
From under the door a shaft of light shone indicating somebody in the room and having a hard time locating exactly what they were searching for.

“On three” Jarrod whispered. “One, two, three”

Jarrod opened the door and allowed Nick and Heath to enter.

The figure of a man was standing with his back to the door, shovelling the pieces of Jarrod’s new chess set into a bag.

“Hold it right there.” Nick ordered.

At the sound of the door opening the man turned. A bandana and a very floppy hat that hung low almost covering his eyes covered his face.

While Nick covered him Heath approached the figure pulling off the face covering and hat.

“YOU!” He exclaimed and roughly pushed the figure toward his brothers.


“Well away from here by now.” Curtis replied. They knew what he did. But it didn’t matter Connors and Fisher would have the girls safely over the border and into Nevada by now. “You’ll never find them.”

Nick picked Curtis up by the collar and began to shake him.


“Over the border.”

“Which border? Heath asked.

Curtis remained silent.

“WHICH border?” Heath asked again.

Nick roughly slammed Curtis into one of the study walls. “ANSWER MY BROTHERS QUESTION, WHICH BORDER?”

“Nick.” Jarrod warned, “Don’t get too rough or he’ll never give you the answers you want.”

“Go to hell.” Curtis spat.

Curtis was slammed against the wall again.



“That’s better.” Nick released the pressure slightly “Now What have you done with them and why?”

No reply.

“Mr you are this close to getting the tar beaten out of you.” Heath warned “Now what and why?”

“They’re safe, no harm will come to them. They’re too valuable.” With a wolfish grin spreading across his lips he turned to Nick. “ They’re to be sold as brides.”

That little announcement set all three of the Barkley brothers back on their heels.

“You’re telling me you stole our little sisters in order to sell them as brides?” Heath recovered first. “And you arranged for them to be transported by the likes of Burt Fisher?”

From his time as deputy, Heath had bad memories of Fisher. The man could at times be an animal. Kidnapping was his speciality but he wasn’t above hurting women if they defied him.

The only time the two of them had met was when Fisher had kidnapped the wife of a wealthy landowner who just happened to be passing through the town where he was working. The lady in question was one of those women who knew how to fight and defend herself. It all worked out in the end. The lady was found alive, damaged, but still alive. Fisher had broken her arm and some of her ribs. There was also the suggestion that he may also have done something unspeakable to her.

It had been his first day on the job, Sawyer had arrested Fisher a few days before and was getting ready to hand him over to the Federal Marshal’s. They had only glanced briefly at each other, but it was enough. Sawyer had filled him in on the rest and he had seen the lady as she and her husband had left town.

“Do you know what kind of a man Fisher is? ”Heath now grabbed Curtis by the collar and pinned him to the wall. “Do you know what he does to women who have the courage to defy him?”

Curtis’s back crashed into the wall again.


Curtis could only shake his head no.


With the uttering of those words Heath lost all control of his temper, Fists flew, bones creaked in protest and Curtis went down bleeding.

“NOW” Heath demanded “WHERE ARE THEY?”

“Virginia City.” Curtis panted, “They’re heading for Virginia City.”

Before Heath could go in for a second shot at Curtis Nick and Jarrod grabbed and forcibly held him.

“Heath, Heath enough” Jarrod tried to calm his youngest brother “He told us what we needed to know. We’ll tie him up and leave him here till morning when we’ll hand him over to Fred.”

“You’ll be handing him over” Heath looked at his brothers, hate and fire still showed in his eyes “ Me I’ll be heading for Virginia City to get my sisters back.”

“We’ll be going Little Brother.” Nick grabbed Heath’s shoulder in a show of support “I’ll be coming with you.”

“Alright, I’ll hand Tim over to Fred and then wire our friends in Virginia City let them know you’ll be arriving and hopefully get them to help.”

He opened the door and allowed Nick and Heath to precede him.

“Jarrod” The weak voice of Tim Curtis called to him. “Nothing personal about your sisters I mean. It was just business.”

Jarrod slammed the door.


“RED” Mary O’Hara called and rushed to where Heather lay at the bottom of the stairs.

Audra was already by her older sister’s side hold one of her hands.

“How bad? Mary knelt beside Audra.

“I don’t know.” Audra replied tearfully “But what ever we have to watch her back. She damaged it about two years ago.”

“Alright then lets try to get her inside.”

Heather woke to a flash of pain as her sister and their friend attempted to lift her She cried out.

“Red, take it easy we’re trying to get ye inside and more comfortable.”

“Heather?” Audra turned in time to see her older sister smile at her.


“Thanks to you. Where does it hurt?”

“Its what….eldest should do…” Heather grasped as another wave of pain hit her. It seemed to be her left side from shoulder to waist.

“Now don’t you be felling asleep again without telling us where you hurt.” Mary warned.

“Still trying….give orders…Irish?”

“Well somebody has too.”

“Left side…shoulder to waist…can’t seem…enough air..” Heather promptly passed out, the effort of talking too much.

“Ribs?’ Audra questioned.

“Aye and collar-bone maybe.”

“Why? Why did she?’

“Because she’s your sister, and being the eldest, felt it was her responsibility” Mary turned to face the others “Sara, we need a hand here.”

Finally the three girls managed to get the injured Heather onto her caravan bunk.

Kurt Connors in the meantime had returned to find the two girls bending over the unconscious figure of Heather. He knew at once what had happened and who was the guilty party.

“You were warned” He threw the surprised Fisher against a tree. “You just couldn’t leave well alone could you? You had to try and get to the blonde Barkley girl.”

“So what?” Fisher tried to throw off Connors hands. “It’s my business not yours.”



“Here you go” Sara handed over the water and cloth's “ Any change?”

“No she drifts in and out of consciousness. Sometimes she rational others she’s rambling calling for our mother and her twin.” Audra answered soaking one of the cloths and applying it to Heathers forehead. “It’s so hot in here and it’s not helping”

“It’ll only be a few more hours and we’ll be in Virginia City.” Sara consoled. “Then we might be able get her to a doctor and care.”

“Audra…Audra” The patient called.

“I’m here. Stay still rest.” Audra soothed.

“When… reach…City you must…escape…get to safety.” Heather tried to explain.

“Shh, not without you, I won’t leave you.”

“Mother,…. Heath…. where are you? Mama?”

“Come on ladies, your journey is over.” Connors said as he opened the door. “At least for four of you.”

“ Right, you, you and you two.” Fisher pointed to Sara, Hattie, Mary and Catherine. “Out.”

“Irish.” Heather called “Keep… the .faith…Don’t..don’t give up..”

“You do the same Red”

With that the door was closed and the rest of their party were taken away.

“Audra, check..check lock.”

“Heather, what are you saying?”

“Key…is….key still in lock?”

“ No I can see light coming through it.”

“Hair… clasp… pin…pick lock.”

With difficulty Audra managed to pick her first lock.


“No, they seem to be surrounded by a lot of men.”



Heather struggled to stand. “Alright, we go together.”


“Pa, over there isn’t that Audra Barkley?” Joseph Cartwright asked.

“I do believe it is Joe” Ben Cartwright “I think we’d better go and get her.”

The telegram from Jarrod Barkley had arrived earlier that morning. It detailed how Audra and another girl called Heather, whom Jarrod called sister, had been stolen from Stockton and were on their way to Virginia City. It went on to say that Nick Barkley was on his way along with somebody called Heath.

“Pa, over there behind Audra could that be Heather?” His eldest son Adam asked “Pa there is something very wrong here.” They all watched as the red head collapsed.

“I agree.” Ben said.

The four Cartwright’s spurred their horses forward.

“Audra over here.” Ben called “Hurry”

Hearing a familiar voice Audra stopped and looked around her.

“Mr. Cartwright.”

In all her life Audra wasn’t as glad to see anybody, as she was to see Ben Cartwright and his sons.

“Audra are you alright?” Ben was the first off his horse.

“Mr Cartwright, thank-you, I’m fine but my sister.” Audra gave Ben a quick hug.

She indicated behind her.

From where she was just about standing all Heather could see, through her fever induced haze was her younger sister being held by a strange man and with him were three younger men. Connors words played in her head.

“ A very rich gentleman has requested two girls of breeding and quality for his sons.”

And there was her younger sister in the clasp of what looked like a rich gentleman with sons.

“Get your hands off her.” The pain and her fever gave her the strength to push Ben away from Audra and leave him with a few scratch marks. “She isn’t going to marry any of your sons.”

“Heather, Heather is alright he’s a friend of the family” Audra reassured her fever ridden sister.

“What the devil, excuse me Audra, is going on here?” Ben held a hand to his face the marks Heather left on him where bleeding slightly.

“Sorry about that Mr Cartwright. We, Heather and I, along with four others were kidnapped from Stockton about three days ago. They told us we were to be sold as brides to men in a mining town. The others are over there somewhere.” Audra pointed to the wagon. “Please help them.”

“Adam, Joe.” Ben directed his sons.

“Who are we looking for?” Adam asked.

“Sara Carlton, Hattie Green and Mary and Catherine O’Hara.”

“We’ll take care of it Pa, come on Joe.”


“Yes Pa.”

“I want you to go and get the sheriff, and arrange for a wagon so we can take Miss Audra and Miss Heather back to the Ponderosa.”

“Right Pa” The ever-obliging Hoss replied “What about a doctor Pa”

“Have him meet us at home.”

“Yessir.” With that Hoss left to handle to chores.

“Audra?” Ben asked, “What happened here?”

“One of them tried too.. and Heather pulled him off me, he slapped her causing her to lose her footing and fall down the steps.”

“How badly?”

“We think she broke some ribs and possibly her collar bone. It was so hot in that thing and we couldn’t bring her fever down.”

“Well Pa.”Adam said when he, Joe and the four girls rejoined Ben and the sister. “They weren’t overjoyed about it but after Little Joe and I explained a few things to them the miners handed over the girls.”

“Pa, this is Sara, Hattie, Mary and Catherine.” Joe introduced the girls “Our Pa Ben Cartwright.”

“Ladies,” Ben acknowledged the girls.

“Many thanks to you and your sons.” Mary spoke on behalf of the group “How’s Red?”

“Red? Oh you mean Miss Heather, as soon as my son returns with a wagon we’ll be taking both of them to my home.” Ben looked down a Heather.

“Irish?….that you?” Heather grasped.

“Aye, we’re all here Red. We’re all safe tanks to you and Audra.” Mary knelt by Heather. “We kept the faith and we never gave up.”

Heather just nodded.

“Ladies, I’ll arrange for you all to stay in the hotel, on me until we can arrange for your return to Stockton. Now as the two who did this are still at large I’ll also arrange for an armed guard.” Ben offered. “My sons will escort you there now.”

While the girls were saying their final goodbyes. Ben briefed Adam and Little Joe on what exactly he wanted them to do.

“After you see the girls to safety I want you to send this message. Send one to Jarrods office and the other to the Barkley ranch, that way Jarrod will be sure to get it.”

Both Adam and Joe nodded.

“Hoss and I will take Audra and Heather back to the Ponderosa and wait for the doctor.”


“Mother, Mother where are you?” Jarrod sounded more like his younger brother as he opened the front door of the Barkley mansion.

“In here Jarrod.” Victoria called back.

Jarrod could hear the strain and worry in his mother’s voice. It had now been three days since her daughters had gone missing. Three very long days filled with fear and dread. Every time she heard hooves coming up the drive she hoped that it would be news. Each time disappointment.

“Mother a message from Ben Cartwright.”

Victoria’s hopes rose.

“They’re safe Mother, they’re with Ben now.”

Jarrod handed his mother the telegram to read.

‘Jarrod. Girls safe with us. Ben.’

Mother and son embraced. The fear and dread erased.

“Jarrod we must get to Virginia City as soon as possible.” Victoria said.

“Already arranged Mother. Our private car will be added to the next train heading east. We have about two hours.”

Victoria smiled. Trust Jarrod to be one step ahead of her.


“Well here we are Virginia City.” Nick announced as the brothers entered the outer limits of the city. “Ever been here before?”

“Can’t say that I have” Heath acknowledged.

“It’s a bit on the rough side at times.” Nick explained as they watched two miners fight over something. “But then what mining town isn’t.”

After a riding all night and all morning the boys finally hit Virginia City in the mid afternoon.

“Drove some cattle through here once, lucky get to out alive.” Nick informed Heath.

“How’d you manage?”

“With the help of some friends.”

“And who would these friends be?”

“A family named Cartwright, Ben Cartwright and his sons Adam, Hoss and Little Joe.” Nick smiled remembering the first time he’d met Ben and his sons. “Father and I were running a small herd through here, some of the miners wanted to help themselves to the meat. With Ben’s help we managed to convince them not to and we’ve been friends ever since. The last time we saw them was just before you arrived.”

“Let’s head for the Sheriffs office.” Heath suggested. At this point he was more interested in trying to locate his sisters. Catching up with family friends could wait.

“Sounds like the logical place to start.”

Coco and Charger were pointed the way of the main street and they set-off.

“Connors” Fisher called to his partner.” It’s those Barkley’s”

Both Connors and Fisher were in the ‘Bucket of Blood’ saloon. Connors was at the bar while Fisher was standing by the doors watching the people going by and thinking about the partner’s next move.

Before they lost the two Barkley girls Connors and he had managed to collect the payment for the four girls. In Connors pocket was a wad totalling some twenty thousand dollars.

“So much for Curtis covering our trail.” Connors swore. “What’ll we do now? Those Barkley’s will have the Sheriff on to us in no time. And iff’n they don’t then those Cartwrights will.”

“Trust those high and mighty families to know each other.”

“So? What’ll we do?”

“Well, we could always stop those Barkley’s before they get to the Sheriff.” Fishers stroked his pet knife.

Although kidnapping was his strongest suit. Killing men with his trusty, or for that matter any, knife was another skill he possessed. Back on that useless patch of ground his father called a farm he had been taught all the tricks by an old knife thrower. And best of all he was double handed.

“Give me that knife of yours, then duck out to the street. Let the Barkley’s see ya just for a second then hightail to mining camp. Lay low and I’ll join you when the job is done. And whatever you do don’t lose that money.”

They were just about to enter the Sheriff’s office when Nick and Heath heard their name being called from somewhere down the street They both turned toward the caller.

“Connors.” They said to each other in unison.

Both drew their guns and headed to where Connors was standing.

Connors took one look to where Fishers was standing, nodded and made a dash for it

“CONNORS” Nick called anger in his voice. “YOU GET BACK HERE THIS SECOND” To add weight to his order he fired a shot into the air.

It had no effect. Connors kept on going. He had no desire to face one mad Barkley let alone two of them.

“BLAST IT” Heath swore, letting lose with a few more colourful remarks.

Now thanks to Connors, the Barkley boys were just where Fisher wanted them. He drew his wrists back just like his old teacher had taught him, he focused on the sound of both Nick and Heath’s voices and let loose.

Nick felt his hat being pulled from his head, he felt the wind as the second knife whizzed past his face heading for Heath.

“GET DOWN” He warned Heath.

Heath hearing his older brothers warning dived to the ground. He felt the knife nick his right sleeve and his skin. It thudded into the post behind him.

“HEATH” Nick called fear in his voice when he saw his little brother on the ground.

“I’m okay.” Heath assured his brother. “Did you see who?”

“No, you?”

“No” Heath stood up. “But with Connors in the street at the time it could’ve been only one person.”


Heath nodded. “And he’s known to use the odd knife.”

Nick’s attention was caught by the rip in Heaths right sleeve and the blood around the rip.

“Heath” He grabbed his brothers arm, ripping the sleeve off.

The cut was deep and it was bleeding rather freely. It looked like there maybe some muscle damage involved.

“Nick, it’s okay.”

Nick quickly had his bandana off and was wrapping it around the wound. As he finished a familiar voice called to him.

“Nick, Nick Barkley you son of a gun.” Adam called to his old friend.

“Adam Cartwright, what are you doing here, No cattle to muster?”

Nick and Adam embraced.

“You remember Joe?’ Adam turned to his youngest brother.

“Course, good to see you again Joe.” Nick extended his hand.

“You too Nick.” Joe accepted the offered hand.

“I’d like you both to meet my little brother Heath.” Nick turned and introduced Heath. “Heath this is Adam and Joe Cartwright.”

All three looked at each other. For Adam and Joe this was a surprise. They had both known the Barkley’s for sometime and a third brother was never before mentioned, like a second sister.

Nick saw the confusion on their faces.

“Heath only recently found us. He’s been with us for about a year.” Nick clapped Heath on the shoulder.

“Good to meet you.” Adam held out his hand.

“Likewise.” Heath acknowledged.

“Hi.” Joe greeted.

“Hello” Heath returned the greeting.

“And where does Heather fit in?” Joe was the first to ask.

“Joe” Adam admonished.

“No it’s alright.” Nick wasn’t offended “She’s Heaths twin.”

“Twin brother and sister, you lucky so and so.” Adam teased.

“Tell me about it.” Nick looked at Heath and smiled. “Heather,Audra?”

“Sorry, I thought you already knew, they’re safe and with Pa and Hoss at the Ponderosa”

“Are they alright?” Heath queried, Fisher on his mind.

“Audra’s just fine, all she needs is some food and rest.”

When Heathers name wasn’t mentioned Nick and Heath’s fears were raised.

“What aren’t you saying?’

“Heather’s not so good, broken ribs and a broken collarbone.” Joe admitted.” I’m sorry. She hasn’t regained consciousness since we got her home.”


“Seems one of them slapped her and she fell down some steps.”

“FISHER!” Nick growled. That just added to what he owed Fisher. Nobody hurt his little brother and sisters. Nobody.

“Look come home with us now I’m sure the Audra will want to see you.”


“Pa, we’re home.” Joe called as he opened the door.

“And we brought company.” Adam added.

“Who?” Ben asked coming into the room. “Nick Barkley, how are you?”

“Fine now thanks Ben.” Nick accepted Ben’s outstretched hand. “ And thanks for what you’ve done for our family.”

“Nick anytime, just glad we were there at the right moment.”

“Ben meet my younger brother Heath. Heath, Ben Cartwright.”

“Mr Cartwright thank-you” Heath also accepted Ben’s hand. “ May I ask where’s Heather, where’s my twin?”

Nick could hear the fear in Heath’s voice. He knew Heath was desperate to be with his twin.

“Follow me, the girls are upstairs. My second son is with them.” Ben led the way. “And by the way your Mother and Jarrod will be here by morning.”

The brothers nodded their understanding.

“Audra?” Nick asked tentatively.

As the door was opened both brothers saw that their younger blonde sister was sitting by the bed where their sister redheaded was laying.

“Nick, Heath.” She was out of the chair and in their arms before either of them could step any further into the room. “I’m so..” The sentence went unfinished as she began to cry.

“Hey now none of that” Nick kissed the top of his sisters blonde head. “ We’re here and everything’s going to be just fine now.”

Right at that moment Nick was in no mood to release Audra, his sister, was in his arms safe and he wanted it to stay that way. “Are you ok little sis? Did they hurt you in any way?

“No.” Was the teary response “But one of them tried to.. and well Heather stopped him.”

She turned to the bed where Heather was lying silent and still.

Heath by now was sitting on the bed, his twin’s right hand in his own, his left hand brushing the hair on her forehead. Gently he kissed the hot forehead.

“Baby girl” He whispered “I’m so sorry, I’ll get him for this, he’ll pay for what he has done to you.”

Carefully he lifted his twin’s head till it rested on his chest and gently began to sway. Repeating his sorrow.

“Heath it wasn’t your fault.” Audra tried to console her distraught blonde brother.

“Heath, Audra’s right none of this is your fault.” Nick also tried consoling his brother.

“I could’ve remembered sooner.” Heath was still gently rocking his twin. “Then neither Audra or Baby Girl would’ve gone through this.”

Both of the siblings could hear the pain in their blonde brothers voice. But to them he was blaming himself unjustly. Both just hoped that when their mother and older brother arrived in the morning that they could talk him out of the dark mood he was in. Hopefully when Heather finally woke it might lift.


“Heath we’re leaving now to collect Mother and Jarrod.” Nick said to his brother as he poked his head into the room where Heath and Heather were. Heath had pulled an all night vigil by his twin’s side. Nick moved in and stood next to his younger brother. “Any change?” Gently he stoked his redheaded sister cheek. Her face still felt hot.

“No.” Was the dejected answer he received.

“Did you manage to sleep at all?” Nick now looked at his brother’s face. There were dark bags under Heaths eyes, two-day stubble on his chin and from the look of things the knife wound from the previous day had re opened. Blood had stained the sleeve of the shirt Heath had changed into.

“No, she became restless during the night I needed to cool her off.”

“How about Audra stays here, while I go and get Mother and Jarrod? And you get some rest?” Nick was concerned for his younger brother. Heath looked like hell.

“No Nick, Mother and Jarrod need to see Audra, to know that she’s okay.”

“Have you at least eaten something?”

“No time, Nick stop fussing” Heath turned weary looking eyes to his older brother. “When she wakes, then I’ll rest and eat. Not before.”

“Heath, I’m worried for you, if you don’t eat or sleep you’ll make yourself sick.” Nick knelt by Heaths side. “And we don’t want that. Do we?”

“Alright, when Mother and Jarrod get here I’ll eat and rest. How’s that?”

“No. You’ll rest either when Heather wakes or Mother and Jarrod arrive which ever happens first”

Heath nodded his agreement and turned back to watch his twin.

“Little Brothers eh, what can you do with them?” Adam asked as Nick left the room He had been outside the bedroom door and had heard most of the exchange between Nick and Heath.

“Tell me about it.” Nick grumbled.

“So how are you coping with a little brother?” Adam asked. Unlike Nick, Adam had known his little brothers since birth. He also knew that Nick very much wanted a little brother.

Nick’s eyes shone as he looked back to the room where his younger twin brother and sister were. “I wouldn’t change him for anything. We had our ups and downs in the beginning, but we overcame them. Sometimes we’re so in tune it’s scary. Whether it’s riding the range, punching cattle, or in the middle of a fight for our lives we seem to know what each other is thinking, and sometimes even feeling. It’s hard to believe that he’s only been with us for just under a year. And yet there are times when I feel like I’ve known him all my life ”

“Don’t you mean they?”

“No Heath came to us first. It wasn’t until he’d been with us for four months that we even learned that he had a twin.” Nick reflected back to the moment that Heath told them about Heather. “Certain events stopped him from telling us about her. Mother was the first to find out. Then it all came out and Heather came to us.” And for just the briefest of seconds Adam could’ve sworn he saw a solitary tear in the corner of Nicks eye. “If I could change anything, it would be that we weren’t together as children. They grew up alone, having only each other. We didn’t know them. I would change that.”

“Is that why he won’t leave her?”

“Yeah. When things get, shall we say difficult, they group together forming a barrier.”

“Nick there’s another reason I came up here.” Adam looked Nick squarely in the eye. “The Sheriff was just here. He and three deputies just did a raid on the mining camp. Connors and Fisher are gone.”

Nick eye’s, on hearing that bit of information, grew dark again.

The previous evening the Sheriff had been out to the house and stated that he was sure that Connors and Fisher were being hidden by the miners and that he and his deputies were going to conduct a raid the next morning at first light.

“Nick, I’m sorry.” Adam knew how desperately Nick had wanted Connors and Fisher caught.

“Hey, it’s not your fault Adam”

The two left and walked down the stairs.


Fingers lightly tickling his hand woke Heath from the little nap he had taken. Two bleary eyes looked at him.

“Hey,Baby Girl.” Heath bend down and kissed his twin. “Welcome back.”

“Heath” Heather whispered her twin’s name. She tried to sit up, but the pain in her left side prevented that.

“Don’t even think about it.” Heath warned. “I’m so sorry.”

“What for?” This puzzled Heather; even in her haze she knew her twin had nothing to be sorry about.

“I knew about Fisher.” Heath confessed. “It was in my memory, but I couldn’t remember it in time to prevent you and Audra being stolen.”

“Memories..like that” Heather was getting tired again. “Don’t blame …yourself…Not your fault.”

Heather desperately wanted to stay awake; to convince Heath that what happened wasn’t his fault. But tiredness over came her.


“Mother” Nick called and waved when he saw Victoria emerge from the private train carriage that the Barkley’s owned. “Over here.”

“Nick, Audra.” Victoria smiled as she found her children through the throng of people on the Virginia City Station platform. “Audra, sweetheart are you alright?” Victoria embraced her daughter. The daughter, who for a few horrid days, Victoria thought she would never see again.

“Mother, oh Mother I’m fine.” Audra returned the embrace. “Thanks to Mr Cartwright, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe.”

Victoria looked her daughter up and down. Although there were no visible marks on her Audra was still a little pale.

“Sweetheart you’re a bit pale, you really shouldn’t have come. You really should be back resting.”

“I wanted to come.” Audra said firmly. “Jarrod!”

“Honey, it’s so good to see you.” Jarrod swept his little sister into a hug.

From where they stood the four Cartwright men watched the Barkley family reunion and smiled.

“Nick?” Victoria looked around “Where are the twins?”

As the question was being asked Jarrod too looked around.

“Mother, there’s something you don’t know.” Nick held Victoria.

“Heather was trying to protect me and was injured.” Audra told her mother.

“What happened?” Jarrod asked looking from Audra to Nick.

“Fisher tried to kiss me and when Heather intervened he hit her, causing her to fall down some steps.” Audra continued. “ The fall broke some ribs and her collar bone.”

“She’s back at the ranch now. Heath’s with her.” Nick informed them. “She was still unconscious when we left.”

“Ben.” Victoria greeted her old friend.


“Ben thank- you for all you’ve done.”

“Victoria it was no problem. The girls literally ran past us.” Ben led Victoria to the wagon. “Let’s get you back to the ranch and those twins of yours.”

Victoria had one more question. “The other girls that were taken?”

“Safe and at the hotel. As soon as they can travel I’ll arrange for them to be escorted back to Stockton.” Ben reassured her.


“Evleething alright Mr Barklee?” Hop Sing the Cartwright’s Chinese manservant asked as he poked his head around the door.

“Yes thanks Hop Sing “ Heath replied “ My sister regained consciousness a little while ago. She’s sleeping now.”

“Verlee good.” Hop Sing turned.

Thinking quickly Heath called him back “Hop Sing, I promised my brother I’d rest when my sister woke up, would you mind sitting with her until the rest of my family get here?”

“No problem Mr Barklee.”

“Hop Sing” Ben called as he held in the door open allowing Victoria and Audra to proceed him “Where is he?”

“Mr Cartlight shh, Missy Barklee sleeping.” Hop Sing admonished his employer.

“She’s regained consciousness?” Nick almost bounded up the stairs.

“Mr Barklee tell Hop Sing so, now both Mr Barklee and Missy Barklee sleeping.”

“I still would like to see her.” Victoria stated.

“Follow me” Ben led the way up the stairs.

He opened the door and for the first time in many days Victoria saw the face of the girl who had become her second daughter.

The redness of her hair only highlighted the paleness of her skin. Even though sheets and blankets covered her they could see the bulkiness of the binding around her ribs. Her left arm in a sling protecting her collarbone.

“Oh Heather” Victoria lamented, as she sat in the vacant chair. Gently she ran her fingers through her daughter’s hair.

“Heath?” One very drowsy Heather asked. As far as her mind could recall Heath was with her last.

“No honey.” Victoria replied laughing. She had been mistaken for a few people in her time, but never a male and never Heath. “It’s Mother.”

“Mother?” Was the still drowsy question as Heather opened her eyes.

“Yes I’m here.” Victoria continued to stoke the red hair. “It’s good to see you’re awake.”

Heather squinted her eyes, hoping to clear her vision. Shapes in the room were starting to take form. Yes there was Mother, behind her Jarrod and Nick, on the other side of the bed was Audra with four men standing behind her that Heather really didn’t recognize. One, the older one in fact, looked vaguely familiar. But where is her twin?

“Audra?” Heather questioned coming awake. “The others?”

“I’m here and fine.” Audra quickly reassured her sister. “And so are they. They’re in the local hotel, resting, until arrangements can be made to return them to Stockton.”

“That man?” Heather remembered a man holding her sister.

“Is a friend of the family.” Victoria said “Heather meet Ben Cartwright and his sons, Adam, Hoss and Little Joe. Ben, Adam, Hoss Little Joe meet Heatherleah Barkley.”

Heather looked over to where the Cartwright men were gathered. Yes the older one was the man who was holding her sister. She seemed to remember scratching him. And there were faint claw like marks on his face.

“Mr Cartwright, I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Perfectly understandable, you were only doing what you thought was right, protecting you sister.” Ben moved to stand behind Victoria.

“Where am I?”

“In my home.” Ben informed her.

Heather was then reunited with Jarrod, Nick and Audra.

“Heath?” She looked around the room “Where’s Heath?”

“He sleeping Missy.” Hop Sing replied. “He down hall.”

“I’ll get him,” Nick told his family.

Nick left the room and headed down the hall to the door that Hop Sing pointed to.

“Heath?” He tapped quietly on the door.

No answer.

Nick opened the door and peered in.

The room was empty. On the bed as a note.

Nick moved to the bed and picked up the letter. It was addressed to all of them. He opened it. His eyes turned dark.


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