
Kayce carried out her plan involving Van Buren. Just as she expected he gave her an appreciative grin when she thanked him for an unforgettable night and kissed his cheek. She was confident he would not let on that he did not remember it. Once back in her room she pulled out her 2-way radio and contacted Snow White who was anxiously awaiting her call. She gave Oscar the details of the plan but left out one tiny detail, the one about Steve being alive and well. She broke off the contact and giggled wishing she could be there with Steve when he came face to face with Oscar. At least keeping him a secret would give her husband some fun when he delivered Rudy.

That afternoon she went about rehearsal with her pianist with butterflies in her stomach. The knowledge that she would soon be home with her husband and son had her walking on air. When Van Buren stopped by the lounge to listen he attributed her good mood to the warm response she received last night from the passengers and also her night in his bed. Scratching his head in frustration he had yet to recall one single minute of their passion. After giving her a smile and a wave he moved onto more important endeavors.

Steve collected his generous tip money he earned the previous night and purchased some clothes and toiletries at the ship’s store. Without a stateroom he grabbed a shower at the fitness center. After a very long hot shower he wrapped a towel around his waist and took a seat on the bench near the locker.

He took a deep breath still disbelieving how things had come together to this point, Hansen, Van Buren, Kayce, Rudy….He chuckled and thought, ‘even the new bartender he was masquerading as never showed up.’ He dressed in his new clothes and went to find a vacant deck chair to rest until tonight feeling confident they would succeed with getting Rudy to land safely.

Rudy continued to do as he was told not wanting to give any hint that he was heading off the ship soon although his excitement was barely contained. He responded to the knock on his door and Van Buren asked if the doctor was ready for dinner and the sensuous sounds of his new talent. Rudy smiled weakly and nodded before following the businessman down the hall.

Dinner passed quickly and as Rudy was walking back to his stateroom with Van Buren and Kayce when Hansen appeared and pulled his partner aside for a private talk. Rudy hoped his captors weren’t onto their plan. When the traitors returned Van Buren, obviously angered by Hansen’s news, explained he needed to handle some delicate business and asked Kayce to escort the doctor to his room. He would join the two for breakfast in the morning.

Van Buren wasn’t concerned as it would be another two hours before the ship docked at St. Lucia and figured it was only one floor down on the elevator. Andrew, the burly guard, was down in the corridor to watch him. Kayce, realizing Van Buren’s absence right now would be to their advantage, she slid an arm into Rudy’s, “I don’t mind keeping you company doctor if you don’t mind.” Rudy just silently nodded.

In the elevator her mind was moving swiftly knowing they were only minutes away from getting Rudy safely away from his captors. The armed man sitting outside Rudy’s room was the last hurdle.

“What are we going to do with the guard? He’s armed and Van Buren will be looking for me in the morning.”

“I don’t know yet.” She replied staring at the floor.

A second later a ‘ding’ sounded as the number 1 lit up above them and Kayce quickly stepped toward her friend. “I’m sorry I have to do this Rudy.” She said in a panic as the doors opened getting the guard’s attention immediately. For a split second Rudy had the fleeting thought that Kayce was going to knock him out with a bionic left cross when her arm came swiftly towards his face. He never expected her impulsively conceived plan.

She assertively planted a firm kiss on his lips and pinned him hard against the elevator wall with both her arms thrust around his neck. He slowly and awkwardly placed his arms around her waist trying unsuccessfully not to enjoy the unexpected act. Swiftly breaking off the passionate kiss she let out a loud, drunken giggle and pulled him down the hall by his arm. Andrew, the guard, just smiled at the inebriated woman. It was obvious by the look on the doctor’s face he was uncomfortable about the young woman’s public display of affection.

As Rudy opened the door to his room for Kayce to enter she turned to Andrew and commented, “Boy, you are a handsome one. I bet all the girls just faint at those muscles under there.” The guard smiled at her compliment and she leaned in to whisper in his ear. Rudy overheard her request and he blushed. “Could you make sure we aren’t disturbed?” She stepped into the doorway in front of Rudy, “I don’t want anything to take the doctor’s attention off me.” She giggled again and grabbed Rudy by his tie. He grinned from ear to ear as she yanked him into the room. The guard heard the door lock immediately after it closed. Just nodding his head at the doctor’s good fortune he just sat back down and picked up his newspaper.

Kayce went and quickly turned on the radio as Rudy stood stunned at her previous actions. The mild-mannered physician was not used to undercover assignments and what a situation might call for. ‘My God I just kissed Steve’s wife’ was all that kept flowing through his brain. She chuckled at the embarrassed grin on his face while walking to his balcony. It was dark outside with only a quarter moon illuminating the sky. She glanced at her watch and figured Steve would be arriving soon. Turning and looking at Rudy seeing that look still frozen on his face, she apologized with a giggle. “I’m sorry Rudy but I had to think of something fast, something the guard would believe.”

Rudy let out a nervous chuckle at her statement, “And a beautiful young woman coming on to me in the elevator before seducing me in my room is believable? Oh yeah, it happens several times a week. That’s why I stopped taking elevators at work. I couldn’t get any work done.” They shared a laugh and Kayce assured him, “If you got out of your lab once and a while it just might happen.” She winked at him and he replied dryly, “Oh, you think so?”

She smiled, “Of course I’m already taken but if I wasn’t….I don’t know Rudy.” She shook her head then shot him a wink and they were interrupted by the sound of the sliding glass door opening. “What’s so funny?” Steve asked seeing they were both holding back a laugh. “Nothing.” They whispered in unison.

“Ready to go Rudy? The ship is will be docking soon.” The doctor nodded then suddenly was concerned for Kayce’s safety. “Wait, Kayce what will you tell the guard when you leave and they can’t find me?”

She looked at him and fought hard to keep her voice as serious as the expression on her face, “Oh Rudy I’ll be spending the night. In the morning I will leave with the impression that I was too much for you and you are too exhausted to go for breakfast.” She winked at the surprised man.

“You are a devil aren’t you?” Rudy commented then looked at her husband, “Is she always this devious?” Steve nodded with fervor and commented, “And here I thought she would hate this line of work but apparently she likes it more than she lets on.”

Kayce quickly added, “Speaking of devious Steve, I didn’t tell Oscar that you were alive.” Steve’s face registered surprise then mischief. He gave his wife a thankful smile and she finished, “Consider it your anniversary present.”

Kayce couldn’t help but suppress her laugh seeing Rudy reluctantly hopping onto Steve’s back. She didn’t know if the strained look on the doctor’s face was because of his embarrassing position being carried piggy-back or from fear of knowing he was going over the second floor railing without anything soft to land on.

Without giving the physician time to think about it Steve quickly launched them both over the rail and brought them safely to the deck. Rudy hopped off, “That’s was fun.” Steve just gave him a nod of his head and said, “Come on Rudy.”


Oscar paced beside the van that sat in an alley next to an all-night strip club. He frequently checked his watch wondering if Kayce ran into trouble getting Rudy off the cruise ship. He was leaning into the side door of the van when Rudy approached from behind. Hearing footsteps Oscar took a quick glance over his shoulder and returned his focus to the interior of the vehicle, “Oh good Rudy you made it. Are you okay?” He continued without looking up. “Yeah Oscar fine.” Rudy replied bare containing his laugh.

Oscar asked his agent, “Kayce, I take it you didn’t run into any trouble rescuing him.” He rummage around looking for his jacket as the temperature dipped not noticing the young woman didn’t answer him. Steve nudged Rudy out of the way and took his place behind his boss. Sliding on his coat Oscar finally turned and came face to face with his deceased friend. His eyes grew wide and his face paled as he stuttered, not knowing what to say, “St…you…I…not…” Steve’s lopsided smile grew into a huge grin enjoying the surprise.

“Hi Oscar, it’s been awhile. How the hell are ya?” Oscar remained stunned and speechless, just holding out his hand to clasp the one being offered. Steve took his friend’s hand and shook it enthusiastically before Oscar pulled him into an unexpected bear hug. He whispered, “My God we thought you were dead.” Even after he finished his words he held on a second longer making sure Steve was real.

Steve postponed giving Oscar a detailed explanation of his whereabouts for the last three months stating he had something important he needed to attend to back on the ship now that Rudy was safely ashore. He shook Rudy’s hand and reminded Oscar to meet them at St. Bart’s to take Hansen and Van Buren into custody. Oscar nodded and agreed to have sufficient agents available. The tall man wished Steve and his wife luck on the final leg of their mission.

Oscar watched Steve disappear into the night and felt Rudy place a hand on his shoulder. “Tell me I’m not hallucinating Rudy, please tell me I’m not hallucinating.” The doctor chuckled at his friend’s mumbling, “You aren’t hallucinating Oscar. Steve’s back.


The morning light came quickly and Kayce stood in front of the mirror, rubbing her hands roughly over her hair to mess it up. Making sure her lipstick was off her lips and her shoes and pantyhose were in her hand she quietly opened the door and slipped into the hallway. As she quietly closed the door she gave the guard an embarrassed glance and whispered, “I don’t think the doctor will be getting up for breakfast.” She giggled and mumbled, “I seem to have worn him out.” She winked at the guard as he nodded knowingly with a smile.

She leaned down and slipped on her high heels before walking down the hallway hoping not to run into Van Buren. The young woman was able to successfully reach her room unnoticed and ducked inside. As she softly closed the door and turned the lock the strong arms around her waist startled her and the throaty voice whispering in her ear.

“You look like something the cat dragged in. I certainly hope you weren’t cheating on me.” He whispered as he nibbled her ear. She slid around to face her accuser with a wicked grin, “Now you know you’re the only man for me.” She purred, pulling her husband’s lips hungrily to hers. With so much lost time to make up for the kisses went deep until neither one could catch their breath.

They divested each other of their clothes quickly without breaking the physical contact. Hands and lips traveled everywhere as they stumbled over to the large bed. Steve covered his wife’s trembling body with his lean, muscular frame and looked deeply into her dark blue eyes. He wanted to take her fast and furious and she wanted it the same way, their hunger all-consuming, but Steve forced himself to slow the pace, not wanting to cause her any discomfort. Whimpering as he downshifted Kayce begged him for the intimate connection she thought she had lost forever, desperately needing him to fill her completely, physically and emotionally.

Steve smiled lovingly at her, “It’s been a long time.” She nodded in agreement. “Three months,” she gasped out as she began laying wet kisses on her husband’s neck and shoulders trying to regain the momentum. “Kayce that’s a long time, we need to slow down.” He reminded her with a moan, her kisses causing him to work harder to subdue the urgency inside him. She understood what he was saying and reluctantly resigned herself to following his lead, no matter how painfully torturous.

They both let out frustrated groans as Steve slowly and tenderly re-introduced himself to his wife, inch by inch, until she accepted him fully, all the while reacquainting himself with her upper body. She thoroughly enjoyed his touch while she ran her hands up his smooth, muscular back and through his thick wavy hair before traveling over his tanned chest. When her legs firmly wrapped around his narrow hips he looked up and smiled at her, allowing the love he felt for her to overflow his heart. He kissed her deeply and they moved as one, each rhythmical movement gradually erasing all the pain, sadness and grief they had endured without each other. In mere moments they reached the top of their journey together. Feeling satiated they lay snuggled together both panting with big grins on their faces.

He held her close not wanting to leave her but soon Van Buren would be searching for Rudy and they had to orchestrate their plan in order to detain both their targets before docking at St. Bart’s Island the following night. She was dozing in the familiar crock of his arm. “Kayce?” He said softly and she replied with a soft moan. “Kayce I need to go.” He explained looking at the bedside clock. She suddenly wrapped her arms tightly around her husband’s lean waist implying she was not letting him go without a fight. He chuckled at her playfulness. “I’m serious honey. I have to go. I promise to make it up to you later.” He assured her planting a kiss on her head. She released him with an exasperated sigh and he collected his clothes that were strewn across the room. She forced herself not to watch his chiseled form while he dressed knowing she would not be able to control her needs. The couple reviewed their separate objectives before kissing each other goodbye.


That afternoon Kayce was at the Starlight Lounge rehearsing for tonight performance. She was anxious knowing all hell was about to break loose, Van Buren was sure to have noticed Rudy’s absence by now. She kept her mind on what she was doing feeling safe that Steve was just across the room stocking the bar for this evening.

Steve had a knot in his stomach which he knew would not go away until the mission was completed. ‘One step at a time’ He told himself. It was almost time for dinner guests to arrive when he looked up from the box he was emptying to see Van Buren and Hansen hastily walking to Kayce and held his breath while watching them. He saw their adversary grab Kayce’s arm, having a few words with her before taking her forcefully out of the room. Seeing how this situation was coming to a head sooner than expected Steve exited the lounge through the back room.

Keeping a safe distance Steve followed them to Van Buren’s stateroom. He quickly headed to the deck and stopped below Van Buren’s balcony. Even at dusk he could see the glass door was closed and the drapes half close. He took a bionic leap and settled onto the patio without making a sound. He pressed his back against the outside wall and tried unsuccessfully to hear what was being said. He sighed in frustration and took a quick glance into the room. Kayce was sitting in a chair facing him while the two men had their backs to him. She noticed the slow movement of the glass door as Steve silently broke the lock and slid it open an inch so he could eavesdrop.

Kayce was being questioned harshly on the whereabouts of Dr. Wells. She explained she had left him in his room that morning and he was still sleeping. Robert Van Buren was far from pleased. He felt she belonged to him and he wasn’t interested in sharing her with anyone. Leaning towards her face the tall man asked if she always made it a point to give herself to whoever was handy at the moment. She gave him a cocky smirk and replied that she never said she belong to him.

When the swift hand contacted her face everyone including Steve could hear the loud ‘crack’. He groaned quietly forcing himself to remain hidden. He heard her charming voice, the tone telling him she was okay. “Are you angry with me because I shared his bed or because you actually think I made him disappear? Why would I do that? He’s just another one of your business associates on this ship. So what if he’s missing.”

Neither Kayce nor Steve noticed Hansen was sitting on the edge of his partner’s desk staring intently at the woman when recognition finally dawned on him. He cleared his throat, “Personally I think you had everything to do with Dr. Wells’ disappearance.” She turned to look at him and he finished, “Am I right, Ms. Myers?”

“You know her?” Van Buren asked his business partner. Hansen face wore an angry expression as he replied tersely, “She’s an OSI agent. I thought I recognized her when she came on board but couldn’t place her until now.”

She smiled confidently, “Boy, you have been gone a long time. My name isn’t Myers anymore it Austin, Mrs. Steve Austin.” Hansen offered condolences, “Well I had heard that Austin got away from Dolenz. I’m afraid I wasn’t too choked up when I heard he finally got what was coming to him in Central America.”

She eyed him, not sure if she should play her hand or not, “I’m sure he’s missing you too Hansen.” The former NSB agent pulled her roughly to her feet and pushed his gun into her side. Turning to his partner he said, “I’ll deal with her tonight. In the darkness no one will see her go overboard.” Van Buren stepped towards her, “It is unfortunate. We could have been so good together.”

Not wanting them to leave the room with his wife Steve made his surprise entrance, taking Van Buren out with one bionic blow to the head. Hansen’s mouth fell open as his partner crumpled to the floor. He was seething at the man standing before him, “How many times must I have you killed Austin?” He pointed the gun at Kayce and ordered Steve to remain still.

Steve saw the pair edging for the door. “You hurt her and there won’t be any place that you can hide that I won’t find you Hansen.” The traitor laughed at Steve’s unwavering confidence. Steve’s eyes met those of his wife for a brief second and the message was clear.

Hansen narrowed his eyes knowing Austin was tenacious. He moved the barrel of the gun from Kayce to Steve and fired. Kayce had reacted swiftly enough as the bullet lodge itself in the bookcase next to Steve’s head. The next swing of her arm brought Hansen down instantly.

Kayce swiftly yanked off the flat bed sheet and began tearing it onto strips while Steve positioned the men near the heavy mahogany bed. The pair worked together to tie both men’s hands and feet securely to the immense legs of the bed.

While he was busy stuffing washcloths into their mouths Kayce leaned in and whispered in Steve’s ear, “I’ll get the guard near Rudy’s door.” She stepped into the hallway and motioned to the man sitting and waiting patiently for his boss to give him something to do. He smiled seeing Kayce’s wave. He ambled down the corridor.

“Can I help you with something?”

“Yes, Mr. Van Buren would like to speak with you.” She stepped inside the room where her partner was waiting behind the door. Before the burly guard could react to finding his two bosses tied to the bed and gagged he felt a gun in his back. Kayce stifled the laugh caused by seeing Steve’s finger poking the large man’s spine. The man followed the instructions given to him and allowed Kayce to tie his hands and feet. He never fought the gag that was pushed into his mouth.

“Now what?” She asked. Steve glanced at his watch and got the most mischievous look on his face she had ever seen. “What?” She asked again unable to read his devious mind. “We have 6 hours until the ship docks at St. Bart’s.”

“So?” She asked with a confused look unsure what their next step should be.

“Six hours…alone…you and me…. In case you didn’t notice our work here is done.” His eyebrow rose gradually as she slowly followed his line of thinking.

“What about them?” She nodded towards the two unconscious men. “I’ll make sure they don’t go anywhere. Meet me next door.” Kayce gave Steve a wink and headed toward the adjoined stateroom that Rudy once occupied.

Steve went about making very sure the two traitors would not be wandering out of the room for the next 6 hours. He triple checked their restraints and secured the washcloth in each of their mouths with a strip of the sheet to prevent any unwanted callers. Kayce went ahead and lowered the lights and turned on some soft music. Her husband entered the dimly lit room and smiled at her silhouette by the moonlit glass door. The sea breeze gently ruffled her long cotton dress she was wearing. Steve sighed at the sight of her, the knowledge that this beautiful woman was all his made his head spin.

He stepped behind her and after wrapping his strong arms around the toned body he sighed and she leaned into him. Turning slowly she lifted her face and claimed his lips for her own, lips which he willingly surrendered. His mouth broke from hers and he flashed a crooked grin. In the sultry voice that he knew made her weak in the knees he commented, “It seems I promised to make up for my sudden departure earlier today.”

“Yes you did. What do you have in mind Mr. Austin?” Her smiled melted his heart. “Let me show you.” He smoothly unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. He leaned down and gave equal time to each supple breast that demanded his attention. She gasped as his touch still made her skin tingle, just like their first night, in the rain, under the wing of their disabled plane. He walked her to the bed, lifted her gracefully and placed her on the crisp white sheet.

As he was leaning over her she pulled off his shirt while he kicked off his shoes and pants. After covering her nakedness with his own he paused, teasing her with tiny, delicate kisses on her lips. He whispered in her ear all he planned to do to her and felt her body quiver with anticipation. As he kissed her long smooth neck his hands slowly wandered about her landscape seeking familiar points of interest. She let out a soft moan when his mouth eagerly followed the path of his hands causing the ache inside her to intensify. He glanced up from his vantage point to look at his partner, her eyes closed and cheeks flushed, enjoying every minute of his undivided attention. He continued with his task enthusiastically with a crooked grin on his face.

Kayce was driven to a place of ecstasy only Steve could take her too. He was truly a gifted partner. She reached out and ran her fingers through his gorgeous mane of brown hair in an attempt to bring his mouth even closer to her searing flesh.

Soon Steve could no longer contain his need and joined with his wife. They shared every ounce of energy and emotion they had until they were spent. Sweat gleamed off both their bodies as each tried to reclaim their breath. They repositioned themselves and snuggled close. As Kayce rested her head on his muscular chest Steve arm was wrapped around her and began fingering her soft locks of hair that tickled her back. He asked what she had been doing the past three months after apologizing profusely for not being able to get word to her that he was alive. She answered his question and soon the two were talking about their son. She looked up and saw the sad look on his face knowing he missed three months of his child’s life. She comforted him by saying they would be home again soon and once again a normal family.

As they lay in the quietness Steve soon fell asleep. She smiled as she stared at his rugged facial features, still not believing he was there with her. She figured he hadn’t had a good night sleep on a soft bed for sometime and she easily forgave him.

Steve awoke a few hours later to find Kayce lying on her right side, her back towards him. He rolled onto his side and planted his head on his upturned arm. He stared at her bare back, eyeing the white sheet that she was holding to her chest. It draped loosely over the gentle curve of her hip and barely covered her buttocks. He watched the even rise and fall of her shoulders as she slept.

Her smooth, tanned skin beckoned to him and he heeded the call. Sliding quietly over behind her he began placing lingering kisses down her spine. He didn’t get a response after the first two on her neck but that did not deter him. He continued his sensual trek and upon reaching her mid-back he heard a long, slow exhale. He knew he would have her full attention very soon. He continued downward making the kisses longer and longer until he reached the base of her spine and she let out a moan that filled him with anticipation. She felt his want for her growing and slowly rolled onto her back. They entertained one another for the last hour before the operatives would have to leave to finish their mission in the name of national security.

Kayce went back to her room to shower and change while Steve quickly showered in the room they had been occupying. When they met up in Van Buren’s room Steve was shocked at the sight before him. Kayce was standing by the ornate desk with her back to him sifting through some papers. Steve let out a chuckle causing her to turn around.

“What’s so funny?” She asked staring at her husband dressed in the white shorts, pink tee-shirt and baseball hat she was wearing when she boarded. Steve just shook his head in disbelief before explaining his shock.

“When I snuck on board I almost ran into Hansen here.” He saw the surprise on Hansen’s face that they had almost met days ago. “I saw a woman, about 80 feet in front of me wearing that same outfit, being accosted by a security guard for sneaking on board. It was enough to distract him,” Steve pointed to the balding man still tied to the bed, “and as I headed down the hall I remember thinking how thankful I was that the woman kept his attention until I got away.”

“Let me get this straight. You were standing behind me and you didn’t recognize me?”

She saw Steve nod and he realized it was almost an insult to her, “Kayce I was a little preoccupied and worried my cover was about to be blown. I certainly wasn’t expecting to see my wife on board a cruise ship in Cozumel.” She just chuckled, “So you and I came on board at the same time?” He replied, “I guess so. Just before the ship sailed I climbed up the ropes on the aft end.” Kayce’s eyes grew, “I climbed up the stern!”

“Yeah but you got caught.” Steve teased.

“That’s was the plan dear.” She replied. The low sound of the ships horn told them they were about to dock. Kayce headed on deck to greet the federal agents waiting on the dock. Steve got both men to their numb and stiff legs ready to haul them out. A few agents arrived in the room and escorted Steve with his three charges to the dock. The two men stood there, their hands tied in front of their bodies until placed in a car.

Seeing how he was soon going to be far from Austin Hansen began mouthing off at the operative standing a few feet away. Steve ignored the taunting words while talking to Oscar.

Oscar was grinning ear to ear as he complimented his agents, “Well you two did a great job. Are you sure you don’t want to go on assignments together? You make a great team.” Kayce and Steve exchanged grins both sure they did not want to take the risk again.

Steve clarified for the director, “No Oscar we no longer come as a pair, you only get one or the other.” Steve stated emphatically and Oscar smiled devilishly, “Well then I pick Kayce.” Steve raised an eyebrow at his boss’ choice and let Oscar see his hurt expression. “Well Steve she is much easier to deal with than you are, much more even-tempered. Besides she’s better looking too.” Oscar and Kayce shared a grin and Steve concluded, “Okay I can’t argue with that.” He gave his wife a squeeze.

Oscar began explaining their transportation home and was halted by Steve’s raised hand, “No Oscar, absolutely not.”

“What do you mean?”

Steve wrapped his arm around Kayce’s shoulder, “My beautiful wife and I are taking that cruise ship back to Florida.”

“We are?” the young woman asked surprised.

“Yep, three days and two nights left for us to be alone. Besides we never did get to celebrate our third anniversary.”

She knew exactly what he was referring to, parenthood. “Sounds wonderful.”

“How about it Oscar? Rudy?” The two men eyed him in disbelief. “Come on I bet the two of you have not had a vacation in years.”

“Steve we can’t just get on board.” Oscar stated sternly.

“Why not? As of this minute the United States government owns that ship because it was used in the commission of a felony. You can’t exactly send the passengers home from here so it has to sail back. Don’t you want to make sure it arrives without incident?”

Rudy and Oscar shared a glance as the thought of a two day vacation sounded pretty good. “Fine with me Oscar.” Rudy assured with a shrug, “The food and service is great.”

Oscar looked at the mutinous trio and shook his head, “I don’t believe this! Well I can’t exactly let you three leave without a debriefing now can I?” The foursome laughed as they headed toward the floating resort.

As they walked close to Hansen he had a few choice words for the brown-haired operative who once again got the best of him. As the small group passed in front of the three waiting transport them to prison Steve, without saying a word or even making eye contact, swiftly placed his hand on Hansen’s chest and pushed. The man’s cries were heard by many before they were stifled by the loud splash in the cold ocean water. The agents responsible for the prisoners watched as the stout man struggled to tread water with his arms tied.

The blonde agent in charge looked at Steve, “Dammit Steve! Now I have to go in there after him.” He winked at his colleague, “But if you didn’t push him in I would have.” He smiled and Steve smiled back before heading to the ship.


It was afternoon by the time the foursome finished their work and got settled in their staterooms. Rudy returned to the room he had been using for the past week. He tipped the maid generously as she left his room sparkling clean with crisp clean sheets on the large bed. Steve put his meager belongings in Kayce’s room just a few doors down and they convinced Oscar to use Van Buren’s room. The maid gave him a curious look as she replaced the bedding and collected the strips of sheet lying around the floor that was used to restrain the guard, Van Buren and Hansen.

The group agreed to meet poolside and relax before dinner. Steve and Kayce were occupying side-by-side lounge chairs. Steve was clad in navy blue swim trunks and his chest was already bronzed to an even darker shade. Kayce filled out her dark pink bikini in all the right places, her skin also turning a golden brown from the tropical sun. The couple discussed what they planned on doing when they got home and both agreed that Helen and Jim would be shocked when they saw Steve again.

The couple’s conversation was interrupted by Kayce’s giggle as she caught sight of Oscar and Rudy walking towards them with umbrella-topped drinks in their hands. A smile grew on Steve’s face as well. Their boss was dressed in an open white cotton shirt, shorts and sandals, the paleness of his long legs attesting to his lack of recent vacation time. Rudy was wearing some of the clothes Van Buren had placed in his cabin, which included the Hawaiian-style shirt and pale yellow slacks. Neither Steve nor Kayce knew where he got the sun hat.

The two men settled themselves on deck chairs that sat at a round table next to the lounging couple. Steve greeted his longtime friends, “Well, I see you two finally found some casual clothes.” The men chuckled as Oscar retorted, “And I see it didn’t take you two long to get into your bathing suits.”

At that point Kayce swung her long legs to the side of her chair as she sat up. “Anyone care to join me in the pool?”

Steve replied with a wink, “In a little bit.” She smiled knowing what he was up to. She stood and leaned her bikini-clad frame over her handsome husband and planted a lingering kiss on his lips before heading off to the scarcely populated pool.

Steve sat himself on the side of his lounge chair facing his friends and nodding, “My God that woman can kiss.” He commented off-handedly as he watched her enter the pool.

“You aren’t kidding.” commented Rudy. Panic quickly rose in his chest when he realized he had expressed his thought out loud. Steve’s eyebrow rose and Oscar’s mouth fell open at the unusual comment from the doctor. Realizing his mistake Rudy kept his eyes on his drink hoping the moment would pass unaddressed but he could feel Steve’s eyes on him.

Steve asked in a low, controlled voice, “Is there something you want to tell me Rudy?” Rudy’s face began turning red with embarrassment as he stuttered a reply, “Ah no…Steve… I ah…I” Unable to complete the sentence the doctor looked up cautiously at his friend then back to his drink. Steve glanced at Oscar then back to Rudy with a serious expression.

“If I didn’t know better I’d say your comment implies first hand knowledge of how well my wife kisses.” Rudy finally made eye contact and Steve’s glare told him his friend expected an immediate explanation. Oscar sat back and sipped his drink enjoying the unexpected situation.

“Steve…it was nothing…..really. Nothing you need to be upset about….honest.” Rudy stated nervously. Steve could see the perspiration forming on his forehead.

Steve leaned towards Rudy who instinctively sat back in his chair, “You mean my best friend admits to kissing my wife and I shouldn’t be concerned?” At this point Rudy was feeling the heat.

“Steve…I swear…she…well she….kissed me and…” Steve interrupted, “So you’re blaming Kayce?” He asked with his volume rising just a little higher.

“No… I mean yes…I mean…Steve I swear to you I didn’t know what she was planning until she pushed me against the elevator wall with her arms around my neck and kissed me. It’s not what you think really!” Steve struggled to hold the angry look on his face a little longer before a hearty laugh finally escaped his lips. Rudy looked at him shocked before he realized what was happening.

“You already knew didn’t you?” Rudy demanded. Steve just laughed and nodded, “Kayce told me. She was worried you might feel a little awkward around me. I just thought I’d have a little fun with you, you know, to ease the tension.” Steve chuckled, “Its okay Rudy, honest. My wife can be very, shall we say, impulsive at times.”

“You’re not kidding.” The doctor sighed grateful that his friendship with Steve was still intact.

Steve, still chuckling, went to join his wife. Oscar and Rudy sat back enjoying the sunshine. Steve dove into the pool and swam under his wife before capsizing her raft, causing her to fall into the cool water. The two men watching from the deck were happy to see their friends reunited and relaxed. Steve came to the surface whipping his head to the side to get a better look where his wife had gone. Before he knew it she had pulled his legs out from under him and he was swiftly pulled below the water’s surface.

They stayed underwater for almost a minute before coming to the surface locked at the lips. They broke off the kiss but Kayce maintained a firm-hold around Steve’s neck with both arms as he held her toned body against his. He described Rudy’s reaction to his teasing and her infectious giggle echoed across the deck. It was obvious the two were enjoying themselves.

The small group decided to meet for dinner. At Kayce’s request it was somewhere other than the Starlight Lounge. Over drinks they shared light conversation with Oscar explaining what his agents had been doing since his unscheduled vacation.

The three listened to Goldman’s frustration that the buyer for Rudy on St. Bart’s Island never showed so therefore was never taken into custody. Kayce suggested that may have been what had Hansen and Van Buren so upset the night she and Steve were getting Rudy off the ship. She got the impression from their body language, when Hansen pulled Van Buren aside, that all was not going as planned. She shared her theory that the buyer may have found out the government was closing in and distanced himself. Van Buren and Hansen then realized they had no one to hand Rudy off to and they didn’t want to just kill him. The three men agreed that it was a likely scenario. Rudy then expressed his gratitude for his friends arriving to rescue him when they did.

Dinner was enjoyed and Steve answered his friend’s questions as to his ordeal in Central America. When the waiter appeared to clear the table Rudy noticed Steve’s meal was barely touched. The doctor inquired about Steve’s lack of appetite and weight loss with a light tone only to have Steve assure him that between his wife and his mother he would quickly regain the weight.

The post-meal conversation continued without much active participation on Steve’s part. He kept his eyes on his slowly melting ice in his drink. His gut was telling him there was still a piece of the puzzle missing. The old Indian had said he and Kayce were setup on their mission but Steve didn’t think Hansen could have done it alone and deep down he knew Oscar could not have done it either.

Kayce picked up on her husband’s progressive quietness. Her words effectively broke through his distractedness. He looked at her smiling face and apologized, “I’m sorry what did you say?”

She stood and took his hand in hers, “I said my husband better dance with me or risk losing me forever!” He gave her a crooked grin as he reluctantly got to his feet and allowed her to lead him to the small dance floor where the slow, romantic music played softly.

Kayce slipped easily into his familiar arms as if she was always meant to be there . She waited a few moments before inquiring on his sullen mood. He gave her a weak smile, “I guess I’m just decompressing form the mission now that it is over.”

Kayce shifted her head from his shoulder and place it in front of his face, “Nice try. You’re not worried about Kyle forgetting you are you?” He nodded assertively. She tried again, “Are you worried how your parents will take the news?” He nodded negatively again.

“Okay, I’m out of guesses. Now tell me the real reason your so mopey.” His smile grew at her insight and he let out a sigh before explaining his concerns. “Kayce there is something I haven’t told you about our mission in Central America.”

Oscar and Rudy sat sipping their coffee when Rudy broke the silence, “What’s going on with Steve?” He asked eyeing the attractive couple gracefully moving as one across the dance floor.

Oscar looked at the doctor, “I wasn’t aware there was anything wrong with Steve. Why do you ask?”

Rudy explained, “He hardly ate a thing all day and he’s awfully quiet tonight.” Oscar gazed at the couple obviously enjoying the physical closeness as they danced. “Maybe he’s just coming to terms with his near death experience.”

Rudy nodded his disagreement, “In all the times Steve has had near death experiences he has never reacted like this.”

Oscar reminded the doctor of one new factor in the equation, “Now he has a wife and child. I’m sure that would alter a man’s perspective on the subject.”

“Maybe you’re right but I can’t help but feel something else is going on.”

Oscar suggested the obvious, “Why not just ask him Rudy?”

The music ended and Steve caressed Kayce’s cheek with his thumb before placing a delicate kiss on her lips to reassure her everything would work out. She wanted him to take his concerns to Oscar immediately but Steve was too tired to go into it at such a late hour. He promised her he would discuss the matter with their boss in the morning. The pair went to their friends who still sipped their drinks at the table and said goodnight.


The following morning after an exhausted but fitful sleep Steve and Kayce met Oscar and Rudy for breakfast. The concerned doctor was about to inquire about his friend’s depression when Steve got right to the heart of the matter.

“Oscar I’ve been meaning to ask you whose idea it was that both Kayce and I go to Central America?”

Oscar took a swig of his orange juice feeling very relaxed, “As I recall it was the Secretary I think. Why?”

“Well, while I was recovering in Central America I received some disturbing information about the two of us being setup. I don’t think either one of us was supposed to get out of there alive.”

“Setup! By who?” Oscar inquired in shock.

“I don’t know yet but it was someone high up in the defense department. I’ve been over it in my head a hundred times. There was no need to send both of us, the vault was not that heavily guarded. It just doesn’t make sense.” Steve took a drink and finished, “Other than the Secretary were you the only one involved?” He eyed his boss who returned the look with surprise when Kayce jumped into the conversation, “Steve, Oscar wouldn’t put us in harm’s way!”

Steve replied, “I know that but there has to be someone else involved.”

Oscar thought a moment about the discussion he had with the Secretary when it was strongly urged to send both bionic agents. He looked at Steve, “So it didn’t take both of you with your bionics to steal the satellite component?”

Steve shook his head, “No. I used my bionics to break into the secured vault but Kayce…”He glanced her way with a smile remembering her seductive diversion, “Well, let’s just say she only needed her natural skill to divert the guards. It only took both of us to finish the mission when I got shot and I still don’t know how they knew we were even there.”

“I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out.” Steve was feeling less tense now that he confided in Oscar and would hopefully get some answers before landfall. He pulled his long and lean body from the chair into a standing position. Kayce also stood and they said their goodbyes before heading off for a walk on the sun-drenched deck.

“Any ideas Oscar?” Rudy asked.

“Only one but I don’t want to say anything until I’m sure. I think I’ll make a ship to shore call to confirm my suspicions.” He smiled at Rudy as he stood, “And maybe I’ll have a surprise waiting for our Colonel Austin.”


The following morning a well-rested Steve was up early and freshly showered. Kayce took his place under the hot water when the telephone rang. Steve, wearing only a white towel about his waist, sat on the edge of the bed to answer it.

Oscar was calling to inform Steve he received some information that would interest the couple. Steve let the feeling of relief flood his body confident they would get to the bottom of who would try to kill him and Kayce on their last assignment. The director asked if the pair would join him and Rudy for breakfast in half an hour. Before Steve could answer Kayce exited the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Just as Steve took a breath to confirm the morning meeting he saw the towel drop suddenly to the floor. His eyes slowly wandered up his wife’s spectacular body until it came to the seductive grin on her face.

Suddenly Steve’s thoughts were interrupted by Oscar’s questioning voice, “Steve? Steve, are you still there?” The young man took a deep breath without taking his eyes off his wife, “Better make that an hour Oscar.” That was all he said before swiftly hanging up the phone.

Over breakfast Oscar filled his team in on some underhanded activity in the defense department. Steve and Kayce sat riveted on their boss’ story.

“Well it would seem Hansen and the Deputy Secretary were working together.” He began. “Recently the Secretary has reported that he is retiring soon. The Deputy Secretary, Harold Larimer, wanted the position badly but found out another candidate was being strongly pursued.”

“Who?” Steve interrupted.

“Me. The Secretary wants me to take his position upon his retirement.”

Kayce jumped in, “You aren’t taking it are you?”

“No. I’m flattered by the offer but I’m not interested in the Secretary’s job. Anyway, Larimer and Hansen have a long history together, back to their college years. They figured if I sent both of you on an assignment that resulted in your deaths it would be a huge black mark on my record. Not only because we would lose two operatives but also ten million in capital assets, no offense.”

“None taken.” The couple replied in unison.

“Then Larimer convinced the Secretary that both of you should be sent. He in turn contacted me with the order to send you. Hansen set up the trap. I guess when Larimer was appointed to the Secretary’s job he and Hansen would trade secrets until they were both too rich to continue.”

“So where is Larimer now?” Steve wanted to know how safe he and Kayce would be when they stepped onto their native land.

Oscar glanced at his watch, “They should have him in custody by now. I told them I would contact my office this afternoon.”

Kayce smiled, “That explains how Hansen knew Steve was killed, supposedly killed, in Central America. I thought it was odd that he should be so well informed living here on a cruise ship. Well I’m glad that’s taken care of.” She lifted her glass of orange juice, “Here’s to going home.” The four toasted their safe return. Kayce excused herself to do some shopping at the ship’s store leaving Steve to discuss something very important with his boss. He just hoped the well-connected director could pull it off.


The ship finally docked in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. After swinging his gym bag over his shoulder Steve slipped a loving arm around Kayce’s thin waist and smiled, “I can’t wait to get to California and see Kyle.” Kayce returned his excitement. “I know exactly how you feel!” They headed to the deck where they saw Rudy and Oscar waiting patiently for them.

“Were you afraid we weren’t getting off Oscar?” Steve teased with a grin.

“You might say that.” Together the four made their way off the ship and through the mass of passengers disembarking at the same time. As the crowd thinned out and the tourists scattered Steve barely noticed hearing his name called out in a male voice. He ignored it thinking he wasn’t the ‘Steve’ the man was referring too since the only people who knew he was still alive were walking along side him. Then a little voice sliced through the noise-polluted air and hit him like an arrow through the heart, “DADDY!!!”

Steve stopped in his tracks at the familiar little voice. The last two people blocking his path moved away and he stared at the trio twenty feet in front of him. Kayce’s eyes immediately welled up seeing her son and husband reunited at last. Helen held a hand to her mouth at the sight of her handsome son, alive and well. Jim placed his grandson on the ground. The moment the Kyle’s little feet hit the ground he was running towards his father.

Steve swept him up in his strong arms and let the tears fall freely down his cheeks, his heart fill with so much love he thought it would burst. Kyle held onto his father with all the strength his short arms had. As he rested his head in the crook of Steve’s neck he whispered in his father’s ear, “I missed you Daddy.”

“I missed you too,” He placed a kiss on the smooth cheek then the two leaned back and mirrored lopsided grins. Soon Helen, Kayce and Jim, all hugging, kissing and crying, surrounded the two. Oscar and Rudy stood aside with huge grins on their faces and watery eyes, thankful for their friend’s second chance at life. They couldn’t believe how much Kyle looked like his father now that they were together.

As Steve hugged his parents Kayce stepped quietly over to Oscar and with a sly grin commented, “It’s amazing how Helen and Jim knew we would be here.”

Oscar smiled and replied innocently, “It is amazing isn’t it?” He suddenly felt her arms around him and a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you so much.” She whispered and hugged him tight before Steve’s voice interrupted. She slowly released the tall man to see Steve, with Kyle in his arms, raise an eyebrow, “First Rudy now Oscar! For God’s sakes woman get over here!” Kayce giggled and joined her husband in a family hug before they headed off. In the parking lot Steve intercepted Oscar to see if he was able to pull off the favor as he requested.

Oscar smiled and said the item he wanted was in the Florida Branch office of the OSI and a twin engine plane was fueled and ready to go. There was a driver waiting to take him where he needed to go. Steve grinned ear to ear as the anticipation grew. Kayce gave her husband a look of confusion, “Steve what’s going on?”

“Kayce, we can’t go back to California right now.”

“Why not? What are you up to now?” She wondered about the huge grin on her husband’s face. He took her hand and led her over to his parents.

“Mom, Dad, can you watch Kyle for one more day? Kayce and I need to take care of one final piece of business. Oscar will get you set up in a hotel room and we’ll be back by tomorrow morning.”

“Okay Steve but what’s going on?”

Steve kissed his mother’s cheek, “I’ll tell you everything when we return. Thanks Mom.” He took his wife’s hand and headed to the car waiting for them. Kayce continued to stare at Steve waiting patiently for an explanation of their unexpected travel plans. He quickly explained on the way to the OSI office.

Within three hours of handing their son back to his grandparents Steve and Kayce were in a small plane headed to Central America. Kayce would steal glances at her husband and see the smile still firmly planted on his face. She knew he was excited about what was about to happen. She had to admit she was excited too.

After landing at the private airstrip they paid for the use of a jeep and headed into the back country. Steve just hoped he could remember where to find his friend and that his friend was still well. It was a rough two-hour ride before they arrived.

Steve hopped out of the jeep and took Kayce’s hand. She took a quick look around and commented, “You weren’t kidding when you said it was desolate.”

“Now you know why I couldn’t contact you.” He stepped up to the entrance of the cave. “Dan! Dan, are you here?” He saw a shadowed figure moving in the rear of the residence. Kayce watched as the old white-haired man exited his domicile with a smile for his friend, “Steve, it is good to see you again.” They shook hands and Steve introduced his wife. The Indian commented, “Now I know why you were in such a hurry to return home. But why are you here now?” he asked.

Steve handed Whitecloud the manilla envelope. Taking it with a furled brow the medicine man opened it. Kayce saw the tears slowly build and slide silently down his weathered face. “Is this real?” He asked.

Steve shook his head, “It’s an official Presidential Pardon. What you did all those years ago has been forgotten.” The Indian looked up at his friend. “But why?”

“You saved my life. Not only that but you helped the US government put two very dangerous men away for a long time, that more than makes up for what you did 15 years ago.” The older man just stared at the paper in disbelief as Steve spoke in a soft tone of voice. “Dan, it’s time for you to come home, time to be with your children and meet your grandchildren.”

Steve just smiled as the dark brown eyes met his in gratitude. “We are here to take you home. By the time we arrive in Florida most of your family will be there.” The elderly shaman stepped towards the younger man and embraced him as a son. “I can never repay you for this.” He whispered. Steve enthusiastically returned the hug and assured him, “You already have Dan. You already have.”

The three drove through the back country towards the airport. Within hours they would be back on US soil and two families would once again be whole.


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