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Mónica is standing on a cliff looking out to the sea, thinking about Andrés and his decision to marry Aimeé instead of her. Juan (who's just been released from prison and is quite enraged about Andrés' intervention) goes to the same spot for a breath of fresh sea air............

Mónica esta pensando: Dios Mio. Tu no me quieres. Cada dia que pasa me haces sufrir mas. Porque tenia Andrés que escogerla a ella? Que tiene Aimeé que no tenga yo? Ya bastante sufri con su rechazo y ahora esta humillacion tan grande. Y ella lo sabe... disfruta... se burla...(Juan se le acerca a Monica por detras)

Juan:     Que le pasa, Santa Mónica? Estaba perdida?
Mónica: Es un malo ... Como se atreve?
Juan:     A impedir que se mate?... La verdad ni yo mismo lo se.
Mónica: Es usted un patan!
Juan:     Dicen que es pecado tener mal genio, hermana. En vez de regañarme, deberia estar agradecida.
Mónica: No tengo nada que agradecerle a Usted. Y retirese! Su presencia me repugna!
Juan:     Le repugna? Porque? Porque soy pobre? Mal vestido? Es esa la caridad cristiana, hermana?
Mónica: Dejeme pasar!
Juan:     No.
Mónica: Mire que si se atreve...
Juan:     A propasarse con usted? (Juan rie sarcasticamente...) Por Dios!! Santa Mónica. Usted no tentaria ni a un hermitano... (ella mira hacia abajo indignada, Juan se da cuenta del cambio en ella y cambia de tono en la voz) Perdon... No quise decir eso. Es mas... No entiendo como una muchacha tan bonita quiere hacerse monja... (la deja irse...)

Mónica is standing on a cliff looking out to the sea, thinking about Andrés and his decision to marry Aimeé instead of her. Juan (who's just been released from prison and is quite enraged about Andrés' intervention) goes to the same spot for a breath of fresh sea air............

Monica is thinking: Lord! You don't love me. Every day that goes by you make me suffer more. Why did Andres have to choose her? What does Aimee have that I don't? I've already suffered enough from his rejection and now this humiliation that is so great. And she knows. . . enjoys it. . .makes fun...(Juan approaches Monica from behind/)

Juan:     What's wrong, Santa Monica?(Monica is startled, loses her balance and is about to fall when Juan grabs her arm and steadies her) Are you lost?
Monica: You are mean! How dare you?
Juan:     Prevent you from killing tell you the truth I don't know really know.
Monica: You are a roughneck!!
Juan:     They say it's a sin to be uncivil, sister. Instead of reproaching me, you should be grateful.
Monica: There's nothing to be grateful to you for. And now leave! Your presence disgusts me!
Juan:     Disgusts you? Why? Because I'm poor? Badly dressed? Is this the Christian goodness, sister?
Monica: Let me pass!
Juan:     No.
Monica: Don't you dare…
Juan:     Take advantage of you? (Juan laughs sarcastically..) For God's sake Santa Monica, you wouldn't
               tempt anyone, not even a monk. . . . Forgive me… I didn't mean to say that. Actually.. I can't
               understand why a girl this beautiful wants to become a nun. . . (he lets her go)