"The Return of Big Foot" Part 2

(Original air date 09/22/76)


Jaime Sommers seeks out the alien colony in hopes that they can
save Steve who is dying of radiation poisoning


Episode part of "The Bionic Woman" series

Writer: Kenneth Johnson

Director: Barry Crane

While Steve is slowly slipping away at the hospital, Jaime takes off in search of Shalon who holds the power to save her dying friend. She leaps off the chopper to land near the San Andreas Fault and continues her quest on foot, unaware that the rebel group is spying on her every move down in their Mexico-based complex.


Nedlick and Big Foot transport themselves to the location where the beast is ordered to attack the intruder. However Big Foot is reluctant to hurt a woman who strangely resembles Shalon.

Down in Mexico where she’s held captive, Gillian manages to steal Faler’s time compressor and travels to the California to save Jaime from Big Foot’s clutches. Together they disappear to then reappear inside the old complex, now ravaged by radiations.


The stock of the miracle drug is running low and consequently the members aren’t expected to survive the radiation poisoning. Apploy urges Shalon to take her medicine but she insists on delaying the treatment, stating that someone else might be in dire need of the drug. As if on cue, Jaime comes to her with the news of Steve’s illness. Shalon therefore hands the last vial to Gillian with instructions to go to the hospital where she will guide her through the procedure.

Meanwhile in the enemy complex, Dallett (Stephen Young) strongly recommends slowing the heating process to convert the ore into energy for fear of provoking a volcanic eruption that can have devastating consequences for the entire Pacific coastline. Nedlick however is convinced the pressure will subside once their magnetic field is fully operational.


After leaving Jaime near the entrance of the rebels’ hideout, Gillian leaves for the Medical Center in Washington.

Nedlick orders Big Foot to attack Jaime in order to prevent her from locating their underground base. Tired of wrestling the big beast, Jaime feigns unconsciousness with the hopes of being carried inside the complex.


At the hospital, Shalon asks Gillian to do a preliminary examination of the patient to assess his condition, which proves worse than originally anticipated. Oscar and Rudy drop in unexpectedly to check on their dying friend, forcing Gillian to disappear. Minutes later, she reappears to inject the drug in various parts of Steve’s body.

Once the job done Shalon faints from the strain. Gillian learns that Shalon’s illness is due to her refusal to take her medicine that, instead, she willingly gave to save Steve. Hopefully her good deed won’t be in vain.


Dallett reiterates the urgency to slow the process for fear of provoking a volcanic eruption. In Washington, Oscar and Rudy get word of the violent tremors reported in California. A call is made to order an evacuation.

Back at the hospital the patient regains consciousness. The drug worked wonders and Steve is now raring to go help Jaime defeat the rebels.


Meanwhile, Jaime succeeds in breaking out of her cell by digging a hole through the rocks. She reaches the control room where she hears Nedlick ordering the furry beast to kill Steve. She manages to snatch the device from him and gives Big Foot a counter order.


The Sasquatch obeys and helps Steve and Gillian penetrate inside the complex in time to save Jaime who’s now surrounded by the rebels.


All three bionic friends succeed in overpowering the bad guys and Gillian makes sure they won’t move by adjusting their time compressor.


The pressure reaches a peak. The volcano erupts. They are running out of options to stop the disaster. Steve brings forth the suggestion of using the time compressor to freeze the lava. He and Jaime grab a device and head for the hills. Halfway through their journey Jaime becomes incommoded by the extreme heat. Steve continues the trek up the hill but eventually reaches his limit of endurance. As he prepares to hurl the device into the lava, his furry friend offers to climb higher for better results. He throws the time compressor into the boiling lava, freezing it in an instant.

They return to the complex where Steve and Jaime learn of Shalon’s illness. She will remain in limbo inside a plastic cylinder until the mothership can provide a supply of the miracle drug in an approximate hundred years.


Part One

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