
Later that week Howard Merar stood putting his instruments away after completing a thorough examination of Heath. Too thorough by Heath's estimation who grew more irritated at every test the doctor put him through.

"What's the verdict doc?" the younger man quipped attempting to break through Howard's seriousness. "Will I live or will I die?"

Almost as soon as he said it Heath regretted his words instantly. He had never joked about the matter, not with a young family depending on him and now a wife waiting patiently outside.

One look at Heath's contrite face and Howard knew not to censure him. He knew that it was more than likely nerves that had caused the poor joke.

"You can get dressed now, Heath. Then would you like me to talk to you in here privately or with your wife present?"

Heath grew nervous. Somehow he managed to get out a request that his wife be brought inside so they could hear the news together. He remembered adding, "We don't have any secrets from each other."

Howard smiled at this remark from the newly married man and patted Heath's shoulder reassuringly as the younger man's fingers suddenly trembled buttoning his shirt.

"She sure is a pretty one, Heath. I'm glad that you've found happiness a second time. Cate was a fine woman but she was not the kind to deny you a chance of happiness with someone else. Meg is your cousin, right?"

"Y..yes," Heath stammered, not really wanting this conversation right now. "B... but not by bl.... blood. She's mother's niece, blood cousin to Jarrod, Nick and Audra but not me."

"Ah yes, I see. Forgive me Heath, sometimes it is easy to forget that you have not been with the family all the time. So am I right in thinking it was a whirlwind romance?"

Heath nodded, his eyes resolutely downward, supervising his clumsy fingers fastening the last button on his shirt.

"Well now, how is she settling in? This must all seem strange to her, so far away from home."

"I guess, but she and the children have taken to each other like a duck to water and the family are making her feel right at home." Heath was a reluctant conversationalist at the best of times and Howard could see that he was not putting the young man at ease by delaying the results of his examination.

"Well, what say we bring her in now and I can tell you both together." Not waiting for an answer, he opened the door of the examining room and ushered the very pretty but equally very nervous woman outside to join them.

Meg entered the room just as Heath was reaching out to put his tan vest on and for a moment she stopped, struck by how tired he was looking. Why hadn't she seen it before? What kind of wife was she not to notice her husband was ill. Nervously she moved to his side.

"It's okay darlin'," Heath reassured her. "Let's just listen to what Howard has to say."

She managed a weak smile but the twisting of her wedding ring betrayed her unease.

"Heath, I won't lie. I'm concerned that you may be sickening again. There is a slight rattling sound in your lungs and experience tells us that it can lead to a more serious condition where you are concerned."

"But, how?" Heath protested, moving forward in his chair. "I've done no work in the last two months. I just don't get it. I haven't been near the ranch in all that time. If I'm going to get sick just doing nothing, I might as well do a full day's work, the result would seem to be the same." Heath's frustration brimmed over and it was only when Meg squeezed his hand that he realized that far from reassuring her, he was in fact adding to her worry. "Meg, I'm sorry," he said apologetically.

"Oh please, Heath, don't apologize." Meg pleaded. "We knew when we married that your health was not good. It's the reason you came to stay with us, remember," she added a small smile that Heath only just returned. "I'm only sorry that what's happened with me has complicated things."

"It hasn't," Heath was quick to reassure her. He didn't wish her to think that their marriage had been the cause of his latest illness. To the contrary he wanted to tell her that in their short time together she was the best thing that had happened to him but here in front of the doctor was not the right time.

"Heath is right, Meg." Howard added his reassurance. "As you are probably aware Heath has a history, since childhood, of lung infections." He turned to Heath, "Heath you always knew that you were subject to more infections. What we have to work to is reducing them and their effect. That won't happen overnight and whilst you think balancing work and rest is not helping, it is my young friend, it's just that it doesn't seem obvious yet. Think about it Heath, we've detected this one early. With appropriate rest, and I mean rest young man, the chances are this won't be as bad as the last one and your recovery quicker. Thinking otherwise will not help."

"Meg, your husband like his brothers is a stubborn one. Perhaps I'm not telling you anything you haven't already discovered. When you get home, you and Victoria will have your work cut out getting him to rest, but rest he must. Heath is eager for a quick cure. It doesn't happen that way. But time is on his side and somehow I think the best tonic he will have is the woman he now has at his side."

Howard didn't think he could see anyone blush more deeply than Heath Barkley, but Meg Barkley's cheeks were positively flushed.

"Okay doc." Heath offered, practicality overcoming his previous disappointment. "I'll go home and rest but before I do I want you to check over Meg,"

"Heath, no!" Meg protested.

It was now Heath's turn to lend his support, "Meg, we have to." He stressed. "You are going to need help."

"Is there something wrong?" Howard quizzed seeing the tension that had developed.

"Meg, we have to....." Heath repeated.

Reluctantly she nodded, shame overcoming her again.

"It'll be alright Meg, I promise," Heath reassured her. "Doc. Please take a look at Meg."

"You're feeling ill Meg?" Howard asked, patience on his side.

Meg shook her head.

"She's two months pregnant doc..... with our child."

"Should you be up?"

"A mute point given that I am, don't you think?" Heath replied.

"Don't sass me, boy! You know what I mean. Howard said you need at least a week's rest and the family plan on seeing you get it."

"Aww Nick, I'm so rested I'm plum tuckered out. It's been three days! If I don't move around now I'm going to forget what my legs are for."

"Well just don't think that because Mother has gone to town and Meg and Audra have gone to the orphanage you can get away with it with me. Just as soon as little Cate here has shown me how nicely she can eat her breakfast, I'll see you back to your bed."

"Nick," Heath remonstrated. "I ain't the two year old here." Seeing Nick struggle with his youngest Heath offered to take over and see to Cate.

"Nope, me and Cate ain't done yet, are we littl'un?"

Clearly Cate felt otherwise and made to get down from her chair.

"Oh no you don't, young lady," said Nick, fetching her back.

Sat down in front of her breakfast again, Cate refused her uncle's offer of food and kept her mouth tightly closed to resist any food entering it.

This went on for several minutes and sensing neither his brother or his daughter were going to give in Heath decided to step in but just as he was about to do so Cate had other plans. Picking up her spoon she flicked a dollop of food directly into her left uncle's eye.

Complete silence followed, even Heath was speechless at what his daughter had just done. Nick seemed stunned, his left eye plastered, vision obscured, voice for once in his life silenced. Every few moments a small dollop would escape and then fall on to his nose tip, its progress left unchecked. On reflection the moment really should have been preserved for posterity for all present knew the moment would never come round again.

Cate surprised that her uncle hadn't moved looked up to her father with a worried look. Heath stepped forward to pick her up, a frown upon his face. She brought the now empty spoon with her.

"Nick you alright? Geez, I'm sorry about that."

Nick slowly wiped his eye clean and stared up at his niece. Suddenly, her lip started trembling and then she began to cry. Boy! did she cry. No amount of consoling could settle her. Heath gave Nick a look.


"You''ll have to."

"Have to what? Oh no! She's your daughter, not mine."

"Nick, she's three years old! Not a hardened criminal. She and I will have a talk about her not throwing things at passing uncles but in the meantime...."

"Okay, okay I get it," Nick got up from the table and leaned gently into Cate, his voice soft and reassuring. "It's alright Cate, see," he said taking a cloth to properly clean himself up. "It's all gone now and your uncle Nick's not angry with you." Cate looked from her uncle to her father who nodded, all the same she wasn't too sure.

"Well, I tell you one thing, young lady," Nick continued, "it's one way to serve breakfast round here." Both Nick and Heath burst out laughing and soon Cate's reassured giggles joined them.

bvbvbvbvbvbvbvbv By the time Meg and Audra returned home, Nick had persuaded Heath to go back to bed for some more rest. So far the rattling in Heath's lungs had not not worsened and the rest Doctor Merar had prescribed some days before seem to be staving off the worst of what they had to come to expect where Heath's health was concerned. A daily verbal battle of wills with his brother, Nick had mused, was far preferable to the physical battle his younger brother's body could ill afford. And anyway, somehow Nick always seemed to win.

Now as Audra and her new sister-in-law escaped the heat of the day and joined him on the porch, dusted and hot from their journey, they came across a picture of Nick dozing with Cate asleep in his arms, the little one's mouth slightly open, her breathing regulated and in symphony with the rise and fall of her uncle's chest.

Sean and Thomas were playing nearby but on seeing their mother and aunt arrive ran quickly into their new mother's arms, consumed again by her billowing skirts. Audra smiled at the scene played out in front of her and at the way the two little boys took delight in having a mother.

They had been too young to remember their own mother and though loved warmly by their grandmother and aunt, it was clear it was a mother's presence they had been missing. And it was quite obvious that they had decided early on in their young minds that Meg filled those shoes perfectly. Now they had everything, a father and a mother who they loved and who would love and look after them and somehow it seemed just right.

"Pa's asleep," Sean informed his new mother as she pulled him on to her knee for a cuddle after taking a seat.

"Yeah," Thomas added, "he tried to get up but Uncle Nick shooed him back to bed, just like Pa does us when we've gone past our bedtime. Only Uncle Nick didn't carry him upstairs on his shoulders like Pa does us." The statement was said so matter of factly both his mother and aunt burst out laughing waking up Nick in the process.

"Huh? What's that? What's that about your Pa?"

"Nothing Nick, you go back to sleep," Audra said, trying to control her laughter. "Here let me take Cate from you. I'll take her upstairs where she can take a nap properly, Meg," she said turning to her sister-in-law, "you look tired, why don't you rest here a while."

Nick had a mixed relationship with Cate from who he was now parted. It was often controlled by what he called her "mood of the day", but underlying it all was a deep affection for his younger brother's children and that included Cate. The role of gruff but lovable uncle he secretly enjoyed and whilst he suffered the occasional jibe from one or two ranch hands brave enough to joke at his expense, Heath's young'uns, just like their father, were absolute center to his heart.

Nick had heard Audra's remark about Meg looking tired and he looked curiously at his new sister-in-law. He had barely remembered her from their visit to their Aunt's when he was sixteen and Jarrod twenty. At thirteen, she had seemed very young and interested more in her horse than the two cousins visiting. Having said that he remembered she had played with Audra and Eugene, displaying a motherly interest in the two.

Absentmindedly, he registered that she was a year older than Heath and decided to dismiss the fact just as quickly as it had come. Well, those motherly instincts seemed to be still there. It was plain his favorite nephews and niece, okay he accepted, they were his only nephews and niece, were smitten with her just as much as their father was. And boy, how their father was smitten.

He hadn't said as much but Nick could tell from the way Heath was acting. Maybe it had been a whirlwind romance.. it happens, it does, he emphasized in his own mind, not sure why he was trying to convince himself. He had set out to be suspicious of Meg and her quick marriage to his brother, part of him had even been a little jealous of her new but significant place in his life, but as often happened with Nick, when he set out to dislike someone or something, he often found the reverse became true.

Hadn't the same happened with his own brother. Determined not to like him or accept him and what he represented to the family, he had come to love Heath in a way that a life without him seemed inconceivable and the very thought hurt beyond belief.

It was then that Nick told Meg how glad he was that she had joined the family.


As Meg ascended the curved stairway to go check on Heath, she couldn't quite describe how she felt after hearing Nick's words of welcome to the family. Her emotions were not hers to control and she was awash with guilt, happiness and confusion over what had happened the last few weeks.

She had a husband who she could have gone a lifetime without meeting and yet she had and she knew that whatever happened they would always be together, his support and care for her rock steady throughout. Overwhelmed by her changing feelings for him, at one minute trusting of them and the next, not, she now had the support of his family, including the biggest obstacle to her acceptance, Nick.

When Nick had spoken of Heath, every word had been measured with love. She wondered if Heath knew just how much his family, especially his older brother loved him? A man of his sensitivity, surely must know. Still, it overwhelmed her how much this man that was her husband was wanted and treasured by his family. By marrying him, did she have the capacity to love him that much? Was this love she was feeling for him? She thought she had been in love before, it had led to her giving herself to a man who ultimately proved unworthy. A man who had left her with child and not cared, a man who had left shoes to fill and which Heath had stepped in to willingly, not loving her then, but caring for her, her and the baby. Did he love her now? Alone, she thought so, the rough and emotionally void coupling which had left her with child, replaced with exquisite tender love making which made her believe it was love, love which she never wanted to end.

But love was more than the physical, love was now, a sick husband who she worried over, children needing her love and guidance, troubles shared and worked out together, a partnership of equals, not just her depending on him, but him depending on her. Could he expect that dependence? Could she deliver? Was she worthy of his love? Did she have his love? Finding herself expecting a child and alone, a family surrounding her but very much alone, he was her blanket of security as much as little Cate's comforter was to her, but things had changed. Unmistakably, they had changed and she knew that the friendship she had before for Heath was now gone. Love was replacing it and growing everyday.

She paused at the top of the stairs before moving down the hallway to the guest room in which Heath had chosen to sleep whilst he was ill, knowing that she would need rest herself. She smiled. Did he not know, she wondered again, that without him she couldn't sleep. She needed him by her side, she only hoped he needed her in the same way.

Heath roused when he heard her open the door.

Annoyed that she had woken him, she encouraged him to go back to sleep, knowing that his body needed it.

"Will you join me?" He asked, lifting up the covers. "We can rest together. You need to rest too."

"Only if you sleep and only for a short while, Doctor Merar will be visiting this afternoon."

Heath pulled a face, much like the one Sean pulled when he surveyed his vegetables on his dinner plate." She refused to acknowledge it and slowly began to remove her dress and boots, stopping as she reached her undergarments before joining Heath at his side.

"I enjoy watching you undress," he whispered seductively into her ear, enjoying see the blush of embarrassment sweep across her face.

"Your're supposed to be sick," she admonished him, secretly elated at his words and serenaded by the melody of his sweet southern drawl.

"Never too sick to enjoy the sight of my wife undressing."

His voice kept seductively low and again her heart fluttered. But she also caught the tiredness in his voice.

"Sleep," she ordered.

"Yes ma'am," Heath replied, snuggling in closer, his right arm snaking around her and the baby.

Yawning, he added. "Meg?"

Enjoying their closeness after nearly a week apart, Meg played along, knowing Heath would soon be asleep. "Yes?"

"Have I ever told you I always wanted a large family?" A deep yawn interrupted his revelation. After a moment he continued, his voice increasingly sleepy, "Must be the fact that I was brought up an only child."

"Just how large a family did you have in mind?" Meg asked, continuing to play along.

"Oh I don't know. I always reckoned ten was a good round number. More than ten and I'd have trouble remembering their names."

Meg turned to face him, hoping he wasn't serious, "Ten!" she exclaimed. "And just who do you think......?" her words fell on deaf ears as she saw sleep had stepped in to save him. Frustrated, she turned over again and settled back into the bed. After a moment she snuggled back into Heath, "Don't think this is over, Heath Barkley. You and I will discuss this later." Within moments sleep had claimed her too.

Downstairs, Victoria returned from her trip to Stockton. A chance meeting with Howard Merar and a throw away comment left her anxious to speak to Meg and Heath.


Victoria sat in a chair next to the right of Heath's bed, her elbows resting on the padded arms of the chair, the tips of her fingers drawn together under her chin as though in prayer. Heath reckoned his mother was one of the smartest people he'd ever met and on discovering that she wanted to speak to them both knew instantly that she had found out about the baby from Doctor Merar. He inwardly kicked himself for not asking the doctor to keep their confidence. Without that constraint it would be perfectly natural for Howard to congratulate Victoria the next time he saw her on the prospects of becoming a grandmother. He attached no blame to the old family friend.

It had been just twenty minutes since Meg had washed and got dressed to go downstairs, leaving him to continue sleeping whilst she prepared something for him to eat and straightened the room and the bedclothes before Doctor Merar's visit. When she returned shortly afterwards he discovered that Victoria had been waiting downstairs for them both to wake so that she could talk to them. Hurriedly Heath and Meg agreed jointly to tell Victoria the truth about the child they were expecting, the real truth for neither found they had any desire to maintain the deception of the child's parentage from a woman they both loved and respected so much.

"And so you decided to take on the baby as your own?"

Heath nodded, "And I will continue to do so. As far as I am concerned, Meg's baby is my baby. We will love and raise it together."

Victoria smiled, not expecting anything less from her youngest son. She pained to see him still look so tired despite his rest of the last few days and could see that the conversation though necessary was taxing him. She was his mother and as such wanted nothing but happiness and good health for him.

She was aware that Meg had maintained a silence whilst Heath talked. Heath's protectiveness and care for her was obvious to see. She wondered what she saw in Meg towards her son. She studied them both for a moment. Companionable friends of a few weeks, they were married to each other now with responsibilities and future responsibilities to consider.

Pregnancy was an adjustment in itself, but Meg had the added complication of taking on a ready made family as well as her marriage to Heath. Being mother to four children and a new wife would take its toll on the new and delicately placed young bride. Would it bring her and Heath closer together or slowly tear them apart? Victoria was nothing if not honest and not to acknowledge the possibility would be to ignore one of her major concerns. That and seeing them both hurt.

And yet it was obvious from the way they interacted when in an group, or observed alone, that they cared for and respected each other very much. She tried to imagine being in Meg's situation, abandoned, alone and with child, and found she couldn't and didn't want to condemn her niece's decision to accept Heath's proposal of marriage. And she knew equally that Heath's witnessing of his own mother's circumstances would have been central to his decision in asking Meg to marry him.

She couldn't help her heart swell with love at the nobleness of the spirit and character which had led him to do so. It had been none of her doing, this nobility. She hadn't instilled it in him as a child. It was fashioned and honed long before she came on the scene by his own life's experiences and in part, she suspected to an innate quality which guided him not always easily but nevertheless successfully through life. For though his life had been hard in so many ways, his basic decency; his compassion for others; his ability to love without expecting any in return made him a remarkable man in her eyes.

Not to support and love them both on the journey they were embarking together would be criminal in her own eyes. Firstly, she did not have the right to interfere, they were full grown and able to make their own choices, and secondly, she found she wanted to help them. Nothing would give her greater joy than to see them both happy and for them to find that happiness together.


"You'd think he'd be use to this by now, wouldn't you?" Nick expressed with concern as he watched Heath pace uneasily back and forth between the parlor and the foyer, stopping each time at the foot of the stairs, one foot on the first step, the second ready to follow at the first sound of a cry.

Jarrod for some time had felt like he was looking after two expectant fathers and quickly poured each of them a drink, handing the first to the expectant uncle whilst waiting until Heath returned to give him his. "Here Nick, have a drink and calm down." He said, pressing his younger brother into a chair. "Mother and Audra are up there and Howard, I'm sure, has everything under control."

"I guess, but it's been going on so long. Who'd have thought it, huh? Twins again! I tell you, Jarrod, the rate that boy keeps producing kids we'd better start getting some little Jarrod's and Nick's in production too."

Jarrod laughed, almost spilling his own drink. "Well, I'll be sure to let Elspeth know of your concerns. I'm sure it will be her first concern when I get home tonight." Jarrod had married Elspeth Richardson four months previously after a six-month courtship and lived quietly but very happily in a small house built especially for them on the ranch, their main home being in San Francisco. "What about you, did you have anyone particular in mind to help you?"

Nick, though grateful for the moment of levity between the two was now in a spot. Truth be told Nick had been thinking about settling down for a while. Of course he wasn't quite sure who the new Mrs. Nick Barkley would be, there being candidates but no obvious one. But, for Nick just considering marriage was a major leap forward. Besides, he mused, someone had to stop Heath populating Stockton with Barkleys single handedly.

His mind started to wander through possible candidates for the important role. There were quite a few. Quite a few. Abigail Stevens, for instance. Nick had seen her quite a few times in recent months. Extremely pretty and charming, a smile came to his face when he remembered their times together. But then a cloud appeared on the horizon as he thought of her badgering mother. What did they say? Something about look to the mother to see how the daughter would turn out in twenty years. Suddenly his dream turned to a nightmare and he shuddered at the thought. He'd have no harpy for a wife.

He moved on quickly to the next candidate. Lucy Patterson, now there was a gal. Looks, charm, great figure and she could ride equal to any man. Just one problem though, they had parted angrily last summer. Still, Nick thought, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Nick allowed his thoughts to continue wandering through a long list of possible candidates, mentally ticking them off his list as he considered their eligibility.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted as a baby's sudden and panicked first cry could be heard from up above. Heath had moved like lightening up the stairs as soon as he heard it, stopping at the top of the staircase, his eyes fixed on the door to his and Meg's bedroom, willing the door to open, willing Meg to be okay. Nick and Jarrod soon joined him. All three waited for what seemed ages for a second cry to be heard. Several minutes later, there it was. His twins born, Heath's legs threatened to give out from under him and for safety all three brother's sat on the top stair of the grand stairway, big smiles spreading across their faces from ear to ear. After several more minutes the door opened and Heath was first to his feet, clambering over the other two, all arms and legs, in his eagerness to get to the door and see Meg. Seeing their brother go meet his new family, Nick and Jarrod just looked at each other and smiled contentedly. Somewhere down the line, this would be them, bowled over by the pure wonderment of fatherhood and anxious to see their newborn.

When their mother joined them on the stairs, they were busy exchanging cigars. "Everything alright, Mother?" Jarrod asked.

"Everything's just fine, Meg and Heath have a son and daughter and mother and children are doing fine. Very tired, but just fine. Meg did wonderfully."

"Good," Jarrod answered. "I think it is safe to report that the father was a nervous wreck but that normal service should resume by the morning."

All three laughed and then quieted for a moment, sending a grateful prayer of thanks heavenward for the safe arrival of little Leah and Samuel Barkley and taking a moment to remember Cate Barkley, Heath's first wife.


Leaving early, the ride out did Heath good that morning, bringing color once again to his cheeks. After his bout of illness early in his marriage he had been troubled only once more. Again, Dr. Merar's treatment had been swift and complete rest seemed to stave off the worst. The family were grateful that so far this year Heath had avoided the more serious aspects of his illness and with each milder bout defeated they grew optimistic that Howard's treatment would work. Meg had brightened his life undoubtedly and along with his growing family gave him renewed purpose and determination to get well. So he did as he was told; he balanced his work with rest and the enjoyment of his family and it seemed to be doing the trick. Of course, the whole family remained vigilant knowing that one day Heath would not avoid serious illness, but with longer spells between them and only milder episodes occurring, they hoped Heath would gain back more of his strength.

This morning's ride had a special purpose and reaching his destination he approached and dismounted slowly, respectful of the place he had come to, careful also to protect the flowers which he had shielded during the ride. Somewhat shyly he approached the family plot in which not just his father rested but his beloved Cate too. He use to come here regularly before his marriage to Meg. It had not been Meg stopping him from coming of late, it had been something deep inside him. The marriage, his illness and the birth of the twins three weeks ago quickly formed excuses in his mind but deep down he knew the real reason lay in the complexities of loving two women, one dead and one alive, and how they co-existed in his heart and mind.

Meg had always said that she would never come between him and Cate; that she understood the special place Cate had in his heart recognizing that he was still grieving and missing her. But that was before they were married, before love had grown between them. He remembered the morning after his wedding finding not just Cate in his heart but Meg too and as his feelings for Meg grew stronger, strengthened by their life together, Cate seemed to recede further away to the extent that there were some days Heath didn't even think of her. Naturally, guilt would envelop him and despite the new found joy of his marriage and family, there would be moments of quiet when both Meg and the family knew to leave him alone.

It had taken a long time to work out his feelings for Cate and for Meg. A man to reflect inward he grew fearful that one day he would no longer remember Cate and fought hard to remember her scent, her face, her soft touch and her voice. The more he tried the less able he was to remember those qualities about her and again a wave of guilt would wash over him. He tried to hide it from Meg but she was wise to him from before they were married. Instinctively, she understood why he behaved and thought a certain way and with understanding helped him to see that Cate, though gone, was still a part of him and his children, her memory only temporarily faded. Though Meg loved him, loved him deeply, Meg promised she was not jealous. She felt close to Cate through her children, now Meg's children and who Meg love and protected in this life because Cate couldn't.

Heath knelt down at the grave. Whilst he had neglected it, it was clear someone in the family hadn't. He suspected Nick had come along and tended to it, doing what his younger brother was unable to do. Heath smiled. That was typical of Nick, to take up the load for his brother when it got too heavy for him. Placing the flowers gently down on Cate's grave he took out her photograph from his wallet and leaned back against the headstone as if falling back into her embrace and began to talk to his late wife.


Over the years Meg and Heath discussed several times Heath's desire for them to have ten children, usually the conversation was at its most vocal when Meg was in the throes of giving birth. At these times Heath's name would crop up several times hastily followed by the words, "never again!" But then as soon as Meg laid eyes on their new addition to their family she would forget in an instant the pain and fall in love with the little baby placed in her arms.

"Look Heath, isn't she gorgeous," she cooed as her husband sat down on the edge of the bed having finally been allowed in the room. Victoria gently squeezed his arm and then, her work done, left quietly to leave the three alone.

Meg look tired but very happy. Delighting in the baby and the presence of her husband she carefully passed Heath his new daughter, his experience immediately showing in the confident way he took her into his arms.

"She has your nose, Heath," Meg enthused as she sank back into the pillows watching with inward happiness Heath cradle their daughter. Tenderly she reached out to caress the side of his face. Feeling her welcome touch, he leaned into her caress and then bent down carefully to kiss her. With eyes that left her with no doubt and a voice choked with emotion, he said the words she wanted to hear, "I love you Meg."

Married seven years she never tired of hearing Heath saying those words. He was the best thing that had ever happened in her life and she thanked the Lord for the day he came into her life, refusing to leave.

Their marriage had been a true marriage of partnership, not just the stuff of fairy tales. Raising a large family that, not just Heath but both of them wanted, had not always been easy, though the joy they found in their children and each other overcame everything else. "I know you do," she smiled contentedly, her eyes closing for a moment with a mixture of elation and tiredness.

Hearing the baby sound she watched as Heath comforted his daughter with practised ease. Baby Rosalie Ann, Rosie for short, was their ninth child, Heath jr, Victoria and Josh having come since the birth of twins, Leah and Samuel. If Leah and Samuel were not Heath's true children, no indication of it was shown for Heath simply loved them the only way he could do, as a father....... that was his gift.


A few months later Nick enjoyed his ride out to the north pasture together with Heath. There was nothing like working along side his old pardner and friend. In truth, they had always worked closely even when his brother's fragility of health caused him to rest up and work closer to the ranch.

To some it was a strange partnership to witness, but a partnership it most definitely was. Nick's passion and exuberance for all things including the ranch tempered by Heath's equal passion but quieter and more reserved self.

Jarrod often use to think that Heath's approach with Nick was similar to the way he gentled horses, respectful of the power, wanting to harness it without wishing to break the spirit that was his brother Nick. In turn, for Heath, Nick was as constant as the river that ran through the Valley, flowing forward not backwards and taking Heath with him.

Passing a line shack on their right, a sudden shiver went down Nick's spine which Heath thankfully failed to notice. Thrown back to the tail end of a summer three years ago Nick was grateful that Heath had no memory of the time when they had come so close to losing him.

Heath had been desperately ill, his illness coming after a long day in which both brothers had been working out on the range. Nick had been ever watchful but with a skill no one thought him capable of, kept his concerns to himself.

Both brothers were enjoying the work and had it not been for the flash thunderstorm which caught both of them unawares the day would have ended with the two brothers returning home, laughing and joking and racing each other to get into the house first for a bath.

By the time Nick and Heath had got to shelter Heath's breathing was already showing signs of stress along with the dreaded rattle that quickly resurfaced when his lungs were compromised. Once inside the relative safety of the line shack, a cough took hold of him and didn't leave him for days.

Nick, not risking a ride back to the ranch in which Heath's condition would worsen, worked night and day to save his brother's life, not sleeping until Jarrod, having searched all the line shacks in the area, arrived with Meg. She had known intuitively that something was wrong and refused to be left behind, leaving the care of her children with a worried Victoria.

The thunderstorm proved brief but the damage was done. Heath's eventual recovery proving painstakingly slow. A depression sunk in which without Meg and the children could have left him defeated. But as always, Meg and his family pulled him through along with some plain honest talking from Nick. Not given to self-pity, Nick's words stung at the time but were typical of a man who loved Heath and wasn't afraid to say so, even it meant hurting him to show it.

Heath was now thirty-four years old and the illness hadn't returned to the same level since; in fact Heath had enjoyed understated good health for more than a year now and the family prayed it would continue so.

Seeing the line shack recede into the distance Nick let his painful memories fade into the past. With an involuntary shudder he shook himself clear of his thoughts and looked forward to happier times ahead. This time his brother caught his shudder.

"Something wrong Nick?"

"Just thinking ahead." It was only half a lie.

"And it made you shudder with fear?"

"Well, marriage can do that to a man, you know."

"You don't say," said the man married for seven years and still thinking it felt like a honeymoon. Darned if his Meg didn't get prettier every day. "Not having second thoughts, are you?" Heath continued.

"Who me?"

"Well you look like you've seen a ghost. Never seen you pale like that before. I tell you Nick, there ain't nothing to it. Always say yes to her and you won't go far wrong," he joked.

Nick let the moment pass, the bad memories were gone now and he was back in the present. He reflected a few moments before answering. He would be thirty-eight in a month's time and next week a married man, saying goodbye to bachelorhood once and for all.

He thought back to the day he had met his intended. Heath seeing his brother's thoughts drift took no offense and rode along in companionable silence.


Three months previously just on the eve of little Rosie's birth, Nick was waiting in the school yard for his nephews and nieces to make an appearance, mindful that he was under the townswomen's purposeful gaze.

The women and mothers of Stockton had long been frustrated in their attempts to snare Heath Barkley. Finding him returned with a wife, not only a wife but his cousin, had upset their marital plans for their daughters and the couple's obvious happiness in each other and their numerous children only seemed to rub salt into their wounds.

Spying Nick Barkley on one of his occasional visits to the schoolyard to pick up his nephews and nieces set their thoughts racing again. Nick's bachelor status had always been a challenge to the ambitious mothers of Stockton as he seemed content to flit from one lady love to another. Snaring him would indeed be a challenge but one they were perfectly prepared to undertake.

Nick continued to stare at the school house door, willing the doors to open. Keen to get out of enemy territory his preoccupied mind failed to detect the pincer movement the rotund Mrs. Lawson and the small Mrs. Evans were about to make on his person.

"Well good afternoon, Nick Barkley. It's a pleasant surprise to see you here." Mrs. Lawson started. "I take it you have come to pick up the children for Meg and Heath?" Not drawing breath, she continued: "Soooo many children and soon to be joined by another one, if I'm not mistaken. I hear tell Dr. Merar's heading out to the ranch right now."

Nick didn't fail to notice the disapprovement in her voice that Heath and Meg should not only have so many children but actively want a large family.

He couldn't let the moment pass.

"Well Mrs. Lawson, it's true that Heath and Meg enjoy having a large family..." He inwardly smiled as a look of horror began stretching out her fat face. "But it's like my brother says, 'they're fun to get and fun when they get here.'"

That did it.

He stepped back to enjoy the look of horror be replaced by undisguised disgust. The fact that enjoyment could be linked to the getting of children had clearly never entered her mind. Briefly, he felt a moment of sympathy for Mr. Lawson.

Mrs. Evans, seeing her friend struggle for words seized her opportunity. With five marriageable daughters at home she couldn't afford to be so easily offended.

"Well Mr. Barkley. I think it's just fine about Heath and Meg and I hope there's good news when you get home."

Nick's moment of triumph quickly ebbed as he realized he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Thank you Mrs. Evans. I'll pass on your good wishes. I'm just here to pick up the children so you'll appreciate I'm eager to make a quick start and get back."

Hearing the school doors open he edged slowly back to the wagon, ready to make quick his escape.

Mrs. Evans hastily stepped forward. "Nick." She said, firmly pressing his arm. "I'm having a special supper next Thursday night. I do hope you will be able to join us."

What was he to do now? Nick knew Mrs. Evans' evening would include her five unmarried daughters and that there would be more than food on the table that night. He'd briefly dated the eldest Nancy and whilst they'd had enjoyed a pleasant time together nothing further had developed between them.

His mind racing he fought to come out the with the right words.

Suddenly a voice spoke from behind.

"Oh, Mrs. Evans that's so nice of you to invite Nick, but Nick darling, I hope you haven't forgotten your promise to take me out for supper that evening."

"Nick darling?" He turned to locate the source of the voice only to find that his arm had been now become locked with its owner.

Standing beside him, was Miss. Jenny Farmer, the pretty school teacher whom he'd noticed in town but not met.

Steering Nick and the children, who had now gathered around him, over to the wagon and away from the women, both of whom were now standing aghast, she continued: "Nick darling." There it was again, he thought, who was now totally out of his depth. "Nick darling, will you drop me off at my house before heading off home?"

Finding his voice again, he spluttered.

"Yes... yes of course, anything you say.. darling."

Quickly he marshalled the children into the wagon and helped Miss. Farmer up on to her seat. As he sat down next to her and gathered the reins her arm locked once again on to his own. Nick looked down at the two locked arms, not failing to notice their meaning. Quickly, he bade goodbye to the startled two women and drove out of the school yard not sure where the journey would take him but with a distinct feeling that Miss. Farmer was going to be very much a part of it.


As it happened, for the moment Nick's journey took him only as far as the north part of town and to the small school teacher's house in which Miss. Farmer had recently taken up residence.

After securing the wagon with the break, Nick quickly alighted to help the school teacher down. Sensing the children were watching him it was with some unaccustomed discomfort he walked Miss. Farmer to her front door.

Assuming a habit more associated with his younger brother he removed his hat and started nervously fingering its brim, twisting and turning it in his hand before saying, "I sure do thank you Miss. Farmer for helping me out back there. I tell you Mrs. Evans had me cornered there for a moment." As he spoke, he took in her features for the first time. Rich auburn hair, melting brown eyes, an attractive sun kissed tint to her complexion and the most kissable lips he'd seen in sometime.

In an instant his nervousness dissipated and he ignored the young pairs of eyes watching him thinking, "Look and learn kids," as like a cat who'd got the cream he relaxed into the door frame, the movement allowing him to look down into her pretty eyes and force them to look up into hazel ones. He could tell from her sudden coloring that their physical nearness was not lost on her either.

"My pleasure Mr. Barkley." Her words though formal were less assured than before. Suddenly she thought it was very warm, though in reality the day was cool. "I could see you were in a tight corner and just thought you could do with some neighborly help."

"And might neighborly it was ma'am." Nick replied, his face breaking out into a devastating smile. "The name's Nick." He continued, holding out his hand by way of formal introduction.

"Mine's Jenny." She replied warming to the handsome features of the tall man in front of her. You are the children's uncle?"

Nick coughed... "Yes.. I'm just picking them up for my brother, you see he's, I mean they.. well, Meg is..."

"Yes, I know, the children told me they were expecting a new brother or sister. They are delightful children, Mr. Barkley. I sure hope everything goes alright with Mrs. Barkley and her baby. I'm sure you're anxious to get the children home to find out."

Taking his cue, albeit reluctantly, Nick replied.

"Err... yes, of course... the children... the baby. Yes, well I better get them back to their father." He took a step back from the door frame and she stepped further inside. "Thank you again, Miss Farmer."

"Jenny." She reminded him, amused at the return of his nervousness, which from which she'd seen and heard of the great Nick Barkley, seemed most out of character. The fact that she had caused this affect on him delighted her.

"Aren't you going to kiss her, Uncle Nick" a mischievous twelve year old Thomas piped up from the wagon, encouraged by his twin.

Putting his hat back on his head and returning to the wagon, Nick glared at his nephews.

As the school teacher saw him drive away, the children waving goodbye to her from the back of the wagon, she felt sure this would be the first of many meetings with Nick Barkley and looked forward to seeing him again.

Arriving home, Nick found his brother anxiously pacing the foyer and the parlor, it was a well worn route where his brother was concerned. Seeing their father, the children ran to to him. Little Josh waddled in from the parlor and in the stampede, Nick went to pick him up before he got trampled. "How's Meg doing, Heath?"

"I don't know Nick, Howard and mother have been in there a long time."

Seeing his brother's concern, Nick took charge of the children. "Right you kids, let's be at it. This is a working ranch I'll have you know!" Lining them up, he proceeded to march them out of the house.

Later that evening, Meg Barkley delivered little Rosie. Nick looked in on his new niece. "Yep." He said to himself. "Blue eyes, blonde and button nose. Tell me something I didn't already know."


Over the ensuing months, Jenny Farmer and Nick Barkley formally courted. Although all parties knew from the start what the outcome would be, Jenny had insisted on being properly courted and there being a respectable period of engagement before they were married. Nick Barkley complied like a lamb. Though there was eleven years difference between them, Jenny possessed a mature as well as a beautiful head on her shoulders. To Nick, the combination was irresistible. He was, and always would be, smitten by this woman.

On the eve of the wedding, the three Barkley brothers set out for town to celebrate Nick's last night as a single man. Jarrod had returned with Elspeth and their children, George and James, from their San Francisco home two days earlier having wrapped up an important case. Charged by his future sister-in-law to look after Nick he took his duties seriously, abstaining from the more serious drinking that was being done.

Heath, who enjoyed a drink or two but knew when to stop, had kissed his wife goodnight that evening with every intention of doing the same. A family man through and through he, nevertheless, still enjoyed a visit to the saloon with his brother for a quiet drink and a skilled game of poker. His skill at the game was respected and he was known as a man of quiet, understated, control.

Until tonight.

Jarrod's duties had started off well but as the evening progressed both Nick, because of his forthcoming marriage, and Heath because of the birth of his latest child had been offered so many drinks by well-wishers, the affects were beginning to tell.

Heath's typical reaction to the effects of intoxication was to fall asleep, irrespective of where he was actually at, whereas Nick's was to turn more loquacious. For the past fifteen minutes Jarrod had tried several times to put a drink to his own lips. Each time he did so Nick would pull his hand down whilst he extolled on the wonders of marriage and "his Jenny".

"Jarrod, she's just wonderful. Why didn't you tell me to get married years ago?" Nick started for the seventh time. Jarrod took it all in good humor, casting a concerned eye over to Heath to check how he was doing. Heath by now was slumped on the bar, head resting in the crook of one arm. Jarrod thought he could detect the slightest hint of a snore.

"Like I said, Jarrod." Nick started for the eighth time. But no matter how many times Nick tried, the conversation never got any further, as gradually his senses became more and more dulled by the affects of the drink.

Jarrod watched as a saloon girl approached Heath who was still sleeping contentedly on the bar, drinks and orders hapily going on around him. "Howdy handsome," she said draping her arm seductively through his free arm. "How's about me showing you a good time, cowboy?" Bending down close to his ear, she whispered, "For you handsome, no charge." Failing to get the required response to her generous proposition she draped on of his arms around her shoulder to help lift him up and steer him upstairs. Suddenly, her progress was stopped by a polite but determined hand.

"Now Maybelle, you know Heath is off limits." Jarrod censured.

The saloon girl moved away from the married man disappointed. Harry, the barkeep, indicated that Heath could sleep it off in the back room and whilst Jarrod saw to Nick, he helped Heath to a cot in his office where the younger man, briefly woken, soon fell back to sleep.

An hour later and well into the evening, Jarrod thought it wise to get both his brothers home. Dragging Nick to the back room and opening the door he saw Heath still asleep. Standing Nick up against the wall he went over to check his brother's still slumbering form. As he did so, Nick slowly slumped to the floor, his face a picture of contentment.

Jarrod, shot him a cursory look as he concentrated on how to get his two brothers home. Lifting Heath's eyelid he could see his brother was still out cold. Hauling him up over his shoulders he carried him out to a waiting wagon to which he then tethered the horses. Returning a few moments later with Nick he propped the two sleeping brothers up against each other. "Well," he said, looking at the borrowed wagon which had seen better days, "It may not be fit for a wedding but at least it will do to get you two home."

Heading out to the Barkley ranch he passed Jenny's house on the way. Spotting Jarrod and the wagon from her still lighted house she ran out to meet him.

"Sorry Jenny... I tried my best." Jarrod made to apologize.

Looking at her husband-to-be and the fat grin he sported on his face as he sat unaware that he was propped up cheek to cheek with Heath, she leaned into the wagon and took his face in both her hands.

"Nick Barkley! Tomorrow's my wedding night and you better know I don't intend on being disappointed." She threatened, disturbing the peace of his night.

"Jenny, my love," Nick slurred back, overjoyed to hear his beloved's voice. "I'll take you to heights you never even dreamed of......."

Exhausted with the effort of simply speaking he keeled over on to his now heavily snoring younger brother.

Resigned to her fate, Jenny turned to Jarrod and said: "You better take these two sleeping beauties home? I'll expect him waiting at the church at two and won't brook any excuses."

"Yes ma'am, he'll be there." Jarrod flicked the reins and chuckled all the way home.


Heath and Meg sat watching their youngest children playing in the distance, born a year a part Rosie and Victoria were almost like another set of twins. Their older children were scattered all around, Sean and Thomas were fishing by the lake with young Samuel and Josh, Cate was sat nearby reading and the younger girls were playing.

Heath snaked his arms around Meg and she snuggled back into him, leaning her head back against his. "Quite a family we have there, Mrs. Barkley?" He said with pride evident in his voice.

"Well, you said you wanted ten and ten you have," she teased back, equally proud of the family they had raised together. "Nick and Jenny are expecting again, did Nick tell you?

"Yeah, he mentioned it today." Heath was glad for his brother. All the years of playing second father to Heath's brood had prepared him well for a family of his own and this latest addition would be their third.

"Well, I have some news for you too," she whispered close into his ear so little ears could not hear.

"You're sure?" Heath sat up so that he could look into her eyes.

Meg couldn't help take delight in the way her news had surprised him.

"Wh....when?" Heath stammered out, truly taken aback by the news.

"Next spring. Are you happy about it? I'm getting slightly old for this kind of thing."

Heath nodded, words still coming hard to him.

She laughed at his speechlessness.

"Not old," he finally uttered. "Still young and beautiful to me,"

She laughed again, "And people wonder why we have ten children," she mused out loud.

"Not ten, eleven," he corrected, taking her into his arms and kissing her deeply, the passion of the kiss peeling back the years and making them young again.

To be continued in

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