Real Name: Athena Odinson

Occupation: College Student, Office Manager

Legal Status: Naturalized Citizen of the United States with no criminal record

Identity: The general populace of Earth is unaware of Athena Odinson's origins.

Other Aliases: None

Place of Birth: somewhere in Germany

Marital Status: Single

Known Relatives: Thor Odinson (father), Aphrodite (mother), Hercules, Balder, Apollo, Ares, Hephaestus, Hermes, Hermod, Dionysus, Heimdall, (uncles), Artemis, Athena, Brynhilda, Discord, Helen, Eileithyia (aunts), Cupid, Deimos, Phobus (half-brothers), Harmonia, Leila (half-sisters),

Group Affiliations: The Collinsport Ghost Society, The Gods of Olympus and Asgard 

Base of Operations: Collinsport, Maine

First Appearance: Sabrina The Teenage Witch, TV Series (Episode: "New Student")

History: Athena Odinson is the daughter of the Asgardian god Thor and Aphrodite, one of the Gods of Olympus. By her admission a virtuous goddess, Aphrodite reportedly dallied with Thor while traveling through modern Germany and sired a daughter by him. At first, Aphrodite kept her daughter's birth a secret, possibly because her father was Thor, one of the Gods of Asgard with whom the Olympians had been feuding with for millennia. However, while Aphrodite was living in Miami, Florida, Zeus paid her visit and inquired who the name of the father of her daughter was. At first, Aphrodite claimed Hercules was her child's father, but eventually the goddess Athena herself, acting as a mentor to her adolescent namesake, deduced the truth. The realization actually bonded the relationship between the Asgardian gods and the Olympian gods.

Athena Odinson was often a welcome guest to both Asgard and Olympus in their adjacent realms, but she mostly lived on Earth as her mother traveled among mortals. The original Athena, as goddess of wisdom, took an interest in her niece's schooling and imparted on her tolerance, compassion and understanding as part of a future generation of potential gods. To separate herself from her aunt, Athena often refers to the more mature goddess as her Aunt Minerva, the name she was given by the Romans. On Earth, she traveled through most of the world learning the history of nations and secrets of mankind and immortals. To the general public, she often appears as the worldly heiress of two powerful European families.

Despite her daughter circumnavigating the world several times over, Aphrodite decided her daughter needed to learn human values and realized the best way for her to do so was by actually enrolling her in school with normal human teenagers. Young Athena liked the idea but was frustrated by her mother constantly moving around the world. Athena took it upon herself to choose her own permanent residence and invariably enrolled in high school in Westbridge, Massachusetts because Westbridge was located near a portal of powerful Native American positive energies. This portal turned out to be the vortex of energy within the home of Sabrina Spellman, a member of the Wiccan race, whose family used the portal to traverse time and space. Athena Odinson and Sabrina met as rivals unsure of what each other actually was; Sabrina thought young Athena was a Wiccan like herself while Athena thought Sabrina was another demi-god. Eventually, they became friends, but they eventually drifted apart as their lives followed other directions.

Athena Odinson eventually moved to Collinsport, Maine located near another extra-dimensional access point; this vortex was under the estate of Collinwood and resulted in paranormal activity on the estate as well as a room in the West Wing that shifted along alternate realities. She became an assistant to the Collinsport Ghost Society, and following her father's guidance, she has often lent her power and wisdom against otherworldly threats in the realm of paranormal activity and alleged extra-terrestrial activity. So far, no one on the tam is aware of her godly origins.

Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Eyes: Brown, formerly Blue
Hair: Blonde, formerly Brown

Strength Level: Athena Odinson possesses the normal superhuman strength of a goddess of her size, height and build who engages in extensive regular exercises, and can lift (press) around 20 tons under optimal conditions. However, spells imposed by Zeus to keep her from fully displaying her full godly powers prevent her from fully tapping her full strength.

Known Superhuman Powers: Athena Odinson possesses the conventional physical attributes of the Olympian and Asgardian gods, two races of extra-dimensional beings who were worshipped as gods by the people of Earth. Although known by separate names usually connected to their realms, the Gods of Earth share common ancestry and bear common characteristics between their tribes or "pantheons." Athena Odinson is immortal: she has not aged since reaching adulthood and cannot die by any conventional means. She is immune to all Earthly diseases and is resistant to conventional injury. If she were somehow wounded, her godly life force would enable her to recover with superhuman speed. It would take an injury of such magnitude that it dispersed a major portion of her bodily molecules to cause her a physical death. Even then, it might be possible for a god of significant power, such as Zeus, Odin or for a number of gods of equal power working together to revive her. Athena also possesses superhuman strength and her godly metabolism provides her with far greater than human endurance in all physical activities. (Immortal flesh and bone is about three times as dense as similar human tissue, contributing to the superhuman strength and weight of the Gods of Earth.)

Athena Odinson can tap into and manipulate elemental and psychokinetic energies, She can mentally move objects, create storms and teleport herself at will, but mystical spells imposed on her keep her from fully reaching her maximum power. She is also susceptible to paranormal phenomenon and is prone to precognitive visions.

Abilities: Athena Jordson has incredible mental capacity for learning and solving problems. She has a photographic memory and is a linguist in thirty-seven languages.

Clarifications:  Athena Odinson is not to be confused with:  

Last updated: 06/01/12


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