I'm sure you may be wondering just how this group works. You're in luck, I have set this page aside to perhaps answer some of your questions.

Fanart and fanfiction posted onto the Yahoo through e-groups will be placed on this site according to rating. Fics need titles, so they may be identified. Author's name is required as well as e-mail addy so that the author can be contacted by those who view their work. Rating determines your category and who may view your work. If I find your rating is incorrect, I will change it for you. A synopsis helps viewers to decide if your fic or pic sounds interesting enough to investigate.
There is limited space on the Yahoo page. If a file of yours has been deleted, check this site for it. When the files are moved onto this site, I delete them from the Yahoo site.
If anyone is wondering, yes, I DO accept fanart of made up characters. However, there is a rule here. Your picture of made-up characters must be accompanies by an established character. Please be sure to explain your picture. The reason an established character must be in the picture as well is so that the topic does not stray. Not everyone will recognize your character, sharing the picture with an established character clarifies the picture is purely CC/CCS. Active Clow/Star cards do count as established characters.
I accept explicit fanfiction/fanart as well, but these too must be rated. Controversial images will not be placed on this site but will remain accessable on the Yahoo files. Only members may view them.
For those who write fanfiction is parts or chapters, please let me know ahead of time, or put it in your topic, if you plan to do such. I plan to use a different setup for stories with chapters/parts.
Mixing is acceptable in fanfiction. This is useful for those who prefer certain Japanese names over English names and visa versa.