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Would you like to share your thoughts about the work on this site? This message board is set aside for your opinions. However, there are some rules to posting.

1. Make sure your post has body to it. One word posts aren't very favorable to space.

2. No flaming! All issues MUST be approached with the upmost respect. So, please be very considerade of what you say and who you say it to.

3. Keep it on topic. This board is meant for things pertaining to this site and/or the work on the site or group. The Yahoo page has a chat room provided and you may have discussions otherwise there.

4. I'd rather you don't advertise or spam on this board. HOWEVER, if your page is CCS related, I would be more than happy to do a link exchange. In such a case, you may place the offer and url on this board. Please, if you are placing a request for a link exchange, leave your e-mail addy as well so I can talk to you personally.

If I think of anything else or something comes up, I'll add more. But for now, that's it.

So, let's visit the board now shall we?