Real Name: Jaime Sommars

Occupation: School Teacher (K-7), former professional tennis player, former government agent

Known Relatives: father (name unrevealed, deceased), Anne (mother, deceased), James Elgin (foster father), Helen Elgin (foster mother), Steve Austin (husband)

Place of Birth: Ojai, California

Base of Operations: Ojai, California

Group Affiliation: The Organization of Special Investigations

First Appearance: The Six Million Dollar Man - “The Bionic Woman” (1975 - 1977)

History: Jaime Sommars was born and raised in the small town of Ojai, California. A childhood friend of prominent astronaut Steve Austin, her parents both died in a car accident while she was sixteen years old, and she was adopted and raised by Steve’s foster parents, Jim and Helen Elgin. Steve and Jaime were very close and were expected to marry, but days before their marriage they cancelled their marriage plans and pursued their destinies. Steve joined the Air Force and became an astronaut and Jaime became a successful tennis player on the professional tennis circuit.

Several years later, Jaime heard that Steve was killed while testing an experimental moon-landing unit, but the Elgins told her that Steve had actually survived. He was restored to life under the supervision of the military’s most brilliant surgical doctors, among them, Dr. Rudy Wells. However, as a condition to his surgery, Steve went to work covertly as an agent of the Organization of Special Investigation, a Federal government police force. In 1975, Jaime and Steve got together for a homecoming in Ojai wanting to renew their relationship. She was impressed by his exploits and was talked into trying out skydiving. Everything worked out fine for a while, but Jaime’s parachute was defective and didn’t open and she crashed to earth with massive skull fractures to her right ear, a broken arm and both her legs shattered on impact. Steve called in every government favor he had and even called in Dr. Wells to save her life.

Jaime’s recovery was slow but progressive, and as Steve and Jaime planned their nuptials, an undetected blood clot in her brain resulted in a cerebral hemorrhage. Jaime was rushed to the hospital again and was erroneously pronounced dead on arrival. Steve continued his life as Dr. Rudy Wells and his colleague, Dr. Michael Marchetti, labored to keep her alive. To spare Steve’s feelings in case she didn’t make it, her recovery was kept pessimistic. While under going physical therapy in the same hospital, however, a few months later, Steve discovered that Jaime was still alive by accident, but it was now too late. She had developed partial and selective amnesia due to the full-blown scale of her injuries.

Recuperating for a while in Dr. Wells’ research facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Jaime was unable to continue her tennis career afterward and became a schoolteacher afterward for the children of the military officers at nearby Oxnard Air Force Base. Intelligent, attractive and winsome, she took special professional interest in all her students. Like Steve, she was frequently called into cases that exploited her as a woman. She also investigated ghostly manifestations in the home of Amanda Corey and the spirit of a Native American god on the ancestral lands of John “Paco” Little Bear. Dr. Wells continued to be her best friend and physical therapist along with her friends Peggy Callahan, Chris Williams and Oscar Goldman, Steve’s government attaché, who looked upon her as an adoptive daughter. Jaime had a short brief romantic interest in Marchetti, but upon realizing that she and Steve had once been lovers, she broke off their relationship to explore her feelings for Steve.

The demands of her OSI cases eventually took a mental toll on her and after briefly attempting to vanish, Jaime broke ties with the OSI, but she stayed close to Oscar and Rudy. By 1987, Jaime and Steve was once again an item. They married in 1994, twenty years to the day of their original wedding attempt.

Comments: Lindsay Wagner portrayed Jaime Sommars in the TV series. Lee Majors played Steve, Richard Anderson played Oscar, Martin E. Brooks played Dr. Wells, Jennifer Darling played Peggy and Chris Stone portrayed Chris Williams.

Classified: * TOP SECRET * United States Defense Plans

Jaime Sommars has atomic-powered cybernetic limbs (her right arm and both her legs) and a cybernetic enhanced right ear, which can detect auditory stimuli too sensitive for the human ear. While cybernetic limbs are not unusual for people who lose arms and legs, Dr. Wells somehow developed limbs that could remain connected to Jaime without ripping off her when she lifted objects greater than five hundred pounds possibly by working in tandem with her bionic limbs (her normal body would not be able to support the weight of objects larger than herself). She could lift (press) about 2000 pounds or greater and her legs could reach speeds somewhere between 80 to 100 miles per hour. It is unrevealed how her normal metabolism reacted with the additional power of her legs or her mind registered data at these speeds to remain cognizant. These cybernetic limbs were vulnerable at 60 degrees Celsius and lower (although at this temperature she would have been dead before her bionics started to malfunction).


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