
Bob Wilson walked back into the small bedroom where he held Matt. "Are you ready to make a phone call now. We are going to call your dad, and have a little chat."

Steve was waiting in Oscar's office when they arrived. "Any clues?" Heasked. "Can you give me anything to go on?"

"Not much" Oscar sighed. "Marc has been talking to him, but Matt has no idea where he is."

"What do you have thus far?"

"Here's what we know. The twins had a field trip today. They went to the National Zoo. Rudy was going with them as a chaperone. You want to take it from there Rudy? Since you were there when it happened." Oscar turned to Rudy.

"Yea. At school I was given four kids to watch, the twins and two other boys. We were told to meet at the monkey house at 11:00. We walked around looking at what my group wanted to see. Then we met at the monkey house. Thekids had a good time watching the monkeys. Marc kind of stuck by me and Matt went off with some of the other boys to see the 'spider monkeys' "

We stood there for a while and all of the sudden Marc grabbed his right arm and cried out. I thought something was wrong with Marc so I was watching him. It took him only a few minutes to convey to me that Matt was the one in trouble, but by then it was to late. No one saw anything."

"Steve you have to..." He was interrupted when the phone rang. Oscar picked it up. "Yes?"

"Mr. Goldman?"

"Yes, who is this?"

"I have someone here who wants to talk to you." Then the voice became muffled. "Say just what I told you."


"Matt, Matt? Is that you?"

"Yes. Dad I'm scared."

"I know son. We'll find you."

Then the man's voice came back "Ok Goldman, do you believe I have your son?"

"Yes. What do you want?"

"Believe it or not, I want no money. All I want is just a little information.I am hanging up now so you can't trace the call. I'll call you later to let you know what information I want."

"Wait. I want to talk to Matt again."

The phone went dead. Rudy Steve and Marc stood there looking at him.

"Well at least we know what they want now. They want information. I'm sure they want classified information. I give them what they want, and they will give Matt back to me."

"Did they say what information?" Steve asked.

"No he was afraid we would trace the call so he hung up. He said he would call later."

"Ok we'll be ready for him next time. We'll have the line already to trace."

"MATT, MATT.” Marc called.

"I HEAR YOU." Matt responded.

"WHAT'S GOING ON?" Marc asked.


"WHAT KIND OF A ROOM?" Marc pressed.


"ARE YOU IN A HOUSE?" Marc asked again.



"I'LL TRY." Matt got up off the bed and walked over to the window.


"CAN YOU SEE A STREET SIGN?" Marc kept pressing.


Marc looked around. Rudy, Steve and his dad were all looking at him.

"Talking to Matt?" Oscar asked`.

Marc nodded.

"Can he give us anymore clues as to where he might be?"

"Only that he's in a house."

"Well that narrows it down." Steve grumbled.

"I asked if he could see a street sign. He said he couldn't"

"I know you’re trying. Marc. I'm not upset with you" Steve assured.

"I want my brother back." Marc cried.

"We will get him back. Don't worry. If I have to turn this city upside down we will find Matt." Steve assured.

"Steve, what makes you sure they are in Washington?" Rudy wondered.

"He would be stupid enough to take him across state lines. He's in enough trouble without that." Steve reminded him.

"I guess you’re right."

"Steve, I want to help you find Matt."

"That's up to your dad, Marc"

"He'll say it's ok, won't you dad?"

"I guess so. I would rather you go home and stay home till we find Matt. I don't know who has him. And I don't want to risk them finding out about you. But if you want to help, and Steve says it's all right, I'll let you help."

"I will then. I really don't want to go home. I don't think I can go home with out Matt."

"I understand. Why don't you lie down on the couch and try to sleep."

Marc lay down and was out in less then two minutes. Rudy covered him up with a blanket and let him sleep.

"Poor guy" Oscar said. "They don't like to be separated. I better stick around too in case they call back."

"I think I'm going to have a very big day tomorrow " Steve observed, "I think I will go home and get some shut-eye myself. Call me if you find out anything, anything at all."

"We will. I'll see you in the morning Steve. Try to be hear as early as possible"

"I will Oscar." He looked down at Marc sleeping on the couch. "Don't worry son, we'll find him. I promise."


At 7:30 the next morning Matt woke up to a loud pounding sound. He heard a familiar voice shouting "Wilson! Wilson open this door, I know you're inthere!!"

Bob Wilson made his way to the door. "Would you be quiet, you're going to wake the boy."

Devon Moss burst into the house. "I want my money you SOB."

"Quiet down and I'll get it for you."

'What's Mr. Moss doing here?' Matt asked himself.

The two men chatted quietly for several minutes

"What are you going to do with the boy afterward?" Moss asked.

"He has already seen me. I have no choice, whether Goldman comes through or not, I'll have to kill him."

"You can't do that, he's just a child." Devon argued.

"He knows what I look like and I wouldn't be surprised if he hasn't figured out you were in on it too.”

"Then," Devon Moss said, "I guess you have to do what you have to do." Heleft with his money in hand.


At OSI Marc woke up. Oscar was by him in an instant. Steve had arrived about 10 minutes earlier.

"How did you sleep son? Did Matt contact you anymore in the night?"

"No he didn't. I didn't sleep very well. I had bad dreams all night. That who ever took Matt killed him." Marc burst into tears.

Oscar reached down and picked him up he sat on the couch and cradled Marc in his arms.

"We have to find him, Steve. What I want to know is how the hell did anyone know he's my son? There are only a handful of people who know I adopted my sister's kids. There's us, the judge and the people at the last two schools the twins have gone to. I don't think it could be a leak on this end, otherwise they would have taken Marc."

"I don't know. But I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Do you think the officials at the schools are in the clear?"

"At this point no one is above suspicion. Except of course for us."

"Well I'm glad you're giving me the benefit of the doubt." Steve smiled.

Rudy walked in at that moment. "Is he all right?" Rudy asked.

"No, not really Rudy. He's very upset about Matt."

"I understand. Did Matt contact him anymore last night?" Rudy asked again.

"I don't think so." Oscar said.

Marc suddenly stopped crying. He got off of Oscar's lap and sat back down onthe couch.

"What is it Marc?" Oscar sounded concerned.

"Shhh!" Marc said.

The thr

ee men watched him closely."I HEAR YOU MATT. ARE YOU OK?"




"HANG ON JUST A SECOND MATT." Marc looked at the three men watching him. "Dad Matt said Mr. Moss is there. He's demanding money from the man who kidnapped him."

"Steve, that's how they found out he was my son. Devon Moss, he's their teacher. He must be in on it. I'm sure he set the whole thing up." Oscar figured.

"You know I think you may have something there Oscar." Rudy continued. "Yesterday he seemed real interested in talking to me right before Marc cried out."

"That's it then," Oscar concluded.

"Do you have an address on him?" Steve wanted to know.

"We can sure get it." Oscar said. "I'll get right on it." He picked up the phone and punched in a few numbers. "This is Oscar Goldman. I need an address on a Devon Moss. He is a teacher at Bates Academy, I need it yesterday."

"Yes Mr. Goldman we will get that for you, just one moment. That address is 1676 West 109th Street."

"Thank you." He wrote down the address and handed it to Steve.

"I'm coming with you." Marc jumped up and started to put on his coat."

"No you're not little man. You stay here with your dad."

"Dad tell him."

"Steve is right Marc. You need to stay here with me. They could get you next. In fact we don't know that maybe that's what they want. I don't know how much they know about the two of you, outside of the fact that I'm your father." He looked at Marc for a moment. "I think it's best you stay righ there until we get whoever took Marc into custody. I will have Mary bring you some clean clothes. So you can get cleaned up. How does that sound?"

"Ok I guess. Tell her to bring the same clothes for Matt that way he can change when Steve brings him back here."

Before Steve could leave the phone rang. Oscar picked it up "Hello"

"Mr. Goldman I'm glad you're in your office on a Saturday " Bob Wilson said in a dry voice.

"Oh it's you. What do you want?"

"Funny you should ask. What does a man ask for who can have anything including the world put at his feet.?"

"If you so much as lay a hand on that boys head."

"I'm not that type Mr. Goldman. I would never harm a child."

"You already have when you kidnapped him."

"Come, come kidnap is such a nasty word. I will hang up now. I don't want you to trace the call. I'll call back in five minutes. Then we will discuss what I want."

When the call disconnected Oscar shot a glance at Russ. Russ shook his head."Not long enough." He said.

"He is too crafty to talk for too long." Steve said. "I'm on my way to this address to pick up Moss. I'll bring him here."

"That sounds good." Oscar said. After Steve left Oscar again picked up thephone this time to call Mary. "I'm sending Russ to pick up some clean clothes for the twins. Just give them to him and he will bring them here."

Mary agreed without asking any questions.

Steve arrived at the home of Devon Moss. Moss had just pulled into the driveway as Steve got to the front door. Moss approached him. "I don't need any magazines if that's what you are selling. Moss started to unlock his door.


Bob Wilson was true to his word. The phone rang as soon as Oscar hung up from talking to Mary.

"Mr. Goldman. This is what I want. I want information on the following projects if you ever want to see you son alive again you will agree to it.The projects are, The Delaney Project, the Madison Project and the Bionic Project you have exactly one hour to get the files ready and deliver them to a location I will give you at that time." Before Oscar could say a word Wilson hung up the phone. Oscar didn't even bother looking at Russ he knew the answer.


Steve grabbed Moss’s arm "You’re coming with me." He showed him his OSI ID "We have a few questions to ask you about Matt Goldman."

Steve ushered him to his car. And they drove to OSI Headquarters.

Oscar was waiting for them in the integration room when they arrived. "Have a seat Moss. What have you done to my son?

Moss was a wimp He was also afraid of what Wilson had just told him. He didn't want Matt hurt, Goldman already knew about him, so why not? He spilled his guts. "A man by the name of Bob Wilson has him. He has a house in Georgetown " He wrote down the address and handed it to Oscar.

Oscar handed it to Steve.

"I'll be right back." Steve said as he left the room.

Moss got up to leave. "You leave only to go to jail." Oscar indicated and only if Steve comes back with Matt."

Steve arrived at the address in Georgetown only to find no one there. Withsearch warrant in hand he slipped in through an open window to see if Matthad even been there. He carefully searched the house. He looked in all therooms and finally found one of Matt's school papers neatly folded up on a bedside table.

He picked up the phone. "Oscar, they were here, but not anymore."

Oscar slammed down the receiver. "Damm!!"

"What is it Oscar?" Rudy asked.

"We missed them."

"Marc, try to contact Matt again."






"Dad, they are at the Lincoln Inn Motel on Washington and Pine. In room 12"

They almost ran over Steve on their way out. "Steve we know where they are Matt told Marc. The Lincoln Inn Motel. Room # 12"

"I know right where that is." Steve turned and started for the elevator.

I'm going with you this time." Marc called after him

"No you’re not." Rudy, Steve and Oscar answered together.

"Oscar you stay in your office.” Steve ordered. "If he calls back agree to his demands stall him till I can get there. Send a back up unit so we have transportation for him after I take him into custody."

"Ok. Good luck, Steve" Steve ran to his car. He jumped in and raced across town.

Marc stood in his dad's office with his fingers crossed.


The back up unit was in place when Steve pulled up into the parking lot."They are in room 12. You wait here. I'll go in."

Steve walked up to room 12 and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Came the voice from inside.

"Housekeeping" Steve said.

Bob Wilson opened the door. Steve grabbed him. "Where is Matt?"

"I'm here Steve." Matt came out of the bathroom. He looked a little tired but otherwise seemed ok.

Steve ushered Bob Wilson out to the waiting unit. "Here you guys take him."Steve ordered.

"Yes Col." Then to Wilson "Get in the car."


At Oscar's office, Marc cheered, "They're coming, there coming!!"

"Steve has him?" Oscar asked.

"They will be here in just a few minutes."

Marc was right. Five minutes later Steve walked into Oscar's office with Matt. The twins ran to one another.

Matt took a bath and changed his clothes into the clothes Mary brought to him.

"Not to change the subject Oscar, but if you bring Joey by tomorrow I'll examine him to test this autism theory."

"Thanks Rudy. I think right not I just want to take the twins home and try to get back to normal."

"I don't blame you. See you tomorrow afternoon."

"Sounds good."

"What was going on?" Danny demanded when Oscar and the twins go home.

"Nothing Dan, why do you ask?"

"Dad, I'm not stupid, what was going on?" Dan demanded

"Dan, Matt was kidnapped by his teacher and another man. But thanks to Steve and the fact that they can talk to each other in their minds we were able to get them back. So there is nothing to worry about. Everything is fine."

Danny wanted to be mad, that no one told him, but since everything seemed ok he wasn't upset.

"Joey has an appointment with Rudy tomorrow. We seriously doubt that he is actually autistic.

"I have had my doubts about that for a long time."

"You do huh?" Oscar asked."Yea. Mary says dinner would be ready by the time you guys go back."

They headed for the kitchen. "What are they going to do at school now thatMr. Moss has been arrested?"

"I'm sure they have a substitute policy." Oscar stated.

"I guess you're right." Dan agreed.

"Let's go see what Mary has for us tonight."

The twins were already at the table. Joey was there too. He ran to Oscar when he saw him. "Hi daddy. Joey glad you home." He looked right at him and smiled.

"I'm glad I'm home too."

"I hope everyone likes pot roast?" Mary announced.

Everyone thought that pot roast sounded just fine.

"I'll be glad to sleep in my own bed tonight" Marc and Matt said together.


The next morning everyone slept late. When they got up, Mary suggested a brunch instead of breakfast or lunch.

After brunch Oscar took Joey to see Rudy. The twins said they wanted to stay home and play a new game they had gotten. Danny of course had homework.

Rudy was waiting when Oscar and Joey arrived. "Hi you two."

"Hi Rudy. I guess we are ready." Oscar said.

Rudy took Joey by the hand. We should be done in about half hour or so. You can wait in your office if you want.

Rudy lifted Joey up on the table. "Hi there! What's your name?" Rudy asked.

"I'm Joey. What your name?"

Rudy laughed, "I'm Rudy."

"Joey, I want you to look at me." Joey looked straight at him and smiled.

"That's very good." Rudy said and Joey giggled.

After many more tests Rudy and Joey went down to Oscar's office.

"Well what do you think?”

"I think that Joey was misdiagnosed, what? Two years ago?" Rudy asked."Yes he was about two when they told Julie that Joey was autistic." Oscar answered.

"Don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying that Joey is not autistic. Let's just say I have my doubts." Rudy was very careful.

"But Rudy something has been wrong over the past four years."

"What ever it was he seems to be outgrowing it. And anything could have caused it. Even an allergy."

"Mary mentioned something about that. She said that Joey got sick after eating peanut butter so she stopped giving it to him."

“That could be it then. He could have an allergy that masks itself as autism"

"Rudy you're saying you don't think he was ever autistic then?"

I didn't say that. I read the medical reports. If I had examined him two years ago, I would have probably come up with the same theory. I'm just saying now, that no longer appears to be the case."

"How do we help him?"

"First put him in regular pre-school that might help. Second don't ever feed him peanut butter or peanuts again. You will need to tell them he has allergy induced autism so they won't feed him peanut butter at snack time."

"Ok I'll do that.”

"I'm just curious as to see what happens. Maybe it will do him good, maybe it will make him worse. We will just watch and see. I want to see him about once a month and chart what progress if any he makes."

"I can do that."

"I'm at your place a lot anyway. I can watch him there too."

"Well Thanks Rudy. I'll see you tomorrow. "

"See you tomorrow Oscar. One more thing before you go. If you do put him in a regular pre school make sure it's only a couple of days a week. Take him out of the other school completely. He really doesn't need them anymore."

"I'll do that Rudy."


The next morning everyone was ready to go earlier than usual. Oscar dropped off the twins first. All the kids were happy to see Matt, and surprised to see a substitute instead of Mr. Moss.

He said his name was Mr. Roberts and he would be taking the class till a new teacher could be found, Mr. Moss would no longer be teaching.

Oscar went in with Joey. He discovered that Bates Academy had a Pre School program. He went to see if he could enroll Joey.

"He has two brothers that go to school here already. They are in Mr. Moss's class."

"Mr. Devon Moss is no longer at this school. Your son's will have a substitute till a new teacher can be hired."

"I know that." Oscar said. "It was my son he kidnapped."

"Yes, yes it was. Anyway we do have an opening for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the morning. If you are interested he can start right now."

"That would be great. He's in the car. I'll go get him."

It took a while to sign all the forms but soon Joey was all set. "There is something I need to tell you and it is very important you tell his teacher.He has allergy-induced autism. We found out he is allergic to peanuts and have kept him off of them for sometime. He is doing much better."

"I can see that. He doesn't appear autistic to me at all. I have seen autistic children. He is not autistic. I'll just tell his teacher no peanuts."

"Good I don't see why she has to know all the details.

"I agree." The secretary of the school said.

"I better get to the office..

"Ok, come on Joey let's go meet you teacher. Her name is Miss Kim. I think you will like her."

Oscar went back out to the car. "Next stop Joey's old school and then on to the Richmond School."

"Sounds good to me. How do you think Joey will do?"`

"I think he's going to be just fine."

They stopped quickly at Joey's other school.

"I have Joey enrolled three mornings a week in the Pre School at The Bates Academy. He won't be coming back here unless we feel he needs to."

"That's just fine Mr. Goldman. In fact we were going to suggest that you do just that."

"We found out he's not autistic. He has allergy-induced autism. He is allergic to peanut butter, and peanuts in general I guess."

"I hope all goes well for you and especially Joey."

"Me to." He got back out to the car. "Let's go Dan."

"Sounds good to me."


Three days later Mary picked up Joey at Pre School "Hi Mary. Look what I did today I write my name. Can we go show dad?"

"I don't see why not. I think your dad would love to see that you wrote your name."

They drove on into the city. She pulled into the parking lot after being cleared at the gate. "Come on Joey." She said as they got out of the car.

They rode the elevator up the floor Oscar's office was on. Oscar was standing in the hall talking to Steve and Rudy when they stepped off the elevator.

"Daddy" Joey cried and ran to Oscar. Oscar lifted him up. "I want to show you I write my name. See J.o.e.y. That's me."

"It most certainly is." Oscar said setting him back down.

"I hope you didn't mind my bringing him here? He was just so excited to show you he could write his name."

"I would have been mad if you hadn't." Oscar told her.

"Come on Joey we need to get going I have to go to the store, and then we have to pick Marc and Matt up."

"Bye! See you at home, daddy." Joey said as he and Mary got back on the elevator.

"Well Rudy," Oscar said.

"I don't think he was ever autistic. I think it was the allergy all along."

"Me too."


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