













Steve knocked on Marc’s door. “Everything alright?”

“Yea I’m fine.”

“Oh say hi to Matt for me.”

“How did you know I was talking to Matt?”

“I didn’t you just told me.”

“Pretty sneaky Steve.”

“You better get some sleep if you want to go fishing in the morning.”

“We’re going fishing?”

“We sure are especially if you want to have dinner tomorrow night.”

“Ok I’ll be ready.”

Steve went to the phone and called Rudy. “Hi Steve how’s it going?”

“We are making some progress. Rudy this little guy has a lot to try and handle right now. I don’t know if I can deal with it alone.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s not just the bionic issue. It’s the loss of his parents. And even thought we haven’t covered it yet, I would assume that Ms. Winters played a part as well as the move form DC to Arlington. I plan to talk to him about that tomorrow.”

“You want Rick and I to join you?”

“Just you not Rick. Marc thinks he’s a dweeb.”

“He’s the best child psychologist in the country.”

“Well that may be true, but Marc doesn’t like him.”

“Have you asked Marc how he feels about me?”

“Not yet. We still have a ways to go. If you do come up tomorrow, bring Matt with you he misses his brother too much.”

“I’ll do that. How about sometime after dinner? Give the two of you more time to talk.”

“Great, say around 3:00?”

“I’ll be there.”

Steve was up early he fried up some eggs and bacon. Marc smelled it cooking and was drawn out of bed and into the kitchen.

“Smells good.” He said.

“I thought you might like it. Pull up a chair it’s all ready.”

“Matt would love to go fishing.”

“Well maybe we can bring him next time. What did you two talk about last night?”

“He wondered what we were doing. I told him we were talking. He wanted to know what we were talking about.”

“Did you tell him?”

“I had to he would have found out anyway. He always knows what I’m thinking and I know what he’s thinking.”

“So Marc how do you like Rudy?”

“He’s alright I guess.”

“Just alright?”

“I liked Dr. Peters better.”

“Whose Dr. Peters?”

“He was my doctor when I lived in New York with mom and dad.”

“I see. What made him so special?”

“He always gave us a lollipop when we were done.”

“Other than that, what do you think of Rudy?” “I like him. He’s nice.”

“But he’s just ‘ok’ Huh? I mean nothing special?”

“Do you want me to be honest?”

“I would appreciate it.”

“I’m scared of him.”

“Really? Why?”

“I really don’t like any doctor. They all have one thing in mind.”

“What’s that?”

“They always pretend to be nice. And that they are your friend, and the whole time they’re planning on giving you a shot.”

Steve burst out laughing. “I never looked at it that was before. Well maybe I did when I was your age. You don’t worry about stuff like that when you get older. I guess they don’t hurt after that.”

“Why are you asking me that anyway?”

“I’ll be very honest with you Marc. You are going to have to depend on Rudy a lot especially in the next few years. It’s very important that you trust him. Aside from the fact that you’re afraid of shots, what do you think of Rudy?”

“I think he’s pretty neat.”

“Great! I’ll tell him about the shot and the lollipop ok.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I’ll tell him if he plans to give you a shot at anytime to not pretend to be nice, to just let you know up front.”

“I think I would like that.” He thought a moment. “So would Matt.”

“Good.” Steve said. “Ready to go fishing?”


“Well come on then. We got to get there while they are biting.”

Again they tossed the paper plates into the trash as they went out the door.

“Ok then. Here’s your fishing pole. I’ll use this one. The lake is right over here.”

Marc rested the pole against his shoulder and they headed off for the lake.


“How did you like moving down here from New York and then going from DC to Arlington?” Steve asked once they were settled on the bank.

“I really didn’t like it. All my friends were in Bayside.”

“Lot’s of people move Marc.”

“Twice in two months?”

“Well not really but your situation was different. You understand don’t you why you had to move so much at first?”

“Not really.”

“Marc you understand why you had to move away from New York right?”

“Yea, I know that. What I don’t understand is why we had to move to Arlington. I was just starting to make friends at school.”

“I know. You know that social worker wanted to take you away from your dad? What did you think the day she took you from your dad?”

“I was scared.”

“Well your dad didn’t want that to happen to you again, so he moved you to a place where she can’t find you.”

“Grandpa found us.”

“What did you think of that?”

“He’s not very nice.”



“You want to talk about that?”

“I don’t know. I’m not really sure what happened. I was outside.”

“I know you were. But you have heard us talk about it.”

“I guess so.”

“So, what did you think about your grandpa breaking into your house?”

“He’s pretty weird.”

“Is that what they call it? Marc how would you feel if your grandma wins this next custody fight? Do you want to live with her?”

“No way!”


By the time they finished they had plenty of fish. “Glad we caught extra, we are having company for dinner.”

“Really, who’s coming?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“I wish it were Matt?”

“Well maybe another time.”

“I want to say one more thing. Marc when you are having strange feelings you need to talk about them right away. I will try to be around as much as I can. Do you feel a little better now?

“A little bit. Can I really talk to you anytime?”

“You bet.”

They got back to the cabin and Steve told Marc to take a shower and get cleaned up. Marc had just stepped out of the shower and back into his room when Rudy arrived.

“Hi Rudy, come on in. Matt, Marc’s room is that door right there,” he pointed. “Go on in.”

“How is he doing? Did you ask him how he feels about me?” Rudy asked Steve.

“Sit down Rudy. Would you like something to drink?”

“Just water is fine.”

Steve fixed him a glass of water and sat down across the table from him. “Marc trusts you. But he doesn’t really like you. He doesn’t like any doctors for that matter.”

“Why doesn’t he like me?”

“Well to quote Marc. ‘They always pretend to be nice. And that they are your friend, and the whole time they’re planning on giving you a shot.’”

This time Rudy laughed. “I’ll try to refrain from that.”

“I think if you just forewarn him he will accept it.”

“Ok, I’ll keep that in mind.”

“We covered a lot of ground, I think we can go home in the morning. What Marc needs to do is talk about how he feels when he feels that way. I told him my door was always open. He misses his brother too much, and I can’t get a whole lot done with Matt around.”

”I guess you’re right. But you did make some progress?

“Yes we did.”

“Well that’s good.”


That Monday everyone was back in school. Marc was feeling a little better about things and had promised to talk about his feelings to Steve or Jaime whenever the need arose.

Russ wasn’t the only one waiting outside Danny’s school when Danny walked out. Millie and Carla were also there.

“Danny, come here a minute,” they called. “Would you like to go get an ice cream?”

“No” Danny screamed and jumped into Russ’ car. “Step on it Russ We have to get to the OSI and tell Dad to call the twins and Joey’s school.”

“Why the rush Dan?” Russ asked.

“Russ. Do you see that car that’s leaving?”

“Yes. What about it?”

“Millie and Carla are in it.They tried to pick me up. I didn't see the twins and Joey but I'm sure they are on their way to Bates to get the twins and Joey.”

“Dan, Oscar adopted you. You don’t need to worry.”

“They are planning on taking dad back to court. In child custody, possession is 9/10 of the law. If they have us, they can keep dad in court for years.”

“Why don’t we just head for Bates ourselves?” Russ wanted to know.

“They have too much of a head start. We can be to the OSI building faster than they can get to Bates.” Danny informed him.

Russ hit the gas and sped to the OSI. The minute the car stopped Danny jumped out of the car and raced for his dad’s office. The elevator was being serviced so he had to take the stairs. He ran up the three flights to his dad’s office.

“Callahan I need to see my dad.”

“He’s not here right now Danny. He’s in a grade seven meeting down the hall. “ Callahan informed him.

Danny ran out of his dad’s outer office and down the hall. His lungs felt like they were ready to burst. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his inhaler then he reached for the doorknob and…

The guard stopped him. “I’m sorry son you can’t go in there.” Danny reached in his other pocket an pulled out his ID he showed it to the guard.

“I’m sorry. Grade seven’s only.”

“I have to see my dad.” Danny could hardly breathe much less talk. He put the inhaler in his mouth and pushed the canister.

“Well I can’t let you in there.”

Danny kicked the guard in the shin and opened the door.

“Danny! What’s wrong?” Oscar said opening the door after hearing all the commotion in the hallway.

By now he was wheezing so badly he couldn’t get the words out.

Oscar turned to Russ who was coming up behind Danny “Russ what’s going on!” Oscar demanded.

“Oscar you need to call Bates and tell them that Millie and Carla are on their way there. They tried to pick up Danny just a minute ago. Tell them I’m on my way to get them and to not let them go with anyone.”

“Consider it done.” Oscar picked up the phone and dialed the school. ‘Rudy see if you can help Danny.”

Rudy walked over to Danny “Come on Dan, take it easy just relax. I’ll take him down to my office.” Rudy said as he guided Danny down the hall. “Come on Dan, just relax. Did you use your inhaler?”

Danny nodded.

The guard quickly got out of the way, and allowed them to pass. He was hoping he wasn’t in trouble for preventing Danny from entering so he decided not to say anything.

The secretary at Bates answered. “Bates Academy may I help you?”

“Yes this is Oscar Goldman. My children’s grandmother and aunt are on their way. You are not to let my kids go with them. I repeat, hold them in your office until Mark Russell arrives. He will pick them up today. I know you are all aware of the situation?”

“Yes we are. Don’t worry sir we will hold them here with us until Russ arrives.” The secretary assured him.

“Thanks.” Oscar said he hung up the phone, and headed down to Rudy’s office to see how Danny was getting along. “How is he Rudy?”

“He’s better. I just want him to relax for a while.” Then he turned to Danny. “You don’t need to do any work today.

“Ok thanks.” Dan replied.

”Oh by the way how are the new glasses working.”

“Fine.” Danny answered.

“Ok you just rest. I’ll be back in a half hour to check on you.”

“Ok. What about the other kids?” Danny wanted to know.

“Russ is on his way to get them.” Rudy assured him “You just rest for a little bit. I don’t want you to get sick again.”

“That’s good.” He uttered and then sat back in the chair to rest.


Russ arrived with the kids. “They were there. They were pretty upset that the school wouldn’t release them. They claimed all they wanted to do was take them for ice cream.”

“Yea right.” Oscar grumbled. “I’m sure to an ice cream store in NewYork no doubt. Russ from now on, these kids are your top priority.”

“Danny says that in child custody possession nine tenths of the law, is that true?”

“Unfortunately it is.” Oscar stated. “If they were to obtain physical custody of the kids before the hearing, whether it was legal or not, they could keep me tied up in court till Joey is 18.”


“The law doesn’t protect kids the way it’s supposed to. You see I would more than likely win custody, but if the Jenkins wanted to appeal, they could arrange it so the kids would remain with them.”

“I didn’t know it got that complicated.”

“That’s why I can’t allow them to take the children. I’m sure their attorney has advised them to get the kids at any cost. My attorney has advised me to not even allow the Jenkins to see the kids.”

“Who is handling the case in New York?” Rudy asked.

“Joe Thompson, the same lawyer who brought the kids to me in the first place. Since the hearing is in New York, I have to have a lawyer from there. Joe agreed to represent me.”

“That’s good.” Rudy added.

“Don’t worry Oscar, I’ll take personal charge.” Russ assured him.

“I just want you to concentrate on the younger ones. I’m not too worried about Danny. He would never go with them. I will continue to drop them off, but I want you to pick them up. Pick up the younger ones first and then Danny. He can use the extra time to study or something.”

“I’ll do that. When is the hearing?”

“Let see, this is Monday? It is Wednesday. That’s why they are so desperate.”

Rudy spoke for the first time. He had been listening to the conversation. “Maybe you should all stay here till the hearing. Why is it in New York this time?”

“I don’t know why. I will ask Thompson when I get there and Rudy I will not leave my home.”

“Then at least get extra security then.”

“I will do that. Maybe Steve and Jaime will be interested.”

“Try and stop them!” Rudy maintained.

“Steve wanted to talk to me anyway about his trip with Marc. I guess we can talk then.”

Jaime and Steve both agreed to act as extra security at the house. They weren’t going to let any of them out of their sight till after the hearing. Steve agreed to be the twins personal body guard during the day, Russ said he would watch out for Danny and Jaime agreed to watch over Joey.”


On Wednesday Steve came to pick up the twins to take them to school. “Oscar, can I talk to you for just a minute? It’s about Marc. I’m sorry I haven’t had a chance to discuss this with you before this. I don’t think you should send him on assignments at least till he is a little older.”

“Really, did Marc say something?”

“As a matter of fact he did. I think he is just too young. And Oscar don’t think ‘well this assignment will be cut and dry’ it will be all right. I’ve been on those type of assignments and have come awful close to losing my life.”

“Ok, I’ll try to refrain from it. But Steve there are times I may need to use Marc.”

“Well try to hold back. Oscar he’s not ready yet.”

“I feel he’s ready.”

“He might be ready physically, but not emotionally”

“Maybe you’re right. Am I guilty of doing this to my son as well?” Oscar asked.

“Not really, you just don’t consider the consequences of the outcome is all.” Steve told him. “Are the twins ready, by the way?”

“Yea I’ll call them down.” He went to the steps and called up to them.

“Boys time to go to school.”

They followed Steve out to the car.

When he arrived at the courthouse his lawyer met him. “Why do we have to have the hearing in New York?” Oscar asked.

“The kids were born in New York and the family is from there. They feel they will have a better chance. They think the judge will lean toward them. Home turf advantage and so on.” The lawyer explained to him.

“Well I don’t like it.” Oscar complained.

“Do you have the decision from the other judge? The one who said he never wanted to see the case cross his docket again?”

“As a matter of fact I do. I thought I would need it.”

“Good! That will hold a lot of weight.” His lawyer told him.

“I’m starting to lose my patience with the whole thing!” Oscar maintained.

“Just keep your cool in front of the judge no matter what. He just might test you. Don’t be surprised if he puts the hearing off till Monday. This judge is famous for doing just that.”

“Why on earth would he do something like that?”

“To make you mad. Especially a man in your position. This judge thinks he is above everyone, even the federal courts.”

“I see. You have peaked my interest.”

“He wants to exert your authority and then use it against you.”

“I see. So just don’t let him get to me, huh?”

“I guarantee you if he puts it off till Monday and you complain, he will pretend to shuffle through papers and say that he needs to put it off even longer. Let the Jenkins be the ones to tick him off like they did the last time.”

“Won’t their lawyer give them the same advice?”


“So, how do you guys like your school?” Steve asked the twins as he drove them to school.

“It’s ok.” Matt said.

“Just ok?” Steve quizzed. “How do you like your teachers?”

“I like mine.’ Marc claimed.

“Mine is not too bad” Matt added.

“How do you like being in separate classes?”

“We don’t,” they said together.

‘There’s another problem for Marc to deal with,’ Steve thought to himself. “Well maybe we can do something about that. I’ll talk to your dad when he gets back.”

“That would be great!” They cheered.

Steve pulled up in the parking lot of Bates Academy. “You two go on to your class. I will tell the principal what’s going on.”

“Ok see you in a little bit.” They went off hand in hand to their classes.

Steve went to the office to explain that he would be watching the twins and that Jaime would be in the preschool class with Joey.


“I kind of doubt that he is new and has never been up against this judge before.” Oscar’s lawyer informed him. “I’m anxious to see how this plays out. I’ve been up against him before though like I said not with this judge. The guy is a pipsqueak. He is so arrogant it will make your hair turn gray.”

“I get what you’re saying.” Oscar smiled.

By 9:00 they were all assembled in the courtroom. The judge came in and took the bench. “Is everyone present?’

“Yes your Honor. Joe Thompson. I represent Oscar Goldman.”

“Oscar Goldman eh?” the judge surmised. He turned to the other lawyer. “And you are?”

“Phil Martin. I represent the Jenkins family.”

“Thank you, gentlemen.” The judge went on. “I have pressing business. I will hear your opening statements and then I think we will have to wait till Monday to actually start the hearing. Do I hear any objections?” He glared straight at Oscar. “Is that ok with you?”

Joe stood up. “We have no objections sir.”

Joe was right he was trying to get Oscar to start complaining and exert his authority.

It was Phil Martin who raised an objection. “Your Honor my clients have waited months to see their grandchildren…”

“If they have waited that long a couple of more days won’t hurt them. Opening statements please. You first, Mister Thompson.”

“Yes your Honor. Two years ago Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jenkins approached me. They wanted to make arrangements for their four young sons in the event anything should happen to them. I had the papers we drawn up.”

“I’ll take them.” The bailiff took the papers and handed them to the judge.

The judge glanced at them. “I can see these are official. Please continue.”

“Yes your Honor. On September 15 my clients were killed in a plane crash. Wanting to fulfill my clients’ wishes I informed Oscar Goldman of the tragedy then after giving him time to prepare for the children, I delivered them a few days later.”

“I don’t understand why we are here then. It seems this case has already been decided.” The judge demanded. Looking at the Jenkins and their lawyer.

“Are you finished Mr. Thompson?”

“Just about you Honor. The Jenkins became incensed by the decision. On Thanksgiving night Frank Jenkins and his son Paul broke into Mr. Goldman’s house and tried to kill him. They ended up shooting a good friend of Mr. Goldman’s “

“Are you serious?” The judge was astonished.

“Here is a transcript from that trial you honor.” Again Thompson handed the bailiff the documents and he handed them to the judge.

“What do your clients have to say about this Mister Martin?”

“I was unaware of the situation your Honor.” Martin stated.

The judge gave the transcript to the bailiff. “Please hand this to Mister Martin so he can come up to speed and have the same information as his client.”

Martin quickly read trough the transcript. “Your Honor I had no idea.” He explained.

“Well now that you. Do I trust you will want some time to confer with your client?”

“Yes your Honor.”

“Guess what my docket has just been cleared. I’m most anxious to see how the wife of a convicted felon feels she deserves to be within 1,000 miles of these kids. I assume you will withdraw your case at once? If not well let’s just say I will remember you the next time you enter my courtroom and waste my time. I call a fifteen minute recess.”


When court reconvened everyone was astonished to find out that the Jenkins wanted to proceed with their case.

“All I can say on that your Honor is that my clients want the children.” Martin informed everyone.

“I will hear your opening statements then.” The judge fumed.

Oscar leaned over and whispered to his lawyer. “Talk about ticking off the judge.”

Thompson nodded.

“Proceed Mrister Martin.”

“Yes your Honor. My clients feel they have been cheated. Their son was forced to sign the papers stating Mister Goldman become the children’s legal guardian…”

“Just a moment. Mister Goldman, did you and your sister hold a gun to Tom Jenkins’s head while he signed the papers?”

Oscar stood. “Of course not your Honor. I wasn’t even aware of the decision before my sister was killed.”

“Thank you.” he turned to the lawyer, “That will be a $5.000 fine for contempt Mister Martin. Would you care to continue your opening statement now without the fabrications?”

Martin’s face turned red with embarrassment. “Yes your Honor.”

“Please write out a check first and hand it to the bailiff.”

“Yes sir.” Martin removed his checkbook from his breast pocket and he wrote out a check. He then handed it to the bailiff. The bailiff handed it to the judge.

“Thank you.” The judge said folding the check and placing it on the bench.

“You may continue Mister Martin. I trust you have plenty of checks? Any time I feel you are not being honest with me or that you are wasting the court’s time, I will site you with contempt. Do I make myself clear? I feel you are already wasting this court’s time with this entire proceeding.”

“A moment your Honor.”

“You have exactly 2 minutes.”

“Thank you.” He leaned over to confer with his clients.

“Your Honor my clients wish to withdraw the petition.”

“I was hoping they would. As the judge in the first case said, this case is to never be heard again in any courtroom anywhere. I’m sorry for wasting your time Mister Goldman. I know what a busy man you are.”

“Thank you your Honor.” Oscar and his lawyer left the courthouse.

“I think I see how the game is played now.” Oscar observed. Kiss the judge’s butt and you get what you want.”

“More or less Oscar.”


Oscar headed back to Washington. The kids were waiting for him at home. Steve and Jaime were with them.

After school Steve had to stop by Rudy’s office. Rudy had wanted to talk to him and Steve had just now found the time.

“You want to ask me something Rudy?”

“Yea. I still can’t figure out why you wanted me to come up to the cabin on Friday.”

“Oh that. I thought I might need your help, but it turned out I didn’t.”

“How did it go that morning before we came up?”

“Pretty good. I don’t know Rudy. I would love to spend more time with him, but he misses Matt too much. I thought I would be able to talk to him more, but once you got there with Matt I could see that wouldn’t be possible.”

“And trying it without Matt wasn’t going so well either, huh?’

“Not really. Don’t misunderstand. We did cover a lot of ground. But he misses Matt too much.”

“Well they are identical twins. They are very close. Closer than a lot of twins I have known.”

“Really?” Steve looked at Rudy.

“Yea. I’m sure it has something to do with the fact that they were meant to be one person to begin with.”

“You may be right.” Steve agreed.

“Anyway what else did the two of you talk about?”

“Well, he is having problems with moving, and the loss of his parents. It just seems like everything came down on the kid at once.”

“That is a lot for a little guy to take in all at once.” Rudy surmised.

“I know. Like I said, I would love to spend more time with him but Matt gets in the way.”

“I understand.”

“They also don’t like being in separate classes either.”

“Well maybe Oscar can talk to the school and see if just for a while they could be together.”

Steve looked at his watch. “I better get going. Oscar will be home soon.”

“See you later.”


“I wonder,” Jaime said when Steve arrived home with the twins.

"Wonder what?” Steve asked.

“If I should start dinner.”

“You can wait till Oscar gets home.”

“Maybe you’re right.” She agreed.

An hour later Oscar pulled into the driveway. “Well I guess I’m stuck with you. “ He teased.

All four boys jumped in the air clapping their hands.

“Hey Matt, we better start our Christmas list.” Marc said.

“I know what I want.” Matt said. “I want a dog.”

“Rudy says you are allergic to dogs.”

“Maybe not all dogs.” The twins protested.

“I’ll have to talk to Rudy about that one. But in the meantime I would appreciate it if you gave me a list of some things you would like. Help Joey with his.”

“Yea!” Joey expressed. “I can’t wrote yet.”

“It’s ‘write’.” Danny corrected.

“Huh?” Joey asked.

“I said the correct word is ‘write’.” Danny said again looking up from his book.

“Dan, Rudy said you have to wear you glasses all the time at least for the first two months. Then after that only when you read.” Oscar admonished.

“I’m sorry I’ll go get them.” Danny said grabbing his book he went upstairs to get them and finish his reading in his room. He figured his dad would want to talk to Steve and Jaime alone.

Marc, Matt and Joey had already run off to write their Christmas lists.

“How did it go in court?” Jaime inquired after the kids had left the room.

“It went very well. Once again the Jenkins blew it. They always seem to get on the judge’s bad side.”

“Is it really over?” Steve probed.

“I hope so pal. I really hope so.”

“I think it is.” Jaime asserted. “I truly think it is over.”

“Why don’t we go out and celebrate?” Oscar suggested. “I’ll call Rudy and have him meet us.”

“You just don’t want to cook?” Steve teased.

“Well that very well may be. But I think a celebration is in order.”

“So do I” Jaime agreed.

“I’ll go get the kids.” Oscar said.

He went upstairs “Hey guys we are all going out to dinner tonight. Everybody downstairs in five minutes or you just might get left behind.”

The kids were downstairs in a flash. “Let’s go dad.” They said.


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