
Heath returned home with a bubbling enthusiasm that he labored to muzzle in front of the hands. His heart was fluttering at the thought of Gabrielle and yet a twinge cautioned him to restrain his excitement. He had a hard time fathoming his true feelings for this girl, wondering whether it was love or friendship he was experiencing. There was no doubt he liked her as a friend but could he actually kindle a romance with her? Was she too hot to handle?

He handed Charger over to Ciego and then went to the house, entering through the kitchen door.

“Silas, you’re just the man I wanted to see.”

“Mister Heath!” Silas exclaimed with relief. “Thank Heaven you okay. Your mother has been worried sick about you. Where have you been?”

“I ran into a friend and crashed at her place.” Silas threw Heath a dubious look. “It’s not what you think, Silas. Shame on you!” Heath jested. “I fell asleep on her couch while we were talking. I ran into trouble in town and she lodged me for the night until I got my bearings back.”

“Are you okay?” he asked worriedly. “What happened?”

“Just a little misunderstanding, nothing to worry about. Say Silas, I’ve invited the lady over for supper tonight. You know, to kind of repay her for her hospitality.”

“No problem, Mister Heath. I will prepare something special. Do you know her favorite dish?”

“Euh no. I didn’t ask her.”

“I could make roast duck. I know it’s your favourite. Most everyone likes roast duck.”

“Splendid. Where’s mother?”

“In her garden, I believe. She fretted over you last night, Mister Heath. You’d better go see her.”

“I will. Thanks.”

Heath walked out the door and headed toward the rose garden where he found Victoria amidst her prized blooms.

“Heath!” she squealed in delight, dropping her scissors to rush over to him. “Heath, is everything okay?”

Heath enlaced her in his arms and gave her a reassuring hug. “Of course I am, Mother.”

“When you didn’t come home last night I was worried something had happened to you.”

“Well I won’t lie, something did happen. I won big at poker and these two guys wanted to get their money back. I was losing ground when out of the blue Gabrielle appeared and knocked them out.”

“She knocked them out?” Victoria was perplexed.

“Yeah, it’s some sort of martial art that her uncle taught her. It’s pretty lethal and efficient. I asked her to teach me a few steps and for that I invited her to supper tonight.”

“That’s a lovely idea. I’m looking forward to meeting this fascinating woman.”

“I sure am eager to get to know her better.”

“I’m certain you do,” she replied teasingly.

“I sorta got the chance last night when she offered me to stay at her house while I recovered from my blows, but it was more an icebreaker than anything else.” He paused to collect his thoughts and sighed dismally. “I don’t know how I really feel about her, though. I want to get to know her better and yet I’m scared.”

“Don’t force it, Heath. You’ll know in here,” she pressed her hand to her heart, “when and if the time is right.” She then frowned at the sight of the tiny bandage applied to the side of his head.

“Gabrielle escorted me to Doc Merar this morning to make sure he checked me out. It’s nothing much. Just a scratch,” he played down to reassure her.

As she reached to lightly brush her fingers against Heath’s temple, she caught a glimpse of Sheriff Madden riding into the yard. She and Heath met him halfway to the front door.

“Fred, what brings you here?”

“Victoria,” he tipped his hat out of deference for the lady present. “Heath.” The two men exchanged a nod of the head. “I’m afraid this isn’t a social call. Is Nick around?”

“He went into town to look for Heath.” Fred stared at Heath quizzically. “He was missing last night. He arrived a few minutes ago,” Victoria explained to dissipate the confusion.

“Why do you want to see him?” Heath asked, puzzled.

“I need to speak to him. It’s urgent.”

Victoria’s brow creased at the word ‘urgent’. “What’s wrong, Fred.”

“You know Carrie Whelan?”

“She’s Nick’s girl, or so he says,” Heath jested, his brow quickly regaining his creases when Fred failed to join him in a laugh.

“Her father was just at my office early this morning. His daughter says that Nick….”


“Nick forced herself on her last night.”

Both Victoria and Heath stood bewildered at the news. “Come on, Sheriff! Nick?” Heath scoffed, tilting his head sideways to give emphasis to his incredulity.

“Where was he last night?”

Stomped for answers, Heath turned to Victoria. “He said he was going over to the Carrie’s house,” Victoria informed with reservations as to the real reason for Nick’s visit to the girl’s house, for she hated to incriminate her son before both versions of the facts were exposed.

“I have to bring him in for questioning. I suggest Jarrod be present when I do. The girl’s father will be there as well.”

The sound of thundering hooves drew attention to the iron gates through which the lone rider steered is mount.

“I’ll get him, Mother,” Heath offered. “I wouldn’t want the men to witness this.” He threw Fred a warning look to will him into compliance.

“Okay Heath. We’ll wait here,” Fred yielded.

Nick held Heath in view as he strode toward him. Too annoyed was he by the sight of a sibling he flipped the town upside down to find to even notice the woebegone look.

“Hey Heath! Nice of you to come home,” Nick expostulated “You know mother was worried sick about you last night.”

“I know and I’m sorry.”

Nick showed repentance at his griping when remorse flashed in his brother’s eyes. “S’alright,” he atoned, giving Heath a friendly pat on the arm. “I reassured her you were fine and that you probably ran into Candy,” he took Heath by the shoulders and leaned into him playfully, “if you get my drift,” he teased with a conniving wink.

“You didn’t tell her that,” Heath was outraged, his face flushing with embarrassment.

“Ah come on! She knows about these things. She wasn’t born yesterday, you know.”

“Nick, the sheriff wants to see you.”

“What about?” Nick approached the pump and squirted out water to wash his face.

“Carrie Whelan.”

His head reared up in fear. “Something happened?”

“In a way,” Heath answered evasively.

“In a way? What do you mean by that?”

“She was raped last night, Nick.”

Nick could only gawked at the bearer of the news as he felt the life drain out of him. “Raped?” he heaved out, mind boggled by the very thought of it. “Is that why Fred wants to see me? To ask if I saw the guy who did it?”

“Not exactly. She said… well she,” Heath stuttered, inhaling deeply to finish the sentence, “She said that you did it,”

“WHAT?” Nick barked, making Heath flinched and stumble backward. “THAT’S PREPOSTEROUS! Why would she say that?”

Heath shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Why you don’t believe her, do you?” Nick accused, sickened by the hint of doubt flickering in his brother’s eyes.

“Come with me. Maybe we can straighten this out with the sheriff.”

“You bet we will!” Nick bellowed, treading on his brother’s heels to meet with Fred who exposed the charges against him.

“Fred, look at me!” Nick challenged. “This is Nick Barkley. Granted I may be hot-tempered at times and yes I may have threatened some women when they showed which side of their bread was buttered, but rape?” Nick’s stomach churned at the very thought.

“Nick I have no cause to doubt you but the fact of the matter is that no one can vouch for your whereabouts last night. I have to do my job. I’d advise you to comply or you might suffer greater consequences.”

Though appalled by the allegation, Nick forfeited and willingly followed the sheriff into town with Heath and Victoria in tow.


At Victoria’s request, Fred refrained from making a display of Nick’s arrest and instead both men casually entered the office, while Heath dashed over to Jarrod’s office.

“Where’s Carrie Whelan?” Nick asked as he was led to a cell. “I demand to speak with her.”

“I can assure you, you will, Nick. She and her father should be here shortly.”

“What possessed her to accuse me of raping her? The very thought of it makes me puke!”

“Could it be on account of your unrelenting courting that somehow annoyed her?” Victoria surmised.

A wave of guilt suddenly washed over him. With fists tightly clenched around he cell bars he huffed out a frustrated sigh and conceded, “You may be right, Mother, but tonight I told her that the message had sunk in and that I would never bother her again.”

“On the other hand perhaps she didn’t want you to stop courting her and found the only way she knew how to hurt you.”

“Then Heaven forbid I don’t want to get mixed up with a loony you can’t make up her mind.”

Meanwhile Heath requested of Jarrod’s secretary to announce him, but barely had she rose from her chair that he ushered himself inside the office.

“Jarrod, sorry to barge in but we need your help. Nick’s just been arrested on suspicion of rape.”

“Rape!” Jarrod exclaimed in shock, bolting upright.

“He’s over at the jail with Mother.”

Jarrod grabbed his jacket and darted out of his office with Heath. As he walked past the reception area he instructed his secretary to take messages in his absence.

“I told you, Fred, I did not touch her!” Nick stammered with rage, his hands squeezing the bars until his knuckles went white.

“But you were there at her house last night?”

“Yes I admit I was, but we only talked. She threw me out, saying she definitely didn’t want to have anything to do me. I got the message and left.”

“When was that?”

“I don’t know,” Nick fumed, feeling like a caged animal. “Maybe eight-thirty, nine, I can’t recall exactly.”

“Word around town is that she repeatedly told you she wasn’t interested and you pursued her anyway.”

“Some women are hard to read. I thought she just wanted me to push a little harder. Women can be hard to get.”

At that moment Jarrod and Heath burst into the office and headed straight for the cell area.

“Nick, what in the heck…?”

“Jarrod, stop,” Nick warned with his hands up. “I didn’t do it.”

“I know you didn’t but why does she say you did?”

“I don’t know,” Nick raged, flinging his arms in the air. “I did go to her house last night but when she told me flat out that she wasn’t interested, I left.”

“When was that?”

“I told Fred sometime around eight-thirty, nine,” Nick huffed out in indignation.

“Well you’re going to have to do better than that,” Jarrod needled, raising Nick’s hackles.

“I’m sorry, counselor, I didn’t bring my grand father clock with me.” Nick quipped.

“Is there anyone who saw you leaving her house?” Jarrod pursued.

Nick took a momentarily leave from his frustration to scour his memory of that night. “No. Not that I know of.”

“Fred, can we post bail?” Jarrod asked.

“We’d better wait for Carl Whelan. Maybe he’ll be able to shed some light on the situation.”

“He’s a dotting father. He swallows any garbage his little princess feeds him,” Nick scorned with nostrils flaring up as he paced his cell like a caged animal.

“I was under the impression that he was pushing for you to court his daughter?” Fred pointed out.

“He was at first.”

“Maybe that’s it,” Heath chimed in. “Whelan harassed his daughter to marry a Barkley and annoyed, she saw a perfect opportunity to knock you down your pedestal.”

“But without witnesses, it’s her word against Nick.”

“His reputation might play in his favor,” Fred opined.

“Maybe. Let’s hope it does.”

As predicted Carl Whelan was merciless. He insisted Nick remain in jail until the inquest. Despite Jarrod protests, Fred was impelled to comply with the enraged father’s request, though he nurtured hopes that once the dust settled Whelan would see his way clear to allow the family to post bail.


The circumstances of the day compelled the family to cancel their dinner arrangements. Later in the evening Heath rode to Gabrielle’s house to explain the situation, hoping she would accept a rain check.

“Heath?” she exclaimed in surprise. “I’m sorry. I thought you said seven?”

“I did,” he replied somewhat embarrassed. “Euh may I come in?”

“Sure.” She caught the woebegone expression and frowned in concern. “Something wrong?”

“Euh Gaby,” he started grimly, “I’m sorry but I have to cancel dinner tonight.”

“Oh,” she sighed dejectedly, though puzzled.

“Something came up. It’s my brother Nick.”

“Nothing serious I hope?”

“He was arrested for rape.”

Gaby’s eyes bulged out at the news. “Rape?”

“My older brother Jarrod is working on straightening out the misunderstanding, because obviously it is. My brother’s not like that, believe me. He respects women.”

“I don’t doubt it,” she assured, trying to sound genuine. “Though I never met him but I’m aware of the Barkleys’ reputation for being respectful of others. If you don’t mind my asking, who is the girl?”

“Someone by the name of Carrie Whelan. I doubt you know her.”

“But I do.” Heath’s head shot up. “I do know her. She’s the one who suggested Stockton to establish my restaurant business. She’s a distant cousin.”

“Then, then you must know things about her that we don’t,” Heath probed, anxious as to what information Gaby could provide to get his brother off the hook. “You could help clear my brother.”

“Well off hand I’d say she’s a spoiled brat, if you pardon me the attribute, but that’s about it. Would she lie about a rape charge though? I don’t think so.”

“Well I know she’s lying,” Heath snarled between clenched teeth.

“Would it help if I spoke to her? Since she doesn’t know that you and I have met it’ll be easy for me to fish for details.”

“That’s a good idea, but I suggest you first speak with my brother Jarrod. He could brief you on specific questions to ask.”


“Thank you Gaby,” Heath enthused, euphoria driving him to reflexively plant a firm kiss on her lips. He retreated quickly, blushing in embarrassment at his impulse. “I’m so sorry.”

Gaby chortled amusedly. “Don’t be. I just hope I can get to the bottom of this mystery for your brother’s sake.”


Following a short briefing with Jarrod, Gaby embarked on her delicate mission she considered a privilege to have been entrusted with by a family she hardly knew, though she felt a connection with.

She rode to the Whelan’s place where the servant welcomed her to wait in the parlor while he announced her presence to the young lady of the house.

“Well if it isn’t my favorite niece!” Carl Whelan rejoiced upon entering the room. “Akim told me with had a lovely visitor.” He enlaced her in his arms and squeezed her in a warm hug. “How are you? Carrie told me you were moving to Stockton.”

“I already have. I’m starting my restaurant business.”

“How wonderful! Can you stay for dinner?”

“Actually I came over to ask Carrie out. I want her as my guinea pig for a new dish I’m trying.”

“I’m sorry but my daughter isn’t feeling well,” he informed grimly.

“I’m sorry to hear that. Nothing serious I hope?”

“Gaby!” Carrie exulted, hurrying down the stairs to meet her cousin with open arms. “It’s good to see you.”

“Same here, cousin. Your father tells me you’re a bit under the weather?”

“I’m fine. I’m fine,” she affected with a strained smile, though her teary eyes belied her true emotions. “Come with me,” she said, clasping Gaby’s hand and pulling her towards the staircase. “I want to show you my room.”

Gaby offered no resistance as she silently followed her cousin up the stairs under Carl’s watchful eye.

Once inside her bedroom, Carrie dissolved in tears into Gaby’s arms.

“My God, Carrie, what’s wrong?”

“Gaby it was awful,” she sobbed, her voice cracking with emotions. “He…he…”

“What? What?” Gaby prodded in anguish, taking firm hold of the shuddering shoulders. “What’s wrong, Carrie? My God you’re scaring me.”

“Promise you won’t tell?”

“Cross my heart.”

Carrie pulled away and went to sit on the edge of the bed. “I have to talk to someone or I’ll burst.”

Gaby walked over to the bed and sat next to her troubled friend, putting a hand on her arm to convey her compassion.

“His name’s Nick Barkley. He’d been making advances at me for quite some time and two nights ago he came to the house to try to invite me to dinner. I told him off, said I didn’t want to have anything to do with him. I thought he’d finally gotten the message, but….”

“She said you came back sometime later and forced her out back to the gazebo where you had your way with her,” Gaby finished the story over at the jail with Nick, Jarrod and Heath.

“She’s lying!” Nick bellowed with great indignation. “I admit I went to her house with a bunch of flowers wanting to ask her out on a date but when she turned me down flat, I turned around and left.”

“In a huff,” Gaby pointed out.

“Yeah I was angry. But I got the point, finally. She didn’t want to have anything to do with me.”

“Where did you go after you left her house, Nick?” Heath asked.

“I rode around, wandering.”

“Anyone saw you?” Jarrod added.

“I already told you Jarrod, I don’t think so,” Nick lashed out with exasperation.

“Well for your sake Nick I would cudgel my brain and try to remember. Your life depends on it.”

“You don’t think he’ll hang for this?” Heath asked, concerned.

“No, but they might give him a stiff jail sentence.” He noticed that Gaby was deep in thought. “Something else?”

“Yes. She said she couldn’t clearly see the face of her aggressor for he wore a mask but that she remembered the voice and….Nick, may I smell you?”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Carrie said that you wore a particular cologne. That’s how she was able to tell it was you.”

“Hell there must be a dozen of other men who use the same.”

“True. And that’s why I need to get a whiff.” Nick looked at his brothers in bewilderment. Heath and Jarrod both nodded in agreement, prompting Nick to acquiesce, albeit repulsively, to the lady’s demand. “Can’t be much left. I didn’t splash any on this morning for obvious reasons.”

“There’s always a speck left.” Her sniffling nose wandered up and down his neck. “The scent is very familiar. I seem to recall some other man wearing the same brand.”


“That’s just it. I can’t remember.” Her eyes suddenly bulged out. “Oh my God! She gasped, holding a hand to her mouth. “It can’t be.”

“What?” Heath asked, clasping her arm. “What is it?”

“I hope this is a mere coincidence.” Her ashen face stared saucer-eyed in terror at Heath. “I think I know the man. He’s darkhaired, roughly built the same and the voice has a matching timbre.”

“Gabrielle, who is it?” Heath insisted, squeezing her arm in emphasis.

“The man you saw entering my place of business that day. The one you thought was my husband?”

“You’re business partner?” Heath exclaimed in shock.

“Like I said, it could be a mere coincidence.”

“Perhaps we should have a little talk with him,” Jarrod proposed, optimistic at the prospect of a solid lead.

“Problem is we don’t have any proof that he was there that night.”

“Maybe if we confronted Carrie with him?” Heath suggested.

“Too risky. The girl may not be able to tell for sure just like with Nick and we might scare him away and lose any chance we have to get Nick off the hook. No we need to lure him into a trap, but the question is how? I doubt Carrie Whelan would be a willing subject.” Jarrod rubbed his chin in deep concentration.

“I’ll do it,” Gaby volunteered.

“You?” Heath squeaked with surprise. “But you don’t look anything like her.”

“We can fix that with some clothes and a wig.” Gaby turned to Jarrod who was eyeing her from head to toe. “What do you think, Jarrod?”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

“No!” Heath shouted, afraid for the lady he was slowly becoming infatuated with. “It’s too dangerous.”

“Heath you forget, I know how to defend myself,” she reminded with a devilish grin. “Besides if it is Jacob I want to nail him good. Can’t be doing business with a rapist.”

He mulled over the plan with both Gaby’s and Jarrod’s appeal eyes bearing down on him. “All right. If you say you’ll be careful.”

“I will.” She stepped up to him to place a friendly kiss on his cheek. “Thanks for caring, Heath.” She couldn’t help but chuckle at the blood mantling over his cheeks.


That night at the ranch, Gaby, Heath and Jarrod contrived a daring plan that entailed for Gaby and Carrie to switch places. Passing off as her cousin would be a breeze given their striking resemblance, save for Gaby’s long dark hair that needed to be pinned under a hat. In the dark the man would be none the wiser.

Now came the task of getting Carrie to agree to the scheme without tipping the rapist off about the switch.

“We want to prevent this man from ever hurting you again,” Gaby explained with genuine concern.

“I don’t believe you!” Carrie lashed out with indignation. “It was Nick Barkley. I recognized him.”

“But you said you didn’t see his face.”

“But that voice. It was his voice,” she argued forcefully.

“What did he say exactly?” Gaby probed deeper despite Carrie’s reticence to relive the nightmare.

“He said: I have you finally. I’ll teach you to reject me.”

“I can see why you’d think it’s Nick but didn’t ever occur to you that the man stalking you could have known about your snubbing Nick Barkley and saw the perfect opportunity to have fun with you and put the blame on him?” Carrie was stumped for answers.” Let us do this, Carrie. Once we catch him we’ll bring him to you and you can identify him.”

“But if you say I can’t be sure about Nick Barkley, what makes you think I’ll be sure it was that man?”

“One thing they don’t have in common: cowboy spurs. Jacob doesn’t wear any, whereas I was told that Nick Barkley never goes anywhere without them.” That statement made Carrie reconsider her position.

“You’re right. I don’t remember any spurs jingling when he dragged me out to the gazebo. Then again maybe I did and I don’t remember.” She shook her head in despair and slumped down on her bed, head in hands. “Oh I don’t know…I’m so confused.”

Gaby edged up to the bed and sat by her distraught friend. “We need to put him away for good. I’m aware of what we’re asking you to do, but without your help we might never catch this guy, and he might go on raping other women. You wouldn’t want that on your conscience.”

After careful pondering, Carrie sucked in a deep breath and said resolutely, though with a hint of reticence, “Okay. I’ll do it. What exactly do you want me to do?”

“This afternoon, I’ll casually let Jacob know that you and I have a dinner date at my house tonight. There we’ll switch places. I’ll then leave the house and take your buggy. Nick’s brothers and the sheriff will be posted in the woods poised ready to spring on the guy when he’ll make his move.”

“What if he doesn’t? Or worse what if he discovers the switch and comes back for me instead?”

“We’ll nail him anyway. If he doesn’t chase after the buggy, the men will wait for him to make his move at the house. Either way he’s toast. I too hope that he’ll take the bait.”

“Do you think it’ll work?” Carried asked unenthusiastically.

“I can only hope it does.”

“And what if it isn’t him?”

“I’m positive it is.”

Carrie roused from the bed and ambled over to the window. “I just want this nightmare to be over,” she sighed dejectedly.


Gaby set the wheels into motion. There were no mistaking Jacob’s eyes when he learned of the dinner date between the two women. Aware of her partner’s deadly skills in karate, he dared not contemplate her as his next victim for fear of losing his manhood for good.

Later that night he rode to Gaby’s house and concealed himself in a shrubbery across from the front door where he waited patiently for the women to finish their dinner. A few feet away were Heath, Jarrod, Sheriff Madden and four ranch hands scanning the surroundings for any sign of odd activity.

“I sure hope he’ll come.” Heath worried.

“I do too. I have a feeling he’s already here so let’s keep it down,” the sheriff advised.

They continued mounting guard until they saw Gaby exit the house dressed in Carrie’s clothes. The resemblance was astonishing. It was dark and virtually impossible to discern the face of the woman sitting in that surrey. Gaby flicked the horse onwards and disappeared down the road. Soon after, a lone figure on a horse rode after her.

“That’s him!” Heath informed, beckoning the men to mount their horses. “Let’s go catch him!”

Fred grabbed the impetuous blond by the arm. “Not so fast, Heath. We need to catch him in the act or we can’t charge him with any crime.”

“We can’t let him go that far,” Heath protested.

“We need to, Heath. Besides Gabrielle can handle her own,” Jarrod reminded to his anguished brother. “It’s him I’m worried about.”

While riding along, Gaby listened for any sound of approaching hooves as she calmly drove along. A sly grin crossed her lips when out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of the approaching rider she instantly recognized as her business partner. Dipping her hat below one eye to hide her face, she halted the horse and waited for him to catch up. “Come and get me, you letch!” she mumbled underneath her breath.

“Hello there,” he greeted with a friendly smile. “What’s a good looking girl like you doing here at this time of night?”

“I’m returning home.” Gaby affected with a voice much like Carrie’s.

“Not with that wheel, you’re not,” he lied, motioning to the rear wheel of the buggy. “I can fix it for you in no time flat.”

“I would really appreciate.” Gaby remained in her seat while Jacob pretended to fix the loose axe on the wheel. She glanced to her right and to her heart’s delight, she discerned Heath’s silhouette looming behind a tree.

Minutes later Jacob walked back to the front of the surrey and” reached out to hold Gaby’s hand. “Would you like to see what I did?”

Gaby took the offered hand and alighted the wagon, all the while keeping her head low to avoid an eye contact. Suddenly she felt arms creeping around her waist. “What are you doing, sir?”

He swung her round and planted his lips firmly against hers. She resisted the urge to deliver a lethal kick to his manhood and instead allowed his hands to probe further until they went too far south and revealed her face.

“You?” Jacob gasped, swiftly retrieving his hands from her body. Terror swept him as Gaby delivered a powerful kick to his stomach, hurling him backwards just as the gang showed up. She then pounced on the dazed Jacob, yanking him to his feet. She grabbed his arm and twisted it around in his back, making him cry in pain. “You confess to raping Carrie Whelan do I break every bone in your body?”

“I’ll confess. I’ll confess,” he yelped in agony.

“Say it right now in front of all those witnesses.”

“I’m the one who raped Carrie Whelan. I’m the one,” he wailed. “Make her stop!” he pleaded with the sheriff who beckoned the tigress to release her prey so he could handcuff him.

“You have six witnesses who heard you confess, Waggoner and three more in town are anxiously waiting to hear your story.” She clawed at the man’s neck and shoved him toward the surrey.

Heath stepped up to Gaby who was dusting herself off. “You all right?” he asked with deep concern.

“Never better. But you do look a little worse for wear.”

“I was worried sick about you.”

“You needed not be, but thanks anyway,” she smiled, her eyes inviting him to draw a little closer, which he did by wrapping his arms around her and placing a soft kiss on her forehead. “I’d rather have you on my side.”

“And don’t you forget it,” she teased.

Jacob Waggoner was unceremoniously tossed in jail and under Gaby’s leer, was impelled to confess his crime to Nick, Carrie and her father. Consequently all charges against Nick were dropped.

“I’m sorry Carrie for being so persistent,” Nick apologized. “It’s just that I like you a lot and wanted to get to know you better.”

“I think I’d like that, Nick,” she replied shyly.

“You would?” Nick exclaimed in utter surprise, much to everyone’s astonishment.

“Yeah. If you accept my apologies for being such a stuck up.”

“Apologies accepted,” he said grinning from ear to ear. She draped her arm around his and together they walked out of the sheriff’s office.

“Well, what do you know about that?” Heath mused, shaking his head in disbelief.

“Don’t ask,” Jarrod said before anyone asked how this turnaround happened. He looked at Heath and Gaby staring at each other and felt that three’s was a crowd. He thanked Fred for his work and mostly for being patient with the growling bear in his cell, then walked out the door with Heath and Gaby in tow.

“Well, it’s almost dawn. I think I’ll ride back to the ranch and get forty winks. What about you, Heath?” Jarrod asked his brother who was barely listening to him as he was gazed at Gaby.

“You go on Jarrod. I want to watch the sunrise,” he turned to Gaby and winked. “Care to join me?”

“Why Mr. Barkley. I don’t know if I should accept your offer. A girl like me, alone with a strange man,” she emoted, feigning naivety.

“I should be safe.”

They burst out laughing.


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