El hobre afortunado y la mujer mas maravillosa | |
Monica: Juan... tengo miedo de que algo te pase...
no podria soportarlo!! Juan: Escuchame, Monica. Si hubiera alguna manera de evitarlo, aunque fuera descabellada, te juro que lo haria!... nada mas por ti... Monica: Y si llegaras en la noche con los demas, buscaras a Serafin y lo liberaras?... Juan: Tu crees que Andres no va a tomar sus precauciones? Monica: Es que.. un duelo... un enfrentamiento entre ustedes... significa que uno de los dos va a salir lastimado. Y tu todavia no te repones de tu herida... no estas bien para eso!. Juan: No, .. estoy bien, no te apures ... Ademas, voy a ganar. Monica: Vas a ganar? Porque? Acaso crees que Andres no se va a defender? Juan: No dudo de sus habilidades! .. Pero yo soy el de la suerte... no te has dado cuenta? Monica: .. NO! Juan: No es afortunado el hombre que se aprecia de tener el amor de la mujer mas maravillosa del mundo? Te puedo pedir un favor? Monica: Lo que quieras. Juan: Que no volvamos a hablar de esto... que lo que nos quede del dia y la noche, sea algo para no olvidarlo nunca. Monica: Soy yo la que ha tenido suerte... pero quiero que esta dure mucho. |
Monica: Juan... I'm afraid that something will
happen to you... Ii wouldn't be able to bear
it! Juan: Listen to me, Monica. If there was a way to prevent it, crazy though it might be, I swear it to you I would try it.. only for your sake... Monica: And if you went with the others at night, found Serafin and freed him?... Juan: You think Andres is not going to take any precautions? Monica: It's that a durl.. a confrontation between you two.. means that one of the two will end up hurt. And you haven't recoveredfrom your injury yet.. You are not well enough for this!. Juan: No, ..I'm fine don't worry... Besides,.I'm going to win. Monica: You are going to win? Why? Do you happen to think that Andres is not going to defend himself? Juan: I have no doubt of his abilities! ..But I am the lucky one...haven't you noticed? Monica: .. NO! Juan: Isn't fortunate the man who is honoured with having the love of the most wonderful woman in the world? Can I ask a favour of you? Monica: Whatever you want. Juan: That we won't talk about this again.. that the rest of the day and night will be something that we will never forget. Monica: I am the one who has been lucky... but I want this luck to last a long time. |