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Want to Join?

Want to become a member of CC-Clow_Fanfiction? Do you want to get into the action and submit your CC/CCS fanwork? If so, then here is the place to do it.

There are three ways to join this e-group. Method number one is to go into your Yahoo account and visit the site there. Then you can click the Join link in the corner of your screen.

The second method is to subscribe by e-mail. On the Yahoo page, there are several e-mail addresses, each with its own purpose. Send a blank message with Subscribe as the subject to the joining address.

Method three.....stick your e-mail address into the box provided below. Be sure the e-mail address you put in the box is the one you wish to recieve mail at. After placing your address in the box, clock the Yahoo button.

Subscribe to CC-Clow_Fanfiction
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Thank you for taking the time to check out this site. I hope you enjoy your membership. For non-members who have stumbled upon this site, I hope you enjoy the submissions that are placed on the site. Please do not take them, we as creators work very hard on our pieces.