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Season 3

Season 3

3.01 October 5, 2000: Honeymoon: Barenaked Ladies perform at the sisters' club, as, in another plotline, Prue and Phoebe capture a demonically possessed killer, only to watch him beat the murder charge in court, due in part to their inability to explain what happened to the murder weapon.

3.02 October 12, 2000: Magic Hour: The Charmed Ones search for a way to let Piper and Leo marry without angering the whitelighter's celestial superiors, who have promised "unspeakable wrath" if the two wed. Meanwhile, the sisters try to aid a man who is cursed to be a crow for 12 hours a day.

3.03 October 19, 2000: Once Upon a Time: The sisters aid a girl using a jewelry box to keep a fairy safe from trolls who want to use the winged creature to take over the magical kingdom ruled by the fairy's parents. Meanwhile, a distraught Piper goes on strike, refusing to use her powers to help innocents until Leo's superiors allow the couple to reunite.

3.04 October 26, 2000: All Halliwells Eve: On Halloween night, the sisters are sent through a time vortex back to 1670, where they must protect an unborn child from evil. Meanwhile, in the present, Leo and Darryl battle Grimlocks who have returned from the dead and seek revenge on the Charmed Ones.

3.05 November 2, 2000: Sight Unseen: Someone breaks into the Halliwells' house and smashes all the mirrors, and as the sisters consider the suspects, a determined Prue sets out to find the culprit. Meanwhile, Cole learns that his superiors have assigned another demon to destroy the Charmed Ones.

3.06 November 9, 2000: Primrose Empath: Prue casts a spell to end the pain of a vagrant man who experiences other people's suffering, only to have his curse pass on to her — with possible fatal repercussions.

3.07 November 16, 2000: Power Outage: Cole plans to destroy the Halliwell sisters by enlisting the help of a demon who elevates his victim's anger into violent rage. Cole then tries to get the sisters to turn on each other by using information he gathers from one of their arguments.

3.08 December 14, 2000: Sleuthing with the Enemy: A demon named Krell seeks Prue and Piper's help in destroying Belthazor, the demon who disguises himself as Cole and has his sights set on killing the charmed sisters. Meanwhile, an injured Cole gets a surprise visit from a concerned Phoebe, who, like her sisters, is unaware of the lawyer's true identity.

3.09 January 11, 2001: Coyote Piper: An evil spirit existing in the form of a gas escapes an alchemist who wants to control it and enters the body of a man to hunt for one of the Halliwell sisters. Meanwhile, Prue helps Piper prepare for the middle sister's 10-year high-school reunion, an event Piper dreads attending.

3.10 January 18, 2001: We All Scream for Ice Cream: Prue has a melody stuck in her head and she discovers its origin while having lunch with Phoebe in a park — it's the sound of an ice-cream truck whose driver abducts children. Meanwhile, Piper tries to find the Halliwell sisters' father after receiving news that he was spotted in town.

3.11 January 25, 2001: Blinded by the Whitelighter: A warlock slays a witch and steals her power to deflect objects and spells. The sisters pursue the killer against the advice of Natalie, the fallen witch's Whitelighter and an old friend of Leo's. Elsewhere, Phoebe is interrogated by a member of the district attorney's office who is investigating Cole's disappearance.

3.12 February 2, 2001: Wrestling with Demons: A demon disguised as a sports agent recruits mortals to turn demonic and his latest apprentice is a man from Prue's past, an athlete who disappeared six years earlier. Meanwhile, Leo loses the engagement ring that he planned to give to Piper.

3.13 February 8, 2001: Bride and Gloom: A warlock uses disguises to lure Prue to a ceremonial altar, where he plans to wed the Halliwell sister and turn her to evil — hoping the effect will spread to her siblings and the Book of Shadows. Meanwhile, Piper and Leo clash over their wedding plans.

3.14 February 15, 2001: The Good, the Bad and the Cursed: While visiting a ghost town with her father, Phoebe has visions of a cowboy from the Old West getting beaten up and she begins to suffer from his injuries, which later include a gunshot wound. Elsewhere, Leo finds out that his future father-in-law doesn't know that Leo is a Whitelighter.

3.15 February 22, 2001: Just Harried: Leo and Piper's wedding day arrives, but all is not well with Prue. While she sleeps, her astral self orbs into a biker bar, where the spirit gets involved in a quarrel with a man who dies, leaving the real Prue a murder suspect.

3.16 March 15, 2001: Death Takes a Halliwell: Prue sees the Angel of Death as he takes a murdered woman's soul — and the specter warns that he will return. Also, Phoebe and Cole hunt for two demons that are pursuing Belthazor after Phoebe learns that Cole's former landlady was murdered.

3.17 March 22, 2001: Pre-Witched: The sisters individually battle the same demon on three separate occasions, with each confrontation ending in apparent victory — until the demon reappears at the manor, ready to fight. Meanwhile, Piper announces that she and Leo plan to move out and get their own apartment.

3.18 April 19, 2001: Sin Francisco: Leo and the Halliwell sisters are each infected with one of the seven deadly sins after a demon attacks them with glowing orbs that contain the evil desires. Phoebe is the first to react to the wicked impulses, and her actions jeopardize her academic career.

3.19 April 26, 2001: The Demon Who Came in from the Cold: Cole learns that the Brotherhood, an elite demonic group of which he was a member, is murdering street prophets to protect a secret plan involving a computer company, so he goes undercover as Belthazor to infiltrate the organization.

3.20 May 5, 2001: Exit Strategy: Cole agrees to steal a witch's amulet in order to convince the head of the Brotherhood that he is still evil. He completes his task without hurting the witch, but another demon kills her in hopes that Cole will be blamed for the murder. Meanwhile, Piper's powers begin to malfunction and she inadvertently blows up everything she points to.

3.21 May 10, 2001: Look Who's Barking: The sisters hunt for a demon that attacks people who are in deep sorrow, but when they perform a tracking spell, they inadvertently turn Prue into a Siberian husky. Meanwhile, Cole seeks an alchemist's help in reducing the human side of his soul.

3.22 May 17, 2001: All Hell Breaks Loose: In the third-season finale, a news crew catches Piper and Prue vanquishing a demon and the footage airs repeatedly on the local broadcast. Phoebe travels to the underworld to rid Cole of his evil inclinations.




7/4 Fan Fiction page edited. Fan Fic is easier to read and a little more grammarically correct. Book #2 coming very soon!

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