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The Guardians
An opening by which demons known as The Guardians steal an innocent's soul. They protect their mortal killers and exchange for their victims souls.
See The UnSeen
In this tween time This darkest hour We call upon the secret power Three together stand alone Command the unseen to be shown In innocents we search this guys And chanted our are now found us.
Circle Of Protection
Needed: Lavender Rosmarie 4 half apples Make a circle around the thing you’d like to protect and throw one apple in each direction of the wind and say the following words: Knowledge and reverence Knowledge and reverence Knowledge and reverence.
An invisible demon. His weakness is, that his actoplasmic bio chemistry is sensitive to cold maybe can partially visible.
Beware of this Demonic Soldier of Fortune, both powerful and dangerous, he has destroyed countless witches, innnocents and demons. As sinister as he is intelligent, he is not to be trusted. Balthazor's known abilities include throwing energy balls and shimmering from place to place, but his powers are probably not limited to these capabilities. Because there is no known way to defeat him, Balthazor should be avoided at all costs.
Call Balthazar
Spirits of Air, Forest and Sea Set us of this demon free; Beasts of hoof and Beasts of shell Drive this demon back to hell.
Summon Belthazor
Magic forces black and white Reaching out through space and light Be he far or be he near Bring us the demon Baltazor here.
Release Vince's Pain
Free the impath Release his gift Let his pain be cast adrift.
The spirit of rage. Uses anger as an portal to inrage his vivtims until they commend agree this actovilence.
Essence Bearer
An alchemist would use a bottle such as this to capture and/or store a life essence. A life essence is comparable to a human soul, but made in a mixing lab. A well made life essence can possess any living being but would prove toxic and eventually lethal to the being’s preexisting soul.
Kill The Essence
Host soul reject this evil essence, Let loves light end this cruel possession.
Kill The Alchemist
Let flesh be flesh and bone be bone the Alchemist shall transform none, cruel scientist of evil born with this words face the fire´s scorn.
The Icecream Man
He is mortal and responsible for capturing demonic children. He plays the Devil’s Chord, which is a series of notes that when sounded together specifically attract demon kids like moths to a flame.
The Nothing
The Nothing is the only thing that can vanquish demonic children by pulling them in the Icecream Man's car. It doesn't discriminate good or evil.
Ten years ago Eames murdered a witch in Glasgow and stole her power of cloning. Eames also killed a witch in Kenya in 1989 and took the power of transmogrification.
Vanquish Eames
Time for amends And a victim's revenge Cloning power turn sour Power to change turn to strange I'm rejecting your deflection.
The Power Of Deflection
The power of deflection is a witches shield against the forces of darkness. Unless the forces of darkness already have it, it's which case it's a shield against witches.
Lost And Found Spell
Guiding spirits Ii ask your charity lend me your focus and clarity, Lead me to the one I cannot find restore that and my peace of mind.
End The Lost And Found Spell
I return what I didn't want to find. Let it be out of sight, out of mind.
To Find Tom
Show me the path to the one I cannot find to save Tom and restore Prue's peace of mind.
To Let Prue And Zile Attack Piper And Phoebe
Through this book, Weave this spell. Create the pain of heaven to hell. May she suffer. Excemo Dempress Anama Tomb.
To Vanquish A Dark Priestess
Powers of light, Magic of bright. Cast this flight, Into forever's night.
Time Loop
A Time Loop in a period of time that repents itselfs over and over again an in. Sometimes a loop be located to a specific place or group, but another Loops effects can be felt globally. A few magical beings are powerful enough to create time loops such as Tempus,. But the causes of a time loop can also be more cosmic, for example certain spiritual traditions believe that a great evil or great Injustice can be shed.
Heart to thee Body to thee Always and forever So mode it be.
To Call The Angel Of Death
Spirits of air, sand and sea Converge to set the Angel free In the wind I send this rhyme Bring death before me before my time.
Vanquish The Seekers
Knowledge gained by murderous means Is wisdom's bitter enemy. The mind that burns with stolen fire, Will now become you're funeral pier.
The Séance Spell
Beloved unknown spirit, We seek your guidance. We ask you to commune with us, And move among us.
Vanquish Shadow
Nine times this evil's cheated death, Felt no pain and kept his breath. This warlock standing in our mist, Let him feel what he has missed.
To Hurt Shaks
Evil wind that blows, That which forms below. No longer will you dwell, Death takes you with this spell.

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