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Andrés is paying a visit to Juan and Mónica's house. Juan comes in as Andrés is leaving............

Juan:      Pero estabas nerviosa cuando llegue. Si o no?
Mónica: Si.
Juan:      Porque?
Mónica: Porque si.
Juan:      Esa no es una razon.
Mónica:  Es que... Andrés me estaba diciendo algo que...
Juan:      Que cosa?
Mónica: Que el y Aimeé decidieron venir a vivir aqui.
Juan:      Y que es lo que te preocupa?
Mónica: Tu sabes!
Juan:      No! No lo se!Quiero que me lo digas.
Mónica: Tengo miedo que Aimeé te busque.
Juan:     Te doleria por mi... o por Andrés?
Mónica: Por ti... porque eres mi esposo... pero tambien por el porque no se lo merece...
Juan:     Y a ti que te importa ese imbecil? Si quiso casarse con una sinverguenza es su problema!
Mónica: Tu tambien querias casarte con ella!
Juan:      Muy bien... veo que ya llego el momento de hablar... Hablemos entonces... pero con la verdad, Mónica. Nada mas con la verdad. Estas de acuerdo?
Mónica: Si.
Juan:     Me vas a decir todo?
Mónica: Si.
Juan:     Quien empieza? Tu o yo?
Mónica: Tu.
Juan:      No tengo mucho que decir. Mi historia ya la sabes. Tu hermana me busco. Nos hicimos amantes. Dijo que me queria y juro casarse conmigo... No cumplio! ... De lo demas ya estas enterada... Te toca a ti.
Mónica: Desde que era una nina me dijeron que me iba a casar con Andrés. Mi mama y mi madrina habian hecho el compromiso. Cuando fui creciendo en mis pensamientos y en mis ilusiones no habia nadie  mas que el. Por supuesto que yo debi imaginar que algo no andaba bien porque... porque el no me escribia...
Juan:      Y tu?
Mónica: Tampoco...
Juan:      Porque?
Mónica: Por pena. Además porque es el hombre el que debe hacerlo primero! Claro que mi madrina me decia que en sus cartas siempre me mandaba sus recuerdos..
Juan:      Y era verdad?
Mónica: Yo que se?? .. Luego cuando volvio tuvo que quedarse una temporada en la capital... y alli conocio a  mi hermana. Yo ya sabia que habia regresado y... pensaba que muy pronto empezariamos con los preparativos para la boda. Mi madrina fue a verlo a Méjico.. y cuando volvio... le dijo a mi mama que  el habia olvidado nuestro compromiso y ... y que ademas el ya no podia cumplir porque se habia  enamorado.
Juan:      De Aimeé?
Mónica:  Lo supe después. Por supuesto que me senti muy mal. Andrés habia sido mi sueño y ... mi ilusion de  tener un marido... hijos. Por favor..entiendeme! Además de eso tambien senti tanta verguenza...  Todos sabian de nuestro compromiso!... iba a ser la burla de la gente. El solo pensar que se reirian de mi o que me tendrian lastima... Me queria morir... de veras! Entonces fue cuando decidi entrar al  convento.
Juan:      Y que dijo Andrés cuando lo supo? Ni siquiera sintio remordimiento por ser el culpable de esa  decision tan absurda?
Mónica: El creyo otra cosa.
Juan:     Como que creyo otra cosa?
Mónica: Es que yo le habia dicho a todos que... que habia sido para mi un alivio que Andrés rompiera el compromiso.. porque mi verdadera vocacion siempre habia sido la de ser religiosa.
Juan:     Vaya que eres orgullosa!...

Juan:     Y empezaste a odiarla cuando te dijeron que era la mujer de quien se habia enamorado Andrés!
Mónica: Me afecto, pero tanto como odiarla...
Juan:     Vas a empezar a mentir?
Mónica: No estoy mintiendo! Lo que pasa es que es mi hermana y no puedo odiarla!
Juan:     Bueno!... digamos que le tienes coraje porque destruyo tus suenos de jovencita romantica  enamorada del principe azul ... y como te quito al principe... decidiste pagarle con la misma moneda. Tu hermana a pesar de estar casada seguia encaprichada conmigo y tu pensaste!... ! 'se lo quito!!  ..como ella me quito a Andres...' Por supuesto que esta decision la tomaste despues de haberte  enterado que yo tambien era un Alcazar, y que como tal se me iba a reconocer! Porque por mas que  hubieras querido defender el honor de Andres y desquitarte de Aimee... !jamas te hubieras rebajado  a casarte con un sucio marinero apodado Juan del Diablo! No fue eso lo que dijiste?
Mónica: Ella te lo dijo?
Juan:     Mintio??
Mónica: Es que.. es que las cosas no fueron asi.
Juan:     Ah, no? Como fueron entonces?
Mónica: Aimeé siempre se burlaba diciendome que yo era una santurrona y que nunca ningun hombre se iba  a fijar en mi!... y menos despues de haberla conocido a ella!...
Juan:      Y tu se lo creiste?
Mónica: Porque no? Ella es mas bonita... desenvuelta.. sabe hablar... entretener...
Juan:     Y eso que? .. Tu tienes otras cualidades que son mil veces mas importantes!...
Mónica: Eres muy amable pero... Entonces, cuando nos peleabamos y ella me decia esas cosas tan feas...  yo tambien tenia ganas de molestarla. Pero jamas pense eso de ti!! De veras!! Si es cierto que dije eso y que tambien le dije a mi madre que queria casarme contigo para que Aimee ya no se  atreviera a buscarte... pero en el fondo no era asi!... solo que... que me di cuenta despues...
Juan:      Te diste cuenta de que?
Mónica: Que cuando estaba contigo sentia... ese 'no se que'!... algo que... algo que no sabia que era pero que... me gustaba mucho... Es la verdad y tu lo sabes!! Por eso me mirabas... como me mirabas!.
Juan:      Y cuando fue que empezaste a darte cuenta de ese 'no se que'?
Mónica: Desde el dia en que me dijiste que si tu hubieras sido mi novio... solo volviendote tonto o ciego me  habrias dejado por otra!
Juan:      Monica... No me estas engañando?
Mónica:  No! Porque siempre piensas eso?
Juan:      Porque tengo miedo que no sea verdad todo lo que me estas diciendo! Que sean mentiras piadosas  ...o que lo digas porque no te queda otro remedio!
Mónica: No es asi! Te quiero... te quiero mucho!... No se desde cuando pero... eres lo unico que me importa  en esta vida... Por favor, Juan!... Tienes que creerme!..
Juan:     Si... Te creo... Quiero creerte!... porque yo tambien lo necesito. Pero no permitas que dude, Mónica... que pierda la confianza... te lo pido por favor...
Mónica: Jamas... Nunca... Te lo juro!...

Andrés is paying a visit to Juan and Mónica's house. Juan comes in as Andrés is leaving............

Juan:     But you were nervous when I came. Yes or no?
Monica: Yes.
Juan:     Why?
Monica: Because....
Juan:     That's not a reason.
Monica: It's that... Andres was telling me something that....
Juan:     What?
Monica: That he and Aimee have decided to come and live here.
Juan:     And what are you worried about?
Monica: You know!
Juan:     No! No, I don't! I want you to tell me.
Monica: I am afraid that Aimee will come after you.
Juan:     Would you mind for my sake... or for Andres'?
Monica: For you... because you are my husband... but for him as well because he doesn't deserve that...
Juan:     And why do you care about this imbecile? If he wanted to marry a shameless woman, it's his problem!
Monica: You wanted to marry her as well!
Juan:     Very well...I see that it's time to talk..Let's talk then..but only the truth Monica. Nothing but the truth. Do you agree?
Monica: Yes.
Juan:     You will tell me everything?
Monica: Yes.
Juan:     Who'll go first? You or me?
Monica: You.
Juan:     There isn't much to say. You already know my story. Your sister came after me. We became lovers. She said she loved me and vowed she would marry me. She didn't keep her promise!... You already  know the rest... Your turn.
Monica: Ever since I was a child, I was told I was going to marry Andres. My mum and my godmother had arranged the engagement. While I was growing up, in my thoughts and in my dreams there was no one else but him.Of course I should have thought that something was wrong because...because he  never wrote...
Juan:     And you?
Monica: Neither did I...
Juan:     Why?
Monica: I was shy. Besides because it's the man who is supposed to do it first! Of course my godmother kept telling me that he was sending me his regards in his letters...
Juan:     Was that true?
Monica: How should I know?.. Then when he returned, he had to stay in the capital for a while... and there he met my sister. I knew he had returned and I imagined that very soon we would start the preparations for the wedding. My godmother went to see him in Mexico City... and when she came back... she told my mum and me that he had forgotten about our engagement and.. that he couldn't through with it anyway because he was in love.
Juan:     With Aimee?
Monica: I found that out later. Of course I felt awful. Andres had been my dream and ... my illusion of having a husband....children. Please try to understand me! Apart from that, I also felt such shame... Everybody knew about our engagement!...I was going to be the joke of the town. Just the thought of them laughing at me or feeling sorry for me... I wanted to die... really! That was when I decided to join the convent.
Juan:     And what did Andres say when he found out? Didn't he at least feel any remorse for being responsible for such an absurd decision?
Monica: He believed something else.
Juan:     What do you mean "He believed something else"?
Monica: It's because I told everyone that... it was a great relief for me that Andres had broken up our engagement... because my true vocation had always been to be a nun.
Juan:     I see that you are proud!...

Juan:     And you started hating her when you were told that she was the woman that Andres had fallen for!
Monica: It hurt me, but not so much as to hate her...
Juan:     Will you start lying now?
Monica: I'm not lying! it's just that she is my sister and I can't hate her!
Juan:     Well!... let's say that you were angry at her because she destroyed your romantic dreams of falling in love with the knight in shining armour... and as she took your knight... you decided to make her  pay the same price. Your sister, despite being married, was still hooked on me and you thought 'I'll  take him from her.. like she took Andres from me...' Of course, you took that decision after having  been told that I was an Alcazar as well and that I was going to be registered as such! Because no matter how much you wanted to defend Andres' honour and avenge Aimee... you would never steep so low as to marry a dirty seaman nicknamed Juan del Diablo! Isn't this what you said?
Monica: Did she tell you that?
Juan:     She was lying?
Monica: It's just that... it's just that things were not like that.
Juan:     Ah, no? How were they then?
Monica: Aimee always made fun of me telling me that I was too god-fearing and that no man would ever look at me !... especially after having met her!...
Juan:     And you believed her?
Monica: Why not? She is more beautiful...eloquent ...knows how to talk... entertain...
Juan:     So what ?.. You have other qualities that are a million times more important!.
Monica: You are very kind but... So when we argued and she told me such ugly things... I felt like hurting her too. But I never thought that of you! Really!!Yes it is true that I said that and that I also told my mother that I wanted to marry you so that Aimeé wouldn't dare go after you... but deep down it wasn't like that!... it's just that... that I realised it later...
Juan:     You realised what?
Monica: That when I was with you I felt... this 'I don't know what'... something that... something that I didn't know  what it was but that... I liked a lot... it's the truth and you know it! That's why you looked at me... the way you did.
Juan:     And when was it that you started realising this 'I don't know what'?
Monica: Since the day you told me that if you had been my fiance ... only by going crazy or blind would you have left me for someone else!
Juan:     Monica... You are not deceiving me, are you?
Monica: No! Why do you always think that?
Juan:     Because I fear that all that you're telling me is not true! That they're white lies!... or that you are telling  them because that's all you that's left for you to do!
Monica: it's not like that! I love you..I love you very much!... I don't know since when but... you are the only one  who matters to me in this life... Please, Juan!... You have to believe me!..
Juan:     Yes... I believe you... I want to believe you!... because I need it too. But don't let me doubt, Monica... lose faith... I ask it of you,please...
Monica: Never... Never... I swear it to you!...