"A Mother's Wish"


Logline: The Barkleys learn of Heatherleah, Heath's twin sister

Mark McAdams looking up from the ledger he and his assistant/girl Friday were bent over and smiled.

“This is going to be a good deal”

“I agree,” His assistant replied, “If it comes though””

“You have doubts?” McAdams questioned.

“Maybe” The reply was cautious “There was something about Mr Barons that just didn’t seem right”

Mark McAdams a man in his early fifties ran one of the biggest horse breeding ranches in the north of California, the property ranges over some 10 thousand square miles all of it bar a small section close to the main house was dedicated to the raising and breeding of horses, horses for range work, a small herd of racing and jumping horses, and finally a small herd of trap ponies. The small section of land close to the house on the other hand was the pride and joy of his wife Laura; in this section she was able to indulge her passion for growing roses and other exotic flowers. That was where she was at the present moment, weeding or pruning.

Earlier in the day a man by the name of Barons had paid a call, he had heard of McAdams and of his horse breeding. Barons claimed to be an agent for a group of Eastern businessmen looking for some horses to invest in, with an eye to racing them in some of the Eastern states major horse races. He had looked over the place taking a keen interest in the yearling’s and two year olds. Of course he also stopped and admired the stock and quarter horses, but only questioned the price of the racing herds. After a short period of negotiating he and McAdams had come to an agreement.

But still there was something not quite right. Maybe it was the combination of his black hair and black eyes that made her suspicious, or maybe the way he scanned the whole ranch looking at all the possible entrances and exists and questioning the number of hands McAdams needed to run the whole operation, and of those hands how many where around at the moment, for the purposes of rounding up the horses and having them together in the closest paddock by three that afternoon when Barons said he the men he employed to drive the horses to the rail yard would be back.

Any further discussion about the deal and Mr Barons was halted by the arrival of Pedro, one of the McAdams hands. The man was clearly breathless and in a panic about something.

“Senor, Senor men come many men come this way” Pedro paused to try and catch his breath. “Many men with guns, they already shoot Carlos, drive the stock herd out to the south, now they head this way”

This was the one thing McAdams had always feared raiders. Luckily the house was built with trap doors and priest holes as part of its design. Quickly he raced over to the fire place, the design on the mantle above was of two horse head one each side of the actual fire place, he pulled on the one to the left of the fire place causing the floor section in front of the fire to open and reveal a staircase leading down to the secret basement.

How long she had been alone she did not know. McAdams had never come back. Shortly after he had left there had been the sound of a gunshot followed by a screaming. They must have killed Mark in front of his wife. This was then followed by two more shots each in turn followed by more screams. Pedro and Miguel. After the fourth there were no screams they had murdered Laura McAdams too.

After that it was quite for a while, no noise, no nothing “Hopefully they’ve gone” She thought to herself. But that hope was short lived, footsteps echoed from the floorboards above her and there was the sound of tables, chairs and other furniture being tossed around “Looking for the safe most likely” Her mind rationalized “Good luck” It like the entrances to the various trap-doors and priest holes was well hidden and only somebody who knew where to look would be able to locate it. The footsteps retreated. Then it was all quite “Now you are really on your own, and there is nobody to help you. You’ll just have to get yourself out of this mess”.

Mark had shown her how to release the lever in the ceiling of the basement when she had first arrived at the property some two years previous, he had made it a policy to show all house staff how the hidden doors worked. Although the opening devices from the house were easy enough to operate the ones on the cavity side were not, rarely used they had become stiff with age and lack of use, it would take great strength to open.

Silently she cursed the snake that had caused her horse to throw her all those months ago. For a long time the doctors had believed that she would never stand or walk again, but shortly after the death of her mother she had began to get some feeling back, with feeling came movement, now she could get around by herself, slowly but by herself. But with all that she would not have the strength in her back to be able to begin to shift the lever.

“Oh Heath” She lamented to the room in general “Where are you when I need you?”


A gust of wind blew through the open bedroom window of Victoria Barkley, not strong enough to disturb anything heavy or breakable but enough to wake her from a light slumber. As there was a full moon that night Victoria was able to see that it was three in the morning, rolling onto her side facing the offending window she got out of bed and closed it.

Turning back toward the bed Victoria got the overwhelming impression that she wasn’t alone. Quickly she moved toward the bedside table where her lamp was, turning it up to a low glow she surveyed the room. Nobody there.

“You’re just imaging things,” She told herself. Picking the lamp up she moved to the door and opened it. The corridor outside was quite and still. The doors of the bedrooms opposite hers, Jarrods and Audras were both closed and no light was coming under them, moving quietly down the hall she saw that the doors to the rooms of her other two children, Nick and Heath were closed and no light was coming from either of them as well.

Shaking her head the matriarch of the Barkley clan turned and headed back to her room and bed. Closing the door and setting the lamp back on the table she continued to mentally chastise herself when all of a sudden a light female voice said

“Hello Victoria”

Picking the lamp up Victoria again surveyed the room; again there was nobody in sight. Not normally a women given to hysterical or uncontrollable emotional thoughts she began to wonder if she was going mad.

“Don’t be frightened or alarmed you are not going mad,” The voice continued, “I’m over here in the shadows”

Victoria turned toward the spot where she thought the voice was coming from. It seemed to be coming from the futherest corner of the sitting room area of the sleeping chambers Victoria occupied on the second floor of the large Barkley mansion. Like those of most of her children Victoria’s room was comprised of a sleeping area and a separate sitting/writing/ reading area.

“Where are you and who are you?” Victoria attempted to get her voice low and under control not wishing to wake her children, the last thing she wanted was for them to come in and find their mother talking to an empty room “Show yourself. I have three sons…”

“ They can’t touch me” The voice was calm and controlled “And even if they could I know for certain that one of them wouldn’t”

In the space between a large bookcase and the writing desk a form began to take shape. It was a woman in her mid to late forties, a slim build, small but a little bigger than Victoria, light brown hair slightly streaked with grey and brown-grey eyes. Victoria recognized her at once from the only picture Heath had of his birth mother.

“Leah!” Victoria was surprised but unafraid.

“Yes it’s me” Again the voice was controlled “Don’ be alarmed I’ve been here before more then once to see my boy and make sure he’s alright” Leah continued “Thank-you for taking him in and loving him”

He’s a very easy boy to love” Victoria replied “And he brings back to our home that which has been missing since…” Her voice faltered

“Since Tom died?” Leah prompted


“When I told him about his fathers family I wasn’t sure how he would react, what he would do, whether he would even come here. I know it’s been hard on both him and your family and especially on you since Heaths presence either confirmed what you suspected about Tom and I or brought it to light for the first time”

“Leah when he came back from Strawberry all those years ago Tom told me what happened between the two of you, yes it hurt for quite a while, but in the end I wanted my marriage to work so I forgave him.” It felt good to Victoria to be able to finally say this to Leah even though it was to Leah’s ghost. “ But what for the life of me I cannot understand is why you never contacted Tom regarding Heath?”

“Did you know that Tom wrote to me after he returned to Stockton?”

“NO” This was a surprise to Victoria

“He only wrote to me the once, in this letter he explained that he was married and a father to two boys” Leah explained “And that he was deeply in love with his wife, he regretted what he had done that he had hurt both of us and he closed the letter by saying that he hoped that one day I would get married, have children and know the sort of happiness that he had with you”

Victoria blushed, dropped her head a fraction and allowed a tear to run down her check “How like Tom” She thought to herself

“I’m sorry I did not mean to upset you” The apparition apologized “Well anyway how could I after receiving the letter then turn around show up and ruin your lives?” Leah paused. Victoria could almost see the emotion on her face; it was almost like Leah was gathering her strength, willing herself to continue. Then all of a sudden she came out with “Where is Heatherleah? Where is my daughter?”

“Daughter?” Victoria questioned.

Silence took control of the room for a few moments then Leah continued

“Yes hasn’t Heath told you?” Still in a state of shock all Victoria could do was shake her head no.

“He’s a twin.”



The next time Victoria opened her eyes light was just starting to stream through the curtains in her room. Remembering the events of earlier that morning she sat up with a start. Had it all been just a dream? Maybe but it seemed just a bit too vivid, a bit too real. The early morning light caught on something on top of the writing desk, Victoria went to investigate, it was the gold top of her fountain pen, the pen was resting on a piece of her personal stationary.

“Funny I don’t remember leaving that out,” She thought to herself picking the paper up. On it in an unfamiliar hand were the words Yes Victoria It happened it was no dream. And it was signed Leah.

Folding up the letter Victoria began to plan her next move. Confront Heath. Her blond son didn’t really like to talk about his past, he buried deep within himself, only revealing little bits at a time. Well like it or not he was going to open up about his twin and tell her everything.

From the moment Leah had told about Heatherleah Victoria knew that she wanted the girl here with her family, no matter how long it would take or how hard she would have to push Victoria wanted the daughter Tom never knew to be with her family. Yes it would come as a shock to the rest of her children, after all they were still getting over the shock of finding out about Heath, it had only been four months since he had joined them and now she along with Heath were about to spring one more surprise on them, a new sister. Audra would be happy she had always wanted a sister. Jarrod would take it in his stride the same way he had taken Heaths arrival, the unknown quantity would be Nick.

Of all the Barkley children Nick had been the one who had the hardest time adjusting to Heath, while Audra Jarrod and herself had warmed to Heath almost at once Nick had fought against the tide, there had been harsh words and flying fists many times over the past four months, both boys had sported split lips and bruised ribs.

But things had begun to change, after the cattle drive that had taken place over the past month Nick and Heath seemed to be getting on better. Maybe being thrown together, having to depend and relay on each other had started it. Well what had happened it was good, now there was less shouting in the house and the liniment bottle saw less daylight then it had in the past months and Nick and Heath seemed to be forming a bond.


Heath Barkley smiled and whistled to himself as he closed the bedroom door behind him. Things were finally going right for a change. He had a steady job, a lovely home and above all a family who loved him and in return accepted the love he gave to them. Yessir a man couldn’t ask for much more The past four months had been tough, but worth it so very worth it.

There was Victoria Barkley, Mother she had welcomed him with open arms, not pushed him away as he might have expected a very warm and gracious lady, a lady who oddly enough reminded him of his own mother, they had the same smile and both gave love unquestionally. She had had every right to turn him away, he the product of a love affair between her husband and another woman. But she didn’t instead welcoming him.

Jarrod 28, his eldest brother the family lawyer and head of the Barkley financial company Jarrod who had taken Heath aside welcoming him in his own way, who had shown and taught Heath how to handle money and all the other things that came with the name Barkley.

Nick at 24, the brother closest in age to himself. Yes it was true that the two of them had hated each other at first sight. Nick with his loud voice and mannerisms. Nick had been the one who doubted his story the most, who fought to have him, run off Barkley land. But slowly Nick had began to come around, the demanding work of the ranch had thrown them both together and then the trail drive which both men had just finished had also thrown them together, but without the help of the rest of the family to break-up their little ‘squabbles’. It was either get along or one would have ended up most likely murdering the other. Thank-fully sense had prevailed and now the two of them were beginning to form a deep friendship, hopefully leading to a brotherly relationship soon. Because underneath it all Nick was the kind of older brother he had always wanted.

At 18 Audra was just two years his junior. Like Victoria Audra had welcomed into the family at once, She had helped him fit into the day to day life of the family, together they played checkers, cards and talked. And unknowingly she reminded him of his twin Heather. The two girls looked a bit alike, they were the same height, had the same fine bone structure and fair skin Where Audra had fair hair Heathers had a little more red in it. Audra’s eyes were bright blue where Heathers were more a blue/green. He missed his twin; maybe the time was right to introduce her to the family. Yes he would tell them.

“Good morning sweetheart” Victoria’s voice interrupted his thoughts

“Good morning Mother” Heath was surprised “You’re up early this morning” He as usually the first one up. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing Heath, nothing at all, I just wanted to have a word with you before the others came down, come join me” Victoria patted the sofa beside her.

Sensing that something was up, but not certain as to what Heath cautiously joined his stepmother.

Knowing that she could not beat around the bush Victoria plunged right in “Heath where is Heatherleah?”

There was dead silcence in the room. Heath sat next to his stepmother, mouth open in shock. His mind raced How? Who?

Finally he managed “Where did you hear that name?” He knew he had never mentioned Heathers name in the house so where did Victoria hear it? Who had told her?

“Where I heard that name is unimportant young man What I want to know is where she is and why she isn’t here with you” The tone in Victoria’s voice told Heath that there would be no escaping without answering the question. “Heath please she is as much Tom’s daughter as you are Tom’s son she needs to be here with us and we deserve the chance to get to know her”

Before Heath could reply another voice broke into their conversation. It was Nick

“Get to know who?” He asked “Good morning Mother” He kissed Victoria on the check. “Morning Heath, ready for another days work? Or are you going to sit around all day and watch a real rancher do some work?” Nick teased. He was in a playful mood this morning the drive had gone well and they were back two days early.

“Good morning Nick” Victoria accepted the kiss

“Morning Nick” Heath greeted his brother and returned the barb with “If anybody’s going to be working it’ll be me with you sitting around watching”

“Why you…” Nick spluttered, “I’ll have you that I…”

“That you what?” A fourth voice joined the conversation it was Jarrod “Good morning Mother, Heath. Now brother Nick you were saying?”

“Never mind Jarrod” Nick turned his attention away from his brother and to his mother “ Mother you mentioned getting to know somebody?”

“Good morning everybody” Audras’ voice broke in “Why is everybody in here and not the dining room? Aren’t we having breakfast this morning?”

Good morning sweetheart” Victoria greeted her daughter “And yes we’ll be having breakfast as soon as Heath and I straighten out a little matter. Now please Heath continue”

“Mother and I were discussing getting to know my sister..” Heath began

“But Heath we already know Audra” Nick was confused as far as he knew all of the Barkley brothers Jarrod, Himself and Heath had only one sister

“I wasn’t meaning Audra” Came the short reply “I was referring to Heatherleah my twin sister.”

Silence again reined in the parlour then;


“What did you say? Twin?”

“Sister? I have a sister, Where?”

Victoria finally took control of the situation with “Jarrod, Nick, Audra quite a moment and let Heath continue. Now Heath you were saying?”

Heath took a deep breath and continued as his mother commanded.

“Heatherleah Margaret Thomson my twin. Yes Audra you do have a sister. She’s working for the horse breeder Mark McAdams on his ranch about an hour outside the town of Gault, about a days ride north of here she’s his assistant and part time personal maid for his wife” Well there he had told them, and so far no fireworks. Now for the second hard part.

“Heath” Jarrod was the first one to find his voice “I don’t understand why didn’t you tell us before this and why isn’t Heatherleah with you?”

“When I first came here” He began “I didn’t how I would be received, I didn’t know if you would all welcome me or throw me out on my rear. Believe me I’m glad it turned out the way it did, but if things hadn’t at least I could’ve easily ridden out, Heather doesn’t have that option. Eighteen months ago she took a bad fall and damaged her back, for along time we didn’t even know it she’d even walk again let alone get on a horse. I couldn’t take the risk, if I knew then what I know now I’d have played things different.” Heath paused not daring to look up “ Funny thing I was just thinking coming down the stairs that is was about time I told you”

“Well now boy there’s only one thing to do” Nick took control as only he could loudly “Let’s go to Gault and bring her back here”

“Agreed” Jarrod seconded the motion

“Yes” Audra “ Lets”

Victoria smiled to herself and felt very proud of her children. Without question they had accepted this new sister and without yet knowing her. She reached for Heaths hand and squeezed it “Go Heath bring her home”


Over breakfast plans were made. To save time taking the train was suggested, as Gault was only an hour and a half away. The horses could travel in the horse car.

“If I can leave straight…” Heath said as he piled his plate with eggs and ham

“You leave” Nick accepted the plate of eggs that Heath passed him “Nothing, we leave boy. You think I’m letten you go alone, no way. Any way I want to talk to McAdams about maybe buying one or two of his horses”

That was only partial true. As he listened to Heath earlier Nick realized that he was part of the reason Heather wasn’t with them now. Because of the way he treated Heath when he first arrived Heath had delayed telling them about Heather, therefore keeping her away and he wanted to make that right to explain to his new sister and apologize.

“I too would like to see Mr McAdams again” Jarrod said as he passed the egg plate over the his sister “I did some work once in San Fransisco for him and it’s about time I paid my respects to him again” That was his excuse and he was sticking to it. As much as Nick wanted to meet this new sister he did too.

“If you two are going with Heath then so am I” Audra began definitely “Why should I miss out on meeting my sister after all I’ve always wanted a sister”

“ And what about the committee for the Ball?” Her mother interjected “How many years have you been pestering me to allow on it and now you want to leave just as the ball is coming up?”

“But Mother” Audra argued

“But nothing” Victoria counted “ The ball is next week and we’ve got so much still to organize, the flower, the table settings, the hall decorations and much more besides, you wanted on this committee after all”

“Don’t fret honey we’ll be back by lunch-time tomorrow then you’ll have all the time in the world to get to know Heather” Jarrod consoled.

“Humph” Was the reply. Audra changed track “So Heath tell me more what’s Heather like, Is she the reason you insist on collecting the mail Tuesdays and Thursdays?”

Heath nodded “Those are the days I know there will be letter from Heather and the day I send one to her. What’she like? Heather’s about your height has light red/blond hair and blue-green eyes that flash blue when she’s happy and glow green when angry. I always thought her temper came with her red hair till I met Nick” Heath cast a glance toward the sibling sitting next to him and flashed a cheeky grin at him.

“Hey enough of that” Nick gave his brother a playful clip to the back of the head “My tempers not that bad”

“Oh really brother Nick” Jarrod joined in “You should listen to yourself sometime.”

“You tell him Jarrod” Audra too started laying into Nick “Stomping all over the place, yelling and waving your arms”

“What is this pick on Nick day or something?”

“You mentioned earlier something about a fall from a horse and her back?” Victoria reminded Heath “About not knowing if she’d ever be able to walk again?”

“True, for the longest time we thought Heather never would walk or ride again, but just after Mama died she started to regain feeling, now it appears that Heather’s walking again, well a little bit anyway, but the doctors are still saying that she’ll never ride again.”

“You boys had better hurry up and finish if you want to make that train” That put an end to the chatter and teasing.

As her sons departed the dining room and Silas the butler was helping her to clear up Victoria said “ Silas,after the boys leave I would like you to help me convert two of the guest –rooms into family bedrooms please”

“Two guest-rooms Mrs Barkley” Silas was confused

“Yes Silas, one for Mr Heath, its about time he had a room like the rest of the family”

“And who’d the other room be for?”

“ A new family member Silas, Mr Heaths twin sister, and my new daughter Heather.”



Gault was not the biggest town in the north, but it was big enough to support two hotels, a large bank, one large and one small general store, a doctors, an undertaker, a court house, the telegraph office and of course the Sheriffs office. It was near ten-thirty when Jarrod, Nick and Heath alighted from the northbound train and collected their mounts from the horse-car.

The first person they ran into was the Sheriff.

“ Jarrod, Jarrod Barkley what are you doing here, so far from Stockton or San Fransisco for that matter?”

“Hello Jake, who died and made you Sheriff,”

Jarrod knew Jake Robbins from his only previous visit to Gault when he defended a local against a robbery charge.

“ Sam Collins retired six months ago and they made me Sheriff” Jake took Jarrods offered hand “ Now what are you doing here?”

“We’ve come to, oh by the way these are my brothers Nick and Heath. Like I was saying we’ve come to see Mark McAdams”

“Well I’m sorry to say you boys had a wasted journey”

“What’s that mean?” Nick quickly asked his senses telling him that something just wasn’t right.

“We’ve had reports of raiders in the area, well my deputy went out to inform the local ranchers, his just got back to tell me that we’re too late, the raiders looted and killed everybody at the McAdams place”

A feeling of overwhelming lose descended over the brothers, Nick and Jarrod glanced toward Heath, all the colour had drained from his face, he just stood there staring at the ground. Then with a voice that was both haunted and strained he asked


“Well he didn’t have a good look around, but he ‘s sure he spotted Mr and Mrs McAdams, and the bodies of two of their ranch-hands. Of course the boy’s bit a young and green, and finding bodies didn’t cross his mind when he went out today”

“What about Mr McAdams assistant?”

“You mean Miz Heather?”

It as all Heath could do to nod

“Didn’t say anything about seeing her, but then he didn’t check over the whole place. Maybe …hey where you going young fella?”

That did it for Heath; he bounded onto Charger and headed west toward the McAdams property
