
“Information like what?” Steve asked innocently with a raised brow, his blue eyes watching Hansen resume pacing.

“The fact that Stenning was the one responsible for the car bomb? Maybe that’s why Goldman and Wells found it odd that you never asked them who was responsible. You just happened to know that little piece of information already didn’t you? Donner probably also had specifics on the tapes about Stenning’s location, the layout of his residence and security system? I’m sure he provided all the necessary information for you to carry out your plan without stepping one foot out of that hospital room. So tell me how many hours did you spend listening to those tapes? How many hours until you had all the information memorized?” The NSB agent leaned into Steve’s face “Where are those tapes now Austin?”

“I have no idea.”

“Well we’ll see if we can find them at your house. I have a team executing a search warrant as we speak.” The man in the wrinkled suit turned away and stood facing the wall, collecting his thoughts before continuing. “So how did your ex-wife come into the picture?”

Steve lifted his forearms onto the table and leaned forward with his hands folded. “She called me the first day I was home. She said she wanted to stay with me for awhile.” He replied matter-of-factly.

“So before this how long had it been since you saw her?”

“Physically saw her?” Hansen nodded. “About four years. It was when I went to Nevada to meet my son for the first time, other then that there were just phone calls and messages back and forth.”

“So you haven’t seen your ex-wife for four years and then suddenly she is living with you? That doesn’t sound like most divorced couples I know.” Hansen added dryly.

Steve was getting angry and against his better judgment he couldn’t keep from antagonizing Hansen. “Why such a sudden interest in my ex-wife Hansen? Are you jealous that the only reason your ex-wife comes to your house is to demand her alimony check?”

Oscar and Rudy glanced at one another on the other side of the mirror. This could easily get out of hand if Steve didn’t keep control.

Hansen glared at the brown-haired man and spat out, “I want to know if she was in on it with you.”

Steve eyed his interrogator and raised his brow while asking his own question as a challenge, “If I wanted to be all alone, as you say, to carry out this complicated plan why would I allow her to come and stay with me?”

Hansen couldn’t help but push Steve’s buttons and he chuckled, “After seeing her, what man wouldn’t risk getting caught just to bed her every night?” Steve’s jaw clenched at the derogatory words towards Karen. Hansen’s smug look at getting Steve riled up just begged to be wiped from his face. Steve took a deep breath to calm his anger.

“So where were you the night before last?”

“With Karen.”

“All night?”

“No…we had a disagreement and after we settled everything she fell asleep and I left the house about six.”

“Where did you go?”

“To a local bar called “Jack’s”

“Did you talk to anyone there?”

Steve shrugged as he sat back in his chair, “Just the waitress who took my order.”

“How long did you stay there?”

“Until they closed…about two in the morning. Then I drove home and took out the fence with my car and ended up with this.” He pointed to his damaged face.

“So you’ve said.” Hansen commented sarcastically. “But then again you could have easily gotten that from a bullet crease from Stenning’s guard as you tried to escape. Why didn’t you call your ex to pick you up from the bar?”

“I didn’t want to wake her up.” He replied with the obvious.

“Do you still own a charter service?” Hansen inquired, suddenly moving to another line of questioning.

”I’m sure you already know the answer to that.”

“How many aircraft do you own?”

Steve thought a moment then answered, “Right now one helicopter and a single engine Cessna.”

“Don’t you also own a twin engine Bonanza?”

“I did until yesterday. It was sold.”

“My sources tell me you could easily fly a twin engine Bonanza from Ojai to San Antonio in 3 to 4 hours.” Steve locked eyes with the over zealous man. “Tell me, have you ever flown without filing a flight plan?”

“Sure. Many pilots have. We are not required to file one on some flights.”

Hansen began grinning. “So you are gone all night, enough time to fly to Texas, kill Stenning and fly back before what…8 a.m.?”

“I think you are grasping at straws Hansen.”

“Where’s your Bonanza now? Who bought it?” The NSB agent knew if he could get the Hobbs meter, the instrument that records air time, from the aircraft it would tell him if there were hours of flight time not listed on any records. Steve may not have had time to alter the records.

“I don’t know.”

Hansen thought for sure Steve was playing with him. “What do you mean you don’t know who bought your airplane? Don’t you have records?”

“The plane was old, worth more for its parts. A friend offered to take it to an auction and sold it off, piece by piece.”

“And there are no records?”

“None. Cash and carry.” Steve replied casually, staring his interrogator confidently in the eye. Hansen was turning red in the face, his blood boiling at the thought of one of the damaging pieces of evidence that could support his case was lost somewhere in the world and he would never find it.

Hansen let out a frustrated exhale and tossed a small notepad in front of Steve followed by a pen. “Okay Austin, write down the names of the waitress at the bar and the name of your friend who sold the parts to the Bonanza.”

Steve silently picked up the writing instrument and paused trying to recall the name of the pretty brunette waitress who always served him at Jack’s

“I’ll be right back.” The mustached man mumbled and exited the room.

In the observation area Rudy and Oscar turned as Hansen entered. He walked past them and to the corner where a technician was slouching in front of a large machine which was constantly recording and assessing Steve’s voice modulation. “Well anything we can use?” Hansen asked hopefully. He was surprised how calm and cooperative Steve had been throughout the interrogation.

“No not really. The man in there is either answering your questions truthfully or he has an amazing ability to control his emotions and voice pattern. There was no stress related changes in his inflections or modulation, not even when you insulted his ex-wife.”

“That figures.” Hansen spat out with disgust, his need to expose the truth was eating away at him. “Let’s see if we can produce some stress.” The disappointed man returned to the interrogation room with an idea. Oscar and Rudy silently wondered what to make of the situation.

Hansen took the notepad containing the names from the table and slid it into his breast pocket as he sat down. The tone of his voice becoming friendly and relaxed as he confronted his colleague, “Listen Steve, technically we are on the same side, even if we don’t usually see eye to eye on things. The evidence we have is circumstantial, I’ll grant you that, but it’s enough to put you away and I’m not talking ‘house arrest’ here either. You tell me what I want to know and it will make things much easier.” He stared into Steve’s emotionless eyes, unable to read him.

“Much easier for who Hansen?” Steve asked calmly.

Hansen’s anger erupted and he jumped to his feet, not startling his suspect in the least. He moved just behind Steve and leaned into his ear. With a voice that told of his hatred he warned Steve, “You are going to prison for killing Stenning. I’ll see to it if it’s the last thing I do. If you refuse to cooperate I will make sure you are treated like any other cold-blooded murderer. I’m not talking about just tuning you down. I’ll make sure you are the first one-eyed, one-armed, no-legged man in the federal correctional system!”

Steve’s face drained of all color and he was on his feet in a split second. Glaring down at the shorter man he was at a loss for words, his fear of Hansen’s unexpected power overwhelming him. He held his hands in tight fists wanting nothing more then to put Hansen through the cement wall. Hansen slowly took a step back, suddenly seeing the icy stare, concerned for his safety.

Oscar and Rudy, horrified by Hansen’s realistic threat, stood in their own cloud of fear that Steve would seriously injure Hansen. There were several moments of silence while Steve tried to gather himself. He finally found his voice but it was strained, “Are we finished here?”

Hansen, although afraid of Steve’s physical threat, smiled nervously and replied affirmatively. Steve pushed passed him and left the room.

“Unbelievable.” Rudy muttered before he and Goldman walked out into the hallway in time to see Steve enter the men’s room. The two followed.

Steve was bent forward over the white porcelain sink splashing cold water on his face with shaky hands. His stomach was twisting at the thought of losing his limbs. He stood and immediately saw his friend’s reflection in the mirror.

“Steve…” Oscar began and Steve spun where he stood. “Don’t Oscar! Just don’t say anything. I don’t want you or Rudy involved in this. Do you hear me?”

Rudy tried, “But Steve we…”

“Stop! Just leave it okay. I don’t want any of this mess to end up on either of you. Besides I no longer have any ties to your organization. I am not your responsibility.” He swiftly stepped around them and Oscar grabbed his arm. Steve’s whole body tensed. “At least let us drive you back to the ranch.”

Steve’s eyes remained on the tile floor. “No thanks.” He swung open the door and left the two men speechless. Both were having the same thoughts after what had transpired today.

Karen arrived to pick up Steve. When she exited the elevator Hansen intercepted her. “Ms. Austin it’s nice to see you again.”

Hearing Karen’s name Steve immediately look down the hall and quickly headed in that direction, wanting to get as far away from Hansen as possible. He gently took Karen’s arm. “Come on let’s go.” He said curtly without looking at Hansen.

“Wait.’ Hansen called out. “I’d like to have a few words with Ms. Austin while she’s here.” Karen’s green eyes traveled to Steve’s drawn, pale face to Hansen’s forced smile. “We’d like to get home.” She replied.

“I’m sure you would but I’ll only have to bring you back tomorrow. How about saving us both the trouble?” She looked at Steve. He looked tired. He gave her a small nod and she nodded affirmatively to Hansen before he led her to the same room Steve was questioned in. Steve remained pacing in the hallway.

Oscar and Rudy were back in the observation room talking and were surprised to see Karen being led in. They wondered if she would shed some light on Steve’s situation.

Hansen remained standing just as he did with Steve. “Ms. Austin, may I call you Karen?” He offered with a syrupy tone and a smile.

“No Mr. Hansen, you may not.” She said curtly, letting the power hungry man know she would not be friendly towards him. The remark brought a smile to the two men observing as Hansen turned slightly red with embarrassment.

“Alright then, I won’t take much of your time. I’d just like to know if you have ever heard Steve make threats against the man who killed your son.” Karen froze in her seat, Steve’s words echoing in her head. ‘I don’t know what to do with all the anger. If I had the opportunity I’d kill Stenning with my bare hands.’ Hansen saw the forced swallow on her throat and knew he had hit pay dirt. “Well, Ms. Austin?” He hissed out.

She let out the breath she involuntarily held and replied confidently. “No.” The NSB agent didn’t need the voice modulator to tell him she was lying. His years of experience told him she was just by her non-verbal behavior.

“Let me spell it out for you. If you don’t cooperate with us now I will see that you are charged as an accessory. It would be much better for you to just tell me the truth now… then wait until I put you in front of a judicial panel under oath.”

Karen wasn’t sure if what Hansen was telling her was the truth or if he was manipulating her. She wished Steve had given her more information about what was going on. She didn’t want to hurt his case but she knew he was innocent. He couldn’t be guilty of what they were accusing him of. “Are you arresting me?”


Karen stood, “Then I’ll be leaving.”

Hansen was all smiles on the inside knowing he had a foothold in his case but his face remained passive. “Well, thank you for your time.” He stood and led her from the room.

Steve and Karen left the building immediately and Hansen went to discuss the day’s events with Goldman and Wells.

“Still believe your boy is innocent Goldman?” The cocky smile could no longer be contained.

“He’s not convicted yet Hansen.” Oscar reminded.

“I’m calling the Judicial Panel to assemble the day after tomorrow.” Oscar and Rudy were stunned at the immediacy.

“Why so soon?” Oscar asked.

“I only have to question these two people, the waitress and the guy who sold the airplane. After that it’s all down hill. Besides Karen Austin’s testimony under oath showing premeditation should put the whole controversy to rest wouldn’t you say? I don’t want Austin to get any ideas about leaving the country.

Oscar and Rudy realized the trial was being pushed up and there was nothing they could do about it. Hansen went back to Ojai to finish questioning the last two people involved in Steve’s alibi. Meanwhile Oscar and Rudy went to their hotel, sat at the bar, and still could not come up with the answer that eluded them all. Did he or didn’t he?


The ride to the ranch was tense and silent. Karen wondered if she had made the right decision to keep information from Hansen. She also wondered if she should share what happened with the quiet man next to her.

Steve’s mind wandered from his resurfacing anger at Oscar for not telling him Stenning was free, putting him and Michael at risk to Hansen’s threat of sending him to prison without his arm or legs and his body physically shuddered with the image. He wasn’t surprised to be considered a suspect in Stenning’s death but he never anticipated he’d be their primary suspect. He couldn’t phantom what evidence Hansen had to give him that distinction. He began to consider retaining an attorney just in case this went further then he expected.

“Steve, are you okay?” She asked softly seeing the far away look in his eyes, hating to see him so distressed.

He gave her a half-hearted smile and nod. Pulling up to the house he turned the engine off and dropped his hand to his lap, not making any move to exit the car. After a deep inhale he sighed and looked at the pretty woman next to him. He knew he was in love with her again. There was no doubt in his mind. If he was going to go to prison was if fair to want her to marry him? If she did she would acquire everything that was his, the house in California, the condo in Washington, his car, his Air Force pension, everything. She would be set for life. Then again she would also be alone.

She saw the conflicting emotions in his eyes and face. Her heart ached for what his former colleagues were trying to do to him. Didn’t they understand he wasn’t capable of killing anyone? The young woman had considered coming out and just asking him point blank if he did kill Lyle Stenning but she knew Steve put trust above everything and asking that very question would wound him deeply.

What Karen wasn’t aware of was that Steve had killed in the past. Sometimes the situation demanded it in his profession, a secret profession she had no knowledge of. It was never easy for the covert operative to commit the act but he in fact had taken a life before but never in cold blood.

“Steve, what’s on your mind?” she asked simply.

He stared off into the distance through the windshield. “I was thinking I should call my lawyer. I don’t think I should underestimate Hansen and his intense desire to see me put away for a long time. He’s as tenacious as a bulldog.” The guilt that was sitting on Karen’s chest began to weigh quite heavily.

“Steve I need to tell you something.” She said tentatively.

“Shoot.” He looked into her emerald eyes and she immediately had to look down at her clasped hands on her lap.

“Hansen only asked me one question…and….and I wasn’t sure how to answer him.”

“I hope you just told him the truth. I don’t want you mixed up in this. Do you understand?”

She slowly lifted her face to his, the warm tears slowly slithering down her cheeks. She felt like she had failed him. “Karen what is it?”

“He asked me if I ever heard you threaten Lyle Stenning.” Her green eyes pooled with salty water waiting for the chance to fall free.

“And?” Steve pressed not quite remembering his past comment to her.

“I lied and told him no.” She saw the confusion in his face. “Don’t you remember near the corral when you said you didn’t know what to do with all the anger and that if you had the opportunity you’d kill Stenning with your bare hands?” She instantly covered her face with her hands as the sobs shook her shoulders. “Steve, I think he knew I was lying. Hansen’s going to make me testify to that under oath. What am I going to do?” She cried, her hands muffling the words.

Steve heart sank that he was causing her this pain. He reached over and took her in his arms trying his best to reassure her that everything was going to be alright. She slowly calmed herself as he spoke, “Karen, everything’s going to be alright. I promise. Okay?” He looked into her eyes and she gave him a small smile.

“Steve I promise to stand by you through all of this no matter what the outcome you know that don’t you?”

“Yes, I know that. I’m just sorry you got involved.” He hugged her tight and sighed. “We’ll make it, don’t worry.”

The couple entered the house and grabbed a light bite to eat, both tired. After getting ready for bed they curled up together on Steve’s bed and quickly fell asleep. There was no telling what tomorrow would bring.


Hansen drove back into Ojai and headed directly for Ed Collins house. The older man was a former World War II veteran who ambled to the door with a limp. After identifying himself the government agent inquired about the twin-engine Bonanza that was previously owned by Austin Air Charter.

Ed, unsure why the questions were being asked or what information he could provide the inquisitive man, shared what knowledge he had. The NSB agent felt his blood pressure rise after hearing that it was Mr. Collins idea to sell off the plane in pieces and not Steve’s. He was an old family friends of the Elgin’s and knew Austin since he was a child. It was obvious that the old man was very fond of the former astronaut, which grated on Hansen even more.

“Well actually I approached Steve two weeks ago with the idea.”

“Did Steve know this auction would take place two days ago?”


“Mr. Collins you didn’t happen to notice what the Hobbs meter read before you sold it did you?”

“No. I was in kind of a hurry. I didn’t have too much time to dawdle while cannibalizing the plane and packaging it for my trip.”

“Why wasn’t there enough time?”

“Well, I got up early in the morning and headed over to the airfield to start the job. It was supposed to be left out on the ramp…you know tied down. When I got there it wasn’t. I was surprised and assumed it was in the hanger but only Steve had the keys so I had to run over to his place to pick them.”

“Did Steve say why the plane was moved?”

“No. He just apologized saying he forgot to leave it out and tossed me the keys. I told him I’d be in touch and he wished me good luck at the auction.”

As Hansen left the older man he added more circumstantial evidence to his guilty list, even though it wasn’t Steve’s idea to sell off the parts. He jumped into his car and headed to Jack’s bar. He was curious to see if that part of Steve’s alibi would hold up under scrutiny.

“Oh yes Steve came in that night about 6, 6:30.” Michelle explained as she wiped off the table.

“So you did talk to him?”

She stood and thought a moment. With so many regular customers coming and going almost nightly it was hard to tell one night from the next. “Well actually he didn’t seem in the mood to talk. He must have had a lot on his mind that night.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well he wasn’t acting like himself. He usually chats a little but that night I just asked if he wanted his usual and he nodded.”

“Was there anything else different about him that night?” Hansen had an idea floating in the back of his head ever since Steve told him he had an alibi the night Stenning was killed… a body double. It was a common tactic in covert operations. Take someone who looks a lot like your subject so the agent can be in 2 places at once. He had a feeling Harry Donner may have already had that in the plan from the beginning, the same plan that he passed on in those audio tapes.

“Yeah, he was wearing a baseball hat with Austin Air Charters on it. He never wore a hat in here before.”

“Did you get a look at his face? Could you say it was him without a doubt?”

“Mr. Hansen we were really busy that night. I saw the hat and he was the same build, height and hair color. He even had the same mannerisms and sat in his usual corner back there.” She pointed to the fartherest corner from the door. “He acted the same way he always does he just wasn’t interested in talking that’s all.”

“Do you know if he talked to anyone else?”

“Sorry. Like I said we were busy.”

“Did you notice what time he left?”

“Probably about 2 a.m. with all the other customers.”

“Thanks for your help.”

“You’re welcome. I hope I helped.”

“Oh you did, believe me you did.” He replied with an arrogant smile and left the bar.

Hansen was disappointed when he was notified of the scheduled Judicial Hearing. Due to conflicting schedules of the five members of the panel it was planned to take place in four days not two as Hansen had requested. He felt he could do no more then he had already and caught a flight back to Washington D.C.


Oscar and Rudy drove back to Steve’s residence to inform him of the hearing before they would board their flight to the east. Oscar wanted one last chance to speak with Steve on the weight of the evidence.

The two men in dark suits came upon Steve near the barn as they exited their vehicle. His back was to them and his shirtless form was bent forward at the waist as he used the water from a nearby garden hose to soak his upper torso down. It was a scorching day to say the least. He flipped his water soaked head up at the sound of approaching footsteps.

“What brings you two out here?” He said without preamble, the water beading on his tanned face.

“Steve we need to talk.”

“Okay, talk.” Oscar let out a sigh and slid both hands into his pants pockets. “Can we go inside?” He glanced around knowing Hansen had men watching.

Steve leaned down to grab his shirt from the ground. “Sure.” He said quietly. The three headed to the house and were met by Karen. She greeted the visitors as she handed Steve a towel to dry off.

After taking a moment to don a clean t-shirt Steve joined his former colleagues in the living room. “Okay, what’s so important you two had to drive all the way out here?”

“Steve, Hansen has convened a Judicial Panel to hear the results of his investigation.” Steve just nodded as Oscar went on. “It’s to take place in Washington, three days from today. You are required to be there.”

“Why, so Hansen can string me up?” He stared at his friends and corrected, “Or should I say cut me up?”

Both men swallowed hard. Oscar felt the heavy weight pushing against his already slumped shoulders. “Steve, I wish I could help but I’m afraid this is out of my hands.”

“Oscar I told you I am not your operative anymore. I’m not your responsibility.”

Rudy couldn’t believe the calm his friend exuded, “Steve you seem to be taking this a little too lightly.”

“I’m not taking this lightly. I spent half the day yesterday with my lawyer. I’ll spend the next two days with him. As far as I can see Hansen has no solid evidence against me.”

Oscar knew he shouldn’t get in the middle but he had to forewarn his friend. “Steve he does have some.” The director didn’t know how Steve could refute the crushed vertebrae in Stenning’s neck.

“Like what?”

“I can’t tell you specifics.” He watched as a small grin crossed Steve’s face. Oscar was hoping to relate the seriousness of the situation. “Steve, he also hopes to have Karen testify against you. It could be damaging testimony.”

“Oscar you worry too much. I have great confidence that Hansen’s case will not hold water.”

“And if it does and they find you guilty?”

Steve sobered as he thought for a moment. His voice was soft and low, “I won’t go without a fight.” The brown-haired man stood up and ambled to the bar at the corner of the room. “Would you like a drink?” The two guests declined while Steve poured one for himself.

Oscar walked over to him, his voice almost pleading. “Steve…. Steve I have to know, just between us.” Steve stared at his former boss with a raised brow, his anger growing by the second. He broke eye contact while tossing back his drink. After slamming the glass back on the bar he glared at the taller man.

He maintained a voice that was low and controlled. “It doesn’t matter. Everyone has their own opinion of whether I did it or not. My god Oscar you’ve known me for how long…You know how much I hate taking a human life…. and you have the nerve to ask me that question?!” He glanced at Rudy then back at Oscar seeing the doubt in both their faces, his chest to tighten.

After a deep breath he finished, “What do you want me to say? That I did it? That I paid someone to do it? Will that solve the mystery for you?” He glanced at Rudy who stood to take his place next to Oscar. Steve let a small smile hang on his lips. “I’ll tell you this I’m not sorry he’s dead and if I had killed him I certainly wouldn’t have lost a single minute of sleep over it. That I’m sure of.” Steve moved around the pair but before leaving the room he turned. “I guess I’ll see you two in Washington.”

With deep lines of concern on their faces and their stomachs heavy with worry the two men began their trip back to the capital.

With all the tedious preparation to do the next two days passed quickly. Karen and Steve checked into a plush Washington hotel the night before the hearing. The retired operative nervously joked that if it was going to be his last night of freedom he wanted to spend it in a lavish hotel with an incredibly beautiful woman. Karen retorted with a chuckle, “Who would you like me to call?”


It was midnight and even after the passionate expression of their love provided an intense physical release Steve could not relax. He paced the dimly lit sitting room of their suite clad only in the unbuttoned jeans he had pulled on. Karen rolled on her side, instantly sensing he was gone. After pulling on her thin robe she met him in the adjacent room.

He was startled to see her when he turned to retrace his nervous steps. She immediately saw his face lacking color and knew there was something he wasn’t telling her.

“Steve, are you alright?” He voice was soft and concerned.

Nodding, he silently dropped himself into the over-stuffed chair in front of the empty fireplace. The young woman’s delicate hand fell upon his tense shoulder. “Please tell me what’s wrong.”

In the quietness of the room she heard his long forced exhale as he reached up to pull her onto his lap. He knew she deserved to know the possible consequences.

In a low and monotone voice Steve relayed the facts of his life during their long separation. She allowed him to speak without interruption, trying not to let her sadness show on her face. He spoke in a detached manner as if the horrible experience of the plane crash and bionic reconstruction happened to someone else.

When he quieted she lovingly touched his cheek, her other arm around his neck, and verbally assured him his past did not change her feelings towards him. He gave her a small crooked grin before staring off into the distance and in a tight voice choked with emotion he explained Hansen’s plan for him should he be found guilty.

Karen was dumbstruck. Would Hansen send Steve to prison virtually defenseless? Did the Deputy Director of the NSB have that much single-handed authority? The panicked state Steve presented was now making sense.

The tall slender woman slid off his comfortable lap and moved behind him. He let out a soft moan as her strong fingers kneaded the tight muscles in his broad shoulders and neck. It took some time and effort but he finally began to relax a bit. Grasping his hand she made a suggestion, “Come on. Let’s go back to bed. We both need to get some sleep.” He stood without answering and allowed her to lead him. The couple curled up together on the large bed. The anxious man rested his head on her chest, her heartbeat soothing him. She sighed and tenderly ran her hand through his hair over and over until he fell asleep.

For a long while she stared at the ceiling, letting a few tears leave her green eyes and silently roll down her cheeks, feeling a strong need to protect the man she loved.


The small official looking room held an abundance of wood, wood flooring, wooden furniture and even some wood paneling on the walls. The lighting in the space was relatively dim except for over the raised stage where the five-member panel would hear the evidence and the place where the selected people would give their testimony.

The proceeding would be similar to a criminal court except opening arguments and closing statements would not take place. Each witness who would be called could be cross-examined at length and any member of the judicial board could also ask questions of the witnesses at their discretion. It would then be the panel’s decision in the end as to the defendant’s guilt or innocence. This type of hearing was few and far between, only being called when it was suspected that a high level covert operative became a rogue and took matters into his own hands without direct authority or knowledge of his superiors. These issues could not be brought before the public due to the top secret nature of the information they might disclose.

The members chosen for this panel were veteran government officials. One was pulled from the Office of Scientific Intelligence and another from the National Security Bureau. The three remaining members were selected from the Central Intelligence Agency. All five had high security clearances and spent many years on the front lines of national security. All five also had some knowledge, one way or another, of who Steve Austin was.

Rudy and Oscar took their seats off to the side, two rows behind where Steve would be sitting with his attorney. They wanted to be able to see more of him then just the back of his head. Both men were tense, unsure of what would come of this hearing that could ultimately destroy their friend’s life.

A door in the back opened. Oscar and Rudy turned their heads in unison to watch Steve enter with Karen on his arm, his lawyer leading the way to the front. The US Air Force officer walked tall wearing his Air Force dress blues.

Coming to his seat Steve did nothing more then glance in the direction of his friends before unbuttoning the last button on his coat and taking his seat. Karen gracefully took her seat just behind Steve. It was as close as she could be to him.

The two OSI men saw the pallor of Steve’s face and the dark circles under his eyes. It had obviously been a sleepless night for him too.

Hansen took his seat across the aisle with his assistant, a small smile ever present on his face as he removed the files from his brief case.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, I think it’s time to bring these proceedings to order. I am Michael Dupree, Assistant Director of the CIA. To my left are Agents Dugan of the NSB and Willard of the CIA. To my right are Agents Collier of the OSI and Kepler of the CIA. As most of you know there will be no opening arguments so we will begin with the charges.”

Steve, with his Attorney, Colonel Brad Taylor, USAF, stood to hear the offenses of which he was being accused.

”Colonel Austin, you are being accused of dereliction of duty and over stepping the bounds of an OSI agent in the death of Lyle Stenning.”

Taylor, a man Steve had known for many years and respected highly, interrupted. “Mr. Dupree, Colonel Austin was not an agent for the OSI or any government agency at the time of Lyle Stenning’s death. Therefore those charges do not apply in this case. You will find a copy of his official resignation letter in the file in front of you.” Each member of the panel looked down at the files each had before them.

Dupree retorted, “I see. Well then I guess the charges would be Murder and possibly Behavior Unbecoming an Officer of the USAF.” Steve whole body stiffened at the words. “Under normal circumstances this panel would transfer this case to the State’s Criminal Court System seeing as how Colonel Austin was not employed by the Federal Government at the time of the incident. However this is a very unusual situation with regard to how the victim was killed. Therefore we shall hear this case in full.” The authoritative man shuffled a few papers in front of him and finished, “Colonel Austin would you like to add anything before we begin the questioning?”

Steve swallowed hard and quietly cleared his throat before answering assertively, “No Sir.”

“Okay then, let’s begin.” Steve and his lawyer took their seats as Hansen stood. “Mr. Hansen please call your first witness.”

“I would like to call Mr. Oscar Goldman, Director of the OSI, to the stand.”

The tall dark-haired man stood and made his way to the stand in a few long strides. After raising his right hand and swearing he would tell the truth he sat stiffly in the wooden seat.

“Mr. Goldman, how long have you known Colonel Austin?”

“Since 1971.”

“And how did you come to know him?”

Oscar briefly highlighted the situation that brought him and Steve together.

“So he worked for you as a covert agent during his years with the OSI?”


“Tell me what you know about Lyle Stenning.”

Oscar related the OSI three-month investigation into Stenning’s illegal organization that involved covert terroristic activities both in the US and abroad. Hansen occasionally jumped in to clarify information.

“So Austin was the agent you sent in to bring down Stenning’s organization known as ‘Fortress’?”

“That’s correct.”

“At any time was he ordered to terminate Mr. Stenning?”


“I see. Was he successful in carrying out his mission?”


“Did you witness Mr. Stenning’s response when he was captured?”

Oscar’s brown eyes fell upon his friend in uniform. “I heard Lyle Stenning threatened Colonel Austin’s life when he was being taken into custody.”

“Did you or Austin take the threat seriously?”

“I did. I cannot speak for Steve.”

“You wrote a report almost two months ago describing a car bombing incident that injured Colonel Austin and killed his 21-year-old son Michael. Is this it?”

Oscar took the paper and scanned it. “Yes.”

“Gentlemen,” Hansen looked at the panel, “You will find in your file a copy of this report for further review. Now, Mr. Goldman, who did you find out was responsible for that bombing?”
