"The Moon Wolf Trilogy"


Logline: A silver wolf becomes the Barkleys' guardian



The breeze blowing into her den spoke of humans in her gully. For as long as this gully had been there had always been a wolf living here. She was the latest in a long line of silver/ white she-wolves to live here.

Her foremothers were mentioned in the legends of the ancient humans packs that had lived here many, many seasons ago. Those packs had lived close to and in harmony with nature, they had respected the ways of nature and nature’s lore. Her foremothers had been part of that lore. Respected by those packs as the protector of both them and land they lived on. This was the legacy that they had passed on to her.

Then came the paler packs they had not only hunted the animals of the area but had also driven out the deeper skinned humans. The paler humans didn’t understand the ways of nature and more often than not went against them. They cleared and destroyed much the area. Both she and her foremothers had seen these men travel across the land, the bodies and skins of her own kind slung across the backs of the equines they rode.

If these humans now intended to live here, then for her own safety and the safety of her unborn cubs maybe it was time to move on.

Curiosity got the better of her and she decided to see and to listen to these humans. Something inside told her that maybe her decision to leave had been made in haste and that maybe, just maybe the MoonWolf would be needed again.

“There you are” Jarrod Barkley smiled as he approached his younger sister Heather “Mother was worried, we haven’t seen you all day. What have you been doing?”

“I found this spot the last time Silverfire Lady and I came out this way.” His younger sister Heatherleah Barkley explained “It looked like a good site to possibly paint so I came back here today, you should see what the light does here, so many shadows and highlights you could spend a week here and not get it all down on canvas.”

“Well I think Mother may have something to say about you spending a week out here.”

Heather just nodded at that statement. The formable woman they both called Mother would indeed have something to say about one of her daughters spending one night out here let alone a week.

“You’re probably right. I can hear the lecture now, something along the lines of it’s too dangerous, not a suitable thing for a young lady to do, you could fall and seriously hurt yourself being unable to get help.” Heather grinned mischievously at her eldest brother “But I’m still tempted.”

Jarrod looked into the eyes of his red headed sister, they were bright blue and full of teasing. Again he thanked the powers to be for the day she walked into their lives. Heather and her twin brother Heath were his half brother and sister, born of the union between his father Thomas Barkley and Leah Thomson. Born into a mining town that was just coming to the end of it’s boom period the twins had had a hard time growing up, teased, taunted and ridiculed for being born to a woman alone. The same woman who on her deathbed had the courage to tell them the truth about their father and sent them on the search for their family. Heath had found them first, confronting them, fighting for a place in the family that rightly he belonged to. Heather had joined her twin four months later completing the family.

Heathers voice brought him out of his little daydream

“Sorry Baby-girl.” He used the nickname the brothers knew Heather by “I was very far away.”

“Jarrod I asked if you’ve ever seen these before.” Heather pointed to some rock paintings on the nearby wall.

The paintings told the story of a magnificent silver/white wolf. But apart from the wolf itself Heather couldn’t understand what the rest of the story meant.

“Once but not here.” Jarrod moved forward to study the painting. “There’s a book at home somewhere that has a reference in it to this painting. Father first saw it many years ago and had some sort of Indian art expert interpret it.”

“Would you mind if we have a look when we get back?”

“I’ll have to find it first, and of course we’ll both have to survive Mothers wrath.”

“We’d better get going then.”

Jarrod held his hands out and helped Heather over the remaining rocks to where her little horse Silverfire Lady and carriage were waiting. Standing next to her was his mount Jingo, happily chewing on the grass. A gentle breeze picked up and both horses suddenly snorted and looked toward a thick clump of bushes.

Both Jarrod and Heather noticed the change in their four legged companions.

“What wrong girl?” Heather stroked the muzzle of her friend “What’s out there?”

Jarrod, more worried with getting Heather clear and out of danger, then finding out what was hiding in the bushes hurried his sister into her carriage, quickly mounted his own four-legged friend and followed her home.

From within the clump of bushes a pair of yellow/green eyes watched them leave.

As the sound of hoof beats faded into the distance the silver/white she-wolf emerged from her hiding place. From scouting trips she’d made to the area of the human den Moonwolf knew that the two humans who’d just left were part of the human pack that roamed this land as well. The male who had just left was the alpha male or in human terms that first born. From talk she’d heard around the place this was the wisest and most educated of the human males, the words she’d just heard him howl and the tone he’d howled them in confirmed that. In wolf society this would confer upon him the status of the howler, the wise one. Howlswisely, she decided, would be the perfect pack name for him.

The scent of the young female was a new one to the area. She, like Howlswisely, lived in the human den but was not born in it; her scent was still a relatively new one as was that of her born littermate. Human howlings she’d heard confirmed this as well. The humans and the breeze spoke of the born littermates not being the cubs of the dominant female of the human pack. Like any she-wolf worthy of the name, the dominant she-wolf of the human pack had taken in the born littermates and nurtured them.

In this particular young female Moonwolf sensed a free and wilful spirit, much like the fire. The fire that was the same colour as her head fur. Firefur, it suited her to a t.

Victoria Barkley, the silver haired matriarch of the Barkley clan, watched as her first born son and the girl she had come to love as her own daughter pulled up outside the stable. Jarrod handed his sister out of her carriage and two hands led the horses into the barn.

“I see you found her,” Victoria said as Jarrod kissed her check. “Where exactly were you hiding this time young lady?”

“Mystic Gully Mother.” Heather admitted

“Mystic Gully, Heather you know how dangerous that place can be. What if your back had given out?”

Heather had damaged her back in a riding fall some eighteen months before coming to the Barley ranch, she had only just regained the use of her legs when she arrived at the ranch, but with an exercise plan and daily vigorous massages her back had gotten a lot stronger.

“If worst had come to worst I’d have sent Fire back for help.” Fire was her nickname for Silverfire Lady. “Mother sometimes I think you worry to much, I’m fine, nothing happened.” Heather hugged the woman she now called Mother.

All Victoria could do was shake her head. Heather, like all her siblings, had inherited a good portion of her fathers’ stubbornness.

After a quick change of clothes Heather joined Jarrod in the Barkley library.

“Did you find it?”

“Got it here.” Jarrod held up the book. “Seems those paintings tell the legend of a silver/white she wolf, or as the tribe called her ‘The Moon Wolf’, who watches over this land and the people who live on it. It goes on to state that this wolf will appear whenever there is danger to those living on the land. Of course it’s only a legend.”

“Has there ever been a sighting of a silver/white wolf in this area?”

“Not in recorded memory.” Jarrod closed the book “As it says it’s only a legend.”

“But Jarrod” Heather cautioned “You above all people should know that most legends have some base in truth.”


Sighting One:
The Picnic Race

Nick and Heath Barkley rode into the yard at the back of the families white mansion feeling very pleased with themselves. They had arrived home from their little horse-buying trip a day early and with some prize new breeding stock to boot. Both were looking forward to a long hot bath, some decent home style cooking and of course a nice soft bed. They dismounted and led both Coco and Charger into the stable; once both horses’ needs were seen to they headed to the house.

Before they could get even half way to the door a blonde streak came out of the kitchen area and wrapped her arms around the pair of them

“Nick, Heath welcome home.” She first kissed one brother and then the other “ We missed you both so much.”

“And it’s good to see you too little sister.” Nick untangled himself from Audra “Where is everybody else?”

“Jarrod’s in Stockton wrapping up some case or other. Mother and Heather are inside finishing off your riding shirts.”

“Heather sewing?” This was a surprise to Heath, his twin hated sewing and by her admission wasn’t good at it


“For the race silly.” Audra turned and headed back toward the horse. “Or are you planning to ride in it shirtless? If so you’re both either the bravest brothers I have or fools.”

“Slow down a minute sis.” Heath put in before Nick let go with another bellow. “What race?”

“The picnic race two days from now.” Audra explained and noting the querying looks on her brothers faces went into more depth “ In two days there’s going to be a community picnic and race day, proceeds from which will be going to the orphanage. You know the type of thing, food, dunk the mayor, knock the bottle of the wall, lucky dip and a series of horse races, culminating with the final to decided which is the champion ranch.”

“And you were going to tell us about this when?” Nick questioned.

“When you arrived home?”

“Just how did we manage to enter this little event?”

“Mother, Heather and I are on the organizing committee, so naturally we entered for you, knowing how much you enjoy the competition.”

“Well honey not that we wouldn’t have entered ourselves but..”

“Now Nick” Heath sprung to Audra’s defence “ We can be ready, with a two days rest Charger will be ready to take on anything on four legs, and you’ve been saying for weeks that you needed something to find out just how much Stealth has in him. This is the perfect opportunity.”

Nick considered what his younger brother had said. Stealth his prize stallion, the heir apparent to Coco, did need something to show just how much was in him and how strong he was. This race could be it. And of course he always loved competition and a challenge. He turned his gaze toward his younger blonde haired sibling. It would be an even better challenge if his younger brother was involved. Stealth could out run anything in the valley, well almost anything. Charger could possibly be the only exception. So far the brothers had never had a properly structured race to test the horses over.

“All right” He finally agreed. “For the honour of the Barkley ranch let’s do it.”

Others were also making plans for the picnic races.

Jake Knotter and his sons Sammy and Trevor.

Knotter and his wife Sally had come to the valley four or five years after Victoria and Tom Barkley. They had brought a small plot of very good farming land from the Barkley’s and had tried to make a go of farming it. At first things went well, their first two or three years of crops harvested well and made a small profit, not much but enough for Jake to try and expand into new ventures. It was then that things went bad. Sally died giving birth to Trevor, the new crops failed and worse turned the ground bad.

Now all they had were a few cattle and the chickens Sally kept. From those Knotter and his sons made a living, selling the milk and the eggs.

Instead of seeing the real cause of his problems and trying to fix it Jake focused his anger on the one from whom he brought what he now considered bad land, Tom Barkley. But with Tom Barkley was now dead Jake made plans to punish Tom’s sons Nick and Heath Barkley. Tom Barkley had ruined his land and his life, now Knotter would ruin the Barkley ranch by removing the ones who now made the ranch the success it was today.


“Hello Mother, Heather.” Nick greeted his mother and sister as he; Heath and Audra entered the parlour.

“Hello Nick, Heath” Victoria rose and accepted a kiss from each of her sons “Successful trip”

“Very” Heath replied as he also greeted his mother and twin. “Missed you.” He hugged his twin sister.

“Me too. So quiet here without you.” Heather teased her twin brother. Out of all her siblings Heath was the quietest.

“QUIET.” Nick boomed, “Why the noise levels should’ve pick up while we were gone.”

“Not all of us need to make a lot of noise to get our point across.” Heath joined in the teasing, aiming his barb at the Barkley known for his loud voice.

“Hey” Nick retorted, “I can make a point as quietly as the next man.”

Four raised eyebrows looked back at him in surprise


Audra wandered over to the chair where the riding shirts lay. They were looking good. One was white with blue sleeves, the other white with green sleeves.

“What do you think?” She held up the one with blue sleeves for the boys to see.

“Oh no there is no way that I’ll wear a shirt like that.” Nick eyed the garment in disgust “What’s wrong with my normal shirts?”

“Nick each ranch has been allocated a colour depending on the number of riders entered. We, the Barkley ranch, got allocated the mid blue and mid green colours.” Victoria explained. “Now you could either wear a coloured shirt with white sleeves or like this, the committee decided for the sake of the riders to go for the coloured sleeve option”

“Heath what do you think?”

“I’m with Nick. One of my work shirts will do. Those are just too fancy for me..”

“Now there will be no argument, these are what you’ll wear.” Victoria put her foot down “Which one would you like Nick?”

“The green will do me thank-you.” He scowled at the garment.

“And it will look wonderful on you Brother Nick.” Jarrod Barkley’s’ voice joined the conversation. “Hello Mother, Audra, Heather.” Jarrod kissed each of the Barkley women on the cheek.

“You stay out of this Jarrod.” Nick returned.

“Welcome home Heath” Jarrod clapped his youngest brother on the shoulder. “How did it go?”

“Thanks Jarrod” Heath returned the clap. “Couldn’t have gone better. We picked up some mighty fine horses that’ll make excellent additions to the breeding herd.”

“Are you ready to defend the honour of the Barkley ranch and the Barkley name?”

“If you’re referring to the race, then yes.”


“Always Jarrod but not in a shirt like that”

“No choice, dear brother, no choice.”

The only answer Jarrod got to that remark was a ‘humph’.


The morning of the picnic dawned clear and crisp holding the promise of a lovely day to follow. In every home in Stockton preparations were being made for the day. Food was prepared. Horses to be entered in the race were given final checks by their owners.

At the Barkley ranch things were in hand by eight in the morning. Victoria, Audra and Heather had all the cakes and cookies they had baked the day before in tins. Audra had some of her pickles ready to be entered into the preserves competition. Heather had two of her paintings ready to enter for the art competition and sale. Nick and Heath had Stealth and Charger ready. And Jarrod was in his study out of everybody’s way.

With the actual picnic not due to start until eleven Heather decided to take the book Nick had given her for Christmas and spend an hour or so at Mystic Gully. She had been at the Gully for about half an hour when the bushes near to where she was sitting rustled.

From within the bushes a pair of yellow/green eyes watched.

The breeze spoke of Firefur returning to the gully and it spoke of something else.


Danger and the human pack.

With Firefur being close by she’d be the best one to give the warning to. But how?

Heather looked in amazement when the wolf appeared from within the bushes. Not that she had seen many wolves before, but this had to be one of the most beautiful she had ever seen. The coat of the animal was silver with hints of white, but none of the brown/black markings of other wolves and the eyes were a mix of yellow and green. It looked exactly like the wolf of the rock painting and of the interpretation in the book back home. This had to be the ‘Moon Wolf’.

The canine made no move toward her. It just lay next to the bushes unmoving; it’s head on its front paws. Human and wolf looked at each other.

The arrival of Jarrod startled Heather more then it did the wolf.

Looking up at her eldest brother Heather noted that his first movement was the draw his gun.

“Heather.” He ordered “Just get up slowly and move very carefully back toward me.”

“Jarrod don’t panic that wolf isn’t going to hurt me. If she wanted to she would have done so by now. We’ve both been sitting here for the last ten or so minutes just looking at each other. You know it’s a very beautiful wolf and kinda familiar. Remind you of anything?”

Jarrod lowered his gun. The wolf still hadn’t moved. It continued to lie by the bushes still resting its head on its front paws watching.

“Now that you mention it” Jarrod looked harder “It does resemble that wolf in the rock painting and in the book at home.”

“Just what I was thinking older brother.”

“Okay Baby-girl now if your theory holds water then that wolf is trying to tell us or more precisely you that someone in the family is in danger.”

“I agree.” Heather nodded “ To change the subject. What are you doing here?”

“Mother sent me. You’re needed back at the house, she and Audra are packing the wagon and getting ready to head for town”

“What about Nick and Heath?”

At the mention of the other Barkley brothers names the wolf’s ears pricked up and she lifted her head.

“They left just as I did, they’re planning to walk Stealth and Charger into town therefore saving them for the races” Jarrod explained. He looked toward his sister but her attention was not focused on him but rather on the wolf. “Heather did you hear what I said?”

By way of a response Heather tapped his arm and drew his attention to the wolf

“Yes.” Heather’s voice was faint, almost distant “Jarrod look.”

“What?” Jarrod was puzzled. The wolf, as far as he could tell hadn’t moved or changed position in any way, was still lying with her head on her front paws.

“You said Nick and Heath..” Heather broke off “Look she’s done it again.” Sure enough once again the wolf had pricked her ears up at the mention of Nick and Heaths names.

“Nick and Heath are in danger?”

The wolf rose from her spot, walked back toward the clump of bushes, looked back at the brother and sister then disappeared.

The message had been delivered and to the one most open to receive it.

“What just happened?” Jarrod was a little stumped. He had never seen a wolf behave like that before.

“A message, a warning, take it any way you like.” Heather told him “But the result is the same Nick and Heath are in danger and we’ve got to help them.” Her temper was beginning to show again.

“Okay okay.” Jarrod tried to pacify his sometimes hot-tempered sister.

By now Heather had packed her stuff into her carriage and was climbing into the drivers seat.

“Where would they be by now do you think?” She looked over her shoulder to where Jarrod was mounting Jingo.

“Just outside our property line I think,” Jarrod responded “But don’t get the idea into your head that you’re coming with me.”

“Jarrod, they’re both my brothers as well and if you’re going to help them then so am I.” With that Heather pulled the reins on Silverfire Lady and headed her toward the Barkley boundary.

Pulling Jingo in the same direction Jarrod sped off after his sister.

“For a little horse and pulling a carriage she can really move.” He thought to himself.

It took a few minutes and a few miles but eventually Jarrod caught up with the pair. Reaching out he caught the reins, forcing the little horse and carriage to a halt.

“And just how do you plan to warn Nick and Heath? Or for that matter protect them?”

“With this.” Heather produced a shotgun from underneath her seat. Jarrod's eyes opened in surprise. This was the last thing he’d expected to see. “And before you ask. I can fire it Mark McAdams taught me.”

All Jarrod could do was shake his head. This newest sister of his was certainly full of surprises.


Hidden behind rocks that formed a small pass, about two miles from the boundary of the Barkley lands Jake Knotter and his two sons waited. Each of them carried a loaded rifle and had plenty of spare ammunition. The plan was to catch the Barkley boys in cross fire.

For Nick and Heath the journey into Stockton as far had been a peaceful one. They joked about the race. How one was going to beat the other. The virtues of Charger over Stealth and Stealth over Charger. And of course they made a private little wager between the two of them.

“IF I win then you’ll be standing me drinks at the saloon for a month” Nick challenged his brother.

“You win?” Heath returned the challenge with good humour “You’ll be eating our dust dear brother, and then you’ll be cleaning our dust as well. If we win then you’ll clean out Chargers stable for a month.”

Nick took time to consider the offer. Charger was the more experienced of the two horses. But Stealth was the younger.

“Done” He held out his hand to his blond brother.

“ And you will be.” Heath took the offered hand and the brothers shook hands sealing their bet. “Well done.”

“We’ll see.” Nick returned, “This fella can run like the wind.” He patted Stealth’s sleek black neck.

“Like a dying breeze you mean.” Heath had a playful glint in his eyes.

If anybody else had made that remark about his horse Nick Barkley would have had them by the collar by now. But not Heath. Nick knew Heath was playing with him and accepted it. Heath had been with him when he had caught and trained Stealth.

“Well at least mine won’t be gasping for air unlike that nag of yours.”

Now it was Heaths turn to know that Nick was only teasing. Nick had given Charger to Heath soon after Heath had arrived on the Barkley ranch.

Any smart remark Heath had to say never left his mouth as both brothers heard the voices of Jarrod and Heatherleah Barkley.

From where they had brought their horses to a stop both Jarrod and Heather had a perfect view of the road below them. They could see their brothers and the trap that they were about to ride into.

Also on the ledge but further along another set of eyes watched the proceedings and spotted the trap.

“There has to be a way down there.” Heather said searching for it.

“Just one” Jarrod pointed to a steep trail “Jingo will make it but I don’t know about…” He never got to finish his sentence as Heather headed for it “Come back here you little fool. You’ll be killed.”

Heather blocked her eldest brothers voice out and began the headlong plunge down to where Nick and Heath were.

All Jarrod could do was follow and watch with his heart in his mouth as Heather and Silverfire Lady made their way down the path.

“GET OFF THE ROAD” Heather called to the other two Barkley’s “YOU’RE IN DANGER.”

“Danger?” Nick looked at Heath. “What is she talking about?”

“AMBUSH” Jarrod called joining Heather “IN THE ROCKS UP AHEAD.”

Two shots rang out as Jarrod uttered the words. One caught the ground near Stealth’s feet. This caused the young horse to rear up in fear, almost unseating Nick. The second grazed Heath’s side below the right arm

The Barkley’s sought whatever cover they could find and returned fire. Nick, Jarrod and Heather ended up together on one side of the road, while Heath was behind some scrub on the other side.

“Who are they?” Nick asked looking at Jarrod. “And what do they want?”

“ I don’t know Nick” Jarrod replied, “All we saw were the three figures about to ambush you both.”

“And just how was it that you two came to be up there in the first place?” Nick continued to grill Jarrod “You were supposed to be collecting Heather and then riding in with Mother and Audra.”

“Later Nick.”

Another volley of shots rang out. Thank-fully they didn’t reach the hiding spot, falling short and kicking up dust two to three feet in front of the Barkley group.

“WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?” Nick called out.


“Jake Knotter” Jarrod said recognizing the voice “He must have his two sons with him up there.”



Heath meantime had sized up the situation from where he was lying on the other side of the road from his siblings. His side where the bullet had grazed him still stung but he had managed to stop the bleeding, breathing however was another matter, the bullet must have pushed a rib too close to the lung He put on his jacket that had been in one of his saddlebags. That would hide the injury preventing Nick, Jarrod, Audra and his Mother from finding out until they all got home later in the evening. Heather was another matter. He couldn’t hide it from her, but knew that she would keep quiet He could see the positions held down by Jake Knotter and one of his sons. They were just above him and had a good line of site to the other Barkley’s’ but they couldn’t see him. He knew that he was a target for the second Knotter son.

Carefully drawing his rifle out of its holster on Chargers saddle he took aim at the only part of the Knotter son he could see. The rifle barrel. The idea to knock it out of its owner’s hands. Slowly he squeezed the trigger. It ended up taking two shots but it worked the rifle flew out of Trevor Knotters surprised hands and down onto the road below. Grabbing some spare cartridges he reloaded and made a signal to his brothers and twin.

On the opposite side of the road Nick, Jarrod and Heather had seen both what Heath had done to Trevor Knotter and the signal.

As one the three of them laid down covering fire. A cry from the rocks above them told them that somebody had scored. Heath quickly joined them.

“HAVE YOU HAD ENOUGH YET JAKE?” Nick called out.


Again a shot accompanied the response.

“He can’t last up there much longer” Jarrod reasoned

“Don’t forget Mother and Audra will be along soon” Heath remained everybody “We can’t have them ride into the middle of this, they’d be sitting ducks”

“Jake is the only one still holding a gun” Jarrod observed, “ We could rush them. It may mean a fist fight with Trevor but”

“NO” Nick said, “I’ll take Stealth, ride through the pass…”

“Not you Nick “Heather interjected “Silverfire Lady and I’ll do it. Anyway I’m not that good in the fist-fight department.”




All three of the brothers howled a protest at their sister.

“Just make sure you take Jake Knotter out.” Heather looked at both Nick and Heath “I’m counting on you.”

Before any of her brothers could stop her Heather swung herself into the driving seat and drove off.

“That sister of ours is either crazy or has more guts then just about anybody I know” Nick watched as Heather took off.

“She’s a Barkley through and through” Jarrod said with pride “And when this is all over I am personally going to sit her down and have a long serious talk with her about just how a Barkley lady should behave.”

“It won’t work Jarrod” Heath spoke with the voice of experience “She’ll go on her merry way and you’ll have wasted your breath.”

Heather and Silverfire Lady had good speed up by the time they reached the spot where the boys were. Hopefully enough to be missed by Jake Knotter.

From in the rocks Jake Knotter saw the little carriage approaching. It was up to him now to finish off. Trevor had lost his gun early in the piece and Sammy had a bullet in his arm thanks to one of the Barkley’s. He raised his rifle and took aim. He was about to let the trigger go when he actually saw who was in the buggy. Damn it was one of the Barkley women. Not wanting to be known as a woman killer he didn’t let it go. Seconds after that the rifle was knocked out of his hands by a shot.

After that it was just a matter of overpowering the two standing Knotter family members. Once they were rounded up Nick tied Jake and Trevor to their horses, Sammy was loaded on the back of Heather carriage then Heath, Heather and Nick headed to town with the prisoners. Jarrod rode back to collect Victoria and Audra.

Watching the human pack mates working in unison, just like a wolf pack Moonwolf knew she’d made the right decision to reach out and help them. With the cunning moves usually associated with the wolf pack this human pack had taken care of the immediate danger and had gotten their pack mates out of trouble.

Firefur and Howlswisely had lived up to their pack names and now another name was added.

Firefurs born littermate.

Moonwolf had seen how he’d moved even with an injury, so carefully, so quietly and softly on his paws.



So far the picnic/fair day had gone well. The picnic ground was full and the orphanage would receive a tidy sum.

The last event for the day was the final of the horse racing. Eight riders had made it through including Heath and Nick Barkley. Nick was especially pleased. Stealth had lived up to his expectations. Heath too was pleased Charger had excelled himself as well. For Heath the only problem was the graze on his side and the associated breathing problems although the bleeding had stopped a while ago it still stung like crazy. His breathing still came in pants. Nick thankfully was too busy concentrating on the race to notice. But graze or no graze he was still going to compete, win the race for the Barkley ranch and give his older brother a thumping.

Victoria, Jarrod, Audra and Heather managed to secure a viewing spot near the start/finish line. Nick and Heath lined up next to each other on the outer edge of the field.

The starters gun went and the field took off.

The race itself was composed of two circuits of the town. The course included several obstacles that had to be either avoided or jumped.

By the completion of the first lap Nick, Heath and two others were the lead group. Trouble struck at the back of the course where it narrowed slightly. All four of the group tried to fit into a space that usually, on any other day, allowed only two riders. Squeezed in the middle of the foursome Nick and Heath collided. Heath knew the second he hit Nick that the graze on his size had reopened. Because he had removed the bandana earlier there was nothing to stop the bleeding, blood stained the right side of his shirt as well as Nicks.

Nick for his part didn’t notice the stain on his shirt, his only concern was to get out of the squeeze and head for the finish line. Digging his spurs into Stealth he raced a head.

Heath saw the move Nick made and tried to follow. Charger responded to the challenge and put on a burst of speed in order to catch up to his stable mate.

With the finish line in sight and to the roar of the crowd Heath caught Nick. Stealth and Charger was head to head, nobody could separate them. They crossed the line together.

The finish took its toll on Heath. With his side still bleeding, already a little weak from the blood lose earlier in the day and with breathing becoming harder and harder he didn’t dismount Charger. He fell off and into a world of darkness.

Nick at first didn’t notice. He went straight to where his family had gathered and waited for Heath to join him.

“Well done Nicholas” Jarrod slapped his brother on the back and gave Stealth a quick pat. “You and Heath upheld the honour of the Barkley ranch magnificently.”

“Nick, I’m proud of you both” Victoria kissed her second born son. “What’s this?” She pulled on Nick’s shirt. “Nick are you alright?”

“Mother I’m fine” Nick reassured her. As for the first time he noticed the blood on his green shirt “It’s not mine.” He looked around and unable to locate his brother immediately became concerned. “Heath? Where’s Heath?”

It was Jarrod who saw the figure lying unconscious next to Charger.

“Nick, Mother there,” He pointed.

That was all Nick needed. Before the others could move he was racing toward his brother.

“Heath, Heath” He called lifting his brother into his arms. The red stain on the blue shirt caught his eye. “Dammit Heath no!”

By now Jarrod and Victoria were by his side. Jarrod by now had ripped the bloody shirt open. Blood covered the entire right front of the shirt. All the family could hear the terrible wheezing as their brother and son struggled to get air.

“Why didn’t he say something?” Nick asked, frustrated and scared “ How could I not have noticed?”

“He’s your brother Nick and like you he doesn’t always tell people when something is wrong. Even if it means something like this ends up happening,” Jarrod observed. “Lets get him up and over to the Doctors.”


Much later that day the family group made it’s way back home. Heath riding in the buggy with Victoria and Audra keeping a very close eye on him. Doc Merar had said that although the wound was not that bad that Heath would have to take things easy for a few days. More urgently the rib involved was not broken, nor was the lung pierced, the rib as just resting against it.

As she drove home in her carriage movement to her left caught Heathers eye. Quickly she turned her head. It was the she-wolf. Wolf and human made eye contact for a second.

Watching the human pack making their way back to their den Moonwolf felt a sense of pride and delight. This first foray into the lives of the human pack had been a success. The old ways of the Moonwolf were back. The legacy, started so long ago by her foremothers would be continued.

On to Sighting Two