
Here's my fanfic. Right now, there's not much up there. I'll get some more up soon, I promise. *Note* Like our beloved Sopranos, this website may contain profanity. If it bothers you, please leave now. Of course, I guess if it bothered you, you wouldn't be a fan of the show, right? Some of this fanfic is rated NC-17, for profanity, sexual content, and violence. If you are under seventeen, please do not read. Thank you.


Nighthawk's Confession--by Murphy E. This is my first attempt at a Buffy fic. It's a story that was written v. quickly. I have not reread it for continuity, or for sense-making in general. It was just an idea I had and I went with it. It's a journal entry of Xander's, and it's kind of choppy. The thought processes are kind of messy, but as I was writing it, I realized that that is how my OWN journal-writing is…kind of sporadic, random, and of course, rambling. So keep that in mind when reading it.
*Rated PG-13 for some language*
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes, Book One--by Murphy E. This is my second Buffy fic. It's a work-in-progress. The idea came from a dream I had a couple weeks ago. I woke up to write down the dream in my journal, and my hands just kinda' took over and started typing this way crazy fanfic. It's a v. strange that requires an open mind and a love of Spike and/or James Marsters!
*Rated NC-17 for language, sexuality, some violence, and some mild drug and alcohol use.*
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes, Book Two--by Murphy E. Book Two is now complete! I know it's taken me *forever* to post, and I apologize for that. But just read it. You'll enjoy it, I'm sure.
*Rated NC-17*
A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes, Book Three--by Murphy E. Okay, folks, Book Three is almost finished! So far, I've got seven chapters, but I promise, more is coming!
*Rated NC-17*
Dead Letters Home--This is my first attempt at a Dead Letter Home. My friend Jess told me about it ages ago. The premise is this: You take a character, kill him/her off, and write a letter for that person--one final letter to someone he/she left behind.
Spike's Letter to Buffy--by Murphy E. This letter was written after the ep, "Seeing Red." It's my v. first attempt at a Dead Letter, so...I'm not promising anything stupendous.
Spike's Letter to Dawn--by Murphy E. This is part two of Spike's Dead Letter. I know it's just supposed to be ONE last letter, but I had to have Spike leave a note for Dawn, too, didn't I?


Untitled --by Kevin A. This isn't a fanfic story; it's an original piece written by my friend Kevin. But it's a vampire story, so I figured it would fit in here with the Buffy stuff.
*Rated R for some violence and mild language & sexuality.*
Untitled, Part Two --by Kevin A. Part Two of this untitled vampy masterpiece.
*Rated R for some violence and mild language & sexuality.*


Problem Solved --by Murphy E. This is my first Sopranos fanfic. Carmela disappears; Tony gets a phone call that will change his life.
*This story is rated NC-17*
There Will Be Love --by Murphy E. This is my second Sopranos fanfic. It's Tony & Carmela's wedding day...who's the one person who could ruin it?
*This story is rated PG-13*
Remember When --by Irisheyes. This is Irisheyes' first Sopranos fic. Tony & Carmela during their college years. Life was never simple, even back then.
*This story is rated NC-17*
Vindication for Jennifer Melfi --by Irisheyes. This is Irisheyes' second Sopranos fic. Jennifer Melfi is raped, and it brings her relationships into clear perspective.
*This story is rated PG-13 for language and adult situations*


Untitled --by Murphy E. This is my first and only Remember WENN fanfic. I wrote it in the spring of 2000. There are only four paragraphs done...I never finished it. But I've been told that what I have is pretty good! Enjoy.
*This story is rated PG*

