
Just after sunrise the coach and its passengers pulled out. Nick was still having his fun with Heather and Mrs Cooper. Heather on the other hand was just wishing the whole episode dead and buried.

“Whoa!” Seth Hanks pulled the horses to a halt. Before him on the road were three gunmen each with a pistol aimed right a him and the young private riding as guard.

In the coach itself Nick and Heather, facing the way they were travelling, ended up in the laps of their military travelling companions.

“What the…” Nick spluttered as he pulled himself out the lap of Lt Brace. “Sorry Lt.”

“ It’s okay Mr Barkley.” Brace gave Nick a small push enabling him to return to his seat.

“Are you all right Miss?” Roberts asked as Heather struggled to get out of his lap.

“Fine thank- you Capt er Mr Roberts.”

“Allow me Miss.” Roberts held out his handcuffed hands and did his best to assist Heather back to her seat.

“Get your hands off the lady.” Lt Brace ordered.

Heathers eyes flashed green. Nick knew what it meant. Brace didn’t. “Lt he didn’t try to hurt me all he was doing was helping me back to the seat.”

“ Miss Barkley he is a criminal and should be treated as such.”

“Has he been found guilty of any crime?” Heather counted with. Brace was starting to annoy her.

“Simmer down sis.” Nick hissed. He too could sense that Brace was getting to his sister. Brace was getting up his goat as well.

“Not yet Miss.” Brace was surprised. No lady of his acquaintance would dare to ask such a forward question.

“And according to my lawyer brother Jarrod a man is innocent till proven guilty. Is that true for military justice or only civilian justice?”

Any answer Brace could have given was lost as a pistol barrel was poked through the window and a rough sounding voice ordered everybody to get out

“Everybody out and line up next to the stage. And throw your guns this way.” Des Copper ordered waving his gun under the nose of Lt Brace. “Now be smart soldier boy and hand over the gold.”

“Gold?’ Hanks questioned, “Sonny this stage ain’t carrying no gold.”

“Shut it Pops.” Col Copper swung his pistol and menaced the driver with it. “They don’t send soldiers as guards on stages unless there’s gold on board.

“Mr Hanks is correct.” Lt Brace said stepping forward. “There is no gold on this stage, just a military prisoner.”

“I tried to tell them that Lt” The young private riding guard said nervously “But they wouldn’t listen.”

“You’re lying blue boy.” Pete snarled. “I say we search the stage and if necessary them too.”

“Search the stage all you want.” Brace told the stage robbers “But you still won’t find any gold.”

“George, company coming.” Mrs Cooper called to her husband as she watched the party of soldiers ride up the station. “Can I help you?”

“Lt Colonel Woods” Matt Woods said giving Mrs Cooper his best salute. “And I think you can. Did a coach containing army personnel stop here by any chance last night?”

“Yes son it did.” George Cooper stood beside his wife “They left just after sunrise, heading that way.” He pointed in the direction the coach had taken.

“Two lovely young men, a charming officer Lt I think.” Mrs Cooper rambled on “Some poor wretch in a torn uniform spent the whole night chained in the coach and a brother and sister travelling to San Fransisco.”

“Civilians on a what is supposed to be a military coach?” Woods didn’t like this. He’d hoped the coach held only soldiers, those he couldn’t convert to his cause well they be listed as ‘casualties of war. ‘But civilians that posed a problem. They’d probably have people waiting for them at the end of the trip. People who’d start to ask the wrong questions if their friends didn’t show up.

“Rail line blocked due to an earthquake son. Didn’t you know?” George told Woods. “The coach company’s filling every seat they can with stranded passengers. That’s why there’s folk travelling on your stage.”

“Thank-you.” Woods saluted again. “We’d best be going if we want to catch up to them.”

After five minute of searching the stage Des, Col and Pete finally got the message that there was no gold to be found.

“Alright then we’ll take your watches, wallets, your ranks bars are gold aren’t they? We’ll take them to and your jewellery miss.”

“Take your filthy hands off her.” Nick snarled.

“Back off hero” Col waved his gun at Nick “Unless you want to end up face down in the dirt.”

Heather held a restraining hand on Nicks arm

“Don’t do anything foolish.” She thought to herself

Nick looked at his sister surprise in his eyes. It was if she’d spoken out loud the voice was clear in his head. Or did he just imagine it?

“That’s better.” Col growled. “Now hero watch and wallet.”

With bad grace and a worse temper Nick did as he was asked and handed both items over.

“Now folks, so that we can get a head start and you don’t go squealing to the sheriff in the next town too quick” Del said as he and Pete unhitched the team and fired shots into the air. “Enjoy the walk.”


When the trio decided that they had put enough distance between them and the stranded passengers they had left behind they stopped and began to survey the bootie they’d collected.

“Army gold” Pete Saunders scoffed “Huh!’

“Stop whinging.” Del Copper told his disappointed partner. “Look at what we did get.”

Laid out before the stage robbers were Nick’s gold watch and wallet containing two hundred dollars. Brace’s watch, wallet and gold lieutenant’s bars, Captain Robert’s engraved gold watch and captain’s bars and Heathers gold bracelet.

“Not gold bars but still worth plenty.” Del continued.

A shadow fell across the trio.

“Pity you won’t live to enjoy it.” Lt Col Matt Woods said as he, along with his four companions moved in. “Now where are the people you took these from and where is the coach they were in?”

“How said we took them soldier boy?” Del sneered as he looked up at Woods.

“I know Captain Roberts” Woods grabbed Paul Roberts watch from Col’s hand “ And you aren’t him.” He tossed the watch to the sergeant standing next to him. .”Now once again where is that stage?”

“Don’t know nothing about a stage.” Del continued his defiance. “Found them.”

“That stage left the way station at dawn.” Woods paced around Del. “It had on board three soldiers, a military prisoner, a female civilian and a male civilian. Now where is it?”

Del continued to watch Woods circle him and stayed silent.

As the silence from his victim continued Woods grew more and more impatient. They were wasting time and time was the one thing he didn’t have.

Before Del Copper could think about opening his mouth to make another sharp remark to the agitated and annoyed Colonel, the captain and sergeant with him pulled their guns and without so much as blinking an eye shot Col Copper and Pete Saunders.

“Now I’m loosing patience here mister. The coach tell me now.” Woods drew his own weapon and waved it under the shocked Del’s nose.

Seeing that the only way he could possibly come out of this alive was to talk. Del Copper spilled his guts.

“That’s better.” Woods said when Del had finally finished.

He levelled the gun at Del’s midriff.


“When we don’t wire in from our next stop General Spence will send somebody looking for us.” Lt Brace pointed out.

Since Del and Co had left them, Lt Brace and Nick had been arguing about the best thing to do. Stay by the coach in the hot burning sun or try and reach the relative shade and safety of a cliff wall some distance away.

“And how longs that gonna take?” Nick asked, “What does your general consider a reasonable time to wait? Then how long will it take for them to find us? We don’t know if the rail lines are open again.”

The sound of distant gunfire caused any further discussion to be halted.

“Somebodies caught up with our robbers.” Roberts commented.

“Possibly your friends.” Brace responded.


“Well then they’ll have a hard time freeing you if the can’t find you.” Brace grabbed the chains linking the two cuffs that encircled Roberts’s wrists. “We head for the cliff.”


“Jamie, Richard.” Jarrod greeted the guests who stood on the doorstep of his San Fransisco home. “Come in. Let me take your coats.”

The General and the Governor handed Jarrod their coats and headed for the study door.

“This isn’t going to be a long visit Jarrod, nor is it a social one.” Mantle said as they entered the well-lit study.

“The stage containing Cap Roberts and your brother and sister is two hours late arriving at Rushers Crossing.” Spence announced. “Lt Brace has orders to wire us the moment they arrive at a designated stop.”

“And Rushers Crossing is one of those?” Jarrod asked fear creeping into his voice. “What are you going to do?”

“The rail line is nearly open again. In about two hours a troop train will be leaving bound for Stockton. We’ll start the search from there.” Mantle told his friend. “Jarrod if you want we can arrange.”

“Thanks Richard.” Jarrod didn’t let the Governor finish. He wanted to be on that train. “I’ll wire my brother and have him meet us at the station.”

“Jarrod this is to be a military operation.” Spence told the lawyer.

“I know Jamie, but I think Heath will be a huge help.” Jarrod began to explain. “Heather, my sister on the stage, is Heaths twin and well..”

“He’s in. “Mantle glared at the general with a look that said ‘defy me at your own peril’.

Mantle had seen the Barkley twins in action before and knew where Jarrod was going with his request. Anything that helped would be welcomed.

“But..” The General spluttered.

“He’s in.” Mantle repeated.

“Thanks Richard.” Jarrod clapped the Governors shoulder.


“If you’re coming you’d better get a move on.” Brace growled at Nick and Heather. “Come on MOVE.” He cast a nervous glance toward the direction the shots had come from.

“Keep your hat on.” Nick growled back. “We’re coming.”

He watched Heather tip up her drawstring bag and replace the contents with other items.

“What on earth are you doing?” He asked.

“Just getting a few things we made need together.” She told him as she continued to work. “Mother always makes sure that when the Barkley ladies travel they have a supply of bandages and things.”

Nick smiles. Trust mother. He and Heath were prone to picking up the odd injury now and again.

“Ready.” Heather smiled sweetly at Brace.


“Gone.” Woods swore as he surveyed the empty coach.

“Sir.” Captain Letts called to his superior office. “Signs indicate that went this way.”

Woods grinned. Letts wasn’t rated as one of the top scouts for nothing.

“Hardy.” He called to the sergeant. “This way.”


“Heath.” Jarrod called to his younger brother as he disembarked from the first train to run to Stockton in four days. “Over here.”

“Jarrod.” Heath greeted his eldest brother. “You made good time.”

“When the army wants something no force on earth can stop them.” Jarrod told his blond sibling. “Not even an earthquake.”

Heath just shook his head, things beyond his control where at work here. “What’s so all fired important? Your message said tell Mother nothing What’s happening?”

“Nick and Heather are in grave danger.” Jarrod then went on to tell his brother about Captain Roberts, the plot against the army and the governor. “We’ll be joining the search party”

“Thought something was up when I saw a soldier riding as guard.” Heath mentally chastised himself. “Jingo’s here and ready.”

“Good let’s move.”


The stranded party was making good progress; they have covered about half the ground between the coach and the safety that the cliff offered.

To Brace however they didn’t seem to be moving fast enough, Roberts seemed to be lagging behind.

“Come on Roberts” Brace snarled as he fell back to join the ex-captain. “Don’t think that I haven’t noticed you’re lagging behind.” He gave Roberts a shove. “Hoping your friends catch up so you can rejoin them are you?”

“Can’t hang a man for trying.” Was Roberts’s reply.

“Don’t even think about it. You’re going to General Spence and then you’re going to pay for what you’ve done.”

Paul Roberts just glared at the stuffy Lieutenant. How he wished he could tell Brace the truth and bring him down a peg or two. That would wipe the smile off his smug face.

He glanced toward the brother and sister unwilling drawn into all this. The tall cowboy looked like the type who could handle himself in any situation. A good man to have in your corner in a tight spot. He was glad in a way that the cowboy was on this trip. Depending on how things played out he may be needed.

The sister. Now there was a spitfire. She’d handled herself well during the robbery no fainting, no hysterics and she wasn’t afraid to speak out and put stuffy Lt Brace in his place. She was also damned pretty with it. He hated to admit it but he was starting to feel something for her and wondered if she felt anything for him.

“Stop it.” He mentally chastised himself. “Remember Dora.”

He smiled as an image of his intended Dora Hanley came into his head.


Woods smiled as through the spyglass the travellers came into view.

“Got him.” He thought.

He followed the group studying each member. A lieutenant, a corporal and a private. They’d be given the choice; either join the cause or die. The three civilians now they couldn’t be left alive. To keep the cause a secret they’d have to die. But he reflected they’d die in service of their state. They’d go down in history as the first causalities of war. A sacrifice for a new order.

“Forward.” He called.

Heads went up as the sound of hoof beats came closer. The party were now closer to the relative safety of the cliffs. Nick and Seth Hanks had just returned to the group with the news of a cave with a concealed entrance, all they had to do was reach it and they’d be safe.

From the two officers in the party two different reactions. Lt Brace was relieved to see the man he knew to be General Spence’s trusted aide and on Capt Roberts face was a look of concern He saw not the trusted aide but leader of the rebels, the man who saw himself as the next Governor of the State of California, even if it was by mutiny and murder.

Woods stopped his horse a few feet from the travellers and studied the group closely.

The civilians were of course strangers to him. As was the private. The corporal he recognized as Anthony Jones, one of his own men.

“Good.” He thought to himself “This should make things a little more interesting.”

Finally his attention was turned to the Lieutenant.

“Brace.” He swore. He’d no alternative now. Brace was too hardnosed and straight, no chance of him turning and joining the cause. Brace would have to die.

“Colonel Woods sir.” Brace saluted his superior officer as Woods and his party rode up. “Wasn’t expecting to see you out here sir.”

Woods returned the salute. “Heard you had the prisoner with you Lt thought I ride out and meet the stage at its next stop. Ran into those robbers instead.”

“Those shots we heard sir?”

“They tried to put resistance, we had no choice.”

Woods started at Roberts.

“I’ll take charge of Capt Roberts now Lt Brace.”

“Sir my orders are to hand ex captain Roberts over to nobody except General Spence.” Brace protested.

“Are you disobeying a direct order?” Woods said threateningly.

“No sir but General Spence…”

Woods drew his gun and pointed it directly at Brace. “Hand him over. Now.”

Letts and Hardy also drew their guns

“What’s going on?” Brace was astounded. Officers didn’t usually draw arms against other offices unless either ordered to do so or in battle.

“He’s the leader of the rebel band.” Roberts said.

“You’re out of your mind.” Brace growled. “He’s General Spence’s aide.”

“He’s the leader of a band of rebel officers and men planning to kill both General Spence and Governor Mantle, thereby bring California under military rule.” Roberts informed the stunned officer. “I was sent in to infiltrate the group by General Spence and Governor Mantle.” Roberts continued “Captain Paul Roberts Military Intelligence.” He introduced himself.

Corporal Tony Jones, who had been watching events unfold from one side, decided it was about time he showed which side he was truly on and drew is gun on the travellers.

“JONES.” Brace bellowed, “What on earth are you doing?”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet Brace?” Nick piped up “He’s one of them.”

“Bright boy.” Jones snarled. “Now drop it cowboy, nice and easy.”

With Jones’s rifle pointed squarely at him Nick had no choice.

With the attention not focused on her, Heather decided it was time to take action and try to at least created a diversion. Standing on slightly sandy soil gave her an idea.

“Nick, if you can only sense part of this BE READY.” She thought. And prayed that the much talked about connection between her, her twin and their older brother was real.

Nick couldn’t believe it. Heather fainted. His sister never fainted.


“Yes son.” Mrs Cooper said in response to Mantle’s question. “The stage left just as it should’ve at dawn.”

Only the bossy Mrs Cooper could get away with calling the Governor of California ’Son’.

“Then there was those..” Mr Cooper tried to say.

“Yes George I was coming to that.” Mrs Cooper snapped. “Then about three hours after they left these rather handsome officers showed up looking for them.”

“Officers?” Spence boomed.

“Yes two of them.” Mrs Cooper continued, “One called himself LT Col Matt Woods and the other Captain Letts”

“And that sergeant.” George Cooper put in “Hardy he called himself.

Spence was shocked. Woods, Letts and Hardy were all supposed to be in another part of the state. What were those three doing here? He had given Woods the orders personally.

Mantle also recognized the names. But said nothing.

“And they left when?” Jarrod picked up the questioning.

“About three to four hours after the stage.” Mrs Cooper smiled at Jarrod. “Did I mention the brother and sister travelling in the coach? Handsome cowboy he was and that lovely red head, some man should snap her up quickly.”

“They’re our brother and sister.” Jarrod looked at Heath and both of them smiled.

“Where they all right when you saw them last?” Heath asked.

“Oh yes, although I think your sister was a little annoyed with your brother.”

Again both Heath and Jarrod smiled.

“That wouldn’t surprise me on bit.” Heath told the couple


Nick felt that little tap on his shoulder again. He readied himself, something was going to happen he just wasn’t sure what.

Three things actually happened. Heather, far from having fainted got to her feet and threw loose sand and dirt into the eyes of the soldiers horses, causing them to rear up and generally to go into a state of confusion. The three riders’ were concentrating more on regaining control of their animals than on the travellers and this allowed both Nick and Lt Brace to dive for their guns.

Jones, unaffected by Heather’s little rouse, managed to fire off two rounds before Nick took him out.

A cry of surprise and pain from Paul Roberts told them that at least one round had found it’s mark.

“Go.” Nick called to his sister and the injured Captain. “We’ll cover you.”

“Miss you’ll need these.” Brace tossed Heather a set of keys.

As Nick, Brace, Hanks and the private all took what little cover was on offer Heather and Roberts headed for the cave.

With luck and the directions Nick had provided earlier, the pair had no trouble finding the hide-away.

“Let me see.” Heather said as she and Roberts entered the cave. “Don’t be shy or concerned about my feelings.”

Still clutching his shoulder Roberts began to protest.

“I have three, shall we say, adventurous brothers and have seen my fair share of injuries. Your shoulder won’t shock me I promise you.”

The cuffs around Roberts’s wrists were quickly removed, as was the right sleeve of both his jacket and shirt.

The bullet had passed straight through his shoulder leaving a nasty entry and exist wound. Quickly as she could Heather applied a pad made up of torn petticoat and wrapped the bandages she’d brought with her around it.

“Very nice” Robert’s admired the handiwork. “You really are full of surprises Miss Barkley.”

“Thank- you Captain Roberts.” Heather blushed slightly.

“You’ve got to tell her.” He thought to himself. “She had the right to know.”

“Miss Barkley.” He said out loud. “I’ve got something to tell you. First off I think you’re a very beautiful, intelligent and clever girl. I’m starting to have feelings for you and well it’s like this. If we’d have met six months ago I would be asking your brothers permission to call on you.” He coughed nervously.

Heather’s blush deepened a little; she was also beginning to have feelings for the Captain.

“But I’m engaged. Dora, my fiancé and I are to be married next month.”

“I understand.” Heather told him with more than just a hint of sorrow in her voice. “I wish you both every happiness.”

“I’m really sorry if I led you on.”

“You were honest and I admire that.” Heather turned away and let a tear roll down her cheek.

A burst of gunfire interrupted their thoughts.

“Sit down, moving around will cause further blood loss.” Heather ordered Capt Roberts as he tried to get to his feet and make for the cave entrance. “I’ll see if I can see what’s happening.”

“What can you see?” Roberts asked anxiously

“Nothing.” Heather admitted.

A second burst could be heard. As quickly as it began the sound died.

Heathers head went up and she quickly looked around the cave for any sign of a hiding place. Horses were approaching, and the only horses that she and Captain Roberts had seen belonged to the mutineers

“Company.” She hissed to Roberts as she helped him up and over to what looked like an entrance to a second smaller cave. “Hurry.”

The echo chamber quality of the bigger cave told the pair when the riders had arrived, and when they had entered the hidden chamber.

“She’s got to be here somewhere.” Nick told Jarrod and Heath as they stood starring at the vast chamber. “There’s nowhere else to go.”

“To go, go, go” Nick’s voice echoed.

“Nick, look at it. It’s huge.” Jarrod pointed out.

“Huge, huge, huge.” Jarrod’s voice reverberated

The smile on Heathers face was a mile wide as she heard the voices that belonged to her brothers.


“Sweetheart we’re so proud of you.” Victoria congratulated her daughter as the family group stood in the Gallery of San Fransisco.

Victoria and Audra had hurried to San Fransisco when they’d heard the travellers were all safe.

Heather just smiled and blushed. Things were happening just a little quickly. People she hadn’t even met were coming up and asking if they could buy any of the pictures, and others wanted to know if she’d do some work for them.

With Jarrod’s help she’d managed to deal with them and get some time to enjoy the display. Even Governor Mantle wanted her to paint one of his roses.

In the time between Heather, Nick and Captain Roberts reaching the city and the opening of the display a lot had happened.

Although both Captain Letts and Sergeant Hardy didn’t survive the gun battle, Lt Col Matt Woods did.

From the information Paul Roberts had passed onto Spence and Mantle, the General had been able to purge the units under his command of it’s mutinous officers and now they along with Woods were to stand trial for treason.

Earlier Governor Mantle had opened the show and now the invited guests where enjoying nibbles, champagne and the works of art.

“You know Victoria that daughter of yours is very talented.” Mantle had cornered Victoria.

“Yes, I do know Richard.” Victoria smiled.

“Any chance you could put in a word on my behalf..”

“We’ll see.” Victoria said as she watched the crowd. “But if she accepts your offer at all it will be her decision.” This was the second time Mantle had asked one of the family to speak to Heather about his rose’s.

Out of the corner of her eyes Victoria saw Jarrod guide a handsome military officer and his lady toward where Heather, Nick and Heath were standing.

“An old friend wants to say hello.” Jarrod told the group.

“Paul, how are you?” Nick greeted the army officer. “Good to see you up and about.”

“Nick, Heath.” Paul Roberts greeted the Barkley brothers “Good to see you both again.”

“Miss Barkley.” Paul kissed Heathers hand. “May I introduce my fiancé Dora Hanley? Dora this is Heather, Nick and Heath Barkley. The people who saved my life.”

As Victoria watched the group exchange pleasantries she noticed Heather slowly edge away from the group looking decidedly uncomfortable.

“Sweetheart?’ She asked as she moved toward her daughter. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing Mother.” Heather said as she smiled at her mother.

“You began to fall in love with him out there didn’t you?”

“Yes.” Heather admitted.

“Don’t worry you’ll get over him. It may take time but eventually you’ll forget about him” Victoria patted her shoulder. “You’ll see. Some day the right man will come along and you’ll forget all about him.”

“I hope so.” Heather said as she took a last look at the handsome Captain Roberts and turned to speak to another fan.


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