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To Move Ahead In Time
Hear these words, Hear the rhyme, We send you This burning sign In another place and time.
To Create A Door
When you find your path is blocked All you have to do is knock.
To Erase A Memory
Thoughts, Beliefs, Ideas, Truths, Images All of these you hold onto tightly What I mention now you will release.
In the 1920’s, a witch named Nell tricked a powerful Warlock into a painting with a hidden spell that only his power of X-ray vision could see.
To Free Those Traped Inside A Painting
Verva omnes liberante.
(Means: words free us all)
Smart Spell
Spirits, send the words From all across the land Allow me to absorb them Through the touch of either hand For 24 hours from 7 to 7 I will understand all meaning Of the words from here to heaven.
To Go Inside A Painting
Absolvo Amitto Amplus Brevis Semper Mea.
(Means: To free what is lost say these words mine forever.)
When a witch renounces all human emotion and makes a pact with darkness to protect herself from heartbreak, she becomes a succubus, a sexual predator. She seeks out powerful men, who become helpless against her magic, then feeds on their testosterone with her razor-sharp tongue. When drawn, she will come to you and burst into flames.
To Attract The Succubus
By the forces of heaven and hell Drawn to us this women fell Run from her fowl desire That she might perish As moth to fire.
To Hear Secret Thoughts
As the flame lights shadow and truth ends fear, open locked thoughts to my mind's willing ear May the smoke from this candle into everywhere creep, Bringing innermost voices to my mind and speech.
Magic In The Place Of Raising A Child
Birth is the finest and greatest experience of motherhood. It is therefore wasteful and ridiculous to use magic to change what is in the nature of a child. Before oneself is the phrase ‘favor a child’. The witch must ask herself “am I doing this for the child or am I doing this for myself?” For the witch who is bothered by the noise of a child and would seek to use magic to bring forth peace and quiet, this tome can only say one thing: sometimes a baby just has to cry.
To Awaken Someone
(A poppet and some blood of the person to be awakened is needed)
Troubled blood with sleep's unease, remove the cause of this disease Sleep eternal nevermore, and shift this source of illness borne To this poppet whom none shall mourn.
To Reverse The Awaken Spell
What was awakened from its sleep Must once again slumber deep Return to the disease to whence it came So life can ease back to the same.
Love Spell
From strike of 12 count 24 That's how long the spell is for. If to abate my lonely heart And chant these gifts I thee impart.
To Turn Someone Into An Animal
Something wicked in our midst, In human from these spirits dwell, Make them animals sayth this spell. Under the magic acted here reverse the spell so all is clear.
To Make Someone Human
Undo the magic acted here, reverse the spell so all is clear.
Past Life Spell
Remove the chains of time and space And make my spirit soar Let these mortal arms embrace The life that haunts before.
Interswitch Two Souls From Present To Past
In this time and in this place Take this spirit I displace Bring it forth while I go back To inhabit a soul so black.
Interswitch Souls From Past To Present
In this time and in this place Take this spirit I displaced Bring me forth while she goes back To her soul so black.
Powerful level two demon who serves the Source. He is immune to the powers of witches, and is known to read minds, astral project and control the flames of hell.
Give Me A Sign Spell
I beseech all powers above Send a sign to free my sister's heart One that will lead to her love.
Good Luck Spell
From this moment on Your pain is erased Your bad luck as well. Enjoy your good luck, Maggie You're free from this hell.
In the sixteenth century, Cryto traveled from dukedom to dukedom, preying on people’ vanity, bestowing youth and beauty in exchange for their souls. Cryto was found out and skinned alive by a group of witches, who believed it would keep his spirit from ever being resurrected again.
To Call A Witch's Power
Powers of the witches rise Course unseen across the skies Come to us who call you near Come to us and settle here.
Call Cryto
We call on the demon Cryto, Reach back through the ages, Humbled by his power, We invite him into our circle.
Banish Cryto
What witches done and them undone Return this spirit and back within And separate him from his skin.
Banish The Demon Of Illusion
Evil that has travelled here I call on you to disappear Elementals, hear my call, Remove this creature From these walls.
In the demonic hierarchy there are none more insidious than those who belong to this order…for the work of the Demon is to keep the world in Darkness and Ignorance. The haunting grounds of these monsters are found wherever humans have the potential to find unequivocal proof of the existence of Demons. To vanquish one of their ranks a Witch must keep this rhyme close to her heart.
Vanish Libris
Demon hide your evil face. Libris, die and leave no trace.
Vanquish The Demon Of Anarchy
Sower of discord Your works now must cease. I vanquish thee now With these words of peace.
Vanquish The Dragon Demon
The Power of Three will set us free.

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