
Two weeks passed with Cassie still trying to reach the man trapped inside a child’s mind. The only improvement was the weak smile with which he greeted her every morning. She would encourage him to squeeze her hand but every effort would come to a naught. Rudy reluctantly complied with her request to entrust Steve in her care at this crucial stage of his rehabilitation. She had no quarrel with a round-the-clock nurse being assigned to Steve’s needs until he showed some improvement in his motor skills.

Once Steve was comfortably settled in the guest bedroom of Cassie’s apartment, Helen and Jim bade farewell to their son and his caretaker; their minds set at ease by Cassie’s promise to keep them abreast of Steve’s condition with daily reports.

While Cassie lent Helen a hand with last-minute packing Jim went to Steve’s room to say his goodbye. He struggled to curb the emotions raring to burst out at his son’s impassiveness, staring at him as if he were a total stranger. “Steve, your mother and I are leaving now. But we’ll be in touch everyday.” He waited to see some sign of acknowledgement in Steve’s eyes before he continued, “You take care,” he quavered with a choked voice, laying a hand on his son’s shoulder. Steve remained stoical, barely blinking. Moments later, much to Jim’s surprise, Steve reciprocated his smile. “Do you know who I am? Steve, please, give me a sign that you understand what I’m saying?” Steve’s answer was to mimic Jim’s frown.

“Something wrong, Jim?” Helen asked as she entered the room.

“No on the contrary. He smiled at me.”

“He did?” Helen stood by her husband to bring her son’s attention to her presence. “Steve, smile for me.”

“You have to do it first and he’ll imitate you.”

“Smile for me, darling,” Helen coaxed gently with a beam. She placed a hand over her heart fluttering with joy at the lopsided grin dancing on her son’s lips. “Oh Jim, can it be that he recognizes us?”

“Could be.” He wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist and pulled her closer to him. “Cassie sure is working wonders with him.”

“She’s good for our son. She’ll bring him back to us. I’m certain of it.”

Jim kissed the top of Helen’s forehead. “Ready to go?”

She nodded while wiping the errant tear trickling down the corner of her eye. She bent down to brush a light kiss on Steve’s forehead before she and Jim left the room. They met Cassie out in the hall.

“Everything okay?” Cassie asked.

“Steve gave us a goodbye gift: a smile.”

“He did? How wonderful!” Cassie gushed.

“He just mimicked us but it’s a start.”

Cassie laid a hand on both parents’ arms. “He’ll be okay. I won’t give up on him. I intend to put him to hard labor,” she said on a light-hearted tone.

Helen cupped Cassie’s chin in her hand. “I know you will. Steve is fortunate to have a friend like you.” Releasing her hand on Cassie’s chin, she clasped the girl into a soul-stirring hug. “Take care of yourself too, dear. Call us anytime of the day, even if it’s just to talk.”

“I will,” Cassie sniffled.


Days wore on with Steve’s condition showing signs of improvement. Cassie had succeeded in making him squeeze her hand once for ‘yes’ and twice for ‘no’. He would greet her with a glinting smile whenever she would walk into his room. Once dull and impassive, his eyes would now shine with wonderment. The spark was definitely back.

“Good morning, Blue Eyes. Hungry for some breakfast?” Her answer came in the form of a lopsided grin. She set the tray on the night table and sat on the bed to fix a bid around his neck. “There you go. Now, do we start with some fresh strawberries?” She could easily read the eagerness in Steve’s expression. “I guess that’s a yes. Steve, look at me? Look at me, straight in the eyes.” To her delight he responded by lifting his head up to meet her eyes. “What do you say?” he frowned quizzically at her question. “You say ‘please’. Come on say it: pleaaaaaaaaaase.” She could see his mouth forming the word but no sound would come out. “That’s it, you can do it. I know you can. Pleaaaaaaaaaaase.” Steve’s frustration grew at his failure to comply with his friend’s wish. “It’s okay,” she pacified with a soothing hand on his arm. “You’re trying that’s the main thing. We’ll do it again a little later. Remember the word, okay?”

During the afternoon Cassie spent time dusting and cleaning in Steve’s room. He watched her every move with absorbed interest. She would remove his thumb from his mouth whenever she would catch him sucking on it, only to have him stick it right back in his mouth.

“Having trouble with your student?” teased Jeannie, the assigned nurse, as she walked into the room.

“Some. But it’s better than before when he didn’t move at all.”

“That’s the truth. I can take over now.”

“That’s okay. I haven’t finished with my cleaning. He seems quite intrigued by what I’m doing.”

“Dr. Wells is impressed by how far you’ve brought him. But he’s worried this is taking a toll on your emotional health. He’s concerned about you taking more than you can chew. I’m here you know. Let me share the burden.”

“Thank you Jeannie but he answers mostly to me. We’re at a crucial stage; I can’t afford to allow him to sink back into apathy.”

“I understand. I’ll be in the kitchen then.”

“Okay.” Cassie observed Steve’s harried expression as he watched Jeannie leave the room. “Something wrong, Blue Eyes?” He shifted his gaze back to her and smiled before conceding defeat to his sagging eyelids. Cassie padded up to the bed, kissed Steve’s forehead and quietly slipped out of the room to let him rest.

She headed to the kitchen where Jeannie was fixing herself a cup of coffee. “Jeannie can I ask you something?”


“When you look at Steve, does he smile at you?”

“Not to my knowledge. He just stares at me with beady eyes as if I’m an intruder.”

“Why would he do that?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe he doesn’t like sharing me with you.”

“Have you two met before?”

“Why are you giving me the third degree?” Jeannie asked with a tinge of indignation.

“I’m not. I just want to be able to interpret Steve’s facial expressions. They help me understand what he’s feeling.”

“Like I said I don’t think he likes having me around and I won’t be after the weekend.”


She took a seat at the table and took a sip of coffee. “I was to remain here until Steve’s motor skills returned. They have and so has his muscle tone. His bionics having been tuned down, we shouldn’t expect any incident due to involuntary spasms. My work is done. Rudy will be taking over as physiotherapist.”

Cassie sat across from her and propped her heavy head in her hand. “I like having you around Jeannie. You are my sponge when I feel I’m at the end of my wits. Rudy warned me about emotional strain. I don’t want Steve to sense any qualm whatsoever. He’s so vulnerable.”

Jeannie stretched out her arm to place a hand on Cassie’s arm. “I think you need a break. Why don’t you go into town tomorrow? Do some shopping. Get your mind off your worry.”

“I can’t leave him,” she sighed heavily, shaking her head disapprovingly.

“You can just for an afternoon. Bring your pager with you. If there’s an emergency I’ll notify you.” She tugged at Cassie’s arm to egg her on. “You could shop for a gift for Steve.” The suggestion elicited a weak chuckle out of Cassie. “Who knows? It could trigger a reaction that’ll prompt him to speak.”

Cassie huffed out a dry sigh and nodded in agreement. “I’ll wait till he dozes off for his afternoon nap before I leave. He’s used to my being around and I wouldn’t want him to feel I’m abandoning him.”


“I’ll go back to his room and see if he needs anything.” She stood from her chair and started for the hallway. “Say how about we order some take outs for supper? Pizza. Does that agree with you?”

“That’s fine with me. Shall I order right now?”

“Yeah. Go ahead. I like mine with everything on it.”

“So do I.” Jeannie marveled at Cassie’s remarkable fortitude and exemplary patience in a trying situation where most would have forfeited the fight after a few rounds with the tenacious foe: time. As she watched her climb the stairs she wondered just how long she could remain standing in the ring to wrestle for her friend’s freedom.


Early next afternoon, Cassie waited for Steve to surrender to Morpheus’ arms before slipping out of the apartment to drive into town for some leisure time. Occasional pangs of conscience would gnaw at her for leaving Steve’s side, but she would squash those remorse with visions of her friend’s eyes lighting up at the present she intended to bring him.

Jeannie fixed herself a glass of grape juice and grabbed her book lying on the living room sofa before she headed down to Steve’s room. She treaded warily to the bed to ensure the man was slumbering peacefully before she settled herself comfortably in an armchair to resume her reading.

The swish of sheets interrupted her concentration. She lifted her eyes from her reading to see Steve’s terror-filled eyes dart around the room. She shut her book close, set it on the table next to her and made her way to the bed. “Steve, what is it? What’s wrong?” She sat on the bed and no sooner had she clasped his hand that he wrenched it free from her grip. He was out of mind with fear, his eyes searching around the room. “What are you looking for?” He craned his neck to the door to get a peek into Cassie’s room across the hall. Jeannie followed his stare with a puzzled look. “You’re looking for Cassie? Is that who you’re searching for? Cassie? You want Cassie?” Steve’s nodded his answer; his breathing coming in short gasps as panic gradually invaded him. “She stepped out of the apartment for a few hours. Don’t worry. She’ll be back.” She risked a soothing hand on his shuddering shoulder but was rewarded with a slap.

“C…..c…ccccc…c,” Steve stuttered nervously.

“Come on, say it. Say her name. You can do it. Say Cassie.” She struggled along with him, coaching him by mouthing the name. “Come on. Say it: Cassie. I want Cassie back.”

“C….ca…..ca…cassssssss…..cassssssssiiiiiiiiiie,” he finally breathed out.

“That’s good, Steve,” Jeannie exulted. “I’ll call her and you can tell her you want her back home, okay?”


Jeannie obliged by taking the phone to ring her pager. “I’ll take just a few minutes. Relax Steve. She’ll be back.”

Cassie was trying on a new outfit when her pager beeped, causing her heart to leap to her throat at the thought of trouble back home. She changed into her clothes and dashed to a nearby payphone to dial her apartment. Jeannie was assisting Steve in taking a few sips of water when the phone rang.

“Jeannie, you paged me?” Cassie panted nervously.

“Yes I did,” she replied with a smiling voice. “Somebody here wants to speak to you.”


“Talk to him. He’ll answer.” Jeannie put the receiver against Steve’s ear and mouth. “It’s Cassie.”

On the other end Cassie could hear a faint breath over the phone and surmised it was Steve’s. “Steve? Is that you?”

The sound of her voice instantly raised the level of panic brewing inside him. “C….c…caaaa…cas..caaaasssssssssssssie…ho…hom….hom…hooooooooooome.”

“Home? You want me to come home?”

“Y….y….ye…yeeeeeeeeees. Hom…..hoooo…hoooooooome,” Steve struggled to make her understand his need to have her back.

Cassie’s face crumpled. She put a hand over her mouth to keep her lips from trembling. The emotions overwhelmed her.


“Yes I’m here. I’m coming back home. You wait for me. I’ll be there very soon. I’m proud of you, Blue Eyes.”

Jeannie took the receiver away from Steve. “Amazing, isn’t it?”

“Jeannie. What happened to make him like this?”

“He woke up and when he saw you gone, he started to panic. The words just flew out.”

“This is wonderful. I’m coming back on the double.”

“No breaking the speed limit. Don’t you dare have an accident now.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be careful.” Hanging up the phone she lowered her forehead against the receiver, closing her eyes in a silent prayer to the heavens for the miracle performed.

Barely thirty minutes had whizzed by that Cassie was back at her apartment. She tossed her packages on the sofa and rushed to Steve’s room to reassure him of her presence.

“Steve!” she spoke in hushed tones, treading carefully to the bed. “Is he awake?” she asked Jeannie sitting next to him.

“See for yourself.” Jeannie vacated her seat to give Cassie some space.

“Blue Eyes,” Cassie beamed.

“Caaaa…caaaaasss…cassssssssssssie. Ho….hoooooooome,” Steve gushed stutteringly, elation painted on his face.

Cassie perched herself on the edge of the bed to give Steve a hug, one he returned by sluggishly wrapping his arms around her. When she pulled back she could see from the tear-bedewed cheeks that he’d been crying. She cupped his head and delicately ran her thumbs underneath his puffy red eyes to wipe the excess pearl drops. “I’m here, Steve.”

“D…d….don….donnnnnnn’t goooooooooo,” he sobbed.

“I went out for a few hours to do some shopping. I wanted to buy you something nice.”


“That’s right. It’s in the living room.”

“You want me to get it for you, Cassie?” Jeannie offered.

“Thanks. It’s in the red-stripped brown bag.”

“I’ll get it.” While Jeannie made her way to the living room to get the present, Cassie tried to get Steve to utter more words to test the extend of the vocabulary he had retained. They were limited to ‘Cassie, home, scare and gift’, which were significant improvements compared to yesterday’s muteness.

“Here we are!” Jeannie handed the bag over to Cassie who reached inside to pull out a book on astronomy.

“I’m going to put you to work, Blue Eyes. This will be your reader.” She placed the book on Steve’s lap. He eyed it quizzically at first until she opened it to a page displaying colorful planets that made his eyes lit up in wonderment. “You remember? Space? Planets?” Steve brushed his trembling fingertips over the glassy pictures, stopping over the one representing earth. Cassie cocked her head to read his expression. “You remember, don’t you?”

Steve lifted his eyes from the picture to nod at her. “Euuuuuuu..eurrrrrrrrrr…”


He nodded, smiling excitedly at his prowess. Cassie stroked his cheek, letting her hand run through his hair before she laid a small kiss on his forehead. “I’m proud of you, Steve. I knew you could do it. I knew you’d be back,” she quavered with a heart brimming over with joy.


A few days later Jeannie moved out of the apartment, leaving Cassie to work relentlessly with Steve at improving his speech and taught him how to eat by himself. Rudy began making daily visits to help Steve with his walk therapy. His young assistant would assist him in getting Steve to take a few steps, adding a few more every day until he was able to make the trip down the hall with little assistance and less frustration. Cassie would cheer him on, her whoops of joy giving him great boost of energy, emboldening him to surpass himself.

Once alone in the living room with Rudy while Steve was napping, Cassie broached the subject of the bionics and whether or not he should be told.

“It’s too soon,” Rudy cautioned. “It might alarm him and Lord knows what this might do to him psychologically. He’s still very vulnerable. I wouldn’t chance it just yet.”

“What if he cuts himself or scratches his leg? What then?”

“Only then will we tell him.”

“How do I go about it? I mean where do I begin?”

“You’ll know when and if the time comes. You’ve done wonders with him already. You brought him to a level that was medically impossible. You’ve got an amazing gift. Keep using it. He responds to you.”

“I admit there were times where I came close to giving up” Cassie sighed heavily. “I was bordering on insanity.”

Rudy smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. “I believe it. You wouldn’t be human if you hadn’t.”

She covered his hand with hers. “He’ll be alright, won’t he?”

“He’s on his way. He may not be all the Steve Austin he was before the accident but somehow I know you’ll get him to close to his old self.”

“I’m trying my best.”

“You take care of yourself. You get some rest too. Steve needs you to be alert.”

“I will.” She walked him to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”


In the bewitching hour a whimpering murmur broke into Cassie’s peaceful sleep. Her eyes shot open and her ears pricked up at the muffled sound coming from Steve’s bedroom across the hall. She flung the covers aside, slipped on her bathrobe and hurried to her friend’s room.

“Steve?” She sat on the bed and turned on the night lamp. “Steve, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

He turned to her with a wet face distorted in pain. “Plane…plane crash. Night…nightmare.”

She rubbed a soothing hand up and down his arm with a worried expression. “Is this the first time?”

He shook his head negatively. “No. But ne…never this worse bef…before. I usu…usually wake up before… before…”

“Before what?”

“Before I…I die.” He turned to Cassie with an inquiring stare. “Pla…plane cr..crash. Is that wh..what hap…happened to me?”

Cassie closed her eyes in despair and nodded.


“About seven months ago.”

“Did…did I die?”

“You stopped breathing a few times, yes.”

“We…we...ne…never discussssssssed this.”

“This isn’t exactly one of my favorite subjects. I nearly lost you. I don’t particularly care to relive the trauma.”

“I under…unders…understand. I just...just want the..the night..nightmares to goooo away. I thought…I thought maybe if we..we..tal..tal…talk about it they…they would.”

“If we do, I suggest we do it during the day. We’re all pretty emotionally vulnerable at night. I might make it worse.”

“A…agr…agreeeed.” He stared at her with imploring eyes. “Will…will you st…stay…ay with me?”

Cassie smiled her response much to his delight. “Of course. Move over, Space Cowboy.”

He scooted over to the left side to let Cassie crawl under the covers next to with him. She fluffed up the pillow and found a comfortable position before she turned off the light. “Goodnight Blue Eyes.”

“Night Cassssssie.” Steve cuddled up to her, her presence providing a sense of security that allowed him to fall into Morpheus’ arms fairly quickly.


Cassie slithered out of bed at first flush the next morning to go whip up some breakfast. She was heedful not to jostle the mattress or make any noise that would disturb her sleeping Blue Eyes. She readjusted the covers over him, brushed a light kiss on his forehead and then made her way out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Steve’s nose twitched at the tantalizing smell of bacon wafting from the kitchen. He blinked open his eyes; rubbing the sleep out before he strenuously swung his legs on the floor. With the aid of his cane he staggered to his feet, resting a few seconds to get his balance before he shuffled out of the room.

He took a respite halfway down the hall to catch his breath, and then finally reached the living room. He craned his neck to see Cassie chopping strawberries on the counter. “Sme…smells good,” he stuttered between breaths.

“Hey!” Cassie gushed with a wide beam. “Look who’s up? And by himself?” She wiped her hands on the dishtowel and made her way over to him. “You okay?”

“Just…just a bi…bit weak but I’m…I’m standing.”

“You most certainly are.” She took him by the arm. “Want to come sit with me in the kitchen? I’ll put you to work.”

He flashed her a mischievous grin as she assisted him to the kitchen. “What have y…you got in mi…mind,”

“You’re going to make us some freshly squeezed orange juice.” She helped him onto a stool in front of the electronic juicer. “Here you go.” She sliced three oranges in two and placed them to his left on the counter. “Impress me!”

With an elfish wink he settled to the task at hand. Cassie observed his movements to ensure his hands were steady enough to handle to job. She then tended to her bacon and sausages cooking on the stove while Steve finished squeezing the oranges. Sensing a slight tremor in his arms, Steve felt better leaving the juice pouring into glasses to Cassie. Instead he reached for the knife to continue slicing the strawberries. A sudden spasm in his left hand caused him to jerk the blade that accidentally cut the tip of his right index finger.

“Ohhhhhhh my God,” Steve shivered with eyes transfixed in numbed horror.

“Steve, what’s wrong?” Cassie gasped in shock at the open finger. She grabbed a paper towel and quickly swathed Steve’s finger in it. “What did you do?”

“I…I wanted to help you sl..slice the str…stra…strawberries and…My God, Casssssssie. The…there’s no bl...blood.”

“I know.” She glanced at Steve still staring catatonically at his finger. “It’s a prosthetic.”


“Your arm. It’s an artificial limb.”

“Arti…artifiiiiiii…ficial? H…h...how?”

Cassie strained a crooked smile and tucked her arm into his. “Come with me to the living room. I’ll tell you.” She assisted him down on the sofa and perched herself on the edge next to him. Gently she took his right hand and rubbed her thumb against his knuckles. “Do you feel that?”

“Yeah. Feels good. I d…don’t unders…understand. If artif…artifi...ficial…how…how…”

“How come you feel my holding your hand?” Steve nodded. “It’s bionic.” Steve slanted his head with an inquisitive frown. “It’s biological capability enhanced by electromechanical means.” Steve glanced down at his hand and observed Cassie removing the paper towel around his finger. She turned his palm outward to show him the cut from which tiny wires could be seen protruding. “The nightmares you’ve been experiencing? Do you have a co-pilot with you?”

“N…n…no. I’m alone. Somet…something breaks and I…I crash.”

“I see. You’ve been reliving your first plane crash when you were…”she faltered at the word ‘amputation’.


“When…,” she gulped, “when your arm and legs were amputated.”

Steve sat petrified, his jaw dropping to the floor at this startling revelation. He risked a glance down at his legs, dreading having to grope them. “Go ahead,” Cassie emboldened, reaching to touch Steve’s left leg. “Feel them. There’s no difference in shape, size, texture, color or temperature. No one knows they’re bionic. They look and feel human. Often are the times you can’t tell the difference either.”

“Ru…Rudy. He…he did this.”

“You remember? That’s right. He saved your life with his advanced technology. You were the first to profit from it.” Steve’s face began to crumple under the onslaught of emotions stirring within in. “Hey,” Cassie scooted over to him to wrap a comforting arm around his shuddering shoulders. “Don’t. It’s okay.” She rubbed his arm soothingly while dabbing at his tears with her thumb. She slowly pulled his head to come rest against her shoulder. “I know it’s a lot to take in one day.”

“I’m…I’m trying to rem…remember,” he sobbed in frustration at his failure to summon the memories of his operation and the subsequent treatments.

“Don’t. Not now. It’s not important.” She clung to him in a warm embrace.

“I’m scared,” he confided in a shuddering whisper.

“Don’t be.” She started to pull away when she felt his grip tightened around her. “You’ve come a long way, Blue Eyes. Rudy didn’t think you would survive the first twenty-four hours. Then later when it was decided to pull the plug you started breathing on your own. You’re a fighter, Steve. I’m proud of you for what you’ve accomplished.” Feeling his arms loosen their grip she gently disengaged the embrace to gaze tenderly into his dewy eyes. “Look at you. You’re back,” she sobbed, her bottom lip trembling.

“N…not all of…of me.”

“It’s just a matter of time. You weren’t supposed to come this far and you did.”

“Th…th…thanks to y…you.” His eyes reflected a genuine gratitude that, added to his strained lopsided smile, lit up the room and warmed the cockles of Cassie’s heart. “ You d..,did not giv….give up on meeeeeeee,” he breathed out.

“Never.” She stroked his cheek and gazed tenderly into his eyes. “Never.” As she leaned in to place a light kiss on his cheek her lips accidentally brushed against his. They locked stares, searching the mirrors of their souls for mutual approval of what was to happen next. The intensity of their desire grew with each passing seconds until passion flared up to a fevered pitch, thrusting their lips against each other’s in a tender kiss that gradually deepened.

Cassie reluctantly broke the lingering kiss and gasped in a breath.

“What..wh…what’s the matter?”

“We can’t do this.”

“Wh…why not. I…I…love you.”

“And I love you,” she assured with a stroke of her hand through his hair. “I can’t take advantage of your emotional vulnerability. Whether you’d like to admit or not your emotions are in a state of confusion. You may think this is right but…” she faltered, biting her upper lip and lowering her head in embarrassment.

Steve reached out to lift her chin with his trembling fingers. “I fel…felt this way befffffffore, Casssssie. This is… is not just on the spur of…of the moment; a patient lov…loving his doctor out of…of…gra…grat…gratitude for sav…saving his life. This is ge…gen…genuine love. I…I remember fe…ffffffeeeling this way befffffffff…befooooore accident.”

Cassie cocked her head, a puzzled frown etched on her face. “Before the accident?”

Steve nodded. “I…I rem…remember bits of w…what happened. Yooooou came by beffffffffore to wish me l….luck.”

“I did,” she enthused, ecstatic by Steve’s progress. “What else do you remember?”

Steve closed his eyes and began to shudder at the horrific images dancing in his mind. Cassie’s hand on his shoulder acted as a shining beacon that kept him grounded in this turbulent sea of dark memories. “ A boy. I see a…a boy.”

“That must be Jason. Go on.”

“I c…can’t,” he shuddered, his eyes shooting open. “Too pai…painful.”

“It’s okay,” she appeased by rubbing her hand up and down his back. “You don’t need to go there.”

“H…hur..hurts,” Steve cried before he fell into Cassie’s arms. “H…hat…hate feeeeeeeeeeeling this wayyyy.”

“You’re not the only one.” She continued to massage his back in a soothing motion.

“He…he cr..crashed the plane.”

“Shuuuuuu.” She rocked him to appease his shudders. “Don’t think about it anymore.” She pulled back and dried his tears with her thumbs. “Hey, I have a great idea. Why don’t you and I fly out to Ojai to surprise your parents? I know your mother’s longing to see you.”

“Ca…can we?”

“That’s up to you. You feel strong enough to handle the trip?”

Steve gave an enthusiastic nod of the head. “Yes.”

“I’ll clear it first with Rudy, of course. If he gives me the green light, we’ll go.”


Rudy was reticent to comply with Cassie’s request for a trip that he considered too premature. Steve had yet to stand steady on his feet and feared the strain would be too much. However he conceded once Cassie assured him that she would watch Steve like a hawk. She had succeeded where he failed miserably. Every day since Steve’s miraculous recovery he berated himself for lacking confidence in his friend’s ability to overcome the worse. It took this remarkable woman to remind him of Steve’s strength and fortitude.

Rudy and Oscar met them both at Andrews air base where a small aircraft awaited them. Owing to Steve’s still frail condition, Rudy had requested that Oscar make a private jet available for the trip to Ojai. The tarmac where the plane crash occurred a few months back was beckoning Steve to come closer. Despite his friends’ best efforts to keep his mind occupied, Steve couldn’t help but look in that direction.

“Is that wh…where it hap…happened?”

“Yes,” Cassie heaved out.

“Wan…wanna go there.”

“Steve, it’s….” Cassie glanced at Rudy who nodded in agreement. “Okay. We’ll go together.” She clasped his hand and together they walked to the exact spot where Steve and Jason’s plane plummeted to the ground. Thankfully most of the remnants of the accident had vanished. The grass had grown back and the runway had been repaved.

Steve let go of Cassie’s hand to shuffle the rest of the way with the aid of his cane. She followed him at a safe distance in case he would need assistance, but didn’t intrude on his wish to be alone with his thoughts, however gruesome they might be. She ached for him, knowing what his mind must be reliving at this moment. She desperately wanted to reach out to him, but chose to remain in the background. He finally turned to her with teary eyed and stretched out his arm for her to clasp his hand.

“You okay, Steve?”

“No,” he said with a voice cracking with emotions. “I need closure, Cassie and I can’t get it.”

“It is over, Steve. You don’t need to remember it.”

“But it’s there, haun…haunting my days and n…nights. I…I want it out of my h…h…head. I’m…I’m afraid I will not be…be able to..to f…ffffffly again.”

“Maybe not. Is that so bad?”

He stared her deep into her eyes where he read the dreaded truth. “They will not le…let me fffffffffly again, willlllllll they?”

At a lost for words, Cassie simply lowered her head in embarrassment, her silence speaking louder than words. Grief invaded Steve to a degree where he hurled his cane out in the field in a fit of rage, giving Cassie the brush off when she tried to console him. “Leave me alone!” he seethed, his body shivering with anger.

“No I will not,” she said sternly. “I will no leave you alone. I’m not giving up on you; not now, not ever. I’m aware that flying was your life, but Steve you can still work in aviation. Teach new pilots.”

“Isn…isn’t that wh…what I did with that kid that cr...crashed the plane?”

“There was no way of knowing Jason was mentally disturbed. For God’s sake Steve, don’t let that accident bring you down. You’ve been in plane crashes before but that never stopped you from getting back on that horse.” She took a firm grip of his head to force to him to look her in the eyes. “You can do many things. You were given a third chance at life. Don’t throw it away. I will help you get back on that horse. This time we’ll try a pony and I’ll ride alongside.”


“Yeah I promise,” she giggled before she hugged him with all of her might. “Ready to go back?”

He sniffled his tears and nodded.

After loading all the necessary items onboard and giving Cassie instructions on how to proceed in the event of an emergency, Rudy left the plane to join Oscar on the tarmac. Both waved goodbye to the couple as the plane became airborne.

Less than a year later, Steve and Cassie married in a lavish ceremony in Helen’s rose garden in Ojai. Friends and family were all in attendance. Steve’s speech and motor skills had greatly improved over the last few months and although he had not regain a 100% control, Steve accepted the odds and rested satisfied with his teaching job at Andrews Air force Base. A year later he became the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Everyday he thanked his lucky star for his most precious gift: his wife and best friend, Cassie.


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