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Charmed Fan Fiction

Charmed Fan Fiction

By Pamylah

Edited 7/3/01


The year was 1976 when Patti, a full eight months pregnant was taking care of her little ones, 6 year old Prue, 3 year old Piper and 11 month old Phoebe.

Her whitelighter - Sam Wilder is the father of the unborn one. As we know Prue, Piper and Phoebe are born from a mortal father, Victor. This is Sam’s first child.

Sam: (orbed in from speaking with the Elders - looking at Patti with sad eyes) Patti, I have something to tell you and you are not going to like it.

Patti: What? What’s wrong?

Sam: (placing a hand on Patti’s tummy - tears starting to swell in his eyes) Patti, this baby, she's in danger and she can not be raised with us.

Patti: What kind of ridiculous statement is that?! What "danger"? We will protect all our girls, no matter what. I don’t understand.

Sam: The Elders explained to me that the reason why they believe that our unborn daughter would be very special and that she will be like a magnet to the Source. Demons will be aware of her special powers and will want her - as much as the Book of Shadows itself. The future of The Charmed Ones will be at risk. The Elders suggested that they will raise our little girl, that she will be safe and will be sure to give her all the love, and attention that she will require. Her powers can be bounded, but still The Source will be aware of her.

Patti: I can’t give her up Sam. I love her too much to do that. (Looking up at Sam - tears streaming down her face) Please give her a chance here. I believe that I can handle any demon that would want to take her away from us. However, if there comes a time when we will not be able to protect her then I would agree to let the Elders take her.

Sam: Okay honey, we will figure out something. Maybe we can find a way to keep her here.

Two days went by and Patti was standing in the kitchen fixing breakfast on a very early morning hour. All of a sudden, she felt a sharp pain and then a warm wet stream going down her leg, she looked down and realized that her water broke. Thinking to herself that she was about four weeks early.

Patti: Sam!

Sam: (as he was coming down the stairs) Yes, sweetie.

Patti: It’s time.

Sam sees Patti and noticed her water broke. He rushes over to Patti and helps her to the living room couch.

Sam: Honey, I’m going to let mom know that we’re going to the hospital and for her to take care of the girls. (Sam ran upstairs to mom’s bedroom - knocked and spoke through the door) Penny, Patti's in labor!

Penny: Alright, Sam don’t worry about the girls. I’ll get them up and ready to go to the hospital, I'll be right behind you.

Sam rushes to his and Patti’s bedroom grabbing the pre-packed bag and ran back downstairs to Patti.

Sam: Okay, honey lets go, Penny has the girls.

Sam carried Patti to the back seat of their car and drove off to the hospital. After arriving safely at the hospital, Patti delivered the new one within an hour. Little Paige Patricia Halliwell is now born. In the waiting room, Sam was holding onto Prue and Piper while Penny was holding Phoebe the doctor came in the waiting room to inform the family the good news.

Two weeks later after spending four days in the hospital Patti and Paige are doing fine and back at home. So far, there has been no incident from any Demons or The Source.

Patti: (looking at Sam) I think we’re going to be okay. It has been a couple of weeks now and I feel okay about Paige staying with us.

Sam: (still feeling some reservation - looks over Patti in response) Honey, please don’t let your guard down. The Source does know about Paige.

Patti: I’m not letting my guard down, Sam. They will not take our little girl.

All of a sudden a demon comes in. Patti freezes the demon just in time as an energy ball came very close to hitting Paige. Patti grabs Paige and Sam gets them both to the attic.

Sam: The girls are still in their room. I’ll have to go get them.

The demon unfreezes and shimmers up to the attic.

Demon: (In a deep, demanding, harsh voice) Give me the girl...

Patti: Not on your life! (Freezing the demon again - Patti runs out the door with Paige in her arms) Sam!

Sam: (In the hallway, holding Phoebe. Prue and Piper standing next to Sam) Patti! Where’s the demon?

Patti: (As she was slamming the attic door shut) He’s in the attic! He is after Paige! Mom!

Penny: (coming out of her room) What is it? What’s going on?

Sam: We have... (gasped) demons! (As he was looking down the stairs to see another demon)

Penny: (swinging her hand and sends the demon flying in the air ramming into a wall) We have to get Paige out of here. That’s who they're after. (Looking over at Patti - in a tearful pleading matter) To save everyone, including Paige and the girls, Paige must go with the Elders, now. (As she was speaking to Patti, the demon that was in the attic had unfroze and the attic door exploded open - the door projected onto mom rending her unconscious.)

Patti: Mom!

Patti flung her hand towards the demon as the demon projected another energy ball towards Paige - freezing the demon a third time - looking over at Sam with the since of urgency in her eyes to get Paige to safety. Suddenly, a female whitelighter appeared in front of Patti.

Whitelighter: Patti, I’m here to get Paige to safety. I promise that she will be safe.

Patti: (sobbing clenching to Paige - looked over to Sam) Is there anything we can do?

Sam: No sweetheart, Paige must go with the Elders. She will be fine, honey. We’re going to get her back, I promise, we will get her back. (Tears swelling in his eyes leaning over to give Paige a soft kiss on the forehead) We will never give up on that.

Patti, reluctantly releasing her grip on Paige, kissing her on the forehead.

Patti: I will come back for you my princess. I love you and I’m so sorry. (She said as she was handing Paige over to the female whitelighter)

The whitelighter then orbed with Paige in her arms. And.. they were gone. At that moment the demon that was frozen and the demon that was on floor out cold had both shimmered and disappeared.

Sam looked over at Patti, full of sadness on his face, then went over to help Penny as she was coming around.

Penny: I’m okay, just a little black and blue (looked over to Patti and sees the utter somber on her face and felt a sudden sickness in her stomach, Paige is gone - saying to Patti in a whisper) Paige?

Patti: (in a soft and unmistakable sadness in her voice) Paige is safe, she’s with the Elders.

Patti walked to the bedroom without even looking back at her mom, Sam or the girls.

Sam: Penny, please take the girls downstairs and I’ll check on Patti.

Penny took the girls and did what was asked. The girls were a little shaken up but not crying, she looked Prue, Piper and Phoebe over and they were all fine.

Sam: (opened the door to the bedroom - sees Patti with her back facing him as she was looking out the window from the bed) Patti?

Patti: (without looking back at Sam - in a very sad voice) Sam, I just want to be alone.

Sam: Patti, please...

Patti: (still not looking back at Sam) Sam, no, please go. I just want to be alone.

Sam: Okay honey, I’m here. I’ll check on you later. (Quietly closing the door)

Back in the present day. Piper and Phoebe are taking care of the funeral preparations for Prue.

Phoebe: It has been two days Piper. I can‘t stop crying. I miss her so much. (Leaning over to Piper for a hug)

Piper: (crying too) Sweetie, I miss her too. We have to be strong, okay. Phoebe that’s what Prue would’ve wanted.

Phoebe: Among us, Prue has always been the strongest. (Releasing her hug from Piper - shaking her head) I don’t know what we are going to do.

Piper: We’ve got each other. We will be okay, Phoebe. (Brushing a strand of hair away from Phoebe’s wet face) Sweetie, you need to believe that. Leo will be back soon and maybe he can tell us something. (At that moment Leo walked in the bedroom where Piper and Phoebe were)

Leo: (looking over at Piper’s and Phoebe’s somber faces - Leo came over and gave them both a hug) Prue will always be here in spirit. She's okay where she’s at. I promise you that. (Releasing the hug and looked into Phoebe’s eyes) It will be all right. We must stay strong.

Phoebe: How, Leo? Can you tell me that? We lost our sister because we are "The Charmed Ones" - that is hard to take. I can’t accept that we cannot bring her back. There has to be a way to get Prue back. Without Prue there is no longer a "power of three" and we are no longer "The Charmed Ones".

Leo and Piper: (both speaking to her) Phoebe.

Piper: (finishing what Leo was thinking) Yes, Phoebe, we are "The Charmed Ones", that is who we are. That will never change. Yes, Prue is gone, but there is no way that she can be brought her back. We've tried every way magically to do that. I’m sorry Phoebe, what was meant to happen has happened. Prue taught us that not so long ago. It was her time.

Phoebe: I can’t believe that. (wiping her face then ran her fingers back through hair) I need to be alone for a while. I’ve got to get out of here.

Piper: Phoebe, please.

Leo stepping aside while Phoebe stormed out of the bedroom, down the stairs and out of the house. Piper moved over to the window to see Phoebe running down the street.

Piper: Phoebe!

Leo: (holding Piper’s hand) She just needs some time alone. She’ll be okay.

Piper: I don’t want to lose her, too, Leo.

Leo: She will be okay.

PIper: Did you find out anything about what we are supposed to do now?

Leo: No, honey, not yet. They’re working on it.

Piper: (looking down at Prue’s funeral arrangement paperwork) I can’t do this alone, Leo.

Leo: I’m here, Piper.

Piper and Leo continued on preparing for a small funeral for Prue Halliwell. Contacting Jack, people at Bucklands, the magazine 415 and at the club, including friends and family that has not been contacted yet. To let them know about the funeral.

About an hour has past by without a word from Phoebe.

Piper: I hope Phoebe is okay.

Meanwhile, Phoebe had run all the way to the mausoleum where she hopes to possibly see Cole. After arriving at the tomb site, seconds later there was a shimmer and Cole appeared.

Phoebe: Cole!

Cole: Phoebe! What are you doing? You shouldn’t be here. (Cole resisting the urge to kill Phoebe - the enormous war that he is feeling is overwhelming - his love for Phoebe will not be distinguished by the Source. His love for her is evident, but the Source is strong).

Phoebe: I need your help Cole, I want Prue back! Piper and Leo will not help bring her back.

Cole: Phoebe, I’m sorry. Prue is gone, there's nothing that can be done to change that. Piper and Leo are right, she can’t be brought back. If there was, a way for her to be brought back there will be serious repercussions. Phoebe, it’s not good for you to be here. (Turning away from her)

Phoebe: No, Cole. Wait. There is something else I need to say to you. I change my mind about us. I have the potion Cole, for you to be totally human. Then we can be together.

Cole: (turned around to face Phoebe once more - moving in a little closer) It is too late for me, Phoebe (reaching a hand up and gently wiping away a tear on Phoebe’s cheek). I killed a witch and that will not change. I know that in your heart you will never forgive me for what I have done. It cannot happen between us, even though my love for you is forever.

Phoebe: Cole, I’ve forgiven you. I know that your act was not a willing act and I know that it wasn’t your fault. Raynor somehow tricked you - I saw him doing something to you.

Cole: (taking a small back step away from Phoebe) Yes, he did. (giving a look at Phoebe that gave her a physical chill - Phoebe crossed her arms to comfort the chill) Please, go Phoebe, you really shouldn’t be here. Let me go. I am forever damned. My love for you is my prison. Phoebe, please, go home. (Cole, then shimmers and disappears)

Phoebe: (saying softly in the air) Bye, Cole. I’m sorry. (tears streaming down her face - thinking that she wasn’t really ready to give up on him, not yet)

Phoebe decided to head back home when she started to think about Piper - a premonition appeared - Piper was fighting a demon that came in the manor and either rendered Leo unconscious or worse. Then sees Piper vanishing with the demon - Phoebe then snapped back to the present. "Oh my god, Piper!"

Phoebe: Leo!

Nothing happened. Phoebe started to worry, really worry.

Phoebe: Leo!! (Screaming his name even louder)

Still nothing, fearing the worse, she started to run as fast as possible back to the manor when Leo finally appeared.

Phoebe: Leo! Where were you!? I had a premonition that you and Piper are in trouble. You need to orb us there. (Holding to Leo’s hand they both orbed back to the manor)

When they orbed in the manor there was no sign of Piper.

Phoebe: Piper! Where are you, Piper? Leo, where is she?

Leo: She’s gone! I don’t sense her at all! (Showing the total anguish on his face)

Phoebe: Do you know what happened?

Leo: No, Phoebe. Piper and I were taking care of the funeral preparations when you called. I said to her that I would be right back and then I orbed to you. (Leo was giving her a look, like he should have stayed with Piper, why did he go - and at the same instant, knew he shouldn’t have looked at her liked that. Thinking Phoebe needed him he regained his composure).

Phoebe: (Sensing that Leo was upset with her) Leo, in my premonition I saw both you and Piper. This demon attacked you and I thought you were killed and then I saw the demon take her. Please, don’t be upset with me. I had no choice but to call you. (Sigh) Is there anything that you can find out, anything from the Elders about what may have happened to Piper? I’ll check the Book of Shadows.



Leo: (a little taken back thinking that she could read his mind, but realized that it was written all over his face. Trying his best to sound calm) Phoebe, I’m not upset. I’m just worried about Piper and my first thought was, I wish I was here. Phoebe, this is, in no way your fault, you probably saved my life. Okay, I’ll see what I can find out. I won’t be long. (Very fearful for his wife, but keeping his calm because of Phoebe. He orbed and vanished)

Phoebe went up to the attic to the Book of Shadows, she starred at the cover and noticed that the triquetra is broken. A leaflet was separated by the other two. Phoebe gently smoothed he hand across the broken symbol, tear rolling down her cheek, missing Prue ever so much. When she did open the book, Grams started flipping the pages furiously - to a page Phoebe never seen before - "The Fourth" Phoebe reading aloud "The Fourth?? Grams, what are you trying to tell me." She sees a drawing of a beautiful young girl with the scripture that read "The fourth sister there is and will be, a charmed one will forever be. When in need the fourth will be called upon, for a lost charmed one there will again be a power of three." The scripture sent physical chills up and down her spine. Saying to herself, "Oh my God. There’s another??", just then a light filled the room. Phoebe looked up. A figure was appearing about 6 feet in front of her, she thought aloud "Leo?" A soft angelic voice filled the room - "No, Phoebe. It's me." The figure now fully materialized in front of Phoebe - she gasps - "mom?"

Patti: Yes, honey. I'm here.

Phoebe overwhelmed with joy to see that it was her mom gave her a hug.

Phoebe: Mom. (Heavy sigh) Prue is.... Piper is....

Patti: I know sweetie. Prue is here. She is fine. We both want you to be strong for Piper. Piper needs you Phoebe.

Phoebe: (Releasing her hug with her mom) I don't know where she is... (Almost exasperated) Leo is checking with the Elders to find out.

Patti: I know that you are going to need some help. (wrapping an arm around Phoebe) There is something you must know - honey, this may be a bit of a shock to you... Phoebe you were not the last to be born. (Phoebe inhaled sharply) Paige is.

Phoebe: Paige? How, you've died?

Patti: Yes, Phoebe, but I got pregnant with Sam when you were just 8 weeks old.

Phoebe: Sam? Your whitelighter? (trying to comprehend in her mind what she is being told) Where is Paige now?

Patti: Paige has been with the Elders.

Patti then described and explained as best as she could to Phoebe exactly when Paige came to being, what happened to Paige and why she wasn't here with Prue, Piper and Phoebe.

Phoebe: I had no idea. Prue or Piper didn't say anything - I guess, they were old enough to remember and Leo.

Patti: The reason why is because even those months that I was pregnant and those short 10 days little Paige was home, Prue and Piper seemed to have totally blocked all memories of Paige, I'm not sure. After Paige was gone, Prue and Piper never said a thing. Like Paige never existed and you were too young to remember, maybe the Elders somehow had something to do with it, somehow erasing all memory of her, I guess trying to protect you three. At that time - I didn't want to cause hurt to you girls when it seemed that I didn't need to explain, I really wasn't sure how to handle it being that all of you were so young. I was going to tell all of you when the time was right - when all of you were a little older. Of course, I didn't live long enough to make it that far, I had died within weeks of giving Paige to the Elders. I believe that Leo was never told about her. (Her head bowing) I'm sorry that this happened. Phoebe, I'm so sorry.

Phoebe: (tears streaming down her face) Mom, it is okay. It’s not your fault. Mom, in no way that I am angry or upset. (wiping the tears from her face) Do you have contact with Paige now or with Prue?

Patti: I've spoken with Prue. She is being "trained" to become a whitelighter (smiling brightly). She would make a great whitelighter. She is very happy about that. Paige on the other hand I never heard nor seen since that day so long ago. That was the last time. Leo should be able to help you with Paige, he’s being told about her. Sweetie, I have to go, I'm not supposed to be here, but I had to come, I can feel the emotional pain from you, I had to see you. Phoebe, focus on Piper. Piper needs you. (Patti started to glow a brilliant bright white light - smiled to Phoebe and mouthed "I love you" as she smoothed her hand down Phoebe's cheek).

Phoebe: Mom! (Phoebe trying to grab at her mom's hand - but then she was gone)

Phoebe: (wiping her face) Leo!

Leo: (orbed in) Phoebe. I found out something that will help save Piper and I know where Piper is, she is (heavily sighed) with The Source.

Phoebe: What?! The Source!

Leo: I have got someone here that I want you to meet.

Phoebe: Paige?

Leo: (giving her a look of surprise) Well, yes, how...

Phoebe: (cutting him off short) Leo, please send her down, it's okay, I know.

Leo: (orbed back out - and immediately came back with a young lady in one hand) Phoebe, this is Paige, your sister.

Phoebe: (looking at Paige in awe - she was a mirror image of a young Patti) Hi. I'm Phoebe.

Paige: Hi, Phoebe. I guess we're sisters.

Phoebe: (giving a smile) Yeah, I think we are. (thinking actually half sisters then moved her train of thought quickly back to Piper) We need to go help our sister, Piper. (looked over to Leo) We need to know what we are exactly up against with The Source.

Leo: Phoebe, there is something else too. Are you and Cole still on speaking terms?

Phoebe: (thinking about what happened back at the mausoleum and knowing that Leo doesn't know - wrinkling up her face at Leo) what do you mean?

Leo: Well, just a thought. However, Cole is now with or at where The Source is and maybe he can help.

Phoebe: I prefer that I do not speak with him right now, (Thinking about Piper) but I will, of course, set all my personal feelings aside for Piper. Do you really want me to call him?

Leo: I don't like it either, but he might be able to help.

Phoebe goes over to the other side of the room and picks up the bottle of vanquishing potion made to vanquish Belthazor/Cole. Brings the bottle forward - starts to chant the words for Cole to appear - but realized that Paige is needed to bring forth Cole.

Phoebe: Paige, I need your help. Just read this with me. (pointing over to a segment on Beltazor’s page in the Book of Shadows)

Paige nodding her head, they say the chant together "Magic forces black and white, reaching out through space and light, be he far, or be he near, bring the demon Balthazor here". There was a puff of smoke and Cole is back facing them - when he appeared he furiously and sharply turned around facing away from Phoebe.

Phoebe: Cole, listen to me for a minute. I need your help to save Piper.

Cole: (for that first instant, thinking why does he have to save another charmed one again. Looking at Phoebe in utter resentment, but still physically showing his love in his eyes) Phoebe!

Phoebe: Please Cole. I know you can help.

Cole: (seeing Paige at this time - starring at her for a moment. Thinking to himself that he knows who she is - a sudden urge filled through him to wanting to kill Paige. Fighting it so hard showing physically the turmoil he was going through - trying to gain composure so that he can even speak - exhaled then reluctantly said to Phoebe) Okay, I... I will. I really don't know what you want me to do. I don't have that kind of access, but maybe I've got a way in. I'll be right back... (shimmered before Phoebe could stop him)

Phoebe: hum, okay, well, that is that. Any other ideas Leo.

Seconds later, Cole shimmered back to the manor, startling Phoebe as she was not really expecting him to come back.

Cole: I know what The Source wants. They want a trade.

Phoebe: A trade - what do they want?

Cole: They (exhaled - glanced over at Paige then back at Phoebe) want Paige.

Phoebe: (stunned that he knew about Paige) You mean that The Source is holding Piper for ransom? We are not going to do that. (looking over at Paige)

Paige: Phoebe, I will be able to handle it. (then looked at Cole saying in a forceful manner) Make the deal.

Phoebe: (a little taken back by Paige's forcefulness) Paige! No, what are you doing? You don't have to do this. Not this way. There has got to be another way.

Leo: It could be a trap Paige. You may not be able to get out of there once The Source has what he wants.

Paige: (Telling to both of them) Time is running out for Piper. Besides, I have a plan. (looked at Phoebe with a little bit of a mischievous grin)

Phoebe: A plan? (thinking to herself - what does this girl have up her sleeve, is she being a bit over confident? Looks over to Cole - looking very deep into his eyes) Can I still trust you?

Paige: (telepathically telling Phoebe) Phoebe, don't turn around and don't speak. I have the power to read minds and will be able to know if Cole can be trusted.

Phoebe hears Paige and when she spoke she twitched a little - Cole cocked his head at her, hesitated before he spoke.

Cole: Yes, Phoebe. You still can.

Paige: (telepathically telling Phoebe) Yes, he is telling you the truth but he is hiding something and I don't quite know what it is.

Phoebe: (aloud to Cole) Okay, I'm glad.

Paige telepathically is telling Phoebe her idea. Phoebe being very careful not to show that Paige was talking to her.

Cole: (over to Phoebe) I really have to go.

Phoebe: Cole, is there any way you can get to Piper?

Cole: (shaking his head) I don't know.

Cole looking over to Phoebe and then he turns away and just as he started to shimmer. He heard Phoebe.

Phoebe: (in a split second decision to say it - as if the words flew out of her month) I love you!

Cole is regaining his total physical presence, when he heard those words. The words that he heard from his love was as if it physically pulled him back.

Cole: (his demeanor softens - with a cocked smile and sighed) Phoebe, I think maybe you might be using that love against me.

He looks over at Phoebe he knows that she’s speaking the truth. After about two seconds, the love for her becomes overwhelming and he moves over close to Phoebe bringing his hands up to her face and pulls her in for a passionate kiss. Phoebe, knew that this was not what she wanted to do, but to her surprise she was not resisting him. After several seconds, they slowly broke away.

Cole: Okay. I will see what I can do. I'm doing this for you.

Phoebe brings a hand up to his cheek and with a slight nod of her head.

Phoebe: I know.

Meanwhile, back in the underworld.

The Source: (stating to Piper) I will have what I want, otherwise, you will be sacrificed!

Piper flinging her hands trying to freeze him or better yet make him spontaneously combust but it wasn't working. Frustrated she tried again and nothing.

The Source: (laughing at her) Your "powers" will not work on me here.

Piper: Whatever you want, you will not get!

The Source: On the contrary, I will get what I want. (he then motions over to a demon guard for him to take her away)

The demon guard obeys, taking Piper by the arm. Piper fights him off, looks and snaps back at The Source.

Piper: What do you want!? No matter what you do, you will not win!

The Source under the red hooded cloak nods to the demon guard to take her away. This time the demon guard uses a lot more force and takes Piper by the arms out of The Source's chamber.

Back at the manor.

Cole: I'll be back to let you know what I find out. (Takes Phoebe's hand and kisses her hand gently, shimmers and vanishes).

Cole shimmering at an empty hall near The Source's chambers. He hears the cries from Piper. Cole walked cautiously towards the end of the hall away from The Source's chambers to follow the cries.

The demon guard still forcefully dragging Piper by the arms back to a cell.

Demon guard: Your powers will not work here, witch! I suggest you stop fighting - or you will die, now! (Telling her as she was still being dragged. He then pushes her with such force, that when she hit the back of the concrete cell wall - it knocked her unconscious)

Cole came up from behind the demon striking him with an energy ball, killing him instantly. He then rushes up to an unconscious Piper and hears someone from behind. He turns around and sees no one there. As he turns back again to help Piper and just then, someone from behind strikes Cole over the head rendering him unconscious, he falls next to where Piper laid.

The unknown perpetrator: Well, if it isn't the great Belthazor helping a little witch. (He takes Cole away and seals the cell door, leaving still an unconscious Piper on the floor).

Back at the manor, an hour has past and there is no sign of Cole. By this time Leo was really starting to show his worry for Piper and thought that Cole had backed out.

Leo: Phoebe. I'm going to go get Piper.

Phoebe looking up to respond to Leo, when Paige stepped in.

Paige: Leo, I thought we were giving Cole a chance to come back.

Leo: Paige, I can't sit here and wait for Cole to possibly show back up. I have a very bad feeling about Piper. I can't just sit here and do nothing.

Phoebe: (with the disappointment showing on her face for Cole) Lets go get her back.

Paige and Phoebe looked at each other and nodded. We can do this, lets get her back. Leo, Phoebe and Paige hold hands in a circle and they all orbed and vanished.

They orbed into the hallway, in the underworld, not knowing where to go they headed unknowingly towards The Source's chambers. They all moved cautiously to the edge of the doorway, Phoebe peeking around she sees what she believes to be The Source, the one that she saw in her premonition. Phoebe mentally building up the strength to go get him - hears Paige in her head. Paige telepathically telling her that Piper is in trouble - she knows where she is. She motions to Phoebe to go back down the hall to the other end. Phoebe stares at her a moment.

Paige: (aloud very quietly tells her) Come on.

Paige leads Leo and Phoebe back down the hall. As they came closer to the end of the hall, that was when they all seen Piper motionless on the cement floor. Leo gasps at what he sees. He rushes over to the cell door and finds the door has been sealed. Paige's hand starts to glow, heating the seal so that it softens enough to brake open the door. Phoebe thinking to herself, how many powers does this girl have? Finally, Leo was able to brake open the cell door and rushes to the floor by Piper's side. He sees the blood that is coming from the back of her head. His eyes started swell up with tears and his hands started to glow, he hovers his hands over Piper where she was bleeding. The blood slowly started to disappear and as she was seemingly being healed, Piper inhaled deeply and very slowly opens her eyes. Leo with tears streaming down his cheeks he smiles in total relief that she is going to be all right. Phoebe helping Piper get to her feet. Looks up and sees, Belthazor!

Belthazor with no hesitation throws an energy ball nearly hitting Phoebe and Leo.

Paige suddenly brought up her hand. Her hand started to glow and with intensity in her eyes started to levitate Belthazor about four feet off the ground and with a slight movement of her finger, Bethazor's hands were bounded behind his back. Belthazor letting out a furious roar of agony. Piper and Phoebe stares a moment at Paige in amazement, Belthazor brought the attention to The Source and The Source came in behind Belthazor.

The Source: Well, well. There you are, witch!

Paige: (showing in her eyes that she was weakening, unable to hold up Belthazor any longer, she sends the beast crashing to the floor) Yes, here I am.

The Source: This can all be over. If you surrender yourself, I would agree to let the others go. (looks over to Leo - sensing he wanted, to orb everyone out of here) Whitelighter you made a mistake in coming here. (with a raise of a hand he sends Leo flying across the room).

Piper: Leo! (she whips her hand up and freezes Leo in mid air)

Phoebe with all the rage building up inside her, preparing to attack The Source - hears Paige speaking to her in her mind.

Paige: (telepathically) I'm staying Phoebe. You will all be safe.

The Source senses this, and at that same instant, Phoebe, Leo and Piper were sent back to the manor.

Phoebe: NO!

Leo: (Now unfrozen - sees Paige is not there. He looks over Piper and Phoebe and sees they are okay) I'm going back for Paige.

Piper: Wait, Leo!

Leo then orbs back to Paige before Piper could stop him. Leo orbed back at the cell in the underworld he whispers, "Paige?" trying not to attract attention. He looks down the long hallway and sees it was empty, he continues to walk down the hallway towards The Source's chambers. He peeks around the corner and sees Belthazor and The Source with Paige, with Belthazor's hand around Paige's neck. Leo yells out "No!" Belthazor and The Source turn sharply around and see Leo. Belthazor dropping Paige to the ground, Paige is gasping for air. Leo tries to distract attention from Paige. Leo tries a little trick, hoping that it would work. Leo glowed and looked as if he was about to orb but he didn't fully orb out, it was as if he was there and not. The Source flings his hand at Leo, but nothing happened. Leo started to go towards Paige and Belthazor starts to generate an energy ball, looking at Leo. He then points the energy ball towards Paige as if he was going to throw it at her. Leo believing that Belthazor would kill her began to show his full physical appearance. Belthazor closed his hands together absorbing the energy ball.

The Source very angrily looking at Leo raises his hand up and he projects an energy force that knocked Leo back up against the wall. The Source looks over to Belthazor and tells him to kill him now! Belthazor looks at The Source and then back at Leo. He forms an energy ball and projects the energy ball at Leo, when suddenly a glow appeared and sent the energy ball back towards The Source, which, apparently looked like it killed him. The Source vanishing in a puff of smoke. Leo looks up as if to say a silent thank you, knowing whom it was that saved his life. Paige looked up and regaining her strength sent Belthazor across the room knocking him out. Leo quickly goes over to Paige, they both orbed together out of there and back at the manor.

Piper and Phoebe waiting for Leo's return and see Leo and Paige orbing back in the manor.

Piper: (goes up to Leo, gives him a hug and tells him not to scare her like that again. She then looks over to Paige) Paige, hi, I'm Piper. (she goes over to Paige and gives her a hug). Thank you.

Paige: We're sisters, Piper, I know that you don't know me but I know that we’re going to be fine.

Phoebe: (looking over at Paige) I told her everything. (giving her a smile and walks away to the other room)

Phoebe can't help but think about Cole. Why didn't he come back? What was he hiding? Why did Paige say that he can be trusted? What happened? Phoebe was molding over these questions and more trying to make since of things.

Paige, Piper and Leo see Phoebe standing there by herself and see that she was deep in thought.

Paige: I know, Phoebe. I know.

Phoebe looks up at her as a tear falls down her face.

Phoebe: I want to know what happened to Cole. Did you see him down there? (Not really pointing the question to any one person - she was just asking aloud)

Piper: No, Phoebe, I never saw Cole. (saying this not knowing that Cole was there to save her life)

Paige: I'm sorry Phoebe, we saw Belthazor.


Tomorrow came and now it is the day of Prue's funeral. Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Victor and Leo with the help of Inspector Darryl Morris and Prue's former boyfriend Jack and some other friends of Prue's helped with all the funeral preparations. The scene ends at the grave site where there lays a closed coffin with flowers all over. Piper, Phoebe and Paige stood together with Leo and Victor with Darryl close behind. Piper and Phoebe sobbing, Paige very sad for the sister she never knew. Leo was beside, consoling his grieving wife as they lay to rest their sister and Dad wraps an arm around Phoebe, with tears swelling in his eyes. All the friends and family members, co-workers of Prue gave their condolences to the sisters as they left. Leaving the six, they are in front of Prue, alone. All of a sudden, the sisters hear the voice of Prue in their minds.

Prue: My sisters, you need to be strong for each other and I will be watching from the heavens. I love you all very much. (Prue then faded away)

The sisters manage to make a small smile at each other. They all started to walk away from the gravesite.

Little do they know, they are in fact being watched.

Stay tuned for the second part of this story... Should be on the site within a couple of weeks, hopefully, unless life gets in the way :-). I plan to have continuation stories, the stories will be interconnected. If this is something that you would like or don't, like to be notified of an update to the site or have suggestions or comments, please leave me a feedback message at the link below. I would love to hear from you, again thank you very much for visiting my Charmed Fan Fic Page.

(Last Update 7/3/01)...

coming soon..

Thanks for reading my little fan fiction site. Please check back often.

Thank you and Blessed be.


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Disclaimer: This site is in no way endorsed or connected to the people of the series "Charmed", Aaron Spelling, it's producers or creators, the actors/actresses, or the WB Network or its affiliates. No copyright infringement intended. This fan site promotes the love of the show.