Was This a Mistake

Scene takes place 3 months after last fic, Carter and Lucy are secretly dating

Lucy is in the lounge reading a medical text book, when Carter comes in

Carter: Hey Luce

Lucy: Hey Carter, Wats Up

( coming over and giving her a kiss)

Carter : Nothing really , why

Lucy: Well i got something to tell you

Carter: Well , tell me now

Lucy; Look Carter its important, can we talk later

Carter: Sure Luce

( Chuny cuts in)

Chuny; Carter , Lucy Trama gsw to the chest eta 3 min

Lucy: Come on Carter


4 hours later

Abby just came on and sees Lucy at the admit desk

Abby: Hey Luce

Lucy; Oh hey Abbs

Abby: What's the matter , you seem down

LUCY: Nothing

Abby: Come on Lucy, you can tell me

(Carter cut in )

Carter: Abby , i need a nurse in here stat

Abby: We will finish this later

Lucy just nods her head


In exam 3

Abby: What's wrong with Lucy? Carter

Carter: I don't know, seh wouldn't tell me before

Abby: I wonder what it could be

Carter: Me too Abby, Me too


4 hours later

Carter( to no one in particular), I am beat, see you all tomorrow

Jerry: Good Night Dr. C

Carter: Hey Jerry, Where did Lucy go?

Jerry: Sh ejust went up to the roof

Carter: Thanks, Good Night all

All: Good Night Carter


Up on the roof

Lucy is sitting there crying, Carter sees her with no jacket and goes over to her, she don't know he is there till she feels her jacket over her shoulders

Lucy: I didn't see you John

Carter: tell me whats up Luce

Lucy: Nothing

Carter: I thought you weren't going to lie to me

Lucy: fine you really want to know

Carter: Yes Luce, I want to help you throught it if you need help, i am here for you

Lucy: Are you sure

Carter: yes of course

Lucy: Well John, I am pregnant and you are the father

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