
“Was there confidential information on those tapes, along with the music Mr. Donner insisted was on them, information such as Lyle Stenning’s whereabouts, and the layout of his home and security system?”

“No.” Steve replied confidently.

“Do you really expect us to believe that?” Hansen snarled. Steve remained stoic, keeping his icy blue stare on Hansen, remaining silent. “Dr. Wells stated in your medical record that he was, and I quote, ‘very concerned by your lack of social interaction with staff and visitors’ during your hospital stay. Can you shed any light on why you were refusing to communicate with the staff and visitors?”

Steve shrugged and glanced at the panel. “I was depressed, in pain and grieving for my son.”

“Mr. Austin, I am very curious, as I’m sure the panel is, as to what suddenly brought you out of such a deep depression.” He looked down at Rudy’s notes, “In Dr. Wells’ words ‘After almost a week of refusing food and conversation the patient is suddenly verbally communicating and eating his meals without encouragement. The instantaneous improvement is unexplainable at this time.’ Can you enlighten us on that?”



“No.” Was all Steve offered.

Hansen returned to his table to retrieve more notes, letting his frustration dwindle before he lost control.

“Upon discharge you returned to Ojai…against Dr. Wells’ orders. Did you not?”

“Yes I did.”

“Would you tell us why?”

“Why not? I live there.” Steve answered in a flippant tone.

“At the time of your discharge did you know who was responsible for your son’s death?”

Steve swallowed hard. “I may have.”

“Don’t you know or aren’t you sure?”

“I don’t remember many specifics from that week.”

“Maybe it’s because you aren’t sure when the information was passed on from Harry Donner. I mean you had several tapes you were listening to…it could have been on any of them.”

“Mr. Hansen!” Mr. Dupree scolded. “Please move on to your specific questions.”

“So you leave the hospital to return home to California and you have the knowledge of who killed your son. Is that correct?”

“I guess.”

“You were not well enough to drive. How did you get to the airport?”

“A friend drove me.”

Hansen smiled at Steve. “Would that friend happen to be in this room?” He whirled around then back to Steve.

“Yes. Harry Donner.” He replied simply.

“During your short trip to the airport did you and Mr. Donner discuss Lyle Stenning?” Hansen approached Steve and added, “And I remind you that you are under oath.”

“No. We didn’t discuss anything.”

“Did you resign from the OSI so your actions would not affect Oscar Goldman?”


“Is it true that you sent away every agent the OSI sent to protect you from whoever planted the car bomb?”


“Didn’t you think it would look suspicious that you were trying to keep your life private and out of the governments view?”


“Where were you on the night Lyle Stenning was killed?”

“Ojai, California.”

“Where in Ojai?”

“A bar. I arrived around 6 pm and left around 2 am.”

“Did you speak to anyone there?”

“Yes, the waitress.” Steve replied as he shifted in his seat.

Hansen pounced. “That Mr. Austin is a lie.” Hansen pulled a sheet of paper from his file. “I have here the sworn affidavit from the waitress. She states you never uttered a word to her. In fact she states she never saw your face and you only nodded at her offer for a drink. She continues on to state that you were a regular patron there and she thought it VERY unusual that you would avoid conversation with her.” Hansen enjoyed his moment as Steve’s brow furled trying to remember. “Would you like to change your answer to that last question colonel?”

“I saw her, she saw me. Maybe I didn’t actually speak with her. I wasn’t in a very good mood that night.”

“And why is that?”

“My wife and I had a disagreement earlier in the day. We settled things before I left the house but I was still angry.”

“Angry? Angry at her?”

“No.” Steve shifted again. If anyone was close enough they would have seen the muscles in his jaw clench.

“Then who were you angry with?”

“I wasn’t necessarily angry at anyone?”

“Then why were you angry?”

“I was angry at the situation.” Steve stated firmly.

Hansen decided to use it to his advantage. “What situation?”

“The situation that caused the death of my son, Mr. Hansen.” Steve forced out as calmly as he could.

“I see… Did you work out your anger that night?”

“I guess.”

“Maybe in San Antonio, Texas since you had enough time to fly your twin engine airplane to there and back without anyone knowing. Is that right?”

“What that I was in Texas or that a pilot can fly that route as you stated?”

“Were you in Texas that night?” Hansen asked sternly.


“The waitress at the bar states she can’t be 100% sure it was actually you Colonel Austin. She didn’t see your face or speak to you. She even noted the man didn’t act like you. You still insist it was you in that bar that night. ”


“Did you sustain a head injury that night?”


“Describe for us the injuries you had.”

“I had a laceration on my temple that was about 2 inches long and a bruise on my left cheek bone.” The panel leaned forward suddenly interested how Steve Austin got similar wounds that were described as inflicted by Lyle Stenning’s security guard.

Hansen allowed them a moment to connect the two incidents before throwing Steve another question. “Where is your twin engine Bonanza airplane?”

“It was sold.”


“Friday the 24th.”

“Friday the 24th. That is a very interesting fact Colonel. The day after Lyle Stenning’s death you sell the one aircraft that you used in the commission of a crime.” Hansen looked to the men of the panel. “Gentlemen, I made an attempt to have the airplane processed as evidence however Colonel Austin could not tell me who had purchased it. If you look in your file you will see the sworn affidavit of one Edward Conner. He was the man who sold off the Bonanza belonging to Austin Air Charters. He sold it with Colonel Austin’s knowledge and permission.” Hansen stepped back to Steve. “Please tell us where is the plane now Colonel?”

He looked to the panel. “The aircraft was old and the parts were worth more then the whole so the pieces were sold at an auction, cash and carry. I don’t have any knowledge as to who has the parts.”

“Including the Hobbs Meter?”

Steve nodded, “Yes.”

“So, according to Mr. Collins statement, you knew, weeks in advance, that the plane would be pulled apart and sold the day after you murdered Lyle Stenning.”

“Mr. Hansen! Colonel Austin is still in the United States of America and he is still innocent until proven guilty. I suggest you refrain from calling him a murderer.” Dupree was getting frustrated with Hansen.

“Let me rephrase then….the plane was sold the day after you allegedly murdered Stenning.” Hansen moved about a small circle. “Where are the tapes Mr. Donner gave you?”

“I don’t know.”

“So they disappeared as mysteriously as the airplane?”

“I guess so. I wasn’t aware they would be in such high demand.” Steve taunted without smiling causing Hansen’s anger to rise. “I think you are VERY well aware of it Mr. Austin.” The NSB agent moved away and turned as an afterthought.

“Mr. Austin you and your wife Karen were married two days ago. Was that because you knew she would be expected to testify against you at this hearing?”


“No more questions.” Hansen stated with confidence and took his seat.

Brad Taylor slowly got to his feet as he carefully glanced through the notes he had taken. Steve was tired both mentally and physically but didn’t let it show. He sipped some water from a glass while waiting patiently for his attorney to clear up a few things with his questioning.

“Colonel Austin, I want to clarify a few things Mr. Hansen referred to starting with your recent wedding. When did you and Karen begin discussing remarriage?”

Steve thought a moment then responded, “About 2 weeks ago.”

“So this wasn’t a spontaneous or hasty decision made 48 hours ago?”

Steve let a small smile grace his face as he looked at his pretty bride. “No.”

Taylor went back to his notes. “Please tell us why you resigned from the OSI?”

“My son was dead because of my association with the agency. I wanted to break ties with them and move on with my life.”

Taylor eyed the experienced agents on the panel and noticed some were looking quite empathetic at Steve’s situation. “The agents Mr. Goldman sent to protect you….why did you send them away?”

“I was no longer their operative. I guess I didn’t feel I deserved nor needed their protection.”

“Let’s talk about your facial injuries that occurred the night Lyle Stenning was killed. How did you get those injuries?”

“I tried to drive home from the bar drunk. I lost control and hit a fence and a tree.”

“Did you call the authorities?”

“No. I just walked the rest of the way home. I had my car towed the next morning.”

“Gentlemen, you have before you a copy of the OSI’s report on Colonel Austin’s car, including photographs. You will see that the driver side window and front were seriously damaged. You will also read the lab report stating the hair and blood found on that window was Colonel Austin’s.”

Brad Taylor looked straight at Steve and asked clearly, “Colonel Austin did you kill Lyle Stenning in cold blood?”


“I have no further questions Mr. Dupree.”

Dupree glanced at his panel and then to Hansen who requested one more inquiry. With a nod from Dupree he called out his question from his standing position at the table. “Mr. Austin, is it possible that, with your bionics, you could have easily pushed your car into the tree with enough force to do that kind of damage then added the blood from your wounds?”

There was a moment of silence as Steve’. “Well Mr. Austin, is it possible?”

“Yes.” Steve forced out in a quiet tone knowing Hansen scored a big point with his question.

“Thank you.”

Mr. Dupree took control. “Ladies and Gentlemen this concludes the testimony for this hearing. Now the panel will discuss our findings and review the documents you have provided. I request that Colonel Taylor and Mr. Hansen remain available in case we have any further questions during our deliberations. We will adjourn until tomorrow at 8:00 am at which time we will render our verdict.” The panel stood and filed out the door behind the bench in silence. Steve sat frozen in his chair, never feeling this helpless before.

After a few minutes to collect his things Brad escorted the Austin’s out. Hansen couldn’t suppress his smile as he placed his papers in his brief case. He felt confident his theory was true and the panel would see it too.


In the morning Oscar and Rudy ambled quickly down the hall hoping to give their friend some words of support before the verdict was delivered. Neither of them got much sleep, both remembering Steve’s words, ‘I won’t let them take me without a fight’. Oscar whispered to Rudy as they passed four NSB agents with bulges under their suit coats. Hansen wasn’t taking any chances, anticipating Austin would not go easily when the guilty verdict was delivered.

The doctor and director came upon the handsome couple at the end of the hall. Karen, standing close to Steve, had a comforting arm on her husband’s upper back as they spoke in hushed tones. The two turned in unison, hearing the approaching footsteps.

Rudy immediately noticed Steve’s face was pale and drawn as was Karen’s. Apparently no one slept well last night. As Oscar shared some words with Steve Harry Donner walked passed with just a nod to his friend. Steve nodded back and watched his friend’s retreating back until it disappeared behind the closing door.

“Well I guess we should get in there.” Karen offered in a soothing voice while glancing at her watch.

Steve looked at her closely, “You go on. I’ll be there in a minute.” She saw the pleading in his eyes to give him some time alone. She smiled and replied softly, “Okay.” The two men escorted the young woman into the small room. Steve turned and just stared out the closest window. His chest was tight as he forced his body to release the tension that had settled there. Then he turned on his heel, straightened his shoulders and bravely walked into the room, his fate just moments away.

The accused took his seat after shaking hands with his attorney, also noticing Hansen had brought along NSB agents. Brad offered some light conversation, “Did you get any sleep last night?”

“If you were in my place would you have been able to sleep?”

“No, I guess not. We gave them everything Steve. I have a good feeling about this.”

“I’m glad someone does.” Steve replied as he once again scanned the faces of the NSB agents.

The panel, led by Dupree, sauntered up to their seats and settled in. A close look at each face told the audience that whatever decision they came to wasn’t easy for any of them.

Dupree cleared his throat and explained the next step. “Ladies and gentlemen, after deliberating all night we are prepared to give our verdict. Since each man on this panel has his own choice after hearing the evidence I will address each member for their decision. I must add that a unanimous decision must be reached. If the verdict is unanimous these proceedings will end here. If the verdict is not unanimous there will be further proceedings that will follow.”

The haggard looking man shuffled his papers and placed his reading glasses on. “Colonel Austin, would you please rise.” Steve took to his feet and stood straight and solid, his breath never leaving his lungs as the names were called out.

“Agent Dugan how do you find the defendant?” The soon-to-retire agent locked eyes with Steve.

“Not guilty.”

“Agent Willard?” He too looked directly at the defendant.

“Not guilty.”

“Agent Collier?”

“Not guilty.” He stated with authority.

“Agent Kepler?”

“Not guilty.” He replied confidently

I, myself, also find you not guilty of the charges listed.” Steve slowly let out his breath but remained expressionless. Sitting across the aisle Hansen was red-faced. “I officially conclude this hearing. Colonel Austin you are free to go.”

Steve finally let a smile grow on his face as he felt his wife’s arms suddenly embrace him from behind. She kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. Brad turned and shook his hand vigorously as Steve expressed his gratitude for his hard work.

Oscar and Rudy quickly came upon the celebrating group and shook Steve’s hand. As the circle broke up Steve caught Hansen’s eye, the shock still evident on the Deputy Director’s face at the verdict. Steve hesitated, not sure if he should say something to the frustrated man. Before he could decide Hansen was on his feet and exiting the room with his agents in tow.

Oscar offered to treat everyone to lunch, complete with a bottomless bottle of champagne. Everyone accepted and they headed out of the Federal Building. Once in the parking lot Steve saw Harry leaning against his car. Breaking from the happy group Steve approached his friend. The two were out of earshot but their interaction was witnessed by not only Oscar, Rudy and Karen but also Hansen and his men.

Steve and Harry shook hands then embraced in a brief hug with slaps on the backs. Both were smiling as they broke apart. Steve walked off and Harry waved as he got into his car. No one knew what to make of the unexpected scene. No one wanted to ask Steve either. The hearing was over, Steve was free, and it was time to celebrate.

While the Austin’s celebrated with friends Hansen made his way to Dupree’s office. The tired man was collecting his briefcase, ready to head home after being in his office all night.

“Mr. Hansen, is there something I can do for you?”

“What the hell was that all about?”

Dupree knew Hansen was upset from the moment the verdict was read. “Hansen, it’s over. Austin was found not guilty. Just let it go.”

“LET IT GO? An agent of the OSI killed Stenning in cold blood and you just let him walk.”

“It was not proven without a doubt that he killed Stenning.”

“Did you even read my report?” Dupree nodded and picked up from his desk. “I read it, several times in fact.”

“So why is Austin now sipping champagne instead of being hauled off to prison?”

Dupree let out a long exhale. “Hansen the man was found not guilty.” The NSB agent looked closely at Dupree and a thought suddenly occurred to him.

“There’s more to this isn’t there? Did Oscar Goldman wave his magic wand and you caved?”

“NO! And I resent the fact that you would think so.”

“But there is more to it.”

Dupree gave a small nod and closed his office door. “Hansen, Colonel Austin has a perfect military record and an extraordinary record with the OSI. If...…IF he did kill Lyle Stenning it would have been completely out of character.”

“What else?” Hansen had work with covert agencies for many years. He was aware of the politics that could move mountains. “What else?” He urged.

“I received a call last night. According to higher ups in the CIA and FBI Lyle Stenning was becoming too fanatical in his anti-American views. He was creating a lot of problems for national security.” He looked at Hansen with sympathy. “Don’t you get it?” Hansen nodded negatively.

“It doesn’t matter WHO killed Stenning. The CIA would have gone after him soon. The murderer just saved the United States government months of planning and tens of thousands of dollars for taking him out of the picture.”

“So do you think Austin did it?”

Dupree grabbed his briefcase from the desk and headed to the door. “Mr. Hansen it really doesn’t matter anymore. The rest of the panel, without knowledge of the government’s plans, decided he was innocent.” With that he left Hansen stewing in the empty office.


The sun had already risen in Washington when an anonymous caller from the NSB contacted Oscar. He told Oscar of Hansen’s irrational behavior and said Goldman should contact Steve Austin to warn him that Hansen was heading to California. After sharing the information with Dr. Wells as he exited the building Rudy followed Oscar to the parking lot.

The newlyweds sat on the patio outside the back of the ranch house sipping their orange juice. After a rainy night it was turning into a beautiful day. They spent some time discussing their future then decided to take a spontaneous three-day trip to San Diego. Steve stood and assisted Karen with moving her chair back. She gave him a quick kiss before taking his hand and heading to the backdoor, items needed for the trip filling her head.

The sound of skidding tires on the gravel drive caught their attention. “Now what?” Steve exhaled as Hansen jumped from the car. The irate man, who hadn’t slept for two days, had fire in his eyes as he swiftly made his way to the couple. Steve immediately saw the rage filled eyes and nudged Karen aside. “Go in the house.” He stated in a low voice. She glanced at him in confusion, knowing by his tone it wasn’t a request. Ignoring his words she remained silent and still, watching Steve and Hansen’s approach.

Before any words were even spoken the NSB agent whipped out his sidearm and pointed it directly at Steve. “Don’t move Austin.” He ordered through a tightly clenched jaw.

“Hansen what are you doing?” He asked incredulously. “Have you gone nuts?”

“You may have everyone else fooled but not me. I know you murdered Stenning. There is no one else who could have jumped to the second story balcony and strangled a man with one hand, crushing his vertebrae in the process and...”

“And what? You’re going to shoot me? Then what?” Steve tried to get the gun-toting, irrational man to focus on reality. What did he really think he would accomplish?

Hansen’s heart beat rapidly in his chest, his face red from the increasing anger building inside him. Steve tried again. “Hansen put that damn thing away.” The infuriated man did not even twitch, his gun still leveled at Steve’s chest from 30 feet away. With an outstretched arm Steve kept Karen at arms’ length to his left side, not wanting her in the line of fire. Opening his mouth to try and calm the agent Steve never got out another word as the loud report of the .38 caliber handgun echoed across the hills.

Oscar and Rudy, with two agents in tow, pulled up the house at a fast rate of speed in time to see the muzzle flash and Steve get thrown against the side of the house, dropping as dead weight to the ground. The four new arrivals were out of the vehicle in an instant, three with guns drawn. Rudy stood gripping the open car door waiting for the situation to be in Oscar’s control.

“Drop it Hansen and put your hands on your head. NOW!” Without remorse the seething man did as he was told, his hand gun dropping into the dirt. The accompanying agents swiftly cuffed the man as the doctor headed for Steve.

Karen was frantic, her ears still buzzing from the loud bang. She was instantly at Steve’s slumped body, lying on its right side. She gingerly assisted the still conscious Steve as he pushed up with his right elbow to prop his back against the exterior wall of the house. She reached under his light blue shirt to apply pressure to the bleeding bullet wound on his upper left chest. The injured man tried to slow his breathing and opened his eyes to see Rudy coming toward him.

“I’m alright.” He assured them in a forced voice, the burning pain radiating from his chest.

“Sure you are.” Karen stated in a light tone. “You always look this pale.” Both she and Rudy saw as the signs of shock began to replace the surging adrenalin. Steve gave her a weak half-grin trying to ignore the pain.

“Dr. Wells, just inside that door behind you are clean towels in the laundry room.” The physician was up and heading in that direction immediately. Karen, using her left hand, began to unbutton the rest of Steve’s shirt.

Steve squinted his eyes and blinked hard, his vision blurring slightly. Oscar was ducking Hansen’s head as he got into the back of the tan sedan. The tall man let out a long held breath after the door slammed shut, gave some orders to his men then headed to his bleeding friend.

Rudy returned with the hand towels and handed a folded one to Karen who took it in her left hand before sliding under her right, which covered the angry hole in her husband’s chest. Steve involuntarily gasped as the pressure was reapplied causing the searing pain to return. Closing his eyes he was tired and just wanted to doze off, taking the pain away. He could hear his friend’s voices as they conversed about his condition.

“The ambulance is on the way. How is he?” Oscar squatted down at his friend’s feet waiting for the doctor to respond. The injured man was a little more comfortable, not moving around seemed to lessen the pain. Hearing Rudy call his name loudly he turned his head with it still tipped back against the wall, the light perspiration trickling down his face. His eyes opened half-way, his voice sounded raspy. “I’m still here Rudy.” He assured him.

“Can you feel your left arm?”

Licking his dry lips and closing his heavy lids he answered in a deep voice, “Sure…feels like a… throbbing toothache.” Rudy gently grasped Steve’s left hand as it rested on his thigh.

“Can you squeeze my hand?” The doctor let out a satisfied sigh. “Good. I don’t think the bullet damaged anything important but to be on the safe side don’t move around Steve. I don’t want that slug to move.”

Steve retorted in just above a whisper, “I’m…. not… going… anywhere.” His head slid sideways coming to rest on Karen’s shoulder. Rudy reached for the towel to check the blood flow from the wound. “Karen, let me check the wound.”

The young blonde removed her blood-smeared hand from the towel and caressed Steve’s warming cheek with her thumb. With her forehead against Steve’s she whispered a few words into his ear but he didn’t respond. “How is it Rudy?” She asked looking up.

“The bleeding has slowed considerably.”

“He’s out cold. Do you think he might be bleeding more on the inside?” Karen knew that a patient may not bleed heavily from a gunshot wound but be losing significant amounts of the precious fluid internally.

“Let’s hope not. We’ll know more when we can monitor him in the ambulance.” As if on cue, the sirens blared announcing the large vehicle as it came to a halt to transport Steve to the hospital.

Riding in the back of the ambulance Karen assisted Rudy with getting a blood pressure that assured them Steve was stable for now. The doctor inserted the IV line. The two rode in silence for several minutes, Karen holding Steve’s left hand as it lay lax on the sheet.

The young woman stared at her husband. “It’s ironic isn’t it Rudy?”

The physician looked up and into her deep, green eyes, “What’s that?”

“Hansen just did what he’s been accusing Steve of doing.”

Rudy just nodded his head. He was happy that Steve was found innocent of the crime but a tiny piece of him kept wondering…. He had personally seen Steve lose his temper a few times over the years, breaking furniture and punching holes in walls, sometimes for the death of innocent people he didn’t know. The doctor gazed at Steve’s peaceful face below him.

Rudy wasn’t expecting the soft words he suddenly heard from Karen. “I know I shouldn’t doubt him but after yesterday’s hearing there’s a small part of me that still isn’t 100% sure. I’ve known Steve a long time and I thought I knew the kind of man he is but there were almost 20 years where we were out of touch and, I don’t know, maybe he changed. Maybe he’s different.” Her pleading eyes locked onto Rudy’s brown ones and he understood her doubts, he had them too.

“Karen I don’t have an answer for you. I do know I’ve been close to him for many, many years and he has always been a man of high moral character and integrity. Yes, I’ve had my doubts in recent days but I choose to believe that even with Michael’s death he is still a man of honor. Even if he did go after a person who hurt someone he loved I have to believe he would be able to stop himself before things went too far.”

She gazed down at Steve’s still face. In her heart she too believed he was a strong man of honor and integrity. “I guess it’s time I cast my doubts aside and trust my heart.”

“I think that’s best.” Rudy smiled and she returned it with an understanding nod.


Steve stood at the smoking grill turning the steaks with his right arm, his left encased in a sling. A week had passed since Hansen took the law into his own hands. Everyone had expected Steve to press charges, even Hansen. The wounded man considered it but only for a short time. His only request was for Hansen to be dismissed from the bureau in hopes that the man would find a different line of work that would prevent any chance of him and Steve interacting.

Oscar ambled up to the cook. “Well those are looking good enough to eat!” He commented with mock surprise. Steve gave him a stern look, “Keep it up and you’ll only be eating salad.”

“Okay, okay.” The tall man chuckled. “So the good doctor over there tells me you will be fit for active duty in two more weeks.”

Steve, concentrating on the job at hand, just nodded affirmatively. “I must admit,” Oscar continued, “I didn’t expect to ever see you on my payroll again.”

Steve, still focused on his food preparation, replied, “By now you should know to expect the unexpected Oscar.” He looked at his boss and winked.

“So what are your plans for the next two weeks?”

“Well, I think my wife and I deserve a honeymoon, far away from any stress.”

“Sounds good to me. Care to tell me where you are heading?”

“Nope.” Steve replied curtly. “I am a free man until I reach your office in two weeks. Until then you’ll just have to wonder.” He looked up and gave his boss a wicked grin and a wink that caused his serious expression to break into laughter.

The group settled at the patio table to enjoy the food and conversation. Oscar looked cautiously at Steve and relayed the information regarding Stenning he had learned from the Director of the CIA, immediately getting looks of surprise from Rudy and Karen. The three stopped eating to focus on Steve’s reaction.

Oscar added casually, “I guess his fate was already decided. It was just a matter of time.” The recovering man continued to eat his meal unaffected. His only comment was, “I guess sometimes fate just needs a push.” He looked up and locked eyes with his boss for a moment. Oscar tried but couldn’t read his friend’s expression. Before he could comment Steve stood. “Dessert anyone?”


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