
Howard Merar looked down at his patient and held back his growing concern. He'd tended this boy far too often it seemed and one day both the physician and the boy's luck was going to run out. Was this going to be that day? God, he hoped not! After the death of Tom Barkley some years before, Heath's death would wound the family fatally.

The older man was fond of this young man. He was such an easy man to like, though he didn't expect Heath realized it. "Come on Heath," he encouraged as he watched the young man struggle with the effects of fever, his incoherent ramblings an outward sign of his stress. Howard could see Heath was fighting an internal battle to stay alive. Whoever he was fighting he was putting up a darned good fight, but it was exhausting him, Howard could see that.

"Fight Heath," he encouraged, knowing that if Heath gave up now, death would sweep in quickly to claim him. "You know the score, young fella," he continued as he lifted the sweat ridden boy up so that he could dribble some cool water into his mouth, "I patch you up and you, young fella, you do the rest. Ain't saying you have to do it alone. Your family are here, they'll all support you, but you gotta fight. That's if you want to stay with them, Heath, be a part of their lives and that young daughter's of yours. She's growing up fast, Heath. She needs you to be around in her life." He carefully laid Heath down again and checked the bandaging around the wound before pulling the sheet up over the boy's chest.

"Fight... f...fight," he heard Heath respond through his fitful sleep.

"That a boy," Howard smiled, encouraged by Heath's response. "You've got it, Heath. Fight!"


The woman stared down at the child she was holding and replayed over and over in her mind the events of the last few hours. She had plotted and schemed for this night to take place, her relentless passion fueled by the years of hate she felt for the Barkley brothers who had rejected her and caused her ultimate downfall. Now that it had happened, she felt numb, devoid of anything. She had killed the only man that meant anything to her. If he couldn't be hers he wouldn't belong to anybody, not his family, not his daughter's, not any future wife. She had seen to that. Now she had his child. Why did the child keep looking at her that way? Did she know? Did she sense her papa was no more? Her thoughts were interrupted:

"What are we going to do with her?" Her accomplice spit out, his anger with Lisette brimming over. He had never agreed to murder, kidnapping yes, but murder! The @#%$ bitch! He felt the inevitable noose around their necks tighten and the drop at the end of the rope.

"Shut up Johnny and just drive. We need money, don't we? Those Barkleys ruined me and I aim to get it all back. I use to be somebody. They took it all away from me. I aim to get my revenge."

"But did you have to kill him? Murder! It wasn't enough that you.. that you...... You had to kill afterward?"

Lisette didn't answer. She was thinking about her family. It had been sixteen long years since she had last seen them, during which time she had barely thought about their existence or welfare. But now she needed them, her calculating heart unconcerned at making them unwitting accessories to her wicked crimes.


Audra's beau kissed her goodnight and she waved him goodbye. Waiting until he was no longer in sight she reluctantly opened the door and went inside the mansion. Immediately she stopped in her tracks, her progress and happiness checked by the sight of Silas mopping up pools of diluted blood from the floor.

"Silas, what happened?" She screamed, "Has there been an accident?"

"Well Miz Audra. Iz your brother, Heath. We don't quite know what happened yet. Doctor Merar iz with him now. It seems as though someone broke into the house and tried to kill him".

Audra didn't wait to hear more. Instead she flew up the stairs. Finding Heath's room empty she searched the rooms until she located the open door that led to the sight of her mother and brothers helping Doctor Merar trying to save Heath's life.


Victoria turned and saw the look of shock in her daughter's eyes. She went to stop her coming further into the room, wishing to spare her pain of seeing Heath fighting for his life.

"Audra. Everything's going to be alright." She reassured her daughter, hoping her words would come true. "Dr. Merar has seen to the wound and Heath has had a transfusion of blood from Nick. He's got a fever which is to be expected but he's holding his own. Don't let him see you upset, Audra. He needs our strength right now."

"Oh Mother, who would do such a thing?"

"We don't know Audra. The sheriff will come out in the morning. Hopefully Heath will be able to answer a few questions. Until then your brothers have placed a protective guard around the house. Audra, dear, I don't want you leaving the house unaccompanied until we know what has happened and why."

Victoria looked back at her youngest son. His head was tossing from side to side, wresting with some unseen enemy. She suddenly remembered no one had checked in on Ellie. "Audra, dear." She was keen to keep Audra busy and focused on something else. "Please go and check on Ellie. In our rush to look after Heath, none of us have had chance to see to Ellie this night. Will you go sit with her till I can join you?"

"Of course, Mother." Audra replied, trying to collect herself, "You're sure there is nothing I can do for Heath?"

"You can do this for him, Audra. He'll rest easier knowing one of us sitting with her."

Audra nodded, her eyes fixed on the activity going on around Heath's bed. After a moment she did as she was asked. As she left the room she saw her mother return to her brother's bedside.

It could have only been a few seconds before they heard Audra's piercing scream. Victoria ran to her granddaughter's room and saw Audra sitting by the empty bed and holding a note.

"Mother! Ellie's been taken! They've left a ransom note demanding $10,000 dollars for her safe return, otherwise they are threatening to kill her. Oh, Mother what are we going to do? This will kill Heath when he finds out."

Victoria pulled up the note from her daughter's hand and read the words over and over again. Crumpling to the floor her hand sought out the side of the bed in which her granddaughter had safely been sleeping up until a few hours before, its emptiness chilled her to the bone and caused her to shiver.

Safe in their knowledge that they could leave Heath with Dr Merar, Nick and Jarrod now rushed to join their mother and Audra, their eyes drawn immediately to the empty cot. Taking the note from his mother's hand Jarrod read its contents and took a few moments to absorb its full impact. Passing the note to Nick without meeting his brother's eye he put his arms around his mother and helped her to her feet from the spot where she remained rooted.

"Mother, we'll find her. We'll get Ellie back."

Leaning into his chest, she cried. "We've got to Jarrod. If she dies, then your brother in that room will die also. He'll not want to continue without her."

Nick didn't speak. Silently he returned to his brother's bedside willing Heath to wake and give them a clue as to who had done this. He would track the person down and kill him for what he had done to his brother and his family.

Against the advice of the doctor, Nick bent down close to Heath and tried to find out who it was who had attacked him. Taking a cool cloth from the nearby bowl he wiped his brother's brow, hoping to reduce the fever which continued to maintain a deathly hold. "Heath. It's Nick. Take it easy fella, you're going to be just fine.

"Fi...fight, go...t...ta fight, Nick."

Nick smiled and moved the cloth across Heath's face and then down to his neck and chest, continuing to cool him down. "That's right Heath, you've got to fight. We need you to fight. We all need you to fight and get well."

"El....li...e, ne...ed... to see Ell...ie,"

Nick bit back the fear he had regarding his niece. Heath didn't need to know. Not now... not whilst he was so ill. As long as Nick could he would protect his brother from the truth, secretly hoping that he would be able to fetch Ellie back.

"El li..e " Heath made an attempt to get out of bed sending the sheet downward before sagging back on the bed and clutching his chest in pain. "So hot... Oh God, Nick.!... So hot..... bu...burning up."

Heath's body was bathed in sweat and Nick and the doctor worked in tandem to cool him down. When Heath seemed more settled, Nick pulled the sheet back up over his brother's chest and then bent down again to speak directly into his brother's ear. "Heath, boy. Who did this to you? Tell me who did this to you?"

"No... .not... bo....y, Ni..c...k!"

"Okay little brother, but this is important, Heath. You've got to tell me now who did this to you?"

"So ..... so..ft. She......fe....lt.... so soft. Re...m...em..ber.. ... now."

"Who Heath? Who?"

Heath was perilously close to unconsciousness again. Nick fought to keep him awake." He pulled Heath up into his arms, "Who Heath? No, don't go to sleep. Who was it?"

Over Howard's protests, he heard his brother respond in a voice barely above a whisper: "L.....Li....." "Li....se...tt..e."


Jarrod found his brother in the gun room a few minutes later.

"Where are you going Nick?"

His brother didn't reply but marched out of the house to the barn, stopping only to saddle Coco.

"I asked where you were going Nick?" Jarrod asked again, his hand stopping his brother from completing his task further.

"I'm going to find that bitch and kill her for what she has done to Heath and I'm going to bring Ellie back."

"Don't be a damned fool, Nick. It's the dead of night. You have no idea where they have gone? Any tracks they might have left, you won't be able to see until morning."

"What do you suggest?" Nick threw back. "That we all just sit here and wait? With Heath upstairs like that! And Ellie God knows where!"

"Yes Nick, I expect us to do just that. We owe it to Heath.. We have to wait for them to contact us. We can't afford to risk Ellie's life."

Nick couldn't contain his anger. Anger at the near, maybe even yet, fatal attack on his brother, the kidnapping and yes, even the seduction of his brother by the woman he once loved. He didn't tell Jarrod what Heath had also told him upstairs. About how she had stolen her way into Heath's bath and made love to him........ God, after all these years, why did that hurt so much? He no longer loved her he knew that. He'd made his peace with Heath after discovering the latter's attraction to Lisette, but the thought of the two of them making love.......No, not love! That wasn't love! He knew with authority she was incapable of love. Finally, she had ensnared Heath and then having got what she wanted, she made sure nobody else could have him. He shivered when he thought of how after her intimacy with Heath, she had coldly driven the knife into his brother's chest. Now all he wanted to do was kill her. Kill her, like she nearly killed his brother. Might still do, if they didn't find Ellie and return her to her father. His rage knew no bounds and he wasn't about to let Jarrod placate his anger. "I can't Jarrod.. I just can't." He hesitated for a moment. "Look after our little brother, Jarrod. I'll stay in contact with you, but I can't sit by whilst that woman has Ellie." Embracing his brother Nick mounted his horse and rode out to search for his niece.


Over the course of the next few days the family didn't hear anything from the kidnappers. Nor did they hear anything from Nick. Unable to wait any longer, Jarrod hired the Pinkertons to hunt down the kidnapper's trail.

Heath remained desperately ill, unaware that Ellie was even missing. His fever peaked and they thought for a moment they were past the worst, but then the fever returned with a vengeance and Heath's waning strength seemed to confirm the worse. Round the clock the family worked tirelessly to save him. Dr. Merar, not wanting to leave his patient, found a locum to help take care of his practice and spent his days and nights at the ranch battling to save Heath's life.

Finally, after a week had elapsed, Dr. Merar was at last satisfied that Heath had passed the worst. Sleep and nourishment would do the rest. But Heath wouldn't eat. He had forced them to tell him about Ellie, and fearing her dead already, he refused food and their pleas to eat and get well.

"Victoria waited until Jarrod had poured himself a drink. "Any word?" she said eventually. Her voice was tired, too tired to even show the desperation in her voice. Her family was being torn apart and she didn't have any control over it.

"How is he?" Jarrod parried his mother's original question.

"Growing weaker. If word doesn't come soon, I fear we'll lose him. He needs to have Ellie back in his life."

Without saying a word Jarrod slammed down his glass. He called for Silas to prepare some food for Heath. When Silas returned some minutes later, Jarrod accepted the tray from him and marched up the stairs with it, not bothering to knock on his brother's door. Victoria remained seated, her heart in her mouth.

Heath turned weakly to see his brother approach with the tray.

"Don't want any food."

"I don't care if you want it or not Heath. You're going to eat it regardless. You've got a daughter out there who needs you to find her. Your refusing to eat isn't helping her or us."

Without waiting to be asked he propped Heath up on a mountain of pillows and took a spoonful of food from the mashed food Silas had prepared. Heath was so surprised his mouth opened involuntarily and he found the food placed on his tongue. Surprised at how easy it had been, Jarrod said: "Now eat!"

Slowly he watched Heath chew the food and then swallow it. Not daring to stop, Jarrod spooned another mouthful into his mouth. "And again." Heath duly complied.


On the tenth day they heard from the kidnappers and arrangements were made to pay the ransom with an undercover Pinkerton agent representing the family.

The family including Heath waited impatiently for news. Heath had wanted to go with the agent but he was still too weak to be allowed out of bed for more than an hour. When at last the news came it was bittersweet. Lisette's partner in crime, Billy Marshall, heavily outweighed by Pinkerton agents, had been caught attempting to pick up the ransom money.

"Where's Ellie?" Heath said expectantly when he heard the news. Trying to sit up, he fought for leverage by gripping the lapels of his brother's jacket. "Is she safe Jarrod? God Jarrod! Tell me, is she safe?"

Jarrod gently eased Heath back against the pillows and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Listen Heath." He said gently, "They didn't catch Lisette. Ellie is still missing. Let the Pinkerton's question Marshall. Maybe he will lead us to where Lisette is hiding with Ellie."

"Need her back, Jarrod," whimpered Heath, his head tossing from side to side in frustration at his own weakness. "Can't bear to think of her out there alone."

Jarrod consoled his brother: "We'll get her back Heath. Believe me, we'll get her back." Taking a glass of water which contained a sedative the doctor had prescribed should Heath get restless, Jarrod touched the glass to Heath's lips and waited for his brother to swallow. "Now rest, Heath. We'll be up to see you later."

Fighting the affects of the sedative but not winning, Heath was soon asleep and the family retired to downstairs.

"Will he talk?"

"Can we offer him money?" The family's question came thick and fast.

"I don't know." Jarrod replied. "It may be that we can plea bargain. He's facing the gallows. It may be he will talk to get his sentence commuted. In these circumstances.. with a child's life at risk.. it's possible, though by no means a certainty."

"We have to try Jarrod. We have to try!"

"We will Mother, we will."


Jarrod rode into town with a heavy heart. Nick had been away for over a week now and still there had been no news. The ransom plot had been foiled but to what benefit if Ellie hadn't been found. And yet, if they could persuade Marshall to talk there was still hope. The lawyer prayed it would be so.


"I'm sorry Jarrod, he won't talk."

"But he knows he faces the gallows?.... As an accessory, surely?"

"He won't even admit to knowing someone called Lisette Riveaux. I'm sorry the agents are with him now, trying to breakdown his story but he's saying he planned the kidnapping alone and won't admit to where the child is."

"Sheriff, can I talk to him? Please, we have to know where Ellie is! We'll offer money, anything, to get Ellie back!"

The sympathetic sheriff nodded. "It won't end here Jarrod, we'll not stop searching until we find her."

"But where?" Jarrod said sharply "Without him where do we start?"


Six weeks passed during which time Nick returned to the family fold. The hardest thing he ever did in his life was to come back to Heath without Ellie safe and well. It killed him to look at Heath and know that he had let him down. All attempts to get Billy Marshall to turn evidence against Lisette proved futile as the kidnapper stubbornly stuck to his story.

Heath got better physically, exercising every day to strengthen the muscles grown weak during his convalescence. He was determined to go out and search for his daughter. He wouldn't come back until he had found her. Wanted posters of Lisette and the missing child were posted from town to town and state to state. No expense was spared by the Barkleys and a sizable reward was posted for information on their whereabouts. Still nothing was heard.


"Is that you Lizzie? Lord child, is that really you?" Lisette Riveaux suddenly became Lizzie Rivers again and looked at the tired woman in front of her who had grown old in the intervening years.

"Yes Mama. It's really me."

Nan Rivers looked down at the child in front of her.


"Yes, Mama. She's my daughter. Her name is Ellie and we've come home for a while."

A week into her daughter's return Nan Rivers eyed Lizzie suspiciously as she heaved again into the bucket for the third day running. As the retching ceased her daughter sat back on the floor wearily and dabbed herself with a wet cloth, her face the color of green. She had spun her mother a tale of being abandoned by her husband and having fallen on hard times.

"Looks like that no good husband of yours gone and left you with another child in your belly. Trust me, I know the signs. You'll be having another mouth to feed by the summer." Nan River's tone was dispassionate. She still didn't know what to make of this daughter who had returned to her after sixteen years. "Best get some rest now while you can. I'll see to Ellie whilst you get some sleep."

Lisette's shock at her mother's words silenced her ability to give any response. Pregnant? It couldn't be! She couldn't be having a child! His child! The news stunned her to the very core. Motherhood had never been a feature of her plans and had been avoided at all costs. Turned thirty, her success in that area had suggested that Lisette could never have children although she had never sought the medical advice of a doctor to fully confirm her suspicions. Pregnant! No, she couldn't be! His child! Life born out of death, his death!. His dying seed finding life in her cold unwelcoming body! Lying in bed she curled up into a fetal position and recoiled from the hold the child had on her body and the days of confinement she would now be forced to spend on the farm.


Victoria watched her sons get ready to leave. Heath still did not look well but he would not hear of being left behind.

"Watch out for him Jarrod," Victoria said out of her youngest son's hearing.

"We will Mother, don't worry. We'll send you word when we get there. God willing, this time we'll find her and bring her back safe."

Victoria watched as her sons left. They had received word that Lisette and the child had been spotted, in a town but fifty miles away. It had been the third sighting in as many months and once again, they set out in search. Each time they returned without Ellie, it would take its toll on Heath. Victoria wondered how long it could keep doing so before his spirit finally broke.


"Stop pushing Lizzie, the chord's wrapped around the baby's neck."

Lizzie had in been labor for thirty-one hours, her body exhausted by the baby's greater claim on her body. Now at the final moment when she felt its life force finally begin to leave her, the baby hung on for one final maternal pull on her body. As the reluctant mother sought to free herself of the baby's hold Lizzie's tired mind recalled the man whose child she was about to deliver. His face floated in front of her and as she gave one final push she screamed his name into the air.

"It's a boy Lizzie!" Nan Rivers exclaimed. "You got yourself a son, Lizzie. A blue eyed, blond haired little boy. Look, how perfect he is!"

"Take it away, I don't want to see it."

Nan Rivers didn't hide her shock. "Nonsense Lizzie, you'll be needing to feed him quite soon. The sooner you take the baby the quicker you'll bond. Only natural that your tired right now. I'll take the baby away and bring him back later."

Too tired to argue Lisette sank back to the bed, realizing that for a short while at least the baby's claim on her body would be stronger than her own. She would be forced to let the baby suckle from her and be required to adopt a maternal role that in her heart did not exist. She had to get away. Away from this dirt farm and her baby.


The word from the state penitentiary came almost a year to the day Heath Barkley had been nearly killed. The family had almost given up on hearing that Billy Marshall would finally turn state evidence against Lisette, but it seems that nearly a year in jail had colored Marshall's thinking. Now he was eager to talk but it came at a price. He'd be willing to give them a lead to Lisette and the child if his sentence was reduced.

Armed with the new information, the three brothers set out for the only link Marshall could provide to Lisette, the location of the Rivers homestead in south-east Nevada.

An elderly woman opened the door to the small farmhouse. "What do you want?" She asked abruptly, her guard up at the sight of three strangers.

"Ma'am we mean you no harm." Said Jarrod, immediately sensing her alarm. "My brothers and I are looking for a woman who we believe was born here. She goes by the name of Lisette Riveaux, but her birth name was Lizzie Rivers. Do you know her ma'am?"

"She's my daughter." The woman's voice was dispassionate and distant. Turning her back to the three men, she said tiredly, "You'd better come in."

Jarrod and Nick stepped back to allow Heath to go in front of them. Though barely lit, the room was neatly maintained and heated by a warm fire. Turning round to face them again she was suddenly struck by the features of the blond brother who along with all his brothers had now removed his hat in her presence. "What connection do you have with my daughter?" She asked, centering her gaze and her question on the youngest of the three men.

"Mrs. Rivers, I'm afraid what I have to say is not good." Jarrod proffered. "May we sit down?"

She nodded all the time keeping her gaze on the blond. The focus of her gaze was not lost on Jarrod and Nick. Jarrod began relating their story. After he was finished she stepped over to the young man whose features were so familiar. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she said. "Mister, I can't tell you how sorry I am for the hurt my daughter has caused you. Wait here while I fetch your daughter. Lizzie left here two weeks ago, abandoning what I thought was her daughter and her baby."

"Her baby?" Heath said with only semi-interest, his eyes searching for his daughter with whom he long to be reunited.

"Mister, before I bring you Ellie... " She could see the man suddenly become anxious and for the first time the exhaustion deep in his face. Man could be no more than twenty-six, twenty-seven she thought and yet he looked liked he'd lived through a life-time. "Now don't fret yourself son. I done looked after the child well. She ain't missed out on anything, 'cept maybe her pappy being around," she added sadly. "Mister, I need to tell you something about the baby."

"Her baby? Why do you need to tell me about the baby. Mrs. Rivers I just come for my child. Let me have Ellie and I'll be on my way. My brothers and I promise you there will be no trouble for you."

The old woman continued, "Lizzie told me her husband had abandoned her. When she arrived here I though she was expecting his baby. I know now that all Lizzie ever told me was lies. About the baby, mister........There ain't no easy way of telling you this, but now that I see you there ain't no denying it. Lizzie was pregnant with your child when she arrived here."

Jarrod went to protest on behalf of his brother but was held back by Nick. "Don't Pappy."

Jarrod looked at him incredulously. "You mean it's possible?"

"My... my child? I don't understand," Heath eventually said, his voice and face registering complete shock.

"It's true Mister, Lizzie gave birth to your baby three month's back. She ran out on him just as sure she ran out on her family all those years ago."

My... my.. baby? But how?"

Nick coughed loudly and instantly Heath blushed.

"It's true mister. His name is Samuel. I gave him his name as Lizzie couldn't be bothered to. He's the mirror image of yourself, that's how I knew. Ain't no mistaking your seed, mister, your brand is clear for all to see. Wait here and I'll fetch them both."

When she returned from the other room she carried the still sleeping baby and walked the half-sleepy form of young Ellie over to their shocked father. Nan Rivers ushered Jarrod and Nick outside, leaving father and daughter to get reacquainted and father and son to get to know each other for the first time.


The next morning Nan Rivers saw her grandson and Ellie leave with their father. Before leaving, she gave the young man the only news she had of Lisette. "I can't be sure but I think she was heading for Carson City. Catch her Mr. Barkley before she does any more harm. I know she's my daughter Mr. Barkley but that girl's got evil in her."

Heath nodded and thanked her for the care of his children. Knowing that this woman had protected them meant everything to him and he wouldn't forget her kindness when everything had been resolved with Lisette. Next all three brothers rode out, Heath taking care of Samuel and Ellie safe in her uncle Jarrod's arms. They headed to the nearest town where Heath gave over the care of his children to Jarrod and asked his older brother to return with them to Stockton whilst he and Nick continued their search for Lisette. "I know they will be safe with you Jarrod. Look after them until I return."

Honored by his brother's trust in him, Jarrod gave both his brothers a hug before boarding the train with the children. He wished fervently that his brothers could return with him but understood their need to complete their search. For both of them, Lisette remained an unresolved part of their past.

"Look after each other." He shouted through the window. "I want to see you both home safe and sound within the month or I'll come looking for you."

As they watched the train fade away into the distance and the station empty, Nick turned to his brother and saw him deep in thought. "You okay?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"I was just thinking about Samuel. Kinda hard to take it in."

"Well no mistaking the boy is yours."

"No, I guess not. How do you feel about that?"

"What? That the boy is yours?"

"And Lisette's. That we...."

Nick took a long time to answer. "Well I tell ya Heath." he said pulling his brother into his embrace, an embrace into which Heath freely cried. "I reckon the best thing to happen to that boy is that he's got you for a father. Ain't no child could ask for a better start than that. And as for you and Lisette? It happened. I can't deny it didn't hurt. But it's the boy you got to look out for now, Heath. Lisette might have delivered him into this world but it will be you who will raise him. In the end it's that which will count."

Nick waited for Heath's crying to stop and could sense him trying to collect himself. "Thanks Nick, I needed to know things were alright between us."

Nick patted his brother's back. "Never doubt it Heath. Never doubt it."


Some two weeks later, saddle sore and weary, Nick downed a shot of whiskey in one: "Set 'em up again, bartender, I got me a powerful thirst." Turning to his brother who quietly nursed his beer in his hands he said: "You going to drink that or just look at it all evening?"

"Sorry Nick," Heath replied somewhat sheepishly. Nick could see his brother was emotionally and physically beat and instantly regretted his poor attempt at humor. "Look Heath," he said, "We're tired, hungry and in need of a hot bath and a soft bed for a few nights. Let's stay in town and make use of that boarding house we saw as we came into town. Lisette's trail won't run cold for the sake of a couple day's rest."

"Maybe you're right Nick. I sure could do with a warm bed for the night. I don't think my back could take another night on the cold ground."

The fact that Heath didn't argue confirmed Nick's suspicions were right.

That evening two weary men knocked on the door of the newly painted boarding house fronted by a white picket fence and waited for the owner to answer. A woman of about thirty opened the door. Tired eyes or not, both Nick and Heath reacted to the fine looking woman in front of them. With Heath though, Cupid's bow struck a little deeper and it was left to Nick to arrange the rooms for the night.

With an amused grin spreading across his face, Nick watched his brother blush shyly and stumble over his words as the formalities of registering were completed.

"Rooms seven and nine gentlemen. You'll find them just off the hallway to the left. Breakfast is served between seven and eight and dinner between seven-thirty and eight-thirty. Doors are locked at eleven."

"Th....thank you Miss....?" Heath said taking his key.

"Mrs. Jamieson, Mrs. Laura Jamieson." She was married. Immediately Heath's heart sank and his stumbling tongue became completely silenced.

Seeing his brother's reaction, Nick swiftly stepped in. "Thank you ma'am. Mrs Jamieson, I was wondering if I could talk some business with your husband. We've traveled a long way and I was wondering if we could stable our horses here for a couple of nights as well as book rooms."

"I'm a widow, Mr. Barkley. My husband died four years ago. I'm afraid we have no provision for stables. You will have to use the livery situated at the other end of town."

"No matter ma'am. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, didn't mean to intrude. We'll just get ourselves settled and then take the horses down as suggested."

"As you wish Mr. Barkley."

Later that evening, the two brothers went down to the dining room to eat supper. The menu was basic but beautifully cooked and delicious. Sitting back with a satisfied smile and full stomach, Nick said: "Yes, indeedy brother. A woman like that would make a man a fine wife if he was looking. Now if it wasn't for my pretty school teacher back in Stockton I might just try ....."

Heath shot him a look and Nick's smile broadened, satisfied that his jest had found its mark with his brother.

"Don't worry little brother, I've been watching the attention she's been giving you tonight, not to mention the way you can't take your eyes off her long enough to swallow a bite of that fine meal she's has prepared for for you. Believe me brother, its you she's interested in, not me. Which is a good thing considering my school teacher. Wouldn't do for her to have a rival for my attention this late in the proceedings."

Grateful for an opportunity to steer the conversation away from himself, Heath asked: "You're thinking of asking Clemmie to marry you then, Nick?"

"I think I might just do that Heath. Darned if I haven't missed the girl... you're know what I mean?"

"Yep, I guess," Said Heath dreamily as he watched Laura Jamieson collecting dishes from the far side of the room, resenting the distance it put between them.

Later, Nick caught the lovely Mrs. Jamieson washing dishes in the kitchen. Picking up a towel to help dry, he suddenly caught on where her gaze was fixed. Heath was having a quiet smoke outside and her eyes were rested on him.

"Twenty-seven years old, six foot one, never been married, two children, one adopted, gets a cold turns it into a fever and is the finest man I'll ever meet."

Laura embarrassed that she had been caught looking at the young man attempted to ease her embarrassment.

"Wouldn't have took you for a matchmaker, Mr. Barkley?"

"I'm a man of many talents, Mrs. Jamieson." He grinned affectionately.

"Sounds like you should marry him yourself."

"I would but he'd turn me down flat."

Laura turned around and stared at the deadpan expression of the man standing next to her, then saw the grin return to his face.

Putting down the towel he joked: "Haven't got the figure for it, you see."

"What makes you think I am interested, or even on the look out for a new husband, Mr. Barkley."

"The way you look at him. It's the same way he looks at you."

Taken aback by his bluntness, she threw him the towel: "Dry!"

Nick stood to attention, "Yes ma'am."


Two days later Nick and Heath entered Carson City to a hive of activity. Walking their horses slowly up the main street Nick sought out a passerby to ask him what all the commotion was about.

"Haven't you heard?"

"If I'd heard I wouldn't have been asking, now would I?" Nick said with some annoyance.

"There's a hanging at noon. Don't plan on getting a room for the night. Every hotel and boarding house is booked up, 'specially since their hanging a woman!"

"A woman did you say?" Heath voice suddenly joined in the exchange.

"Yea, but don't be wasting your tears on her. She deserves it. She shot down her ex-business partner in cold blood."

"What's her name?" Said Heath anxiously. "What's her name?"

"Okay young fella. Don't get your gander up. Nothing you can do for her now, if that's what you're thinking."

"Her name dammit!" Said Heath, the ferocity of his words surprising both the man and his brother.

"Lisette Riveaux, mister. Her name's Lisette Riveaux. Why do you know her?"

"You could say that" Nick said for his brother. "A long time ago...... Where can we find her?"

"In the jailhouse, second on the right off main street. You'd better be quick. They'll be getting her ready for the hangman about now. Ain't no way she's going to miss that appointment today."

Heath gripped his brother's arm. "I've got to see her Nick. You don't have to come, but I got to see her about Samuel."

"I know little brother, I know. But you're not going on your own." Turning their horses round slowly they made for the direction of the jailhouse, the hearts of both brothers pumping fiercely in their chests.

It was a difficult journey, the gathering crowds hungry for a hanging hindering their way. Finally, they made their way through the crowds and tethered their horses outside the jailhouse. Entering the building neither brother could escape the smell of death that permeated its fabric. Death was present and welcomed the young man as he stepped forward through the crowd of law officers. He and the young man had fought a hard battle in the past and Death had been silently glad at the young man's victory. They'd meet again in the future, but not until Heath was an old man and ready to go. Until then, Heath and his brothers would marry and raise families - Death wouldn't be their house guest for many a year to come.

Both brothers found their progress checked by one of a number of deputies.

"I've come to see the prisoner." Heath said with quiet determination.

"The condemned?"

Heath flinched.

"Yea, the condemned." Nick interjected, trying to spare his brother further distress.

"Only close family can see her and then only for five minutes."

"He's the father of her child, does that count?" Nick's tone was uncompromising.

"Well he'll have to be searched,"

"Then search and let him see her." Heath allowed the deputy to search him and then followed the deputy up a wooden staircase to the second floor. Mounting the steps he lost has footing for a moment. Nick, standing at the foot of the stairs stepped forward to help him but was pushed back by a guard. Unsure of what he was going to find or say to her, Heath half thought to turn back and run from his task. Sensing Nick's silent encouragement he collected himself, took a deep breath and forced himself to continue up the stairs. Her death cell stood center of the room, a deputy stood either side. She stood with her back to him, unaware of his presence.

"Lisette." His voice found the strength which had previously deserted him on the stairs. He saw her flinch. She turned instantly, recognizing his voice, her face registering at first shock before breaking into a slow smile. "Well if it isn't Heath Barkley. Back from the dead I see. I could have sworn the last time I saw you, that you were a gonna. Seems, to me I must have perfected my skill since then as I sure didn't make a mistake with the last one." She moved closer and tried to reach him through the bars. "Still looking as handsome as ever, I see. What is it Heath? Have you come to see me die. Is that what you've come for? Revenge!" Heath recoiled and the guards told her to step back.

"Lisette, I don't have much time. I haven't come here for revenge now. Oh, for a long time I wanted that. For what you did to Ellie and the hurt you caused my family. But that's gone now. I just want you to know that your mother told me about Samuel. He's with me now Lisette. I'm his father and I'm going to raise him. I just wanted you to know that."

Turning quickly so he couldn't see a lone tear escape from her cold eyes, she said: "Well that's good to hear, Heath. Bad enough for him to be abandoned by one parent let alone two. You always had a soft heart - taking on Ellie's little girl and now my boy. That weakness will be your undoing, mark my words."

"I don't see it as weakness, Lisette."

"No. No, you wouldn't." She said letting a smile play across her face. "You know it's ironic."

"Ironic?" Heath looked at her questioningly.

"Well there I was all set on finally seducing you and what do you do but go plant your seed in me. Yes indeed, that was a cruel joke to play on me - forcing my cold body to nurture the warmth of a child in its belly. Do me a favor, Heath? Don't tell Samuel about me. I couldn't do him any favors in life and I sure won't be able to do him any in death." Lisette felt her bravado weaken and quickly turned away. "Now go lover boy. I got a date with a hangman and a girls got to look her best."

Heath turned, stung by her words. Not looking back he descended the stairs, his feet heavy. In his place Death stepped forward. Lisette drew a gasp of horror and fell to the floor in a dead faint. The guards stepped forward to revive her, not wanting her to miss out on her official appointment with Death.

Nick and Heath didn't stay for the hanging. Their search was over; they had no desire to see its gruesome conclusion.

"Come on brother," Nick said, sensing a depression descend over his brother. "It's over now Heath. Let's be gettin' home. There's a couple of kids waiting for their daddy to get home and I don't intend on disappointing them. But first, how about we stop at that boarding house again? I've a feeling that a certain Mrs. Jamieson will be pleased to see you."

As they reached the outskirts of town the hangman's work was done and Lisette and Death had started their journey together.

The End

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