
Recriminations and reprisals were forgotten as mother and son hurried out of the parlour and up the stairs to Heath’s room.

Nick, who was in his room not far from Heath’s, also heard the cries and ended up beating his mother and older brother there.

“Audra sweetheart what’s happened?” Victoria cried out with concern

The family looked through the open door with alarm as they watched Audra fight and try to control the twisting bucking body of their brother.

“One minute he was sleeping peacefully the next this.” Audra explained as her brothers joined in the fight to control Heath. “He got so hot all of a sudden.”

“Fever.” Victoria said “Howard warned me about this.”

“What can we do?” Nick wanted to know. “Does this mean he’s rejecting the transfusion?”

By insisting that Merar take his blood for the transfusion he had done to Heath what his bullet didn't?

“Not necessarily.” Victoria tried her best calming tone. “He said it could be due to the length of time the bullet was in Heath. An infection could’ve set in then. Nick, you and Jarrod keep a hold of him. Try to keep him from moving too much and bursting open those stitches. Audra go to the kitchen and arrange for as much cold water as you can. I’ll round up every cloth and towel I can. Get ready it’s going to be a long hard couple of hours.”

After their mother and sister had gone Nick turned to Jarrod and asked

“Has Mother spoken to you yet?”

“Have I had a lecture?” Jarrod asked looking at his younger brother. “Yes Mother and I were just finishing when this emergency started.”

“I’ll say one thing for our mother she believes in striking while the irons still hot. I suppose it’ll be my turn next.”

“Well she’s already tackled Audra and I so it makes sense.”

“Jarrod.” Nick jumped in “What’s your view on say me asking Heath to become my partner in the ranch?”

“Nick I think that’s a wonderful idea.” Jarrod enthused.


Victoria emerged from her son’s bedroom tired but elated. The five-hour battle to control Heath’s fever had just ended and the family had won.

Heath was now considerable cooler than earlier in the evening. With all her children’s help she had stabilized Heath without so much as one stitch bursting. Heath slept now and she desperately needed some herself.

“Good work Mother.” Jarrod congratulated her as he passed on his way to his room.

“Team effort Jarrod. Goodnight son.” She stretched up and kissed him.

“Mother you look tired. How about you get some rest and I sit with Heath?” Jarrod asked with concern.

“Thank- you Jarrod, but not yet. If you wouldn’t mind sitting with Heath for a bit there’s something I need to do first.”



“I’ll send him out.”

“Send him down to the parlour will you please Jarrod.”

“Straight away.” He confirmed.

“Yes Mother.” Nick stomped into the parlour and made for the drinks trolley. The last few hours had been hard and he desperately needed a drink.

“Nick, get away from the trolley and sit down please.” Victoria ordered staring at her second born. “ How did it come to this Nicholas? What on earth possessed you to shoot your own brother?”

“I walked in on the conversation between Jarrod and Vernon steaming. Prince Oxford and Charger were gone along with 50 head of cattle. Heath was nowhere to be found and I was mad.” Nick began. “ So I took some men and headed over to the old Millar place. Well with the rain and having time to think well I just madder and madder. The stock, the rustlers and Heath all drove my fury. Well we come to the Millar place, burst in expecting to find only rustlers and there’s Heath with them. He draws his gun, I draw mine and then Jarrod's there yelling no. The three shots ring out and Heath goes down.”

“Nick, show me. Show me where Heath was in relation to you.” Victoria ordered and produced a gun.

“Mother.” Nick looked at it nervously

“Don’t worry it’s not loaded.”

“Ok.” Nick as still dubious “Well I’d just burst through the door. Sam Hixson was behind me and to my right. Heath was standing just about in front of me maybe just slightly to the left.”

Victoria moved to roughly where Nick indicated and drew the gun.

“Now say that Ming vase there is Hixson.” Victoria pointed to the expensive vase on the sideboard. “ Follow the shot Nick. Was Heath actually pointing his gun at you or at somebody else and because of the angle you didn’t notice?”

With his eyes Nick traced the line of the gun from this mothers hand’s right the way to ..

“Hixson” Nick stood there stunned “He wasn’t aiming for me he was aiming for Hixson.”

“Not looking to hurt you, but in fact protect you.”

“And because I was ranting on telling him what I’d do to him I didn’t notice.” Nick hung his head. “Blind anger led me to shot my own brother.”

“Now Nicholas how are you going to fix this?”


The constant throbbing of his shoulder woke Heath. Trying to lift his head and shoulders proved to painful and a gasp escaped from his lips.

Hearing the sound coming from the head of the bed Jarrod put down his book and was greeted by the sight of his youngest brothers pain glazed blue eyes.

“Welcome back.” Jarrod moved to the head of the bed. “You had us all worried for a time there.”

“Jarrod.” Heaths voice was barely above a whisper. "Where?

“ In your room at home. We brought you back here.” Jarrod replied. How do you feel Heath?”

“Sore, thirsty, tried.”

“Well there’s not much I can do about the pain. But I can get you some water.” Jarrod poured a small glass from the bedside carafe “Here let me.” He held the glass to Heaths lips and slowly tipped it. “Better?”


“Do you remember what happened at all?” Jarrod asked, wondering if in fact Heath did remember and if he didn’t would he, Jarrod, have to fill his brother in on the horrific details.

Heath closed his eyes and tried to visualize what happened in his head.

“A shack, some men.” Heath whispered. “Charger and Prince Oxford. Nick and Hixson coming through the door.” Heath’s eyes widened in shock. “Nick firing.. Burning pain in my shoulder.” He struggled to sit up forcing Jarrod to grab him by his good shoulder and hold him down. “Nick shot me.”

“Heath it’s okay. Everything’s fine. “Jarrod tried to calm his jumpy brother. “Merar removed the bullet. You’re okay.”

He finally managed to get Heath to lie back down.

“Now you’re not going anywhere. You’re going to stay right here and get well.” Jarrod looked toward the open door. “You know Mother, Audra and Nick will be glad to know you’re awake. How about I get them in here for a small visit?” He rose and made for it.

“Mrs Barkley and Audra” Heath replied

“And Nick?”

Heath just looked away.

“Damn.” Jarrod thought, “This isn’t going to be so easy.”

“Heath there’s something you don’t know. “Jarrod sat back down on the bed. “When it looked like we were going to lose you. Nick just about twisted Merar’s arm behind his back so that he could give you a blood transfusion. Merar was against the idea but Nick insisted saying that it was the only way to keep you alive.”

Heath looked at him, an unreadable look on his face.

“Heath he wants to talk to you. To set things right. Please think about it?”

Heath gave the tiniest of nods

“You stay still and I’ll be right back with the family. Good to have you back Heath.” He patted Heaths legs and left the room.

With Jarrod gone Heath looked at the ceiling and went over events plus what Jarrod had just told him.

Could he have played out events in the shack differently? Should he in fact have yelled a warning to Nick rather then drawing his gun? With Nick’s already volatile nature added to the fact that he was good and angry when he burst through the door maybe drawing his weapon was the wrong course of action.

Then there was also the way he’d sprung the news about his parentage to the Barkley’s Maybe it had been to sudden. But he was angry when Nick dragged him into the house that night after the fight in the barn and in anger had told them everything. If he’d just taken it a little slower. Got to know Nick and the family before he’d made his shock announcement things may have been different.

He liked Nick. Given some of the people he’d worked for in the past. Nick was a good boss. He knew much about ranching and had a good sharp eye for men, horses and cattle. If they’d been raised together as children maybe it would’ve been better. Nick was the type of man he’d always wanted for a brother.

“Mother, Audra.” Jarrod called quietly as he entered the parlour just in case the two Barkley women were asleep.

“Here Jarrod.” Audra called back.

“How’s Heath?” Victoria asked.

She had been by Heath’s side for a good while after she’d spoken to Nick. Jarrod had relieved her and ordered her to get some rest. Now after that rest she looked and felt much brighter.

“He’s awake and would like to see you.” Jarrod replied

“Jarrod that’s the best news I’ve heard since this whole mess began.” Victoria got to her feet. “What about Nick? Does Heath ..?” She looked into her son’s eyes, hoping for a positive response.

“Maybe Mother I don’t know. I tried to convince Heath to see Nick.” He looked around the room “Speaking of Nick where is he?”

“I think I saw him head for the stable some time ago.” Audra informed him. “He looked.” She paused as if searching for the correct word. “Sad? No. Pensive that’s the word. He’s still there I think.”

“Thanks honey.” Jarrod kissed his sister.

“Come on Audra.” Victoria led the way upstairs. “Let’s go and see Heath. Nick and Jarrod will join us shortly.” She stepped aside to let her daughter pass. “Right?”

Jarrod looked at his mother and gave her a small affirmative nod.


“Nick?” Jarrod asked as he entered the Barkley stables.” Nick you here?”

“This way Jarrod.” Nick called from where he stood between Chargers stall and Cocos

From the flatness of his tone Jarrod surmised that all was not right with his dark haired brother.

“Are you all right Nick?” He asked as he stopped next to his brother.

“Yeah just great.” The flatness was replaced with sarcasm. “I find out that I shot my little brother for no reason other than that he was trying to protect me. I’m on top of the world.” A small hole appeared in the stalls wall as Nick’s angry boot went through it.

“Nick.” Jarrod tried to console his distraught sibling. “As I told Audra it was an accident, just a tragic accident. Look I know it’s too late for this but I’m sorry. Sorry for the way I left you out of all of this and for not being there in time to stop you and prevent the pain I caused.” He looked into his younger brothers pain torn hazel eyes “ I never dreamed that my little scheme would end up doing this and that you and Heath would be the ones to pay the price. You both mean far too much to me”

“It’s not all down to you Jarrod.” Nick admitted. “I’m also to blame me and my hot headed stubbornness. Maybe if I’d stayed when you and Vernon were talking. Or studied the angle that Heaths gun was pointing none of this would’ve happened.”

“Nick what I really came here for was to tell you that Heath’s awake.”

“As he said anything?”

“He remembers everything. He wants to see the family and I think it might be a good idea if you were there.”

He saw the hope reappear in Nick’s eyes

“I’m not saying Heath will want to talk to you straight away.” Jarrod continued. “But just in case.”

Nick nodded as Jarrod’s words sank in.

“I understand.” Nick clapped his older brothers shoulder. “And thanks for everything.”

“That’s what older brothers are for Nick.”

“Heath? Sweetheart?” Victoria tapped lightly on the door.

“Come in Ma’am.” Heath called back.

“Hey big brother.” Audra pushed past Victoria and sat on the edge of the bed. “How do you feel?”

“Sore and tried.” He reached for her hand and gently squeezed it.

“You just rest and concentrate on getting better.” Audra ordered as she gave him her most charming smile. “I’m counting on you to help me put the finishing touches to Golden Girls training.”

Heath smiled a weary smile to his blonde sister. “Okay.”

“Does this mean you’ll be staying here with us?” Audra’s voice was full of hope. “Because if it does I’m going to hold you to that promise.”

“I think so.” Heath replied looking at Victoria. “If I’m still wanted. After what happened and all.”

“Heath.” Victoria’s voice drew his attention toward her “You’ll always be wanted here. This is your home now and don’t you ever forget it. We are your family just like you are ours.”

Heath blushed slightly. “Mrs Barkley, ma’am I don’t know how to thank-you for all you’ve done and I’m sorry about all of this.”

“The only thanks I want from you young man if for you to drop this Mrs Barkley and Ma’am nonsense and call me Mother.” Victoria smiled at her new son. “I know you’ll see it as a betrayal of Leah, but if you could possible see your way to then it would be thanks enough.”

Heath nodded. It would take a little getting used to but he’d give it a go.

“Thank- you Mother.”

He’d said it.

Yes it did seem strange to call somebody other than Leah mother but the oddest feeling come over him like Leah had just given her approval.

The smile on Victoria Barkley face at that moment seemed to light up the room. A major hurdle had just been overcome. Now all it needed was for Nick and Heath to come to terms with each other and the family would be whole again.

“Is this a private party or can anybody join in?” Jarrod’s voice asked

Heath looked toward the door. Standing there smiling was his eldest brother. Behind Jarrod almost in the shadows was Nick, looking unsure as to whether he was wanted or welcomed.

Victoria studied her blond son. His answer to Jarrod’s question would be the turning point. If he said yes then the chances for the family to heal as a whole unit went sky high if not they’d be back to square one.

“Sure. “Heath responded, “Come on in.”

Victoria relaxed just a little.

Nick now looked at his younger brother. Would the invitation include him or not?

All eye were on Heath.

Heath looked squarely at the man who he’d always hoped to have a brother like.

“Nick please.” Heath waved his good hand towards his brother. “Join us.”

Nick’s heart soared. A great weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. There were still many issues that needed to worked through but now there was a chance.

To one side Victoria, Jarrod and Audra watched the two. Looking to her lawyer son Victoria was thankful, he’d done his part. The rest was now up to Nick and Heath.

“Let’s leave them be for a while.” She suggested to her son and daughter. “They have to work this out by themselves.”

As quietly as possible the trio left the room.

“Nick sit please.” Heath indicated to the chair vacated by Victoria.

“Heath, I’m so sorry about this.” Nick began. “I was so full of anger and mistrust, seeing you with those rustlers, all those times when you were missing I didn’t know that you were working for Jarrod. It’s no defence against what I’ve done I know but if you could see your way to forgiving me I would like for us to start over. A clean sheet. You and me together side by side running this place please?”

“Nick you’re not the only one that’s been thinking on recent events. I played it out all wrong. I never should’ve drawn my gun on you. A warning would’ve been better. By my actions I pushed you into a corner from where there was only one way out.” Heath replied. “I’d love to start over. That clean sheet looks good brother. And I be real proud to be side by side with you running this place.”

“Brother.” Nick confirmed has he grasped Heath’s good left hand in his own.

“Jarrod told me what you did about Merar and the blood transfusion. I just wanted to say thanks.” He ducked his head with embarrassment.

“Hey you’re my little brother. After what’d happened it was the least I could do. Without it we’ve lost you. I’d have lost you and with you the chance to work with the best partner a man could ask for.” Nick rose to leave. Heath was looking tried and pale. “You get some rest now. Can’t have my partner laying in bed forever. I’ll be back to see you later.”

“Well Nick?” Jarrod asked as he unashamedly hung around the top of the stairs waiting for his brother to emerge from Heaths room.

“Very well. Jarrod.” Nick clapped his eldest brother’s shoulder as he passed. “Very well indeed.”


The neighing and whinnying of the horses woke Heath later in the evening. Unsteadily he rose to his feet and slowly walked to the window of his room. Dusk had just fallen. Strange there was still a light burning in the stables. A check of the clock told him that this was the time normally when the Barkley family were together around the table eating dinner.

Nick must’ve heard the commotion as well. For no sooner had Heath looked at the clock than the back door just below him opened and the silhouetted form of his older brother emerged.

With his usual bravado and lack of caution Nick charged across the space between the house and the stables.

A shadowy form appeared at the stable door and the disappeared back inside. Two others appeared from what seemed nowhere and followed Nick.

From his vantage point Heath saw that Nick didn’t react to being followed. It was like he didn’t even know they were there.

Ignoring the fact that he was dressed only in cotton sleeping pants and that his gun arm was out of action Heath stumbled out of his bedroom door and down the back stairs. Nick was in trouble and needed his help.

Phil Gage, small time rancher and big time gambler looked at Charger with delight. Before him stood the answer to all his financial problems. With the offspring this magnificent horse would produce he’d be debt free and clear. He had enough money to see his ranch through the coming year, but the year after that was in doubt. The yearlings that Charger produced would go along way to covering that year.

“Gage?” Nick asked his mind not believing what his eyes were telling him. “What the blazes?”

“Barkley.” Gage swung around surprised and angry that he’d been caught. "Just getting that which should’ve been mine. That horse was on my land for three months before you caught him.”

“Well that’s too bad.” Nick answered with. “But he was well and truly on Barkley land when I got him. It’s not my fault you’re a lousy horseman.”

From the corner of his eye Gage saw his two associates arrive at the stable entrance.

“So now I’m taking back what is rightfully mine.” Gage continued.

“DANGER” The word pierced into Nick’s brain. “Behind” And want appeared to feel like a little tap on his right shoulder.

Instinct took over and Nick turned gun in hand. Two shots rang out and the two missing members of the rustling gang crumbled to the stable floor.

“Give me a reason Phil.” Nick levelled his gun at Gage’s midriff.

“Nick? Nick you okay?” Jarrod’s voice sounded in the night. “Heath!”

“No problem Jarrod.” Nick called back. “What about Heath?”

“He’s outside ..”

“He’s WHAT?” Nick bellowed. “Here Jarrod take over.”

Nick hurried past his older brother and came to a halt by the unconscious figure of his younger one.

“What happened here Nick?” Jarrod asked in puzzled tone.

“Beats me Jarrod.” Nick replied. “I was in there with Gage when I heard or at least thought I heard Heath’s voice warning me of danger. But Phil didn’t react it’s like he never heard it.” Nick shook his head. “Help me here Jarrod we’ve got to get him back inside.”

It was early morning when Nick Barkley got out of the chair he’d spent a good portion of the night in and moved toward the bed of his still sleeping brother.

Two blue eyes looked up at him from the mound of pillows.

“Hey welcome back sleepy head.” He said gently

“Hey yourself.” Was the playful, if slightly dopey reply.

“Feel up to some breakfast?”

“Thanks.” Heath sat up suddenly as the memory of the previous night came flooding back. “Nick are…?”

“Never better little brother.” Nick smiled. “Thanks to you. It was you who warned me wasn’t it?”

Heath bit his lip and nodded.


“I wish I knew Nick. Every since I was born, let’s just said I’ve had this gift to.” He paused. “Look I don’t understand it. It just happens. Not all the time and not with everybody.”

“It saved my life Heath .”

“Hey I couldn’t let them kill my brother, not when I’m just getting to now him.” Heath smiled.

Nick just smiled

A bond was formed and a new day dawned for the Barkley ranch.


Victoria stood back and admired her handy work.

Two months had passed since the terrible day when Jarrod had arrived home saying that Nick had shot Heath.

The painting she’d shown both Nick and Jarrod now hung on one wall in the parlour.

Beside it a new painting.

Nick and Coco standing along side Heath and Charger. Beneath the work a gold plate. On the plate the name of the art work ‘Brothers together in Life’s Journey II’.

On the back the date 1874 and the signatures of Nick and Heath Barkley.


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