should know Cecelia, in case your over paid lawyers don’t tell you, Domestic Law says any child I give birth to while legally married is considered to belong to my husband, regardless if David is the biological father. Have a good day.” Kayce slammed the door and Steve quickly turned the deadbolt lock. The young woman sighed then let out a giggle, “I must say I did enjoy giving her a piece of my mind.” She looked up at Steve’s lopsided grin, “What’s so funny?”

“I enjoyed the way you handled her. Is that true? What you said about Domestic Law?” She nodded confidently. He pulled her tightly against him and kissed her. “Do you know how incredible attracted I am to you right now?” He kissed her hard and she returned it allowing her body to melt into his. His passion for his bold and outspoken wife grew as they enjoyed exploring each other’s mouth, both thinking of the lovemaking session that was about to commence. He picked her up and headed to their bedroom. Their breaths coming in heavy pants as their arousal for each other grew.

Suddenly he stopped and placed her feet back on the floor as the baby’s scream pieced the air. Kayce smiled, “Somebody’s hungry!”

“Yeah me!” Steve replied with a wink and Kayce chuckled, “I’m afraid your son takes priority right now. I’ll take care of you later.” She placed a tender kiss on his pouting lips and headed to the nursery feeling a loving slap on her taut backside. “I’ll be holding you to it.” He warned. She turned, winked and went to feed the baby.


Steve was in the family room talking to Oscar and Rudy. The three sat slouched on the comfortable furniture, their feet resting on the coffee table. As they sipped their drinks they discussed the recent events in each other’s lives. The guests were in California for a few days and accepted the Austin’s invitation for a home cooked meal.

Kayce was busy preparing dinner while little Kyle wandered from room to room playing with his toys, occasionally interacting with the adults. He was a cute little boy with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. His personality was slowly emerging with each passing month.

The charming two-year-old was bright, inquisitive, well behaved and sweet. His parents and grandparents doted on him with complete love and affection. Oscar and Rudy didn’t get to see the boy very often since Steve and Kayce moved to California to be closer to Steve’s parents.

Rudy stood and stretched before heading into the kitchen to grab another drink, offering to replenish ones for his friends. When he entered the kitchen he found Kayce focused on preparing a large fresh salad. She gave him a quick smile and asked how he was doing. Rudy explained things were as always but was silently concerned over her unusual quietness usually she was outgoing and social. He eyed her as she watched her little boy through the window playing on the back patio. The look on her face was one of sadness.

“Kayce is everything okay?” Her gaze quickly reached his face not realizing he was staring at her.

“Sure Rudy why wouldn’t it be?” She gave him a weak smile before she turned and began collecting more vegetables from the side counter. He took a few steps in her direction and whispered to her, “You know you can always talk to me. Is there a problem with Kyle?”

She nodded as she began washing the cucumbers. “No, he’s a great kid.” She looked out the window again at the occupied sandbox. “It’s just…”

“Just what? Your former mother-in-law isn’t still trying to get custody of Kyle is she?”

“No, she gave up a year and a half ago after her lawyers convinced her it was fruitless to try.” She stopped what she was doing and took a deep breath knowing she needed to get the weight off her shoulders and knew Rudy was a great listener. “It’s just Steve…” She looked at the doctor but couldn’t find the words.

“Is there a problem between Steve and Kyle?”

“No, absolutely not! He loves him as any man would love his son. It’s just…” The tears began to fall but she swiftly wiped them away. “Rudy, Steve and I have come a long way with our situation. Kyle shares many similar characteristics with Steve but he also has many attributes that could easily be David’s.” She sighed heavily before continuing, “I just wish I knew for sure. I know that shouldn’t matter but it does.” She looked at Rudy waiting for a judgment that didn’t come.

“Why does it matter so much?” He asked curiously.

“Maybe so Steve could be sure. He loves that little boy more than life itself and he says he’s okay with the situation but…”

“But what?”

She wiped another errant tear away and replied, “We took Kyle out with us to a restaurant last night and people were commenting on how cute he was and then commented on how much he looked like Steve. It’s happened before with Helen and Jim. Helen even said it was like raising Steve all over again. Every time it happens I see the pain flash across Steve’s face before he can hide it. It’s like a knife twisting in his gut knowing we’ll probably never know the truth.”

“I see.” Rudy placed a friendly hand on her back knowing how hard her pregnancy had been on the couple but they came through it with a stronger marriage. Rudy mistakenly thought the rough spots were behind them. “I’m sorry Kayce.”

She wiped the remaining wetness from her face and whispered one more statement, “I just wish I knew for sure that’s all.” Seeing her husband approaching in her peripheral vision she turned back to the sink and resumed her task when Steve’s voice reached their ears.

“Rudy, where are those drinks?” He asked from the kitchen doorway. It didn’t take long for him to notice the air of tension in the room. “Everything okay?” Rudy smiled and opened the refrigerator, “Yeah, Kayce and I were just catching up that’s all.” He handed Steve two cold ones and followed him into the family room. As the doctor exited the kitchen he turned back and saw Kayce whisper the words ‘thank you’ and smile.

As the men entertained themselves Kayce was almost finished with her preparations so Steve could begin cooking the steaks on the outdoor grill. The last thing she had to do was fill a glass pitcher with lemonade. As she held the large container under the faucet she stared at the adorable tike outside. He turned and waved to her from the patio. She smiled and waved back before speaking to him through the open window, “Kyle, what are you making?”

He turned and looked briefly at the mound of uneven sand.

“It’s a castle Mommy, where you can sit in the tower and look at the stars.” He replied as he turned back to her with an expression of pride. That’s when it hit, like a bolt of lightning. It was not something she could have anticipated or prepared herself for, something she had never seen her son do.

Kayce instantly stepped back from the sink, the glass pitcher crashing to the floor as tears cascaded down her face. She placed her hands over her face and sobbed uncontrollably, her body trembling.

The trio came rushing from the family room at the sound of the breaking glass and Kayce’s silent response to Steve calling her name. He placed firm hands on her upper arms trying to get her to stop crying long enough to tell him what was so distressing.

“Kayce what’s wrong?” What happened?” He asked as his heart thumped in his chest. She grabbed a fist full of his shirt in each hand, burying her face in his tanned chest, and just continued to release all the emotions that had built up over the last two and a half years. Steve wrapped his comforting arms around his distraught wife while throwing a concerned glance over his shoulder at his friends.

Oscar and Rudy just stood by with expressions of bewilderment on their faces. They both knew Kayce was not an overly emotional woman something horrible must have happened to put her in this state.

Kayce took three slow, deep breaths, hanging onto her husband as if her legs would fail her. “Kayce please talk to me. What’s wrong?” Steve urged his wife to explain, feeling her body continue to tremble.

She slowly looked up into his concerned blue eyes and replied quietly, “I can’t…I can’t tell you.” She sighed with a weak smile, “I have to show you.” Taking Steve’s hand she led her confused husband outside where Kyle was still playing. Rudy and Oscar followed closely.

On the patio Kyle looked up from his masterpiece, squinting against the sun, seeing the four serious faces approaching. Kayce hoped she would get the same response from the child as she did a few minutes ago. Standing with Steve’s arm around her shoulders and hers around his waist she looked at the little boy. “Kyle what did you say you were making?”

The tow-headed boy looked at his work and explained once again, “It’s a castle Mommy.” He stood up as if he did something wrong. “Did I do it wrong?” He asked seeing the four pairs of eyes staring at him.

Kayce smiled at her son, “No honey, I think it’s the best castle I’ve ever seen.” That was it. That was all she had to say and the brilliant sign from God was displayed on the child’s innocent face.

Kayce felt Steve’s body stiffen immediately at the site as tears slowly filled his eyes. He took a tentative step towards Kyle and knelt in front of him. “What’s the matter Daddy? Don’t you like it?” Steve choked down the lump in his throat before answering, “No Kyle, like your mother said it’s the best castle we’ve ever seen.” He pulled his son into a tight embrace and picked him up into his arms. Oscar and Rudy were still at a loss as to what had occurred until the two turned and flashed identical lopsided grins at the spectators. There was no longer any doubt in anyone’s mind that Steve was Kyle’s biological father.


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