
Audra coming to the wild town of Stockton, is approached by someone who tries grabbing for her, wildly and frantically she takes hold of her riding crop, and begins whipping at each of the on comers, that come towards her, about five of them. Making his way through next, Heath, joining the other men, grabs hold of her, and carrying her off of her horse, walks her into the hotel, and escorts her upstairs to his room. The clerk at the desk goes and informs someone in the back room that Audra and Heath just walked in.

Heath locks the door, and then looks at Audra’s arm and her torn dress.

Audra says, “I’m hurt.”

“Hurt? You’re lucky you’re not dead you little fool. What were you doing out there?” Heath asks of her, going over to the window and takes a look at what’s out there “Well?”

Audra tells him, “Nobody talks to me like that, not ever.”

Heath asks her, “No?”

Audra replies in a stern voice, “No.”

Heath tells her, “Try them.” referring to the wild men outside the streets.

Audra then tells Heath, “I heard my brothers talking about it, I was in town and so I wanted to see.”

Heath grabs a pitcher of water and some towels. Audra says to him, “You don’t believe me?” standing next to the foot of the bed.

Heath tells her, “Sit down” as she sits down on the bed, she makes passes at him. She crosses her leg over the other making herself look attracted to him. “You belong home, not out here, not with all those wild men out there.”

“I’m big enough to do what I want.” Audra tells him.

“If you say so.” Heath tells her. As he rips up a piece of cloth Audra looks on.

Audra tells him, “You’re a rough one aren’t you?”

Heath tells her, “I’ve crossed a few wheels.”

Audra tells him, “That’s what I always wanted to do, see places like you have.”

“It’s not all that glamorous as you may think.” Heath tells her, taking hold of her arm that is bleeding and begins cleaning it.

Audra continues talking says, “Do what I want, no matter what.”

“I could see that. “ Heath tells her, while still working on her arm. He then says to her, “Hold still.”

Audra keeps right on talking, “My brother, Nick, he takes nothing from anyone.” Heath retorts, “You’re telling me.”

Audra says, “That’s how I like to be. My father was like that, my mother thinks I’m ashamed of him, Jarrod thinks I’m spoiled, Nick, he understands. You’re like, Nick.”

Ignoring what Audra is saying, Heath says to her, “Some guy really put his fingernail into you, get some soap to that when you get home.”

“Is that where you are taking me to? Home?” She asks him.

“Yeah, I think we both had ours for the night.” Heath tells her.

Still trying to come onto Heath, Audra asks, “Have we?”

Heath tells her, “I guess you know where you are.”

Having other ideas in her head, Audra says, “Alone in a room, with a man. It’s the first time and there is a first time for everything, isn’t there? To run, to talk, to love.” moving herself closer to Heath, moving her lips close to his.

Heath says to her, “To test your brother?” Just before Audra and Heath’s lips meet “Isn’t that what you’re doing?” moving away from her.

“Liar! Lies!” Audra yells out, getting a little hysterically wild and crazy.

Grabbing hold of her arms, Heath says to her, “I’ll say one thing for sure, they sure breed them wild.”

Audra continues, “All of it, everything you told me, lies.” still talking hysterically wild.

Still holding onto her arms and talking to her, Heath says to her, “I don’t fancy his breeding, miss, and it’s no pride in me that I got him for a daddy, but it’s a proud name and it’s mine, and I’m gonna wear it and people, boy, howdy, gonna look up to me, just like they do to your brothers and everything that is Barkley, I’m gonna be too.”

“I wouldn’t count on that if I were you.” Audra tells him.

Just then two men barge into the room. Standing there, one man says to the other, “I told you, Matt. Out boys, this work’s for men.” grabbing a pillow, throws it at the first man; the pillow goes out the window. One man goes over and punches Heath in the face; the second man goes and grabs Audra who moves by the window, as Heath drops on the bed, the sheriff walks in with his gun drawn and two deputies.

Sheriff says, “Alright, that’s it.” looking at one of the men, and then says to the second man,” Hold it.” and then sends the two men out of the room with the two deputies. Walking over to Audra, he says, “I’ll let you explain to your family, Miss Barkley they could explain to me.” as the two men leave the room, Heath sits up on the bed.


On route to the Barkley Ranch the sheriff escorts Audra and Heath safely out of Stockton, feeling they are safe now, Audra tells the sheriff, “We’ll be alright from here, Sheriff. Thank you.”

Looking at Heath, from atop his horse, the sheriff says, “You’re new at the Barkleys?”

Audra says, “Yes, he is. He went into town and came out after me.”

“So you said, Miss.” Sheriff replies.

“What’s your name?” The sheriff asks of Heath.

Glancing quickly over at Heath, Audra replies, “Heath.”

“Heath what?” The sheriff asks. Just then they see a fire over the hill.

“That’s Swenson’s place.” The sheriff blurts out.

Audra, Heath and the sheriff quickly ride over to the Swenson’s property.

Seeing the house in flames, many of the men come and toss buckets of water on it, trying to put it out. After a couple minutes or so, Nick, Jarrod, and Eugene arrive. Quickly, dismounting they join Swenson. Shortly thereafter, Audra, Heath and the Sheriff arrive. The Sheriff and Audra dismount, but Heath stays atop of his horse watching all that is going on. Victoria arrives in a buggy shortly after they do. Audra quickly goes over to her.

Swenson says to Nick, standing there, “They came; they just came with guns and torches. Hollering out like wolves and another guy just stood there, and watched him do it.”

Joining Nick and Swenson, Frank says, “Well, not my place. To have to pay for what I own. I have a paper here that says I have to do just that. By 8:00 in the morning. Or have my place taken out from under me. Well, I ain’t, you hear. I ain’t. Who stands with me?”

Heath continues watching what is taking place between the men and the rest of the Barkleys. From atop his horse, he looks over and notices Victoria sitting there in the buggy and at the same time, Victoria catches sight of him for the first time. Audra continues standing there watching the fire and it being put out.

Just then Nick walks over to Frank, who has been joined by the sheriff. Sheriff tells Frank, “No one stands with you, Frank. I’m sorry. But legally, after tomorrow, the land is no longer yours.”

Looking over at Nick, Frank says, “Nick.” as Jarrod and Eugene are walking over to them, Frank continues, “Jarrod, Eugene. Listen.”

Heath continues watching the scenario play out.

Frank continues, “Six months ago, your daddy and mine fought and died for this because your daddy said it was right for us to fight.”

Listening to Frank, the sheriff asks, “And what did it gain you?” looking to each of the men, the sheriff says, “Any one of you, your Father and yours, ten others dead, six months of false hope, I found in no man in my regard to Tom Barkley. But he was just a man, he couldn’t play a giant and win anymore than could you or you or any men, so worship him, pray for him, but follow him and you follow a dead man to his grave.”

Gene looks to Jarrod.

“Is that true?” Frank asks, then, looking over at Nick, “What he says? Your daddy gave us nothing?” glancing over at Eugene and Jarrod, “No way to fight? Never did.”

Frank then walks away; Heath hearing enough rides off, Audra followed by Victoria watch him as he leaves. Frank tears up the piece of paper he has in his hand, and then Nick goes and stands besides Frank. Victoria watches as Gene walks over and joins Nick and Frank; Audra also watches. Jarrod looks to Victoria, then goes and joins the others and stands besides them; Victoria closes her eyes in quiet prayer and relief.

Jarrod speaking up, says to the sheriff, “Harry, I’ve known you most of my life and respected you.” Other men stand beside Frank, “Enough to be honest.”

Nick adding his voice to Jarrod’s says, “Any man that comes and tries to take that farm, he’s gonna be killed.”

Harry says, “Sorry to hear that, because I’m gonna be with them.” standing his ground.


Heath returns to the ranch; stopping outside the house, he dismounts and goes inside the house.

He goes and retrieves the money and paper he had stuffed inside the glass. He quickly swallows what’s in the glass, then turns to leave; seeing the fruit in the bowl on the table, he is about to grab them, he suddenly stops when he sees Victoria standing there in the doorway. Heath says to her, “I didn’t take nothing, ma’am.”

“I know, I was watching.” Victoria replies.

“I’ll be going, I just came back to get something that was mine.” he tells her. As he is about to leave, she puts her hand on his forearm, and he stops.

Just as Heath is about to leave, Victoria says to him, “What’s your name?”

Turning back, Heath looks at her and tells her, “Heath.”

Looking at Heath, Victoria says, “Heath. My husband was an imperfect man and in so many ways that could hurt, but he never destroyed, only built and gave to, for he knew, what he brought was a changing way. A revolution of its own that said you are a free man. No one, not railroad, not Jordan or Thomas Barkley can own and he knew it was something that he wanted. Courage, pride and leadership that is something he was trying to instill in his sons. If you hadn’t of ridden away tonight you would’ve seen what he had accomplished. This is not a battle that could be won in a day, a year or even ten.”

“And then one day he made a terrible-retched dreadful mistake. He died, before anyone ever really understood so,” Holding back to cry, “and so, if you were my son, I would say to you to be proud. Because of any son of my husband has a right to be proud. Live as he would live, fight as he would fight and no one, no one can deny you his birthright. That’s what I would say to you, if you were my son.”

Just as he is about to go out the door, “Heath, here.” Victoria, going over to the fruit on the table, and says as she hands him the basket and all. “Take them.”

“Ma’am?” Heath, in a questionable tone replies. Not sure of what else to say and puzzled by her gratitude.

“I said you could have them. You could keep the basket or return it when you are done with it. It’s up to you.” As he takes the basket, she adds, “And if you won’t mind, I like for you to come back. I like us to talk.”

“Your sons may have a few things to say about that.” Heath tells her.

“Let me worry about that.” Victoria tells him.

“When?” Heath asks.

“How about tomorrow around lunch time. How does that sound?” Victoria asks.

“We will see.” Heath tells her. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep.”

“Fair enough.” Victoria replies.

“Thank you, Ma’am. I will return the basket to you.” Heath says. “Good day.”

“Bye, Heath.” Heath then walks out; taking the basket of fruit he looks back at Victoria, before he goes.


The next morning, Jarrod and Nick grab their rifles from the gunroom. Glancing back, and seeing Eugene joining them, Jarrod says, “Eugene, what are you doing here?”

Nick tells Eugene, “Eugene, go back to bed.”

“I’m coming with you.” Eugene replies.

“You are not.” Nick says.

“Gene, you are staying here; it’s gonna be much too dangerous for you to be out there” Jarrod adds “And that’s final; I don’t want to hear another word on the subject.”

“Oh, darn! I wanted to come.” Eugene says.

“Sorry, but that’s not happening. You stay put.” Jarrod tells him. Turning to Nick, Jarrod asks, “Nick, you ready?”

Nodding his head, Nick answers, “Let’s go.”

They immediately go out the door. Coming down the stairs, Victoria asks of Eugene, “Did they leave?”

“They just did. I wanted to go.” Eugene tells her.

“I know you did, but we do need a man here while they are gone.” Victoria tells him.

“You have Silas.” Eugene points out.

“Yes, but I need to have you here too.” Victoria replies. “Come on.” Eugene goes with Victoria.


At Sempleworth’s Farm, men start arriving. Some come in wagons, others on horseback. They quickly dismount, and either stand around or take cover in any place they see available.

Up on the porch, at the front of Frank Sempleworth’s house, Jarrod, Nick and several other men are gathered. Standing next to the banister and one of the men making idle talk while waiting, Nick says, “I tried to run for cover, but these claws were ripping into my back and the teeth were hitting my neck.”

One of the men listening replies, “Sounds like a vampire, Nick or a big hawk.”

Ignoring the speaker, Nick continues, “Now, I’ve been up against some cats before, but-“

Abe, another man standing close by listening to the story inquires, “How did you get out?”

Overhearing the conversation, Jarrod joins in, “Her husband came home.”

Everyone listening lets out a little laugh. Getting impatient and restless, Nick running his hands together asks, “What time is it?”

Looking at the time on his pocket watch, Jarrod answers, “Ten minutes to eight.” “Well-” Is all Nick says.

Just then noticing a group of men arriving, Frank calls out, “Jarrod. Nick.” Uncocking their rifles, they get ready for the fight that may be coming. Nick jumps down off the wooden railing walks back up the stairs and returns to where he was standing. Watching as the men continue to pour in, other men gathered begin uncocking their rifles. From the railing near the porch, Frank calls out, “Nettie.”

Hearing her name mentioned, she appears in the doorway. Answering Nettie says, “Yes, Frank.”

“Where are the kids?” He wanted to know.

“In the cellar.” Nettie tells him.

“Get with them.” Frank orders.

Without saying another word she immediately leaves, going back into the house. More men continue to arrive. All the men gathered, including those that are in the hayloft of the barn, standing in the open window, hold their positions as the Sheriff begins to approach. Frank says to the sheriff, “That’s far enough, Harry.”

Harry stops. Climbing down the steps from the porch, Frank walks over to him. Watching Frank as he stands there, Harry says, “At 8:00 (reading the piece of paper he has in his hand), by the governor of the state of California-“

Cutting him off, Jarrod replies, “We know what it says, Harry.”

Ignoring Jarrod, and continuing, Harry resumes, “-the power invested in me as sheriff of this county.”

Being cut off this time, by Nick, adding his voice to Jarrod’s, replies, “We know what it says.”

Just then everyone is caught off guard as another rider comes in. Recognizing the man on the horse Jarrod and Nick exchange similar glances. Returning to his duty as sheriff, Harry looking up at Frank says, “Frank! These people have been put in power, as the agents of the Coastal and Western, to take possession of your property.”

Not giving in, Frank tells Harry, “I’ll be dead first.”

“Now, Frank, you listen. All of you listen.” Looking over at each of the men gathered and ready to fight, “These men have been duly sworn to-“

Just then Heath dismounting, grabs his rifle and takes up a position. Still concentrating on his duty, Harry continues, “-and deputized. And every one of them has a right to do as they see fit if they are fired upon.” Glancing over at Frank, Harry says, “Frank, you got families that must mean something to you. Think of them.”

Heath holding onto his rifle, takes a position behind a water trough nearest the house. Looking over at Nick and Jarrod standing beside one another, Harry says, “Nick, Jarrod, in the name of God. Listen to me.”

One man holding a rifle aims it. Harry adds, “You have no way of winning. Jarrod tell them.”

Nick barks, “Get out of this Harry.”

Harry continues, “You men are asking to be killed. You’re fighting for something you have no chance of winning.”

Disagreeing with Harry, Jarrod answers, “Harry, you’re wrong.” getting ready to unholster his pistol.

Just then without warning, one of the men on the opposition side, fires his gun and shoots Frank. Frank goes down, and the battle begins. Nick comes out from over the railing and begins shooting. Hitting a couple of the men, the men fall. Harry gets hit by one of the shots and goes down. Jarrod is shocked to see him get shot and fall. More men shooting, two men in the hayloft begin shooting. A man on his horse starts shooting. Getting hit, he goes down.

The fight continues. Heath manages to shoot one, Nick shoots his pistol, and Jarrod manages to get off a shot before he gets hit in the upper arm. One of the men nearby checks Jarrod over. Nick manages to shoot another man and that man falls. In the hayloft one of the men gets hit and falls out of the window onto the ground. A man on the roof getting hit goes down.

Another man on a horse getting hit, goes down and then another and then the other guy in the hayloft. Just then the rest of the opposition begins retreating, leaving the farm. Seeing the men leave, the shooting begins to stop. Nick walks pass Nettie crying over her husband lying there, feeling saddened over what just had happened and goes to check out Jarrod’s arm.

“How’s the arm?” Nick asks.

“Nothing serious.” Jarrod tells him.

Then Jarrod, followed by Nick, gaze over at Heath sitting there near a barrel, rolling out something.

Walking away from Nick, Jarrod walks over to Heath. Taking a cigar out of his pocket, he hands it to Heath. Glancing up at Jarrod and then at the cigar, he takes it from him. Biting off the end of it, he once again looks up at Jarrod. Making the first gesture, Jarrod smiles down at him and returning the gesture, Heath looking up at Jarrod, lets out a little smile.

“Your name’s Heath, right?” Jarrod asks.

Heath nods his head.

“Would you come back to the ranch with us? My mother would like to talk with you.” Jarrod queries.

“I need to get something in town. How about if I come there in a bit?” Heath asks.

“That’ll be fine. I’ll let her know to expect you.” Jarrod replies.


After going in town to see the doctor, Jarrod and Nick return home. Greeting them as they come through the door, Victoria flying down the stairs, says, “Nick, Jarrod, thank goodness you’re both all right.”

As she first hugs Nick and then Jarrod, Nick answers, “Mother, we are both alright. We both made it home in one piece.”

Seeing Jarrod with the sling on his arm, Victoria says, “Jarrod, what happened to your arm?” immediately checking Jarrod’s arm over.

“Oh, Mother. It’s just a scratch.” Jarrod assured her.

“If that is what you want me to believe, then I will for now. Because right now, all I am grateful for is that you both returned safe and sound.” Victoria replies.

Coming down the stairs next, Audra says, “Jarrod, Nick, I am so glad you both made it home,” giving them each a welcome home hug.

“Well, that sure does make returning home, a nice welcome” Jarrod comments.

“It sure does. Thank you, little sis.” Nick replies.

Following next, “Jarrod. Nick.” Gene comes in and giving them a welcome home hug, says, “I too, am so glad you made it home safe.”

“Thank you, little brother.” Nick answers.

“Thank you, Brother Gene.” Jarrod answers.

“How bad was it out there?” Victoria asks.

“Pretty bad. Lost quite a few.” Jarrod mentions.

“Including Frank and Harry.” Nick adds.

“Oh, dear. Sorry to hear that.” With her hand on her chest, “That is awful.”

“How is Nettie taking it?” Victoria wanted to know.

“As well as could be expected, I suppose.” Jarrod replies.

“I will have to go over and see her, but let me give her a little time to herself first.” Victoria says “Let’s go in and have some breakfast. You’ve been out since early morning. You must be starved.”

“Yeah, I could go for a bite to eat.” Nick admits.

“So could I.” Jarrod asks.

And they follow her into the dining area.

With each of them taking their seats around the table, with Victoria and Jarrod sitting at the head at opposite ends, and Nick and Audra sitting on one side, and Eugene sitting close to Victoria on the other, Victoria then calls out, “Silas.”

Coming into the room at the sound of her voice, Silas replies, “Yes, Ma’am.”

“No one has eaten breakfast yet?” Nick asks.

“We were waiting for you.” Victoria mentions.

“Yeah, none of us felt like eating until you were home.” Audra adds.

Silas, quickly going into the kitchen, brings out the breakfast for them to eat. He returns with a big plate of scrambled eggs, a plate with bacon on it, a stack of toast and places them in the center of the table. “Let me just get your coffee and juice and you shall be all set.” Silas replies.

“Thank you.” Victoria says.

While waiting they all take turns in taking what they want on the plates, beginning with Audra taking one and Victoria taking the other and passing the plates down to Nick and Eugene, when they are done and then Nick and Eugene passing their plate over to Jarrod and repeating the process, until each one had their turn at taking what they want. Silas returns with their glasses of juice and passes them around. And then begins pouring the coffee. Once that is completed, he asks, “Is there anything else you should need?”

“Not right now, Silas. But thank you. If we should need anything we will be sure to let you know.”

Once he leaves, Victoria says, “Let’s bow our heads and say grace.”

Doing so, Victoria says, “Oh, heavenly Father we thank you for thy blessing for this food on this table and for thy boundless love. Thank you, Lord for bringing my sons home safely. And please watch over Nettie and her family during this trying time. Amen.”

All at the table replies, “Amen.”

Then they begin eating their breakfast; after eating for a few minutes, Jarrod looks up at Victoria, and says, “Mother, I ran into that young man, Heath over at the Sempleworth’s Farm. He helped us against the railroad.”

“And?” Victoria asks.

“He said he’ll stop by the house in a little bit.” Jarrod informs her.

“Oh, good. When I saw him last night he said he might stop by, but he wasn’t definite.” Victoria mentions.

“He stopped by?” Nick wanted to know.

“Yes. Just for a minute or two.” Victoria answers.

“What was he doing here? I told him to stay off our property.” Nick says.

“He said he came to get something that was his. After a minute or two, he left.” Victoria replies.

“I should have him arrested for coming into this house. He was told to stay out of here.” Nick mentions.

“Oh, Nicholas, he seemed to be a very nice young man he didn’t do anything wrong. He came and got what he said was his and then he left.” Victoria tells him.

“Well, he said he’d come by, just as soon he went into town to pick up something.” Jarrod adds.

“That’s splendid. Just fine. I do want him to come.” Victoria pleased about his coming by.

“You’re pleased, Mother?” Nick asks.

“Yes, Nicholas, I am. I want to talk to him.” Victoria tells him.

“Talk to him? What could you possibly want to talk to him about?” Nick wanted to know.

“Well, that really isn’t your concern at the moment.” Victoria tells him.

“But I do want you to know, I heard what went on down here last night and I just want to find out more about him; possibly get to know him.” Victoria informs them.

“Why would you want to get to know him for? He’s just a drifter.” Nick mentions.

“That may be possible, but there is also the possibility that maybe there is some truth to what he is saying and that he just might be your brother.”

“You’ve got to be kidding.” Nick replies, not wanting to believe it. “He’s no brother of mine.”

“I am very serious. And Nicholas, he just might be.” Victoria tells him.

“Nick, there is a remote chance that he could very well be our brother.” Jarrod informs Nick.

“Are you serious?” Nick says, glaring at Jarrod.

“Yes, quite serious.” Jarrod answers.

“How could that be?” Nick asks.

“Well, you do know of the birds and the bees.” Jarrod tells him.

“What does that have to do with that boy being our brother?” Nick asks.

“Nothing, but then again quite possibly everything.” Jarrod notes.

“Well, just last night you didn’t believe him what changed?” Nick wanted to know.

“Well, last night at first you were right I didn’t believe him, but then after thinking it over a little bit and then talking to mother, I think there could very well be a possibility that he just might be.” Jarrod explains.

“Are you telling me that you’re beginning to believe that little story of his and that he’s our brother?” Nick asks, still not wanting to believe it.

“Yes, that’s what I am saying.” Jarrod notes.

“Well, isn’t this all fine and dandy just like that we get ourselves a brother?” Nick replies, first snapping his fingers on his right hand and then getting up from his seat and beginning to pace up and down the room and then going from one side to the other.

“Not quite just like that. I did say there is a possibility; I didn’t say it was conclusive.” Jarrod answers watching as Nick paces.

”And if you really think about it, we haven’t even really talked to him except what took place last night; we didn’t really give him that much of a chance.” Jarrod adds.

“You thought he worked for the railroad, come to find out that wasn’t true. He came and helped us fight them out there.” Jarrod quickly points out.

“He did?” Gene asks.

“Yes. And he was very good out there.” Jarrod answers.

“That may be true.” Replies Nick. “But that doesn’t prove anything. That little war at Sempleworth’s Farm, that wasn’t a war, that was a pea shoot compared to what Crown could pull off down here.”

“I agree, but nevertheless, he did help and stand with us and fight against them. And he was still very good.” Jarrod says.

“Well, I’ll give him credit on that, but that still doesn’t mean he’s our brother.” Nick says, leaning over Jarrod

“No, that doesn’t.” Jarrod admits.

“Well, I’ll tell you right now that, that boy is no Barkley or brother of mine, and I won’t have anything to do with it or him. That boy is a drifter, nothing more, and that story he told, I could take it apart piece by piece” Nick points to himself, with the finger of his right hand “All that boy wants is money, our money, our hard earned money” Nick adds “And he ain’t getting it. Let him go find someone else to sponge off of” taking the fingers of his right hand and rubbing them together.

“Did he say that?” Jarrod asks.

“No, but he didn’t have to. This valley is gold, Jarrod, and every son of a jackal is gonna put his filthy mitts into it and try to grab it. Hoodlums pouring out of Frisco like locusts, and out of the gold fields, red-eyed, washed out, losers and that’s all he is, a drifting loser, hot to tear the world a part as I just said, nothing more.” Nick mentions, “Now, I told him I didn’t want him to set foot on this property again.” (Pause) “And I meant it.”

“Yes, you did. But, if I am not mistaken, this is not only your house and if I recall, I am still your mother and the head of this family, so if I choose to have someone come by they are more than welcomed to do so. Do I make myself clear?” Victoria, says addressing Nick.

“Yes, Mother.” Nick replies.

“Good” Victoria responds “Now he may be your brother and then again he may not.”

“How are we gonna find out if he is or isn’t?” Nick asks.

“Well, Brother Nick, I was gonna be hiring the Pinkerton Company to look into his background, find out more about him.” Jarrod chimes in.

“Well, do that.” Nick tells Jarrod, returning to his seat.

“In the meantime, while they are investigating his case, I still want to talk to him, that way I could hear what he has to say and hear it straight from him.”

Victoria then says, “There are a couple of things you should know before the investigation gets going.”

“What’s that?” Eugene asks.

“Well, the young man mentioned living in a mining town called Strawberry. Your father owned a mine there 24 years ago. And he did meet a young woman there.”

“He did?” Nick asks. “How come I didn’t know that? I mean I knew he went to Strawberry, but I didn’t know anything about his meeting any women there.”

“Nick, you were only six years old at that time. You were much too young to know about any of that.” Victoria tells him.

“Mother, what happened?” Eugene curiously wanted to know.

“Not much. He met the young woman, who may be the young man’s mother, about 19 years ago when he got hurt. The young woman took him in and helped him get well. He was gone for four months at that time. After that, he came home, told me a little about what had happened and he never went back. He sold the mine shortly thereafter.” Victoria explains.

“Wow!” Eugene comes out and says.

“I can’t believe Father would do such a thing.” Nick debates.

“He wouldn’t have done it deliberately, Nick. It’s just something that happened. And if this young man turns out to be Tom Barkley’s son, then that means he is a brother to each of you.”

“But he said he’s twenty-four years old, and you’re saying it happened nineteen years ago. How is it that he’s twenty-four, if it happened nineteen? That would make him nineteen, not twenty-four.”

“I know it does. I can’t answer that. I am only telling you what I know.” Victoria points out.

“You know, I don’t think he’s so bad.” Audra brings up.

“What makes you say that?” Jarrod asks.

”Oh, I don’t know.” Shrugging her shoulders, “There is something about him that makes me want to think and believe he is sincere in what he said.” Audra answers, grinning happily and as she explains her thoughts, looks up at the ceiling and all around her.

“And what is that?” Nick asks, going back to eating his breakfast.

“Oh, I don’t know. The way he talked I guess.” Audra tells him.

“Uh-huh.” Nick mentions. “When did you talk to him?”

“I talked to him twice. The first time was at Father’s grave. I saw him there, although, at the time I wasn’t too friendly with him there.”

“What do you mean by that?” Jarrod asks.

“Oh, nothing. Then I saw him again last night before the fire at Swenson’s Place.” Audra honestly admits.

“And where was that?” Nick wanted to know.

“In town.” Audra honestly admits.

“You went into town, alone?” Nick asks, raising his voice.

“Yes, I heard what was going on too and I wanted to find out for myself. He was a very nice young man. See, he bandaged my arm up.” showing them the arm.

“Where did you get that?” Eugene asks.

“From someone in town. I don’t know who, it just happened so fast. But he was a gentleman. Very pleasant.” Audra tells them.

“Oh, Audra. I don’t like you doing things like that.” Victoria tells her.

“Boy, you sure are gutsy.” Eugene blurts out.

“Mother, I am old enough to take care of myself.” Audra tells Victoria.

“That’s what you think. You are only fourteen years old. You’re still a minor. Please don’t do something like that again and without telling us or without having someone here go into town with you.” Victoria says, in a bit of a stern tone.

“Oh, Mother.” Audra replies.

“You’re lucky you came back in one piece. That town isn’t safe. And that boy, you don’t even know him. He could’ve taken advantage of you and you would’ve been powerless to stop it.” Nick chimes in, pointing his fork in her direction.

“Oh, Nick. I was fine and as I said, he was a very nice young man. Very warm and very sweet. And I could tell just by being with him that he wouldn’t take advantage of anyone. He is not that type of person.” Audra assures him.

“And how would you know that?” Nick curiously wanted to know.

“Oh, it’s just a feeling that I have, and I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s women’s intuition, that tells me that he is a very sweet, and kind and warm, and gentle, loving person, but I could tell you, just being around him that he is.” Audra smiles.

“Well, I don’t know what you see in him, but that still doesn’t make him out to be our brother.” noticing the star-struck glitter in her eyes.

“Well, I do hope he is. I kind of like to have him around. I think he’s a nice young man just as Mother just said.” Audra admits.

“Well, we’ll see what happens. When he does stop by, I expect all of you to be on your best behavior and give him a chance to talk. I want to get to know this young man for myself. I want to hear from him what he has to say.” Victoria informs them, “Now until he comes and I talk to him, first hand, there will be no more discussion on the subject. Do I make myself clear?” Victoria says.

Everyone at the table replies, “Yes, Mother.” And they continue eating their breakfast.


Later on in the afternoon, hearing a knock on the door, Silas goes to answer it. As the door opens, Heath takes off his hat, Silas says, “Hello.”

Heath replies, “Hello. I am here to see Mrs. Barkley. I believe she’s expecting me.”

“Yes, come right in.” Silas says.

After Heath enters, Silas closes the door. “I will tell her you are here.”

“Thank you.” Heath replies.

Going into the sitting room, Silas says, “Mrs. Barkley, the young man has arrived.”

“Oh, good, send him in.” Victoria replies.

“Yes Ma’am.” Silas responds.

As Silas walks out, Victoria tells each of them, “Now remember, I want you to be on your best behavior. Especially you, Nicholas.” looking over at him.

“Why are you looking at me?” Nick wanted to know.

“Because I know you. I know how you get.” Victoria replies.

As Heath is escorted into the room, he shyly walks in. Getting up and quickly going over to him, Victoria says, “Hello, Heath. So glad you were able to make it.”

”Thank you, Ma’am.” holding his hat in his hand close to his chest. “I brought you back your bowl. Thank you for it.” handing it to her.

Taking it from him, “You’re welcome. Won’t you please come in?”

As she helps him walk in, “I believe you already know my sons from last night, Jarrod, Nick and Eugene. And I understand that you also met my daughter, Audra as well.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Heath admits.

“Hi, Heath.” Audra says to him, grinning away.

“Hello ma’am.” Heath replies.

“I want to thank you for helping in bringing my daughter home to me; I understand she met you in town.” Victoria tells him.

“Yes Ma’am. And it was no problem.” Heath answers.

“Won’t you please sit down?” She offers him a place on the sofa.

“Thank you.” As she indicates to him to sit down he looks at each of them gathered, Jarrod and Eugene both sitting in a couple of chairs, Audra sitting on the sofa and Nick standing up next to the fire place, eying him strangely. Heath nervously watches him intensely.

“Could we get you something to drink?” Victoria offers.

“No, Ma’am. Thank you.” Heath replies.

“I don’t know how to start except maybe straight on. I heard you talking with my sons last night and heard that you are from a little mining town called Strawberry.” Victoria says.

“Yes Ma’am. I am.” Heath replies.

“Now, I believe that you believe that my husband was your father.” Victoria went on.

“Yes um.” Heath answers.

“How did you hear about this, did your mother tell you this?” Victoria wanted to know.

“No, not exactly. In all the years she was around she never once mentioned him being my father.” Heath informs her.

“Then how did you come to hear this?” Victoria inquires.

“Well, my mama before she died, had a bible and told me to get it, and when I did this clipping came out.” Showing them the folded paper he has in his pocket that he just pulled out to show Victoria.

“As I said, that clipping doesn’t prove a thing.” Nick barks.

“Nicholas, I am the one doing the talking, please don’t interrupt.” Victoria informs him.

Taking a look at the clipping, Victoria says to Heath, “Heath, this clipping doesn’t prove that he is your father.”

“No, Ma’am it doesn’t.” Heath answers.

“Then how did you come to believe that he is?” Victoria wanted to know.

“My Aunt Rachel and Hannah told me.” Heath tells them.

“And who are they, is Aunt Rachel your mother’s sister?” Victoria wanted to know.

“No, Ma’am. Aunt Rachel Caulfield and Hannah James are my mama’s two best friends; they helped her in raising me.” Heath answers.

“I see.” Victoria then asks, “When did they tell you this?”

“A short time ago after my mama died, and I went back to Aunt Rachel’s, she told me the clipping was Tom Barkley and that he was my father.” Heath explains.

“And before then, you never knew anything about Tom Barkley or his being your father?” Victoria brings up.

“No, Ma’am.” answers her straight.

“Do you know why no one ever told you that he was or wasn’t your father?” Victoria asks.

“No. Not really, I often wondered that question myself, why no one would ever tell me; my mama would never tell me, not in all these years, and no one else would tell me either. But after Aunt Rachel told me that he was, she said, Mama should’ve told me long ago, she seemed to be afraid to tell me even that.” Heath replies.

“Afraid?” Victoria asks.

“Yes.” Heath answers.

“Afraid of what?” Victoria wanted to know.

“I don’t know. I only know what I know.” Heath says.

“Do you have any other proof saying that he is your father?” Victoria wanted to know.

“No, Ma’am. Only from what they told me and then just before I left Strawberry I asked one of the men still living there, if he heard of Tom Barkley and he said he had and that he bought a mine there, and met my mother and after leaving, a couple years later he sold it.” Heath replies.

“Would you happen to know if you have a birth certificate, something showing proof of who you are and who your parents are?” Victoria asks.

“I haven’t seen one, so I don’t know if we had one or not. Mama never mentioned it and neither has Aunt Rachel or Hannah.” Heath replies.

“Do you know anything more about where you were born?” Victoria inquires.

“Mama told me I was born in a tent.” Heath answers.

“Heath, would you know anything about the doctor who delivered you?” Victoria asks.

“His name was Dr. Meehan. He was the only doctor that made house calls or had an office closest to Strawberry.” Heath mentions.

“Would you know if he had any record of you being born?” Victoria inquires.

“I am not sure. He may. I never thought to go to him to find out. I only heard what I heard and came straight here, that is all I know. I’m sorry.” Heath replies.

“That’s quite alright, Heath. You’re doing fine.” Victoria tells him.

“Heath, I must tell you this is a little shocking for all of us. I mean you come here out of the blue and you don’t have much to go on, so you have to understand our position on why we are asking you a lot of questions.” Jarrod informs him.

“That’s quite alright. I understand. You could ask anything you want, I have nothing to hide. My mama didn’t raise me to be a liar. I only tell you the truth.” Heath answers.

“The truth. Some truth, hah!” Nick barks again, Heath looks at Nick watching him nervously.

“Heath, we were thinking of having someone investigate your story, how do you feel about that?” Jarrod tells him.

“As I stated I have nothing to hide, I told you all I know. Be my guest.” Heath tells them.

“Heath, I have one more question and then we will have a vote and let you know what we decide.” Victoria tells him.

“Sure Ma’am.” Heath replies.

“Actually a couple more questions.” Victoria says.

“Feel free.” Heath tells her.

“You said you are twenty-four.” Victoria brings up.

“Yes um.” Heath replies.

“But you don’t look a day over eighteen; you sure do carry your age well. Now I know my husband was there both twenty-four years ago and nineteen because he ran the mine there as you are aware. How is it that you are twenty-four? Could you tell me that?” Victoria mentions.

“I can’t. I am only telling you what I know.” Heath replies.

“When is your birthday?” Victoria asks.

Heath doesn’t say anything.

“What’s the matter with you, boy? Cat got your tongue?” Nick queries.

“Nicholas!” Victoria barks.

“Mother asked you a question, when is your birthday?” Nick asks.

Heath about to get up, says, “Maybe, perhaps this was a mistake. Excuse me. I won’t trouble you any.”

Intercepting him, Victoria says, “Heath, don’t. Please, stay.”

“Alright, Ma’am.” Looking at her, he sits back down. “Sorry.”

“It’s alright.” She then says, “I understand you came here looking for your father’s family or what you believe is owed to you.”

“Yes Ma’am.” Heath replies.

“What is it that you want? Or what is it you believe is owed to you?” Victoria asks.

“When I first came here, I wanted as I said, a name, a heritage, what is mine!” pointing to himself “What belongs to me!” Heath answers, with a tinge of anger in his voice.

“And now?” Victoria inquires.

“I’m not really sure, Ma’am. I don’t know anything any more.” Heath honestly admits, looking down at the floor.

“What were your plans? I mean what do you plan on doing if you were to leave here?” Victoria asks.

“I don’t really know. Haven’t thought that far ahead. When I first left Strawberry the only thing I had on my mind was to come here and find out what was rightfully mine.” Heath admits, shrugging his shoulders, “Maybe go back to Strawberry. That is the only home I know of.”

“Did you like Strawberry?” Victoria asks.

“No!” Heath answers, starting to raise the tone in his voice, but then realizing where he is, quickly changes the tone and says, “Sorry. No.”

“That’s alright, Heath. What kind of work do you do?” Victoria asks.

“I do anything. As I mentioned to your sons, I could do cattle-prodding, horse breaking, although I call it gentling, hay-balling, mining, I could do anything.” Heath tells her.

”And where are you staying?” Victoria queries.

“For the moment, in a room at a hotel in town.” Heath answers.

“Let me ask you one more question and then that will be it for now, okay?” Victoria asks.

“Okay.” Heath nods.

“Heath, what was your mama’s name?” Victoria asks.

“Leah. Leah Thomson.” Heath answers.

After hearing him say that, Victoria closes her eyes and realizing what he is telling her is the truth. “Thank you, Heath. Would you mind now, going outside so that we could talk amongst ourselves?”

“Sure Ma’am.” Heath replies.

“Once we finished talking, one of us will come and get you.” Victoria informs him.

“That’ll be fine.” Heath replies, getting up, he takes his hat and goes outside.

A few minutes later, after he is out of the house, and out of their ear reach, Victoria turns to her family and says, “Well?”

“I still say that story of his is a lie.” Nick mentions.

“I don’t think so.” Victoria tells him.

“You believe him, Mother?” Nick wanted to know.

“Yes, I do.” Victoria states firmly.

“And what is it he said that makes you believe him?” Nick curiously asks.

“Well, the fact that he lived in the mining town Strawberry for one and then when I look at him I do see your father in him. You may not, but I do. And the final thing that clinches it, that makes me believe him, is his mother’s name, Leah. Your father mentioned her to me, a long time ago.” Victoria explains.

“I believe him.” Audra answers.

“So do I.” Eugene adds.

“Mother, he already agreed to the investigation.” Jarrod quickly reminds her.

“How about if we give it a try. We’ll ask him to stay on, at least until the investigation comes through. That way, it’ll give us both time to get to know him and find out if what he says is true.” Victoria suggests.

“I think that is a good idea.” Eugene answers.

“So do I.” Audra answers.

“Jarrod, what about you?” Victoria asks.

“I say we give it a try, at least for now, and until the investigation comes through. Who knows, maybe between now and then if he has anything to hide, we’ll find that out, too. But as you pointed out I don’t think he does.” Jarrod answers. “And Nick, that is why I am starting to believe his story.” Looking directly at Nick, as he speaks, “Mother told me his mother’s name, last night. And he has no idea that we know of the name.”

Getting ready to ask Nick, but Nick already making up his mind and answering, replies, “I already gave you my vote. But if you all agree to it, then I am outvoted. So, I will tell you here and now, that he is here because you all want him here and not me, so don’t expect me to welcome him with open arms. I will not do that. I don’t trust him and don’t want anything to do with him. And while he is here, I won’t have anything to do with him. If you all want to then that is your business.”

“Nicholas, I want you to at least show him around and help him work with the men.” Victoria informs him.

“Well, I will do that. But that is it. And while he is here and living in this house with the rest of us, I will tell you right now, I will not put up with any of his lying around. He is not gonna have it easy around here. He is gonna learn what it means when I tell him that this is a working ranch and that he will be pulling his weight around here, just like the rest of us. In fact, I am gonna be making sure he works and works, and works, and works. Maybe, by the time I am finished with him, he’ll think twice about staying on.” Nick promises.

“Nick, I know you’ve made up your mind already and there’s nothing I or anyone else here could do to change it, but I do hope that you do try to get to know him, try being a friend. I believe he could use one. Now I can’t make you accept him as your brother, I only ask that you try or at least think about it. Give him a chance. At least until the report comes in. I at least ask you until then.” Victoria says, going over to Nick and looking into his eyes, trying to get through to him.

“Mother, you’re asking a lot.” Nick tells her.

“Maybe I am, but I really think you should give him a chance. If your father was here and he knew that he was his son, he would open his heart out to him, and I think once he saw him, he would see it himself, that he is who he says he is.” Victoria notes.

“Mother, but what about his age? How come he keeps telling us he’s 24, he doesn’t even look twenty-four and how come he won’t tell us when his birthday is?” Nick wanted to know.

“Well, I don’t know the answer to that. Maybe he’s shy about it, and for now, that part is a mystery, maybe if you got to know him maybe you will find out the answer. As everyone knows, if he is lying about any of it the truth will come out.” Victoria answers.

“Mother, what happens if the reports come true, that he is Father’s son? What is it gonna do to this family?” Nick asks.

“Nick, as I told Jarrod last night, we have to stop worrying about us and think about that boy out there, if he is your father’s son, then that means he is illegitimate and he probably hasn’t had it so easy in his life. I heard stories of children from unwedded mothers born out of wedlock. I’m sure you have to.” Victoria tells him.

“Yeah, I have.” Nick admits.

“As a family we will survive, it’s up to us. We shouldn’t have to worry about anyone else and what they say or feel. If they are our friends, they will still be friends of ours. I mean his being here shouldn’t make any difference to anyone. And I know at first it will be difficult, but his being here should only matter to us and no one else.” Starting to get through to him, “Oh, please, Nick? For me?” Victoria tries pleading with him once more, taking hold of his hands in hers.

“What happens when the report comes through, and he isn’t our brother, that he isn’t Father’s son? What then?” Nick wanted to know.

“Well, if it that should happen then I say you met a nice young man and hopefully will become a friend. And if everyone wants, after the report comes in to send him on his way, then that is what we will do, fair enough?” Victoria suggests.

Seeing how determine Victoria is to get him to listen, Nick asks of her “Is it that important to you?”

“Yes. It is, Nick. Very important.” Victoria admits.

“Could I ask why you would be so openly to accept him for?” Nick asks, starting to give in.

“Because it’s just a feeling. Call it mother’s intuition. I have a feeling that boy could use a friend right now or just someone there for him.” Victoria tries again.

“Well, I’ll tell you what. I won’t make any promises, but how about I tell you that I will see and that I will think about it, I’ll give him until the time the investigation comes through, or until Crown finishes nursing his wounds; that should be about six weeks. That’ll be a six billion dollar haul he would be making out there, and don’t forget, Crown won’t be out there blowing it over twenty dead men, nor will the rest of it, whatever they should be bringing down from out of the hills, to stop that. So, I tell you I will give him that much time; that should be enough time to find out about him, if he is who he says he is and if he is worth being here with all of us. However, let me say this, I am still gonna make sure he knows that this is a working ranch; I don’t want him to come in with a dry shirt on his back, not once. And he is to get up with the rest of us at five am, every morning and sweat.” Nick says.

“That’s fine, Nick, that’s all I ask.” Victoria replies.

“Alright, I’ll give you that” Nick tells her. Victoria takes Nick’s chin into the palm of her hand, relieved and pleased that she thinks she finally got through to him. Nick returns the grin, indicating to her that he has agreed without saying another word.

“Okay, tell him to come back in.” Victoria says.

Quickly getting out of her seat, Audra says, “I’ll go.” and going out the door to get him.

Opening the door, and calling to Heath, Audra says, “Heath, won’t you please come inside? We have made a decision.” Heath follows her in.

“Heath, we just had a meeting.” Victoria says.

“Yes Ma’am.” Heath replies.

“We just had a talk, and we were wondering if you would like to stay on here and work with Nick on the ranch, while we’re waiting for the report to come in. Will that be alright?” Victoria tells him.

“I don’t know what to say, Ma’am. This is more than I expected. I don’t want to put anyone out. I only came here to learn about who my father was and what belongs to me. I didn’t expect anyone to ask me to stay.” Heath shyly answers.

“Why not, Heath?” Victoria wanted to know.

Shrugging his shoulders, “I don’t know, Ma’am; this is just too overwhelming for me.”

“Heath, won’t you please say yes? I like you to stay. I like us to get to know one another better. I’d like us to be friends.” Audra says.

“Heath, you did say, you want a piece of it all, remember?” Jarrod says.

“Yes sir. I remember.” Heath answers.

“Then that would also mean being a part of this family, sharing includes that.” Jarrod adds.

“Heath, please say yes. I too, would like you to stay. I too would like for us to be friends.” Eugene says.

“Heath, I am still not sure about you yet I will admit, but talking it over with mother and the others, I have agreed to give it a try. I am not saying I believe you because I don’t. But I will give you a chance to see what you could do and who you are.” Nick says. “Fair enough?”

Glancing over at Nick, Heath not knowing what else to say just nods his head.

“Well, Heath? What do you say?” Victoria asks.

“That will be fine, Ma’am.” Heath replies.

“Do you need to get anything?” Victoria inquires.

“Yes um. Let me just go into town to get my things and then I will return.” Heath answers.

“That will be fine. You go do that and when you return I will show you to your room. Okay?” Victoria mentions.

“Yes um, thank you.” Heath replies.

“Heath.” Jarrod says, getting up and walking with him, “Let me walk you out.”

“Sure.” And then he walks out with Jarrod.

After he mounts his horse he heads for town. Jarrod goes back inside.


In the sitting room after Victoria and Audra have left, Nick says as he enjoys a drink, “I sure hope we’re not making a mistake with this.”

Coming over to Nick and placing his arm over Nick’s shoulder, Jarrod says, “I don’t think we are. But let’s take it one day at a time.”

“That’s what I will be doing.” Nick says.

While Jarrod fixes himself a drink, Eugene says, “I think I am gonna like having him around.”

“And why is that?” Nick asks.

“I don’t know. I just am.” Eugene replies.

“Uh-huh.” Nick says, “Well, we will see down the road how he is.”

“That we will, Brother Nick.” Jarrod says.

To be continued in:
“Dealings with the Aftermath”

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