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Submissions Format

This is broken up into submitting fanart and submitting fanfiction. Please use this format when sending your work into the e-group.


All fanart must be rated according to material. A small synopsis/description must be given with the image when it is uploaded into the files.


You have submitted a picture of Sakura in her cat outfit. There is nothing offensive and is your basic picture. It would then be rated G. Your synopsis would read something like: "Sakura in Cat Outfit." or " Sakura in Cat Outfit.....Colored Pencil."

The file description would then read something like: " Rated: G. Sakura in Cat Outfit....Colored Pencil."


Fanfiction, when posted to our e-groups, must have a Title as the topic and if is has parts/chapters. In the body of the post, before posting the story, fill out this basic information:

Title: {and what part if broken}

Author and E-Mail: { You may use your screen name or nick name}


Synopsis: {A brief description on what your fic is about. Post also any warnings we must know.}

After that, post your story. This is manditory. Posts lacking this information will not be posted on this site but will remain in Yahoo archives.