
The following day at lunch, Nick brought back the mail he had collected from Stockton. Placing his hat and his gloves on the foyer table, he took out the mail from his saddle bags and placed it on the silver letter tray, before joining his family for lunch. As he entered the room, his spurs jingled and his mother greeted their owner with a warm welcome, pleased to have her whole family assembled at the table.

"Did you collect the mail Nick, my dear?"

"I did," replied Nick, reaching out to fill his plate from the table. "There's some for you and for Jarrod."

"And me?" Audra asked hopefully.

"No Missy, none for you." Audra immediately looked disappointed. "There was one for Heath though... in fact I think I have it here in my pocket."

Nick reached into his breast pocket to retrieve the letter that he had kept separate from the rest. Heath whose appetite always took a dip when he was troubled, stopped chasing his food around the plate and raised his head in surprise.

"For me?"

Nick looked at the letter. It was on lavender scented stationery. Nick ran its scent under his nose and flashed Heath a broad smile. "From the future Mrs. Heath Barkley, I presume."

Heath froze for a moment. He felt the blush creep swiftly across his face, and dropped his eyes to avoid everyone's gaze.

"Give me that," he said, snatching the offending article from Nick's grasp, and placing it in his own breast pocket, quickly out of sight.

"Oh but Heath," Audra enthused, "Aren't you going to read what it says?"

"I guess I'll read it later," he mumbled, wishing the conversation would drift away from himself. He still couldn't believe that he was expected to marry a woman he didn't know, or that his family was in support of the idea.

"Well that don't seem rightly fair, Heath" Nick teased. "I mean after all, the lady is about to become part of this family. Seems we should know more about her, if that's what the letter is all about. Is she pretty? Is she young? Old? Maybe she wants to meet you before the big day? Seems only fitting you should open the letter and find out. Then if you want some brotherly advice on how to handle things, well old Nick's here to help."

"Help? I reckon I got me a fill of your kind of help the other day, Nick. I ended up proposing to eight women, and where were you?"

"Well, I didn't intend on being number nine, if that's what you think. You're good looking Heath but you don't come close to my Nicolette. Hell! What did you expect me to do? Ain't my blasted fault you took too much of that damned medicine Doc Merar gave you. I didn't know the medicine turns from a curative into a blasted love potion."

Nick suddenly calmed, and a smile shot across his face, as his brother's predicament continued to amuse him.

"Sure is funny though, when I went into to town today, seemed the only thing the womenfolk wanted to talk about, was you, Heath. They couldn't sing your praises enough, and kept needling me to find out when you were coming into town." Seeing his brother's horrified face, Nick could no longer contain his laughter, much to the disapproval of his mother sitting at the end of the table.

"Nicholas! Please remember where you are, and that Heath is your brother. This is enough of a mess, without you adding to it."

Heath head sank low into the relative safety of his hands. To be perfectly honest, he didn't have a clue anymore. He tried to blot out the embarrassment of the other day. When Nick had finally caught up with him, he had been found kissing Mrs. Woodfield, the barber's wife, and though his senior by a good ten years, he remembered she had shown great enthusiasm kissing him back. Though a mighty handsome woman, Heath shuddered at the thought of what Mr. Woodfield would do. He'd be lucky to escape a visit to town with his throat in tact. And now? Now he was expected to get married. To whom? A single lady, obviously, but who? He quickly excused himself from the table, and went out to the barn to saddle Charger. He needed to read the letter, and to do that he needed to be alone.

At the dinner table, Nick helped himself to some more food and sported an all too self-satisfied smile. "If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that boy was having pre-wedding day jitters."

"That's enough Nicholas," censured his mother, not at all happy at the fun Nick was having at Heath's expense. "If I didn't know any better, I would suspect you are thoroughly enjoying the predicament your brother is in. One might even think you knew more about this than you are letting on."

"Now mother, whatever gave you that idea?"


Heath found himself a place of solitude to read the letter that was now burning a hole in is pocket. He looked at the letter long and hard before nervously opening it. Who on earth would want him as a husband, under such circumstances? The question had troubled him all night. He had tried to imagine which of the six single ladies he had proposed to, would have accepted his proposal. As he did so, he started to read the letter:

"My Dearest Heath..." Heath's heart sank straight away at the term of endearment. He coughed, and wiped the fast pooling perspiration off his brow, and tried to imagine the person who had written it.

"My Dearest Heath", he read again.

"I want to thank you for the honor of asking me to marry you. Whilst I understand the proposal was not made exclusively to me, I nevertheless, choose to accept and will marry you.

I daresay, you are surprised by my acceptance, and perhaps wonder what kind of a woman would do such a thing, and under such circumstances. Perhaps you think it is beneath a woman to do so, and lower herself this way. Well, Heath Barkley, this woman is not like other women. I see in you, a fine figure of a man. A man who will make me a good husband, and, in turn, I will make you a good wife.

I have made some inquiries about you Heath Barkley. You are well thought of in this town, as decent, honest and hard working. You will suit me just fine. We will do well together.

I understand from a certain LilyMae at the saloon, that you won't disappoint me in other ways too. Yes, Heath Barkley, you are most definitely the man for me.

Now, here are my expectations from the marriage. I want our own house within the first six months. I understand we will need to live with your family at first, and that is fine. I have no intention of coming between you and your family, but a family needs its own home, and I insist on ours. Speaking of family, I want children Mr. Barkley ~ six is the number I always had in mind. Given what LilyMae has told me, I have no doubt you should be up to it, and that you will make a good father. I will expect us to attend church on Sunday, and once we are married I would naturally expect you to cease your association with the aforesaid LilyMae, much as I like her. In return, you will have a wife to be proud of, a mother to your children, and someone who will support and love you throughout life"

Heath Barkley put down the paper, and drew breath for a minute. He didn't know whether to be angry or flattered. This woman had their whole marriage mapped out for them. All it seemed he had to do was turn up for the wedding, build her a house, be a dutiful husband, and sire her six children. It all seem so prescribed, so clinical. Did he not have any say in the matter? Her boldness flabbergasted, and yet in a strange way enticed him too. This was a very different kind of woman. She'd spoken to people in town about him. For Pete's sake she'd even spoken to LilyMae! What kind of woman did that, and then wrote about it? Heath was both petrified of such a woman, and yet intrigued by her. She promised to love and support him, but they had barely met. He couldn't remember which of the women she might be. He searched his brain to think who could have written such a letter, eliminating them one by one from what he knew of them.

Then finally, he remembered the lady newly arrived of the stage. He had embarrassed her by greeting her as though they were lovers, kissing her and asking her to marry him. He remembered the shock on her face, and then the amused look that replaced it. He remembered too, how she looked. The dust on her clothes and face from the journey did not dim beauty of her eyes, or her face, and for a moment he had fallen in love.

Was this the woman who now wanted him as a husband? He didn't even know her name. Thoughts and emotions raced through Heath. He challenged himself for a moment. It wasn't marriage that he objected to. He'd always seen himself getting married one day. A bunch of kids didn't frighten him either. Hell if he could have one, he could have six. He'd made a damned fool of himself the other day, and had a series of apologies to make within the town, but would marriage be such a bad thing. These and more thoughts occupied him on his journey home, and as he approached the familiar gates of the Barkley mansion, he resolved to find out more about this woman who had chosen to be his wife.

Jarrod handed his brother a drink and then sat down in the chair opposite in front of the fire. Both dark haired brothers gazed into the fire, in tune with their own thoughts, their eyes following the crazy dance of the flames as they swept swiftly across the dry wood and up towards the cavernous chimney. Both men looked pretty pleased with themselves.

Jarrod warmed his glass in his hands before raising the rim to his lips to savor the brandy inside. "That was a master stroke you pulled today, Nick. A touch of brilliance, in fact."

Nick let his slow satisfied smile break out into a wicked grin. He eased his long legs out towards the beckoning warmth of the fire, and then took a long, protracted smoke from his cigar before replying in his deep voice.

"It was good, wasn't it? Did you see the way he couldn't hide his discomfort when he saw the letter... and then the way he snatched it away from me... I tell you, it made my day."

Jarrod chuckled quietly to himself, careful not to let Nick hear, as the image of Nick's own embarrassment came flooding back from the other week.

"How long before we tell him, Nick? Come Sunday he's going to see himself that it's all ruse when the bans don't go up."

"Heck Jarrod, we still got a couple of days. This is going too well to spoil it now. It'll be a long time before baby brother dear will be playing jokes on ole Nick here, after this."

"You think Nick?" Jarrod said skeptically, knowing that Heath would somehow find revenge for what was taking place. He had no doubt he would be sharing a brandy with Heath here one day, discussing the exact same things.


When Heath got back to the ranch, he raced up the stairs to get bathed and changed.

"Where's the fire?" Nick hollered up after him, catching a sight of Heath entering and then quickly leaving his bedroom with a change of clothing. Heath's only response was to shut the bathroom door behind him.

"What the Hell!" Nick blustered.

Jarrod tapped his younger brother on the shoulder. "I think, Nick, our brother's haste may have something to do with the letter he received."

Nick's face dawned with sudden understanding. Smiling broadly, he returned briefly to at the parlor and deftly scooped up a bottle of whiskey, two glasses, and a cigar for his brother and started up the stairs after Heath. "Well I reckon I'll just go upstairs and see if I can find out just what our baby brother is up to."

"You know Nick," Jarrod's tone took on a note of seriousness, "at some point we are going to have to come clean with Heath."

"Sometime ain't yet Counselor," Nick objected. He made short work of the stairs, and shouted back down to Jarrod, "I'm having way too much fun to stop this now."


Heath was undressed and standing with his back to Nick as his brother breezed unannounced into the bathroom. It never occurred to Nick to knock. Truth be told, Nick's presence didn't bother Heath, nevertheless, he wasn't going to let him off lightly. Walking over to close the door that Nick had left open, he protested, "Geez Nick, I'm taking a bath. Can't a man get any privacy around here?"

Nick's response was typical. "Ya want privacy, little brother, ya should have locked the door." He pulled up a stool, clearly intent on staying, and positioned it next to the tub, placing the whiskey bottle and two glasses on the floor. Resigned to an audience, Heath sighed and stepped around his brother to get into the bath. As he did so he felt a slap on his butt, and turned to find a cigar and a whiskey shoved unceremoniously into his hands. Heath knew there was no point in protesting either Nick's presence or the slap, and so placing the cigar in his mouth he sank himself carefully into the water without spilling a drop from the glass.

"So what are you getting all spruced up for Heath? Let me guess. Couldn't be that letter you received earlier, could it? And just what did the future Mrs. Barkley have to say for herself."

Heath placed his cigar and his drink on the side and dunked his beneath the water, deliberately displacing some of the water which overspilled and lapped onto Nick's right boot. Nick attempted to move out of the way and fell back of his stool, spilling his drink. As he sat spreadeagled, cigar still in mouth, he looked up to find Heath staring down at him. Nick protested, "Mind what you're doing Heath, these are new boots." Heath knew exactly what he was doing, and gave his brother a wry smile which reminded Nick that he presence was uninvited and to stop complaining. Nick said no more about his precious boots. The subject of the future Mrs. Barkley was, on the other hand, not exhausted yet.

Heath listened with patience to Nick's questions as he sat back in the bath and began to wash. As he soaped up and then rinsed, he took a quick smoke from his cigar and asked dryly, "Ya planning on staying till I finish? Cuz if you do, you can fetch me that towel over there?"

Realizing that none of his questions had been answered, Nick reluctantly got up to fetch the towel, adding with sarcasm, "What did your last servant die of?"

"He asked too many questions," replied Heath standing up in the tub and wiping the excess water of his face, before moving to dry the rest of his long limbed body.

"Very funny." Nick wasn't in the mood to give up. "Seriously, what did she have to say for herself?" Nick, tried to busy himself in front of the mirror but stole glances at Heath in search of a reaction as the younger man toweled himself dry. His younger brother recognizing the signs of his brother's frustration, gave nothing away, infuriating Nick even more. Never one to contain his frustration, Nick asked him out straight.

"Are you going into town to meet her, Heath?"

Heath remained silent and then began whistling as he proceeded to get dressed. Every now and then he would move Nick to another corner of the bathroom as he sought access to the things he needed and which Nick unwittingly blocked. Finally, bathed and dressed, Heath answered his brother. "Yes Nick, I am going into to town to see the future Mrs. Barkley...... and before you say anything, we don't need a chaperon."

"But Heath!" Nick protested. "You don't even know who she is!"

"I've a pretty good idea, Nick. I was trying to work it out today. I think she's the lady from the stage."

Nick looked dumbfounded, remembering the words he had written in the letter, wondering how Heath had come to that conclusion. He was torn between coming clean and telling Heath he was the author of the letter on the one hand, and on the other, seeing how this would thing play out. Before his conscience could direct him, Heath was gone from the house, and had closed the door behind him.

"JARROD...." Nick shouted down from the landing. "WE'VE GOT TROUBLE. WE'RE RIDING INTO TOWN,."

Jarrod emerged from his study. "The letter?"

"The letter," Nick confirmed.


Heath stared across from the street at the little house with the white picket fence he had been directed to. His inquiries had revealed that the lady from the stage was the new teacher in town. Miss. Cora Anderson, was due to take up her position on Monday, and had arrived in town early to settle in. "New job, new house, new town ..... and now a new husband conjectured Heath as he fingered for the tenth time the letter in his hand. Looking at the house, he couldn't help feel he was only one part of an organized check list the young teacher had planned for herself. Yes, he had kissed her, proposed even... but surely she had seen he was not quite of his own mind. If not then, then surely when Jarrod had explained the circumstances of his illness to her. He found his enthusiasm for seeing his future bride waning quickly. Had he been picked to complement the house, the new job and her position in town? He moved to leave without seeing her. Just then he heard the door open.


"Nick, this ain't helping us find Heath." Jarrod reasoned. It had been four hours.

Nick ignored his brother and took another drink. "I'm thinking."

"That's what's bothering me Nick, it's your thinking that has got us into this mess. We've let this go too far. Let's go back to the house. We will explain everything to Heath in the morning."

Nick reluctantly agreed. It had gotten out of hand. And if not stopped now, he feared the irreparable damage it could cause to the relationship he had with his best friend and brother, Heath.

Stepping out into the cold night air, they mounted their horses and began to leave town. Just as they did so, they recognized Heath's horse outside the school teacher's house.

"Let me handle this," Jarrod stated. Nick meekly complied.

Jarrod dismounted and knocked on the door. A young lady answered. Dressed in a robe, Jarrod apologized for disturbing her at night. His mind quickly took in her state of undress and his brother's horse outside. He wished he could leave right there and now. "I'm sorry Miss.....I realize now is not the most appropriate time to be calling. I will return in the morning if that is alright." The young lady nodded, aware of the embarrassment to them both. "Yes that's fine, Mr? " "Barkley Miss, Jarrod Barkley."

He quickly departed.

Nick shot him a questioning look.

"Don't ask," Jarrod replied, mounting his horse and tipping his hat to the lady still standing at the door. Let's just say our brother has a lot of explaining to do."

Cora Anderson closed the door and returned to the bedroom. Dimming the oil lamp she got into bed and snuggled up to the sleeping form beside her. He stirred and rolled over, claiming her in a kiss which rekindled their earlier passion. As his kisses explored her she raised her left hand in the air and fingered the gold band placed on her finger not two hours before .


Jarrod woke up from a restless night, unable to resolve the matter that had been troubling him all night. He had asked Nick not to ask any questions and surprisingly Nick had complied. How was he going to tell Nick, what he had seen with his own eyes? The evidence was plain. It didn't take a lawyer's education to assess the facts. Jarrod ran through them again in his mind. Charger tied up outside the house, Miss Anderson's nightly attire, the door to a bedroom, slightly ajar, sufficiently open to indicate the presence of a man in her bed, the slight cough coming from that room that immediately confirmed so..... and most telling of all, the ring on her finger, coming into view as she had held tightly on to her robe in the presence of a stranger, him, knocking at the door. What had started off as a playful joke had backfired grand style, and he couldn't hear anyone laughing now. HEATH HAD ACTUALLY GONE AND MARRIED THE GIRL!!!!

Dressing quickly, he rushed through breakfast with little appetite, gulping the coffee and leaving much of his food untouched. Silas' face indicated his disapproval but he silently removed the plate without censure, earning an apologetic smile from Jarrod in return.

Alone once again in the dining room, Jarrod had hoped to avoid speaking to his family until he could first speak to Heath. He knew Nick would not be able to contain his curiosity about the night before any longer and wished to avoid the direct questions that would obviously follow. Sneaking out of the house, for there was no other word for it, Jarrod quickly saddled Jingo and sped out to town.


"Mornin' darling," The young blond pinned his new wife back to the bed playfully and gave her a long, slow, deep kiss which reminded her just why she had agreed to marry him last night. As his kisses and caresses traveled the course of her body, she knew she would love this man for the rest of her life.

He brought his kisses back up to her mouth and claiming her lips once again, then pulled away and spoke seriously for a moment, "No regrets, honey?"

She looked into his startling blue eyes and noted the deep sincerity there, already understanding that she would always be able to read her husband through those expressive eyes. Falling in love with him all over again, she framed his face in her small hands and gave him the words he needed to hear. "No regrets, I love you my darling and I am proud to be your wife."

He smiled, it was such a wonderful, slightly disjointed smile. "You don't mind having to give up your post here?" Both knew that the position of a teacher could not go to a married woman, and a moment of sadness dawned across his face at having stopped something she wanted to do before it had even started. "I'll teach our children," she reassured him. "You can provide me with a whole class full," she added and both laughed, giddy with the excitement of their newly discovered love and the beginnings of their life together.


Jarrod approached town with some trepidation. What would he and Heath say to each other? He worried on two fronts. The truth of the joke played on his younger brother would have to be made known to him at some point, and he worried about how it would affect the relationship between the three brothers. Add the fact that the marriage itself had come about because of the joke, he wondered how Heath, and the new Mrs. Heath Barkley, would react to the news, and whether it would cause irreparable damage to their fledgling relationship. Could their marriage survive? Should their marriage survive? The words "Oh what a tangled web we weave ....." continually played through Jarrod's mind. This was one of those times he wished he wasn't the lawyer, the older brother to whom everyone turned for answers, for he hand none now to offer. Locating the school teacher's house, he gently reined in Jingo and dismounted. Tethering his trusty horse, he correctly noticed that Charger had been stabled for the night, knowing that his brother would look to Charger's care, even on his wedding night. He took out his timepiece. 11.00am. How many newly married couples were woken on the the first day of their honeymoon at 11.00am, he wondered. Not waiting for an answer, he mounted the steps and lightly knocked on the door



Nick, finding Jarrod had left early, was angry. His night had been unsettled too. The fun of the last few days had waned over the last 24 hours. Memories of spiking Heath's drink with his medicine, his following Heath around town as the elixir worked its magic and Heath both kissed and proposed to any woman in sight, the drunken companionship shared afterwards in which wings had sprung and Jarrod had discovered them, taken them in hand and then joined in on the joke with Nick ~ all this fun, and it had been fun ~ soured somewhat as events took on a more serious tone. Nick had written the letter, knowing it had to be earnest to appeal to his brother, little realizing that the boy would become serious about the whole thing. Nick had fun joshing Heath but he was fiercely protective of him too, and he couldn't help imagining Heath bounding up to the woman from the stage, proposing marriage all over again and being hurt in the process.


The door opened, and once again Jarrod came face to face with Cora Anderson, Cora Anderson Barkley now, part of their family as much as Heath was. She was dressed in light blue dress that set off her complexion and hair beautifully. She looked radiant. She looked like a woman in love. She looked liked she just spent the first night of her honeymoon with.....................Heath! Oh God!!!! What was Mother going to say!!!!

The woman looked at him quizzically, "Oh it's you.... Mr. Barkley. She took him warmly by the hand and invited him inside. The gesture was unexpected and he was touched, warming to her instantly.

She invited him to sit down by the fire and offered him a drink. Unable to say no, he nodded and gave her an affectionate smile. As she busied herself getting him a coffee, he looked around the room, his eye returning often to the bedroom, wondering whether Heath was awake yet. In some ways he had hoped it had been Heath who had answered the door. It could have afforded them an opportunity to have a quiet word, man to man, brother to brother. Darn that brother of his, if the boy wasn't on his honeymoon, he drag him up off his bed himself!

Cora returned from the small kitchen with the coffee. The house was a nice size. A shame it couldn't be theirs for long. Jarrod knew the town rules as much as anyone. Still, the young couple would soon find their home back at the ranch. Of course, Heath would need a larger room. Nick's would do. Serve him right for getting him embroiled in this ridiculous joke.

It was Cora who broke the ensuing silence. "My husband has just stepped out. I guess it was him you want to see...... under the circumstances, I mean?" Her nervousness made her continue. "I assure you it wasn't planned.... it just happened.... you see." The young bride reddened and grew silent. Jarrod immediately felt for her.

"I assure you Miss, Mrs...." Jarrod's silver tongue had never been so tied. "May I call you Cora?" A little taken aback, she nodded yes, hoping her husband would get home soon.

"Hmm, I assure you Cora, I don't wish you to make either of you feel uncomfortable. It's just that now it is has happened... now you two are married.... well... you see, there are things that need to be addressed. This house for a start."

"Oh I understand, I do. That the school board won't allow us to. Of course, we don't expect to stay here. We expect to live with the family. I would not part him from the family he loves."

Jarrod felt an inward pride.

"His family loves him very much, you are very understanding, Cora. You will be a welcome addition, I can see that."

Cora's nervousness and doubts returned. "You think so?" She was in need of reassurance. She felt comfortable talking to Jarrod Barkley. "I am so sorry for the inconvenience we have caused you. You are being very understanding under the circumstances. Believe me it wasn't planned."

Jarrod was charmed by his young sister-in-law. Beauty as well as grace. He was beginning to think this marriage might work. Who was he to interfere? It had come like a thunderbolt but given the chance the flame might not fizzle out.

A knock came at the door. Cora looked momentarily surprised and went to answer it. It was Heath, and coming quickly up the stairs behind him was Nick with a thunderous look on his face. Before he knew it, Heath was pushed through the doorway and shoved down into a comfortable chair.

"What do ya think you're playing at, Boy???"

Jarrod made to intervene but was pushed back for his efforts while Nick vented his temper towards Heath. "Okay so it was a joke, a joke too many maybe, but you didn't have to go and marry her, Heath! The letter..." Nick raked his fingers through his hair in exasperation. "It wasn't real....... I wrote it..... there, I've told you. I wrote the letter, I spiked your drink.... I wanted to pay you back for you setting me up with the widow from hell."

No one spoke for a few minutes. All stared at Heath. His face twisted at the mouth, his eyes glared. Nick waited. Jarrod waited. Cora waited, and then it happened. The punch came from no where, the action so smooth, Nick didn't have any chance to dive out of the way As Heath's fist connected with Nick's eye, the older man's head jerked back and he fell to the floor in an undignified heap.

Recovering slowly, Nick rubbed his cut eye. "I guess I had that coming, little brother." Heath never said a thing, and just looked away. Attempting to get up, Nick continued, needing to restore some pride. "I won't be so accommodating next time." Jarrod gave him a wry look, knowing that Heath had Nick beat. Helping him up, he consoled his dark haired brother, "Never mind Nick, you just got beat by a younger man, it comes to us all, eventually." Nick quickly shook his brother off. "I ain't written off yet, big brother. A man in his prime, that's what I am, a man in his prime." Jarrod looked at his brother' s blackened eye. "More like a man in need of prime steak."

It was then that all remembered Cora standing in the corner of the room to where she had retreated after the punch had been thrown. Her face was a picture of anger and confusion. Seeing the broken table that had crushed under Nick's weight, she screamed, "How could you? My husband and I have to return this house in the condition we found it, we have to pay for any breakages."

"Ma'am I'm sorry," Nick's manner turned all apologetic. "Look, you don't need to worry, you're a Barkley now, we'll pay for the damages.... " A quick look at Jarrod brought an instant correction, "I mean I'll pay for the damages.

"A Barkley!!! What do you mean? You come into my house, all three of you, punching each other, breaking up my furniture.... What is this about being a Barkley? My name is Cora Anderson Rawlings, my husband is Aaron Rawlings." She turned to Heath Barkley:

"You! You sweep me up in your arms, kiss me and presumptuously ask me to marry you on my first day in town."

"Yes ma'am," Heath mumbled apologetically. "I came here to apologize for that."

"You!" She turned to Jarrod, "Turn up on my wedding night, my wedding night," she sobbed, "and then return today to tell me what I already know, a married woman is not entitled to a teacher's post or her house."

Jarrod made to correct her, his lawyer's brain needing to keep things at all times factual.

"Enough!" she censured. "And you!!"

She turned her attention to a fast retreating Nick. She was like a woman possessed and he was bloody well terrified!

"You think you have the right to come storming into my house and begin a fight with your brother, breaking my furniture in the process."

"Well strictly speaking ma'am, it was Heath who threw the actual punch, and strictly speaking that isn't your table. I just kinda got in between the two, if you know what I mean. Can't say I had much control or say over the matter, or the outcome" he said rubbing his sore backside.

Cora sank to a nearby chair.

"Will somebody explain to me what is going on here?"

All three men started to explain, confusing the young woman further. In due course her husband returned, and demanded his own explanation. The brothers started again to tell their tale.


Victoria sat across from her sons at the dinner table. It was Christmas Day! Peace on earth and goodwill to all men. She asked Jarrod to say grace. Jarrod coughed to clear his throat and obliged. "For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful"

"And," Victoria added, may He grant my sons some much needed wisdom and common sense, I know it's hard Lord, but look at them, see what I have to put up with every day."

Victoria looked across to her three sons; each sported a black eye, Nick, to be different, sported two.

"We're sorry Mother," they all spoke in unison.

"I take it you paid for the furniture," she replied, refusing to acknowledge their apology.

"Well let's just say Nick settled the bill as a wedding present and paid for their trip back east," Jarrod replied.

"I take it there will be no more jokes played out on each other after this fiasco," she directed her question mostly at Nick. Heath snickered. "Just to let you know there are no more hard feelings, Nick, I got you a present."

Nick was touched, speechless, expectant. He beamed as Heath moved away to fetch a large parcel and returned to place it on the seat next to him. Nick cut away the twine eagerly and unwrapped the brown paper with all the gusto of a small child.

"Merry Christmas, Nick," Heath chuckled. Jarrod immediately stood up to look at what Heath had given Nick and let out a hearty laugh. Nick's jaw had dropped so low, that Jarrod had to move forward to close it. Victoria and Audra stepped around the table to look at the present Heath had given to his brother. Both broke into a broad smile, for there in front of them was a painting of Nick, dressed as an angel, save for his birthday suit!!!!!


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