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Episode 69
Juan: Le repito que no tengo intenciones de ninguna clase con su sobrina!
Marcelo: Pero algo tiene que haber hecho!
Juan: No hice nada! Ademas, Mariana no me interesa. Porque me tienen que culpar de todo lo que pasa? Nada tengo yo que ver con el enamoramiento de una niña exhaltada!
Marcelo: No le permito que le falte al respeto!!...
Juan: Le pido una disculpa. Mariana es inteligente. Sensible. Tiene muchas cualidades. Pero yo no tengo ningun interes en ella. De verdad!!
Marcelo: Tal vez! Pero cuando un hombre se da cuenta del ofuscamiento e una mujer... se aprovecha!!
Juan: (gets mad instantly...) Eso lo hara Usted!! No Yo!!
Marcelo: Me esta ofendiendo!!
Juan: Y Usted a mi!! O que?? Por no tener apellido soy merecedor de cualquier desprecio?? Cree que solo los encumbrados son decentes??
Marcelo: Por supuesto que no!
Juan: Entonces??.. Porque no cree en mi palabra? Usted ya comprobo mi inocencia sobre las calumnias que me inventaron!
Marcelo: Es verdad. Pero su comportamiento y sus arrebatos no hablan bien de Usted!!
Juan: Usted conoce mi historia. Los marginados como yo solo tenemos dos opciones. O agachamos la cabeza o nos defendemos! Yo prefiero la segunda!! Que habria hecho Usted estando en mi lugar?
Marcelo: No lo se.
Juan: Sabe cual ha sido mi pecado, Licenciado Romero?? Creer que todos los hombres somos iguales... Y que tenemos los mismos derechos como 'Pregonan' las tan ponderadas leyes!! Pero la realidad no es asi. Es distinta, Usted lo sabe!! Y por lo que se refiere a Mariana, no se preocupe. A mi la unica mujer que me interesa es mi esposa. Porque a pesar de que se ha invalidado nuestro matrimonio, eso sigue siendo para mi. Y no pienso renunciar a ella. Solo matandome!... lo van a conseguir.
Marcelo: Bueno... Con su permiso.
Juan: I tell you again that I have no intentions of any kind regarding your niece!
Marcelo: But you must have done something!
Juan: I haven't done anything! Besides, I'm not interested in Mariana. Why do you have to blame me for everything that happens? I have nothing to do with the raptures of an overexcited girl!
Marcelo: How dare you disrespect her!!...
Juan: I ask you to forgive me. Mariana is intelligent. Sensible. She has a lot of qualities. But I have no interest in her. Honest!
Marcelo: Maybe! But when a man is aware of a woman's interest ... he takes advantage!!
Juan: (gets mad instantly...) You would do such a thing!! Not me!
Marcelo: You are offending me!!
Juan: And you are offending me!! Or what? I deserve all sorts of contempt because I have no surname? Do you believe that only the well-off are descent?
Marcelo: Of course not!
Juan: Then what?.. Why don't you take my word for it? You have proved I'm innocent of the charges that were made up against me!
Marcelo: That's true. But your behaviour and your outbursts don't paint a pretty picture of you!
Juan: You know my story.Outcasts like me have only two options.We can either submit or defend ourselves! I prefer the second one! What would you have done, had you been in my place?
Marcelo: I don't know.
Juan: Do you know what my sin was, Judge Romero? that I believed that all men are equal... And that we have the same rights as the mighty laws declare! But the reality is not like that. It's different, you know that! And as far as Mariana is concerned,Don't worry. The only woman that interests me is my wife. Because despite the annulation of our marriage, for me it still exists. And I don't intend to give up on her. Only by killing me.... will they achieve that.
Marcelo: Well...If you excuse me...