Even as open as I am about submissions there are some rules I would like all members to follow. They are very simple and basic and shouldn't be hard to follow. Failure to follow these rules will lead to a warning. Continually disobeying these rules will lead to being banned from the group.

(1) Do not insult or flame other members.
(2) No racial, religious, or ethical prejudice. This also means no use of racial terms either.
(3)When critiquing the work of others, please be considerate. No hateful remarks. "It sucks" is not critiquing and is not welcome. If you decide to critique work, you must do so in a mature and prepared manner.
(4) All fanfiction and fanart must be rated and submitted with the proper information. See Submission Format for further details.
(5) Try to stay on topic. Discussion is good, but keep it CC/CCS related.
(6) If you have a made-up character please explain them. Not everyone understands them the way you do.
(7) Fanart of made up characters is accepted, yes. However, it is required that an established character be in the picture as well. This is sone to save space. Too many pics of unknown characters tend to make the topic stray. Kero and active Clow/Star cards are valid for an easy established character to use.
(8) Be sure your name and e-mail is on submittes fanfiction as stated on the Format page.