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Goodbye Greeting

Title: Goodbye Greeting

Author and E-Mail: Diana

Rating: G

Synopsis: a song/fic {and certainly an intresting one}

Firstly, I want to present whom are the character playing for.

Sakura: Me (Don't angry)

Syaoran: Mohd. Hadzwan

Eriol: Mackendy

Meiling: Fradella

Tomoyo: Elizabeth (Elizabeth is my best friend and she is my cousin too.)

Chiharu: Priscilla

Naoko: Reena (She is pretty easy to angry.)


Naoko said, "Sakura, Sakura do you know something important?" I am confused; Naoko and the other of my friends look very sad and kind of lost. I also don't know if there has very important news today. And then I ask her what is happening that making they look really sad. And my heart beating fast such as there something really bad happening. Then, they said.... they said that died in an accident with a car. She was on her way to church with her bicycle when suddenly the car knocks her to the side of the road. I can't stand it. I am not that strong! She is the most best and gentle friend I has! I go into my class, sit and cry.

~ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

I still remember,

The time that past,

When we all firstly trying to knowing each-other,

In this place,


In the class, I can't do anything! I just cry remembering every times we together. It was a precious thing to me. How could God give her that kind of life? I don't understand! She is my only best friend. Never could be replace by anyone! I know it! Teacher just comes into our class but she didn't teach us anything because she knows how we feel and, she is also crying it with all of us. Last time we were called six best friends that included me, Naoko, Chiharu, Rika, Meiling and Tomoyo. And I also really like to walk with Tomoyo because all of the people in school said that our faces are really same. But now...I don't know what to think!


We just silent and didn't talk,

All of us just giving each other a sweet smile,

But it is too hard for us to speak, for the shy we has,

Just hoping for friendly hand shaking,

Hearts Believing


Suddenly, the new student that come into our class coming to me and said, "Don't cry. That is the way our life always is Sakura. It will not forever sweet and also not forever sad." I thank him for giving him the thing that I should has how.

Day and day past, my friend and me are happy again. Our friendship is also better that before the incident happens. I think they are all special but not for replace Tomoyo. But from all of them, I think Syaoran is the most special. He is the one that can make me stand still. But, my heart says that Syaoran is more than a friend. I wonder what is more than a friend...


Everyday we past,

The friendship got tighter,

Our day filled with joy and sadness that shared together,

Every words that all of us say, we will smile,


Nearly the end of grade 5 year...

Eriol say, "Do you believe if I tell you that Syaoran think you more than a friend?" I am surely don't believe what he say although I could look from Syaoran way that he think I am more than a friend. I realize it, and I know it. But, I should know where is our place. A STUDENT. And I know a student doesn't have a right place for thinking about LOVE. Never.


Comes with joyous laugher and jokes,

Surely we will miss each other when we all are apart,

How virgin is a friendship


The end of the year party...

"Sakura, Syaoran we go back to Hong Kong at the end of the year holiday." I don't really believe it but my hearts surely like being pulled. Then I ask Chiharu with me to ask is it true that he will go back to his birthplace during the holiday.

He said no. But his face looks to the other place anyway. Then, I feel so happy!



The sweet times,

When it will come back,

It must be already,

Written in my heart dairy,

How sweet the memory,

Become my only memory,

It's mine forever,

Till the end of my life,


On the first day of grade 6...

"Class, do you know where is Syaoran go?" ask Terada-sensei to us. I hope that Syaoran is just still going on vacation

But then Eriol say "He already going back to Hong Kong." I am feeling so terrible today. My friends know what I fill so they just try to comfort me. But it will not same, it will not same with how Syaoran comfort me. Then Eriol say "Sakura, this letter come from Syaoran just for you."


I am feeling so sad,

When the apart time come,

My eyes filled with sorrow tears,

My heart is feeling so much pain,

In the end of the meet,

There have the time to apart,

But I have no strength to stop it,

I shake my hand with you as the meaning,




I don't know what to say,

I just can say sorry because I didn't tell you

And I also lie to you,

I also want to say thank you,

For giving me everything you have,

And I love you with all of my heart.'

Oh Syaoran, why you didn't tell me. At least I can give you a goodbye shake hand and although it is hurting but it is not as much as you didn't tell me. For sure, I will always love you and Tomoyo is my best friend forever. There will be no one that can replace them, maybe. But I don't know what will happen in the future. Maybe someone will replace Syaoran but he will always be my first love.