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Cradle 2 the Grave

Starring: Jet Li and DMX

The Jist: Fait (DMX) just scored a buncha diamonds, but Su (Jet Li) wants 'em back, and so do a buncha bad guys. So Fait and Su need to get them back, before....well, they need to get 'em back.

Why you'll Love it:'s an oh so totally awesome action movie. There's a chase and a buncha AWESOME fight scenes...very awesome

What you won't like: well...nothing really, except for this one girl (from Bring it On I think...) does a little dance thingy, all well, it IS kinda a movie for the guys...but you'll love the movie anyway

rated: R

Oh, the pic isn't really a link, it's just something I copied from the wb website....just so ya know