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This is VERY VERY VERY important!!!! Please use proper ratings on all submissions.

G- General Audience. This means there is no possible way anything can be offensive and everyone may view it, not matter the age.

PG-Parental Guidance. This means it's still acceptable to most audiences.

PG-13- This rating may be used on fics that contain minor swearing or very vague romantic scenes. If used on fanart, this means the pic may be slightly offensive and viewers should use their better judgement to decide if they wish to view.

R- Restricted. For fanfiction, this means there is swearing or may contain vague sexually explicit moments or may contain violence. Use your better judgement before reading or viewing. NC-17- This means the fanwork is sexually explicit {but not necissarilly pornographic} and has excessive swearing or violence. Please when using this rating on fanart, please take everything into consideration. NC-17 material may, depending on the fanart, be placed on this site, some may not.

X- You are NOT TO POST ANYTHING of this rating without getting the okay from me FIRST! I must review the work wanting to be posted to determine if it is too much for the group. If it is fanart, it will not be posted on this site. It may only be viewed on the Yahoo files, which is restricted to members.

I don't think there is too much of a problem with my rating system. If I find your rating is incorrect, I'll change it and post it under the proper category. If you do not know what the rating would be, you may take it up with me and I will help you decide on a rating.