
Jarrod sat in the Victorian chair, a compliment to the rest of the furniture in the room, his eyes never leaving the pale face of the tiny woman, her complexion drawn dramatically from the lamp light. Gone was the piece of blue shirt which held the compress in place against her now black and blue forehead. In its place was a headband of white covering the ten small stitches laying just below the silver hairline.

It’d taken his smooth and persuasive way with words to get his youngest siblings and their faithful family friend to rest only two hours before. The time was slowly approaching the witching hour and the eldest son’s eyes were filled with dread.

Despair griped him from the inside and the man who’d stand in a courtroom armed with only his convictions and his love of the law, condemning the actions of the dregs of society as he stared into the evilness of their souls, wiped the tears from his eyes with a shaky hand.

The waiting, the constant checking for movement from the woman lying on the bed was tightening the band around his chest, his arms hugged himself against the pain there, the invisible pain caused by love. A pain you couldn’t see but the feel of it was worse than being trampled by a hundred horses. It was a pain which left you shuddering from the torment, weak from its grip.

Jarrod Barkley, eldest son of Thomas and Victoria Barkley, was scared to death.

What would they do if the woman who’d always been strong never woke up? How could they go on knowing her eyes may be closed forever on the anniversary of her husband’s death? Was this the future they were to live with? Was this the future for their small family? Was this the legacy, the destiny they would be saddled with?

His body shivered from the fear which caressed his spine and darkened his eyes. He leaned forward picking up the small hand in his own. Holding it to his cheek, he closed his eyes and again sent his prayer upwards, requesting strength to help his mother, his family.

Keeping hold of her hand, the man who’d emerged at the top of his graduating class, the man who rubbed elbows with the richest man of society, the politicians and movers shaping the country around them, this man was not to be found in the feminine bedroom. In his place was the first born son, the baby who emerged first from her womb, the inner child in the man rose up and replaced the spirit of the man, leaving a child whose blue eyes cried tears for the parent he was desperately afraid of losing.

It was a subtle change, a small movement that reached through his fear and lifted his head. Through the drops in his eyes, through his reduced vision he saw it and felt it. A small movement in the tiny hand proceeding the slight rippling under her eyelids.

Standing and wiping his eyes, Jarrod leaned over his mother, his strong fingers soft as a rose petal caressed her cheek, his voice low and soothing.

“Open your eyes, Mother.” urged the child, his pleading reaching into her hazy world and pushing the curtain aside.

She’d never known such pain, not even in childbirth had she experienced such an overwhelming and weak state. The cracking of the voice calling her made her find the strength from deep inside, the strength of a mother when she knew her child needed her above all else. It was the love, the need to place her children above all else which opened her eyes, revealing the pained and confused gray corneas which sluggishly moved around the room, searching in vain.

“Tom?” whispered Victoria through her pain, searching for the man of her dreams. “Tom?”

“Shhh. Mother, you’re going to be fine.” assured Jarrod, sighing in relief and holding onto her hand.

“Where’s…father?” whispered Victoria, moving her eyes to glimpse the shocked blue eyes of her son. “I..saw..him.”

Jarrod swallowed the new lump of fear, wondering if the town physician’s statement about damage to her brain was causing this delusion.

“Mother, father’s gone.” said Jarrod quietly. “Remember?”

Staring at her son, Victoria felt the loss again which seemed to be forever inside her since that day and she felt a tear escape her eye, trickle down her cheek. “He..found..me…looked…same..we..first..met.”

“I’m sorry, Mother.” choked Jarrod, his eyes filling with tears along with hers. “That was Heath Thomson from Strawberry. He saved you, Mother.”

Jarrod wiped the tears from his mother’s cheeks, his hand stopping when she whispered before closing her eyes again, “Same…eyes.”

Blue eyes focused in thought, bringing forth the nagging memory in his consciousness, the nagging sense of connection he’d felt with a stranger. He saw nothing except the man who lay asleep down the hall, the face of the young man and his mind focused on the blue eyes.

The gasp in the room from the eldest son went unheard by his parent and the attorney fell heavily into the chair, his stunned mind taking away the strength in his legs.

“My god!” whispered the man with the steel trap mind. “It can’t be!”

The memories whirled in the mind of the first born, memories of so long ago, a time of darkness in the mansion, a time when he’d been afraid of the words, the coldness between the two people he revered as a child.

Jarrod looked down and realized his hands were trembling, he clasped them together and closed his eyes, putting his elbows on his knees and holding his entwined hands to his forehead.

Almost twenty years ago and he could still remember the frightening battles between his mother and father, the bitterly cold words and the final ultimatum his young ears heard behind their closed bedroom door.

“You will sell our interest in the mine.”

“Victoria, that mine is generating a lot of profit for us. Profit for our future and the future of our boys.”

“There will be no future if you don’t do as I say.”

“What are you saying, Vic? I told you it was a mistake, I didn’t know who I was cause of the injuries! Check with the doctor in Strawberry, he’ll tell you.”

“I don’t want you to set foot in that town again!”

“Victoria, I love you not her! Be reasonable!”

“You choose, Thomas. The mine in Strawberry or your family.”

Taking several deep breaths to calm himself, Jarrod shook his head and ran his hands through his hair. Even at the tender age of seven, he knew which commandment his father had broken. Whether his father acted, knowingly or unknowingly, the knowledge had terrified him as a young boy, the tears in his mother’s eyes saddened him deeply and angered him.

It had taken a long time before their family was back to living in an environment filled with love and trust. A long time in which he’d experienced the fear of losing all he knew because of some unseen person in another town. A woman who as a child tormented his dreams, taking his father away from him and leaving his mother heartbroken. The dreams not fading until after Audra was born and the love between his parents shone in their eyes as they looked at each other, the daughter a symbol of the refound love and trust between them.

A weak moan from the bed thrust the first born back to his adulthood and he leaned over the bed, “I’m going to get Dr. Merar, Mother. I’ll be right back.”

Rushing out of the room, he knocked on the door to a second guestroom and the door opened within seconds. Howard saw the distressed look on Jarrod’s face and pushed past him, entering the room of the petite woman. Finding her eyes slightly opened, Howard glanced over towards the attorney who seemed to be in shock and then turned his attention back downwards.

Nick appeared in the doorway having heard the rushing of feet in the hallway and stumbled to the bed after his eyes fixed on the pale face of his brother. He let out a deep sigh of relief at the open eyes looking up at the physician.

“Rest now, Victoria.” instructed Howard after giving her a drink of water to moisten her dry throat and mouth. “Sleep is the best thing for you.”

Unable to keep her eyes open, Victoria feel back into a healing sleep, the picture of blue eyes in a young face appearing in her dreams. Nick placed a kiss on his mother’s cheek as she lay sleeping, hazel eyes spilling tears of happiness which he wiped away. His smile wide at the doctor’s assurance of a full recovery, the head injury leaving no lasting aftereffects from his examination.

Turning to speak with Jarrod, Nick frowned finding the spot where Jarrod stood was empty and he turned to go but was stopped by a hand on his arm.

“Nick, I think he’s badly shook up from today. Why don’t you give him some time?” suggested Howard. “How’s our other patient?”

“Stubborn doc.” replied Nick with a shake of his head. “Thought I was gonna have to lash him into that bed to get him to stay still.”

Chuckling softly, Howard winked, “I do believe I’ve had the same experience with you before. Now you know how I felt.”

Turning crimson, Nick looked down sheepishly, “I definitely have a new appreciation for what you go through. That’s the honest truth, doc.”

Studying the tanned face, Howard inquired hesitantly, “Will you try to remember that for the next time you need my services? It’s a lot easier when the patient cooperates, Nick.”

Laughing and clapping the healer on the back, Nick smirked, “What fun would that be, Dr. Merar! I know how much you love a good challenge.”

Wincing slightly at the strong clap on his back, Howard shoved the rancher out of the room while stating he’d be spending the remainder of the shift by Victoria’s side.

“Get some sleep, Nick. You’ll need it for tomorrow when you tell Mr. Thomson, he can’t leave just yet and needs another day of rest.” stated Howard with an evil smile as he closed the door on the shocked face.

Standing outside the door, Nick raised his hand to knock loudly and stopped his fist before it met with the dark wood not wanting to disturb his mother and elected to whisper loudly instead, “You’re an evil man, Dr. Merar. Truly evil!”

A snicker could be heard from behind the closed door before he turned and walked down to the other guestroom, opening the door and checking on the young man who was sleeping, the blond head turning slightly on the pillow, the moonlight filtering in through the window bathing his battered face in a soft glow.

Staring at the face in sleep, Nick was startled by the firm hand placed on his shoulder, whispering harshly after he saw the owner of the hand. “Dammit, Pappy! Don’t sneak up on me!”

“Go to bed, Nick. I’ll sit with him.” offered Jarrod. “I’m not tired and you got a ranch to run.”

Hazel eyes narrowed as they checked the pale face before him and he reached up to touch Jarrod’s forehead, “You feeling alright? You don’t look so good.”

Smiling slightly, Jarrod nodded, “I’m fine, Nick. Go on. You and Duke have a lot of work to do in the morning.”

Hesitating for just a moment, Nick nodded and squeezed a shoulder before he left the room. Lying in his bed, the youngest son puzzled for a moment over the look on his brother’s face before sleep beckoned, taking the questions out of his mind.

Sitting beside the bed of the young blond, Jarrod studied the relaxed face for several minutes, then leaned back in the chair, his eyes looking outside into the night sky, his mind wandering, unsure of the next step to take, unsure of what to do.

Was he a brother or wasn’t he? If he was a brother, was it coincidence he showed up today of all days?

Or did the hand of destiny have something to do with it?


The warmth on his face woke the sleeping man from his slumber, the pain in his body reminded him of what happened and he reached up, tenderly wiping the medicine based remnants of sleep from his bruised face.

Opening his eyes, he glanced around the room, catching sight of the full day beaming outside and scowled. It was at least five hours past the rising of the sun and he was lying in bed. Pushing down the covers, Heath pushed himself to a sitting position, taking several shallow breaths and clenching his jaw against the protest in his side.

It took several minutes before he could swing his legs to the side of the bed, thankful he had his clothes on after he realized he’d more than likely lacked the power to tackle the simple chore.

Sitting on the bed, he closed his eyes and steadied himself for a moment, his left arm held to his side. The quiet of the house was somehow comforting and he let the lack of sound wash over him like the soft gentle breeze of summer. It was the quiet moments where he’d gather strength from, the quiet which helped calm his soul and befriended him in the past.

“Mr. Thomson, you shouldn’t be up!” stated the feminine voice, startling him in his moment of solitude, causing him to jump to his feet and then fall to his knees in pain, his face turning white from the jarring of his injured body.

Calling for assistance, Audra rushed over to the gasping man’s side, reaching out and placing a hand on his back, puzzled at his movement away from her. The shaking of his battered form was the only evidence of the trauma he was in.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Thomson.” apologized Audra, kneeling beside him. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

Nick rushed into the room with Jarrod on his heels, moving Audra from the blond’s side, exclaiming brusquely, “What the hell! Dammit, get back in that bed!”

Jarrod and Audra gaped at their brother’s tone, the angry tone they knew was used as a cover up for worry, but to others who didn’t know the large heart of the big man it would seem like an attack on their person. Heath heard the bellow and looked up from his hunched position, the ire inside him rising quickly, shooting out like a geyser yet mindful of the presence of the fairer sex.

“Watch your words!” growled Heath through clenched teeth, blue eyes darkening in anger. “There’s a lady present!”

Jarrod smiled at the emotions which spread rapidly across Nick’s face at the growled statement from the younger man, the blond bruised and battered, ignoring his plight to champion for the gentlemanly way in front of their sister.

‘Their sister’ repeated Jarrod in his head before he shook it clear of the thoughts and returned to the two men, the two brothers on the floor.

“You’re right.” admitted Nick turning red, glancing up at his sibling. “Sorry, Audra for what I said.”

Nodding, Audra smiled and gazed into her big brother’s eyes. “Thank you, Nick.”

Jarrod smiled widely, his blue eyes twinkling with amusement and received a glare from his younger brother before the rancher turned his eyes back to the man who had moved to sit against the wall, watching the other three in the room.

“What in the blazes do you think you’re doing, Mr. Thomson?” asked Nick calmly and firmly, rolling his eyes at the snickering of his two siblings.

“Mr. Barkley, how is Mrs. Barkley?” inquired Heath quietly, pointedly ignoring the question.

“She woke up last night.” sighed Nick, hazel eyes filled with relief at the thought of what could have been. “Doc says it’ll be at least a week before she’ll be up and about.”

Nodding slightly, Heath replied, “I’m glad she’s alright, Mr. Barkley. Mighty glad.”

“Thanks to you, Mr. Thomson.” asserted Audra, her words turning his eyes towards her. “I’m Audra Barkley, sister to these two lugheads.”

Flashing a lop-sided grin at the protests from her two brothers, Heath took the hand she held down, “Nice ta meet ya’, Miss Barkley.”

“It’s Audra.” insisted the blond girl. “Please call me Audra. Miss Barkley is too formal.”

“Sorry, Miss Barkley.” apologized the suddenly uncomfortable man in a low whisper. “It wouldn’t be, uh, right for someone like me to do such a thing.”

Puzzled, Nick studied the downcast face and glanced up at Jarrod quickly, moving his eyes back to the look of understanding which appeared to be on the eldest son’s face. Jarrod caught Nick’s look and moved his eyes away first.

“We all can see you’re a gentleman Mr. Thomson,” offered Jarrod quietly, catching the lighter blue eyes and smiled warmly. “But you’re among friends and it’s going to be awful confusing if you keep calling us Miss and Mister. I’d prefer you call me by my given name, Jarrod.”

Nodding, Nick smiled, “Besides, we’re business associates and no one is above anyone else here. Deal?”

Heath couldn’t explain the sudden warmth and camaraderie which rose up within him from the presence of the three siblings. Their hopeful faces looked at him with such expectation and the young man found himself agreeing, not wanting to be the cause of sadness or disappointment.

Nick held out his hand and helped the smaller man to his feet, sitting him on the side of the bed and nodding. “You’re lucky the doc just left a half hour ago. Otherwise he’d probably tie you down to keep you in bed after this little stunt.”

A smile spread across Heath’s face at the news of the doctor’s departure and the three Barkley children laughed. Heath chuckled slightly, wincing at the pain caused by his expanding lungs, waving off their apologies.

“It’s okay.” assured Heath after he’d shove the pain aside. “Ain’t nothing I haven’t felt before.”

Shaking his head, Nick offered, “How about some food, Heath?”

“Here or downstairs?” asked Heath suspiciously, causing Nick to laugh loudly.

Snickering, Audra covered her mouth with a small hand and felt Jarrod squeeze her other hand, his eyes twinkling at the two males before him. The eldest son suddenly felt in his heart and confirmed with all of his soul…this young man was part of them and he belonged here with his family.

How to make sure he was part of their future destiny? How to explain to his family this man was part of them, born of their father with another woman?

Jarrod watched as Nick walked beside the slow moving man, his bruised body stiff and painful. Audra followed the two out of the room, then turned and entered the room of their mother. Suddenly, Jarrod felt his stomach lurch and he leaned heavily against the doorframe, staring at the door Audra closed behind her.

Their Mother.

Would their Mother want this man as part of their family? This child who was a reminder of the breaking of marriage vows? The blight on the sanctity of marriage? Would she want to see the reminders every time she gazed upon the face of Heath Thomson?

Would their Mother want him as part of their destiny, their future? Would she?


Blue eyes filled with a desire to spend more time with the blond wrangler from Strawberry and Jarrod moved from the guest room doorway, taking the backstairs down to the lower level. Hearing the voice of Nick, the attorney entered the kitchen and smiled at the two men sitting at the small table.

“Well gentlemen, I see you have raided Silas’ pantry.” sighed Jarrod pulling out a chair and reaching for a cold drumstick of chicken, his mouth already watering in anticipation. “Silas makes the best fried chicken.”

Nick smirked at the blond man across from him, the wink not seen by his eldest brother. Waiting til the older man’s teeth had sunk into the golden skin of the leg, Nick stated, “Audra made it.”

The statement caused the attorney to gasp, spit out the meat in his mouth and drop the chicken onto the table as if it scalded his fingers. Nick burst with laughter and Heath chuckled, holding his tender side at the lawyer’s response. Blue eyes sparkling with puzzled amusement at the two brothers.

“Nick, that’s not funny” protested Jarrod loudly. “You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“I enjoyed it.” snickered Nick wiping the tears of laughter from his eyes, looking at the man across from them. “Little sister is, shall we say, not the best cook.”

Nodding in agreement, Jarrod sighed, “It’s a sad truth, Heath, I’m afraid.”

“It can’t be that bad.” suggested Heath quietly before taking a drink of his water, raising an eyebrow at the grimace on the two brothers’ faces. “Nah, you’re joshing!”

Nick leaned forward, motioning for the blond to listen and whispered loudly, “Her biscuits are the worse. Hard as a rock, even the strays around town won’t eat them.”

Jarrod leaned towards the blond, “Nick and I took some out to the lake.”

Intent on the loud whispers, Heath leaned over slightly, keeping his attention on the older man’s low voice, “Yeah?”

“Yeah and we could skip them across the water.” whispered Jarrod, shivering. “Hard as rocks, Heath. Very frightening.”

Heath glanced over to Nick, the hazel eyes serious as they looked at him and stated firmly, “If she ever offers to make you anything, starve instead.”

“Ya’ serious?” inquired the blond, receiving two definite nods and then grinning, “Too bad for ya’ fellows, having to live here and all. Bet there’s sometimes ya’ can’t avoid it.”

Curling up his lip, Nick growled, “You don’t have to rub it in!”

Heath chuckled, surprised at the comfortable feeling the two men invoked in him, a feeling he hadn’t experienced much in his young life. Pushing his plate away, the blond let out a content sigh.

“I feel better, Nick.” stated Heath hesitating for a moment. “Do ya’ think the doc’ll give the okay today for me to leave and head home?”

“No!” blurted Jarrod, turning red at the shocked faces of the other two men at the table. “Sorry, I just meant to say you can’t ride yet. You heard what Dr. Merar said about the possibility of injuring yourself further. Certainly another day or so of healing wouldn’t hurt anything.”

“Jarrod, I already told Heath I’d take him to town so doc can check him out.” informed Nick, studying his agitated older brother in confusion. “If he’s okay, then we’ll continue on to Strawberry. It’ll take just a couple days.”

Heath studied the face of the lawyer, suddenly feeling apprehensive and uncomfortable, unsure of where the feeling of camaraderie disappeared to, not wanting to be the reason for dissension between the siblings.

“Nick doesn’t have to take me to Strawberry.” suggested Heath, shifting in his seat and playing with the button on his cuff. “Maybe he should stay here til Mrs. Barkley is better. I can ride and take it slow.”

Nick shook his head and glared at Jarrod for a moment, before looking at the young wrangler, “Mother will understand. Besides, I told you I would and I’m not going back on my offer, Heath. You wouldn’t want me to go back on my word, would you, Jarrod?”

Blushing, Jarrod stammered, “Course not, Nick. I’m just concerned about this young man’s welfare.”

“That’s awful nice of ya’ but.” paused Heath for a moment, then stating, “I’m a grown man and can take care of myself. Sides, I need to get back and start on fulfilling my end of our deal.”

Nick smiled and stood, motioning for Heath to stand also. “Jarrod, I’ll make sure nothing happens. I’ll take care of him like he was my little brother.”

“I know you will, Nick.” assured Jarrod with a slight smile, shaking the blond’s hand and waited til the two left the kitchen before rubbing his face and scowling at himself. “That wasn’t very smooth, Jarrod. Get a hold of yourself.”

The eldest son took a deep breath and pushed back his chair, leaving the kitchen and entering the study. Sitting at the oak desk which was his father’s, Jarrod leaned back in the chair and studied the oil portrait above the fireplace. His hands entwined across his stomach, his blue eyes deep in thought.

The legal mind in the attorney turning, the gears shifting, stacking the laws of the country up against the sense of family, the sense of obligation. The sense of what it meant to be a member of this family, a member of the Barkley clan.

Legally, the family had no obligations. Heath Thomson had no legal claim to their wealth, their future. Jarrod knew he had no solid proof this man was their brother. The eldest son could see the Barkley eyes in the blond and was sure his mother would confirm it when she was able. She would confirm it, Jarrod decided without a doubt. After all, Mother already unconsciously confirmed it in her first moment of awareness. Unable to gain a moment alone with his mother since that time, the eldest son was left in limbo, left in waiting. Heath Thomson would leave the ranch soon and return to his own life.

Remembering the conversation with Duke who revealed the confused blond waking in the guestroom and pulling a blade in defense, Jarrod wondered why the injured man reacted in such a manner.

What happened in his past to cause such a reaction? What events occurred which made the man barely out of his teens to subconsciously defend himself that way?

A feeling of sickness rose up in Jarrod’s stomach and he looked up at the portrait of his father, his whisper loud in the quiet room.

“Have you any idea how society treats children who are born out of wedlock? Their innocence doesn’t matter, they’re held to task for the sins of the parents. Those poor children are treated lower than dirt.”

Blue eyes filled with tears and Jarrod leaned forward, banging his fists on the oak desk, his eyes burning with emotion, his heart filled with pain.

“My god, Father, what have you done?”


Startled from his anger filled reflections, Jarrod jumped to his feet, wiping the wetness from his face and slowly raising his eyes to meet his brothers. Nick stood in the doorway of the study, his face showing he’d heard the whispered question.

“What is it?” demanded Nick taking long strides over to his brother and stopping in front of the desk, leaning over the wooden structure, hazel eyes wide with concern.

Taking a shaky breath, Jarrod opened his mouth and then closed it, unsure of what to say, what to reveal and what not to. Moving from behind the desk, Jarrod walked to the French doors looking out over the garden, not surprised at the strong hand which clasped onto his shoulder.

“I’m not positive, Nick.” started Jarrod, shaking his head in denial. “No, that’s not right. I’m positive but can’t prove it.”

“Prove what?” questioned Nick. “Just spit it out!”

“This isn’t the kind of thing you spit out, Nick!” snapped Jarrod, pushing his brother’s hand down. “This is life changing. It’ll change everything about our family. Everything!”

Never one to embrace riddles or mind bending puzzles, Nick Barkley was a man who liked to meet challenges head on, a man who reveled in the challenge of life, a man who excelled in the here and now.

“Jarrod, what are you talking about?” growled the man clad in only black. “You know I hate it when you talk around subjects! It makes my head hurt!”

“When Mother woke up she was asking for Father.” informed Jarrod, watching Nick sigh and cross his arms across his chest, fighting for patience. “Mother thinks she saw Father. She thinks he rescued her.”

“For pete’s sake, Pappy! Mother got a concussion on the anniversary of Father’s death. He was on her mind. That explains why she’d think he was there.” exclaimed Nick in relief, cutting off any further words of his brother’s. “Don’t worry, she’s not losing her mind or anything like that. You had me scared there for a minute, counselor!”

Jarrod nodded at the explanation his brother handed out while inwardly hoping Nick would forgive him later when he found out he didn’t reveal the probable familial connection of Heath Thomson right away. Nick smiled with relief and Jarrod ran his hand over his face after the larger man left his back stinging from a strong clap. Taking a deep breath, the eldest son watched as the gun cabinet was unlocked and a gunbelt taken out along with a knife.

“What are you doing, Nick?” puzzled Jarrod.

“Oh, these are Heath’s. I put them here after, well, after what happened with Duke and Jenkins last night.” sighed Nick with a frown. “Figured it was safer for him and whoever was in the room.”

“So, what are you gonna do with them?”

“I’m gonna give them back to him.” said Nick calmly relocking the cabinet. “We’re heading into town, you need anything?”

“No, thanks.” replied Jarrod, walking over and stopping Nick before he left the room. “Nick, I am worried about him riding though. I think it’s too soon.”

Shrugging, Nick offered, “If Dr. Merar says even riding in the surrey wouldn’t be advised, he’s agreed to stay here at the ranch for a couple more days. It’s up to him, Jarrod. We can’t keep him here against his will.”

“I know.” agreed Jarrod reluctantly, a frown gracing his face.

Sensing there was more behind the worry of his brother, Nick waited for a moment and when no other words were forthcoming, replied, “If we go on through to Strawberry, I’ll send word back to the ranch. Okay?”

Nodding, Jarrod offered a slight smile and walked with his brother out to the foyer. “I’m going to give Audra a break. Hope to see you at dinner.”

Turning, the first born climbed the stairs while Nick stood watching from the bottom of the staircase, not knowing quite what to make of the vibes he was sensing from his brother. Close all their lives, though pursuing different dreams, this was the first time his Pappy was a puzzlement to him.

It was almost as if he were keeping some hidden agenda, hiding the truth from him and Nick scowled at his thoughts. They’d never lied to each other ever before and the rancher felt ashamed at himself for having such a thought.

Frowning, Nick wondered if he’d misheard the whisper when he entered the study. Why would Jarrod be mad at their Father? Nick nodded as he internally rationalized Jarrod was just concerned with their mother and the events of the past thirty-six hours. Add to the mix, their mother’s scrambled memories of seeing her dead husband, of course, he’d be overly worried and concerned.

It had frightened him too til the doc calmly settled his fears. Thinking of the early morning conversation, Nick realized Jarrod hadn’t been in the room when he’d spoken with Dr. Merar, therefore, he hadn’t heard the doc’s explanation. A sense of relief filtered through him and he felt sure of his reasoning.

Opening the front door, Nick smiled at the blond in the surrey with the modoc tied to the back. Climbing in, Nick handed the leather belt over and suggested. “Gee, it looks like you can’t wait to get off our ranch.”

Putting on his belt, Heath teased quietly, “Well, considering what happened when I tried to leave yesterday, I am a little anxious.”

“Yeah, sorry about Barrett.” apologized Nick starting the surrey with a flick of the reins.

Heath frowned, “I’m just kiddin’, Nick. Will ya’ stop apologizing for something that wasn’t your fault.”

Glancing over, Nick smirked, “Yeah, sorry about that too.”

Rolling his eyes at the laughing hazel orbs, Heath shook his head and grinned back, sparkling blue eyes met the hazel eyes under the California sun.

Jarrod smiled at Audra, the teasing of the two men at the table a welcome sound in the early morning. Two different men, one blond the other dark haired, one large and muscular, the other slim and wiry whose muscles were still developing on the young man. Two sets of eyes, one blue the other hazel, both filled with amusement and deviltry.

The first born kept his thoughts of brotherhood to himself, the thoughts he was not ready to reveal until he had a chance to speak with his mother. Sighing, Jarrod took a drink of his coffee, running through the upcoming conversation in his mind. Their mother’s eyes were free of haziness for the first time in four days, her headache no longer lingered, sending jabs of pain through her and requiring the pain medicine which made her sleep.

“That sound okay with you, Jarrod?” asked Nick suddenly, frowning at the deep thinking of his brother. “JARROD!”

Jumping at the shout, Jarrod set his cup on the table and wiped his hands free of the splashed coffee with a napkin, “Nick, you don’t have to shout! I’m sitting right here!”

“I was just trying to get your attention, big brother.” replied Nick with a rolling of his eyes. “Are you coming with us this afternoon? Heath’s only going to be here one more day.”

“What are you planning on doing this afternoon?” puzzled Jarrod watching the tanned face darken with a scowl.

“Pappy! Remember, we planned on fishing.” snorted Nick leaning his arms on the table. “What’s with you this week? You working on a big case or something?”

Jarrod sighed, “I guess my mind has been elsewhere. Sorry about that.”

“Well, Jarrod, that’s to be expected since ya’ a lawyer and all. Thinking’s what ya’ get paid to do.” drawled Heath with a shrug before winking at the attorney. “Now your brother over there, he don’t get paid to think. Otherwise, he’d know he ain’t gonna outfish me like he can’t out play me in poker. If he was a thinkin’ man, he’d know he wasn’t the big bird on the walk again and just admit there’s a new rooster in town!”

Audra and Jarrod laughed at the protest which rang out through the room, the large fist shaking at the smirking younger man. Heath’s eyes twinkled with laughter, his face trying hard to remain inexpressive at the glaring rancher.

“What a funny man!” gruffed Nick before standing and placing a kiss on his sister’s upraised cheek. “Com’n Heath, let’s see how Charger’s doing today. Audra, tell Mother I’ll be up later.”

“Okay, Nick.” smiled Audra, waving at Heath as he followed Nick out of the room.

Jarrod shook his head at the laughter and wondered if the nearing revelation would break the bond of friendship formed between the two men. Dreadful feelings rose up again, his mind spun rapidly while he drummed his fingers on the table, stopping at the tiny hand which was placed over his.

“Are you okay, Jarrod?” questioned Audra, her concern showing in her eyes.

Squeezing her hand, Jarrod smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek. “I’m fine, honey. Don’t worry your pretty head about anything.”

Not really satisfied with the foggy answer, Audra nodded and sighed knowing her oldest brother wouldn’t divulge his inner thoughts or what was taking hold of his mind til he was ready.

“I’m going to help Silas and after that, I’ll sit with Mother.” smiled Audra standing and gathering the plates.

“Audra, I’ll go up and sit with Mother. Why don’t you go for a ride?” offered Jarrod. “You haven’t been out of the house since it happened.”

“I would like to watch Heath working with the stallion.” murmured Audra, looking up. “Are you sure?”

Smiling, Jarrod nodded, “Positive, little one. Why don’t you change and I’ll take care of bringing the dishes into the kitchen.”

“Thanks, Jarrod!” exclaimed Audra, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she rushed out of the room and up the stairs.

She’d been trying to be there to watch the wrangler work with the red horse but hadn’t been able to find time to go down to the corral. Entering her room, Audra quickly changed into her riding clothes and bounded out the house for the corral. Standing by Nick, she returned the smile of her brother before turning her eyes to watch the main attraction in the corral.

Jarrod carried the dishes into the kitchen, smiling slightly at the look on Silas’ face before he placed them in the sink. Silas informed the oldest son, his mother had eaten and was napping. Thanking the longtime caretaker of their family, Jarrod climbed the stairs to wait by his mother’s bedside, in his pocket, a photograph of Thomas and Victoria Barkley when they first married. She was sixteen, he was nineteen.

The father the first born remembered had not been a slim wiry man barely out of his teens. Jarrod surmised with the building of an empire, his father’s build and shape of his face had changed from the hard work, the elements of the weather and the gaining of weight.

The man the family laid to rest in a silk lined coffin was not the same face as the man who married their mother. The face of the man who married their mother was the same as the blond wrangler from Strawberry. The same age, the same face.

In his other pocket was a copy of the birth certificate he’d requested and had sent by train. The name listed as father was Thomas J. Barkley and the mother, Leah Thomson.

Three hours later, Heath and Nick entered the mansion to ready themselves for the lazy afternoon of fishing. “Heath, I’ll be a couple minutes. I have to put this receipt in the ledger.”

“I’m just gonna change shirts, Nick and be right down.” said Heath, climbing the staircase to his room, his boots quiet on the carpeted hallway, his smile wide on his face at the thought of spending a beautiful afternoon, fishing with the Barkley brothers for company. The past week of friendship with the men had surprised and warmed his soul immensely.

Nearing his room, he stopped and felt his heart lunge into his throat, the cracked door allowing the conversation to escape from the room.

“Jarrod, what has Nick said about Heath being your father’s son, his brother?”

“Nick says he thinks Heath’s had a hard life…”

No further words could get through the pounding in his chest, the rush of water in his ears, the anger rose up and threatened to shatter the calm he’d built up for the last three years. Entering his room, the blond sank back against the wall, his legs trembling with what he’d just heard, his hands clenched into fists and his eyes burned with anger, the questions assaulting his mind, nonstop, bombarding him like the artillery fire on a battlefield.

All this week they knew. They must have known all along he was a whelp of their father’s. Why didn’t they say anything? Were they only acting nice while secretly hoping the truth would never be revealed? Why didn’t Nick say anything? They didn’t tell me, they hid the truth. They lied.

Nick lied. He knew and he looked me in the eye, smiling and offering me a hand in friendship.

“I’ll take care of him like he was my little brother.”

He could feel it…the rage which sent him to live like a hermit…it was rising and the blond knew he had to escape. He couldn’t stay here. Not in a house overflowing with lies and betrayal.

Pushing away from the wall, the young man who’d unknowingly spent the last five days in the presence of his siblings grabbed his saddlebags and thrust his clothes into them. Short work was made of the deed, his gunbelt strapped on and he clenched his jaw against the rage building, the inner demon he’d struggled with for the past three years.

Nick walked into the foyer as the blond’s foot hit the oak flooring, the puzzlement on his face at the saddlebags over the younger man’s shoulder did not register in the boiling mind of the man who’d felt betrayed and cut to the very core.

“Heath, what’s going on? What’s wrong?”

“I ain’t the only bastard in this fine house!” hissed Heath, the rage in his eyes stunning Nick for a moment before the blond’s fist connected and propelled the larger man backwards, the surge of power from his anger knocking out the bigger man and he slid across the oak flooring before laying still.

Opening the door, the blond climbed up on his modoc and galloped out of the yard, the tears from the pain started without him knowing as he made good his escape from the house of deceit and betrayal.


“MR. NICK!” screamed Silas, rushing to the side of the still man, looking up at the sound of running feet from the upper level of the mansion. Jarrod heard the cry from the small man and rushed from his Mother’s room, gasping at the sight of his brother crumpled onto the oak flooring.

“Silas, what happened?” stammered Jarrod relieved when he found no broken bones and his ears picked up the steady breathing before he carefully turned his brother onto his back, a bruise already forming on his jaw.

“I’s don’t know, Mr. Jarrod.” replied Silas. “I’s just found ‘em like tis.”

The oak door to the mansion flew open and Audra rushed inside, her intended statement departing at the sight of her brother laying on the floor “NICK!”

Silas gave up his place beside the prone man, the girl ran her fingers through the unruly black hair. “Jarrod, what happened? Did Nick fall or something?”

“I don’t know, Audra. Silas found him like this.” mumbled Jarrod, leaning over and tapping the tanned face. “Nick? Nick!”

A moan precipitated a moving of his head and Nick groaned, reaching up and holding his jaw. Hazel eyes slowly crept open and he rolled onto his side, the pain in his face the only thing he felt.

“Nick, what happened?” questioned the first born, his hands holding the broad shoulders of the now kneeling man and taking in the fuzzy eyes.

The memory of the words came back to the large man and he pushed Jarrod away, half walking and half stumbling to the oak door, his hand fumbled with the handle and he flung it open, staring at the empty space beside Coco.

Jarrod and Audra followed their crazed brother who was intent on reaching the door, the attorney catching the flung open door, preventing it from closing on the man who leaned heavily against the door jamb with a sigh.

“Nick, what is it? What’s happened!” demanded Jarrod.

“Heath did it. His eyes…they were so full of rage.” stammered Nick in disbelief, the loss and confusion fighting for space within him.

“Why would he hit you?” puzzled Audra. “He likes and respects you, Nick. That doesn’t make sense.”

“I know, Audra. I thought we were friends.” retorted Nick, banging his hand on the wooden plank before turning and looking past his siblings to the foyer. “He came downstairs with his saddlebags. He was furious and I asked him what was wrong.”

Jarrod closed his eyes briefly, his stomach twisting in knots and he knew instantly what must have happened for he had seen the door of his mother’s room partially opened after he rushed to it when he heard Silas’ shout.

“He said ‘I ain’t the only bastard in this fine house’ and then all I remember next is waking up.” whispered Nick, shaking his head trying to find what he’d missed, the reason for the blond’s attack and anger. “I don’t get it. I don’t get what he was mad at me for.”

Victoria sat on the top steps of the grand staircase, the short walk from her room to the landing, exhausting her but the scene at the bottom of the stair case frightening her more.

“Heath left. I saw him riding out of the yard, he was riding fast, too fast.” gasped Audra, her eyes wide with fear and concern. “Why would he leave like that?”

Closing the oak door after Nick moved away, Jarrod took a deep breath and caught his mother’s eye, her nod of agreement signified her permission, the movement not missed by the younger children in the room.

“Heath may have overheard something he wasn’t meant to hear, at least not at this time. I wanted to speak with Mother first before saying anything.”

Nick and Audra glanced at each other, the sick look on their older brother’s face and the shine of perspiration on his forehead, moving the two closer.

“What are you talking about?” demanded Nick in a raspy voice, suddenly unsure of why he felt the cold hand of dread grab at his throat, his hands clenched into fists.

“When I was seven and you were four, Nick. Father had a liaison with another woman.”

Audra gasped and her hand went to her neck, her suddenly trembling body was encased in a strong arm of her protector, the man who felt the wind rush out of his lungs with the statement from his brother, the denial sprang immediately to his lips.

“He wouldn’t!”

“Nicholas, please listen.” urged Victoria firmly and quietly, her words stopping any more words from leaving. “It is true. I knew about it. Your father had amnesia from a concussion and wasn’t aware he was married. He didn’t consciously commit the act but it happened. Don’t hate him for not knowing he had a family back in his hometown.”

Nick’s face paled with the news, his hands shook and he released his sister’s waist to cross his arms over his chest, narrowed hazel eyes picked out a knot of wood in the flooring, his whisper barely heard. “Oh god, father.”

“A child was born out of the…acquaintance.” informed Jarrod quietly. “Heath is our brother.”

“My god!” exclaimed Audra, unaware her tears were falling down her face, her hands grabbing onto the nearby round table offering her shaky legs some support. “It can’t be!”

Jarrod studied the down turned face of his brother, the man whose world had evolved around their father, the man who worked by their father each day and who learned from their parent, the art of ranching and life in general.

Silas helped the tiny head of the family carefully down the staircase, his ebony hands supporting her, his sympathetic eyes giving her a measure of comfort in this time of revelation as he lead her to the nearest chair to the foyer. The chair offering her a place of softness where she could be part of the discussion, be there for her children.

Jarrod pulled out the picture and certificate from his pocket, his unsteady hand offering them to his sister, his words telling his siblings what he’d known from almost the first day of the destined meeting between the wrangler and their family.

Any further explanations or revelations were stopped when two large, powerful hands grabbed his shirt, the hazel eyes flashing with fire and he was yanked forward, the lawyer’s face almost touching the rancher’s.

“You lied to me.” accused Nick, his voice thick with anger. “You said you were worried about Mother. You lied to me and now, he….he…thinks I’ve betrayed him. He thinks I knew!”

“Nick, it wasn’t supposed to be this way.” said Jarrod calmly in the face of the anger exuding from his brother. “I’d never want to hurt Heath like that. Never. I’m sorry, Nick.”

Disgust sprang into the hazel eyes and Nick pushed his attorney brother back away from him, running his hand through his hair, pacing the foyer before he stopped and jabbed a large finger to emphasize his shouted declaration into the white shirt before him.


“Nick, please let be calm.” requested Victoria firmly, pushing herself up from the chair and smiling at her daughter who rushed to her side, holding onto her arm.

“Mother, you didn’t see Heath’s eyes. I just, uh, he….” countered Nick, his face falling in despair and he grabbed his hat from the table. “I’m going after him!”

“Nick, wait.” replied Jarrod reaching out to touch the dark sleeve, lowering his hand at the glare from his younger brother. “You’re right, I should’ve told you what I found out. I should’ve told you about our brother. Let me come with you so I can explain to Heath you didn’t know. Let me help you find our brother, Nick.”

The pleading in his older brother’s eyes stopped any discouraging words and Nick nodded. “Okay, Jarrod.”

Jarrod rushed up the staircase to change into jeans and Nick walked over to stand in front of his mother, placing a kiss on her cheek. “It’s wonderful to see you moving around, Mother.”

Gray eyes filled with love and she wrapped her son into a hug, patting his back with her small hands. The trembling in his large body the only sign of the emotional turmoil of the day.

“Mother, do you want us to go after Heath?” asked Nick quietly in her ear. “What do you want?”

Pulling back, Victoria studied the questioning hazel eyes and nodded. “He’s your father’s son and your brother. What else is there to say?”

“This past week, I felt like I’d known Heath all my life, Mother.” whispered Nick. “Being beside him feels right. Do you think he’ll understand? Do you think he’s gone forever?”

Closing her eyes briefly, Victoria took a shaky breath. “I wish I could say Heath’ll understand but his parentage is just as much a shock to him as it was to us. I hope you’ll be able to convince him to come back and talk to us. We can’t force him to stay here, Nick if he doesn’t want to.”

“I know, Mother.” sighed Nick, walking her back to the chair. “All we can do is try.”

Audra nodded and reached up to place a kiss on the tanned cheek, her fingers squeezing his large hand. “When you find Heath, tell him I want to see my brother again.”

Smiling, Nick nodded and cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand, “I’ll deliver your message personally, little sister.”

Jarrod entered the foyer and after saying goodbye, followed Nick out of the house, within minutes the two brothers were riding out of the ranchyard in the direction of Stockton. Their eyes watching for any sign of a blond wrangler on a modoc horse.
