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Episode 13

(Juan llega a todo galope, Monica esta saliendo de la capilla de Campo Real...)
Monica: Pero que hace usted aqui?
Juan: Aimee todavia esta en la hacienda?

Monica: Como se atrevio usted venir?
Juan: Como se atrevio ella a enganarme? A decir que me esperaria!!... Sabia usted que fue mi amante??!!
Si!!!! Mi amante!! Aunque se escandalice!!!...
Monica: No es cierto.
Juan: Y se atrevio a casarse con otro cuando juro hacerlo conmigo.
Monica: Es que tiene que haber un error...
Juan: No hay ningun error!.Y usted lo sabe muy bien! Me engano! Se burlo de mi! Por ella hice este viaje para tener dinero y poder casarme. Pero esto no se va a quedar asi!! (she grabs him, he shakes her hand off...)
Monica: Por favor, espere... espere. Se lo suplico... se lo ruego!!. Andres no tiene la culpa. El es una victima!
Juan: Y a mi que me importa!!
Monica: El licenciado Mancera me dijo que Usted es bueno y generoso.
Monica: Entiendo su coraje pero aqui hay gente inocente que no tiene porque pagar...
Juan: Aqui no hay gente inocente. (la examina con los ojos de pies a cabeza) Porque ya no esta de monja???
Monica: Porque no me aceptaron...
Juan: No la aceptaron? O les dio miedo que tentara a los frailes??
Monica: Ay, no sea grocero. Ademas, Aimee no esta. Ayer se fueron de viaje de bodas.Que caso tiene? Ya esta casada. Y si hubo algo entre ustedes ya se acabo.
Juan: Eso lo veremos. Cuando regresa?
Monica: Se fueron a Europa. Por favor, vayase!. Yo le prometo... Estoy dispuesta a darle lo que quiera...
Juan: Lo que yo quiera... Esta segura??
Monica: Si. Puedo juntar una cantidad de dinero...
Juan: Y si yo no quisiera dinero?? Perdi a una mujer ... a una condesa. Y tal vez me calme si consigo a otra.(aqui llega Andres..)
Andres: Juan!
Juan: No que se habian ido??
Monica: No se.
Andres: Don Noel me dijo que estabas de viaje.
Juan: Si, ya regrese.
Andres: No sabes el gusto que me da. Porque no vino Don Noel a mi boda?
Juan: Le dio gripe.
Andres: Ya se presentaron?
Monica: Si, ya...
Andres: Bien, quiero que conozcas a mi esposa...
Juan: Me dara mucho gusto...
Andres: Pospusimos el viaje de bodas...

(Juan arrives on his horse galloping, Monica is coming out of the chapel of Campo Real...)
Monica: But what are you doing here?
Juan: Is Aimee still in the hacienda?

Monica: How dare you come here?
Juan: Hoe did she dare deceive me? Tell me that she would wait for me!!... Did you know that she was my lover? Yes!! My lover!! Even if it shocks you!!!...
Monica: that's not true.
Juan: And she had the nerve to marry someone else while she had promised to marry me.
Monica: There must be a mistake...
Juan: There's no mistake!.And you know that very well! She deceived me! Made a fool out of me! It was for her that I made this voyage so that I could have enough money to be able to get married. But I won't leave it at that!! (she grabs him, he shakes her hand off...)
Monica: Please, wait...wait. I beg you... I implore you!!. Andres is not to blame. He is a victim!
Juan: Why should I care about that!!
Monica: Mancera told me that you are kind and generous. .....I understand your anger but there are innocent people here who shouldn't pay for this ...
Juan: Ther are no innocent people here. Why aren't you wearing your habit?
Monica: Because they didn't accept me...
Juan: They didn't accept you? Or did they fear that you would tempt the monks?
Monica: Ay, don't be vulgar. Besides, Aimee isn't here. They left for their honeymoon yesterday. Why bother? She is married now. And if there was something between you ,it's over now..
Juan: We'll see about that. When is she coming back?
Monica: They went to Europe. Please, leave! I promise you... I'm willing to give you whatever you want...
Juan: Whatever I want... Are you sure?
Monica: Yes. I can put together an amount of money.
Juan: What if I don't want money? I lost a woman ..a countess. And perhaps I could calm myself if I got another!! (Andres comes out)
Andres: Juan!
Juan: Weren't they supposed to have left?
Monica: I don't know.
Andres: Don Noel told me that you were away on a voyage.
Juan: Yes, I just returned.
Andres: You don't know how happy I'm to see you. Why didn't Don Noel come to my wedding?
Juan: He had a cold.
Andres: Have you been introduced?
Monica: Yes, we have...
Andres: Well, I'd like to meet my wife....
Juan: I'd be delighted..
Andres: We postponed our honeymoon trip....