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Season 2

Season Two

2.01 September 30, 1999: Witch Trial: A powerful demon named Abraxas steals the Book of Shadows and resurrects some of the trio's old foes. He also begins to erase spells in the book in an attempt to rob the sisters of their abilities and leave them vulnerable to attack.

2.02 October 7, 1999: Morality Bites: Phoebe has a vivid premonition foretelling her own death — burned at the stake for killing a man with her powers — in the year 2009. To prevent her execution, the sisters travel to the future, where they discover their powers have evolved.

2.03 October 14, 1999: The Devil: Business at the nightclub is taking off — and so are some patrons. After Piper books the band Dishwalla, female fans start disappearing during their performance, and the sisters suspect the band's manager (Larry Holden) may have struck a deal with a demon to gain fame and fortune in exchange for female sacrifices.

2.04 October 21, 1999: The Painted World: Prue discovers that the world of art can be dangerous when she's trapped inside an enchanted painting, along with a warlock who's been imprisoned for 70 years. Meanwhile, Phoebe casts a spell that makes her super intelligent in order to land a job as a research coordinator.

2.05 November 4, 1999: She's a Man, Baby, a Man: An evil demon called a Succubus is luring men to their deaths, so Prue goes deep undercover by casting a spell that transforms her into a man. Meanwhile, Piper is deep in thought trying to think of ways to make the sisters' nightclub a success.

2.06 November 11, 1999: That Old Black Magic: An evil witch (Brigid Brannagh) escapes a 200-year imprisonment and seeks to destroy the Charmed Ones. The only hope is to find a "Chosen One" who can use the witch's wand for good, rather than evil.

2.07 November 18, 1999: They're Everywhere: The sisters run afoul of a group of warlocks known as "The Collectors," who gain knowledge by draining human brains. The group's next target is a man who knows the whereabouts of a set of ancient tablets that offer information about the future.

2.08 December 9, 1999: P3 H2O: The sisters go to the summer camp where their mother drowned and discover that she was slain by a watery demon while her White Lighter guide and lover, Sam, stood by helplessly. With the long-closed camp scheduled to reopen, the witches must stop the demon before it kills again. Meanwhile, Piper and Leo face hard choices after learning the fate of her mother and her mystical guide.

2.09 January 13, 2000: Ms. Hellfire: The sisters evade an attempt on their lives that results in the assassin's death, leading Prue to assume the hit woman's identity in hopes of finding out who ordered their executions. Prue's investigation soon brings her into contact with a dangerous criminal (Antonio Sabato Jr.).

2.10 January 20, 2000: Heartbreak City: Phoebe is depressed about the state of her love life as she sees her sisters having romantic success. Her luck may change, however, when Cupid comes to her for help with an evil demon named Drazi, who has stolen a ring that bestows power over love.

2.11 January 27, 2000: Reckless Abandon: A powerful vision moves Phoebe to bring home an abandoned infant in order to protect him from a spirit bent on revenge. Piper and Prue hurry to find the child's family before the ghost hunts down the baby and Phoebe.

2.12 February 3, 2000: Awakened: Piper contracts a rare tropical disease and slips into a coma, forcing Prue and Phoebe to cast a spell to awaken her. In the process, they cause the disease to spread throughout the hospital via a playful courier. There's one other frightening side effect — the sisters now can't sleep, which threatens to drive them insane.

2.13 February 10, 2000: Animal Pragmatism: Phoebe discovers that her collegiate study group has used a love spell to turn three animals into men on Valentine's Day. The men, however, have retained their animal instincts and begin attacking innocent students.

2.14 February 17, 2000: Pardon My Past: When Phoebe is confronted by a spirit (Tyler Christopher) from the past, she travels back to 1924 and learns that in a former life she was seduced by the dark side of her powers and used them to destroy Piper and Prue.

2.15 February 24, 2000: Give Me a Sign: Prue's old flame, the criminally minded Bane (Antonio Sabato Jr.), is targeted by a demon known as Litvack, so he kidnaps Prue to make her use her powers to protect him. Their mutual attraction, however, concerns Prue's sisters, who fear she may be losing sight of Bane's evil identity. Meanwhile, Phoebe casts a spell to help Piper decide between Leo and Dan.

2.16 March 30, 2000: Murphy: When Prue prevents a Darklighter from killing a potential Whitelighter, she becomes the target for his anger. The demon curses her with bad luck, driving Prue to the brink of insanity. Piper, meanwhile, struggles to make a choice between Leo and Dan.

2.17 April 6, 2000: How to Make a Quilt out of Americans: The Halliwell sisters get a visit from their Aunt Gail (Anne Haney), who claims to need their help stopping a demon named Cryto who steals cadavers' skins. But their relative may not be as honest as she appears.

2.18 April 20, 2000: Chick Flick: The Charmed Ones encounter a demon who has the ability to make images from film step off the screen and come to life. He proceeds to send moviedom's worst psychopaths against the sisters, who must find a way to send them back to the reel world.

2.19 April 27, 2000: Ex Libris: Phoebe meets a monster that kills innocent mortals when they get close to finding physical proof of the existence of demons. Also, Prue aids a father on a quest for justice in his daughter's murder, which occurred several years earlier.

2.20 May 4, 2000: Astral Monkey: A doctor investigating the sisters' strange talents imbues three monkeys with their abilities, then accidentally receives all their powers at once, which threatens to drive him mad.

2.21 May 11, 2000: Apocalypse, Not: The Halliwells face their most deadly, powerful challenge to date: the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Circumstances force the sisters into an alliance with the super-demons after one of the Horsemen and Prue are sucked into another dimension.

2.22 May 18, 2000: Be Careful What You Witch For: The sisters have angered the Infernal Council so often that they want to teach the Halliwells a lesson. It involves a genie (French Stewart) who is sent to grant them each a wish. However, the sisters are unaware that there are darker intentions at work.




7/4 Fan Fiction page edited. Fan Fic is easier to read and a little more grammarically correct. Book #2 coming very soon!

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