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Reptile Boy

This episode starts out with a girl jumping out of a window then being chased into a cemetery. She is caught and brought back to where she started. Buffy and gang are unaware of this and are very happy with the little amount of activity on the hell mouth. Giles keeps ragging on Buffy to become better and work on her training. But Buffy is upset because he is not allowing her to be a teenager.

The next day at school, Cordelia introduces Buffy to her boyfriend Richard and his friend Tom. Buffy is invited to a party but turns him down, claiming she's involved with someone. Buffy goes on patrol and meets up with Angel. They find a bracelet on the ground which Angel smells blood on. He says that their age difference is a problem and that she doesn't know what she wants in life. She runs off because she loves him, and even though she can only see him in the dark…she doesn't care.

Now, since Angel has rejected her, she decides to go to the Frat party with Cordelia. Buffy chooses not to tell Giles or Angel about her date. Later that night, Giles and Willow research a bracelet found at the cemetery and find that it is from Kent Prepatory School outside of Sunnydale. Then Angel appears and wants to know what happened to Buffy. Willow tells them that Buffy went to the Fraternaty where they suspect the frat guys are taking girls. She yells at Giles for being so hard on Buffy and Angel for being so stupid to turn down Buffy for a cup of coffee, even though he is going to live forever. They then rush off to save Buffy and Cordelia.

At the Buffy dances with Tom to avoid drunk frat guys. Xander sneaks into the party and tries to disciguse himself. He is not so lucky and is caught. Some frat guys dress him up as a girl and make him dance. Meanwhile, Buffy finally decides to accept a drink. The drink is druged and Buffy stumbles her way up to the bedroom where Cordelia is on the floor, unconcious. When Cordy and Buffy wake up, they are chained up in a basement below the frat house as an offering for a reptile god. Cordelia is choosen first and Buffy struggles to break out of her chains.

Willow, Angel and Giles head to the frat party and meet up with Xander. They all sneak into the house and beat up the frat guys. Buffy finally breaks free and fights with Tom. She knocks him aside and then uses his sword to cut the worm in half. Cordelia is saved and all the frat guys are taken away to be arrested. Afterwards, everyone meets up at the Bronze. Angel appears and says he would like to have coffee with Buffy sometime. She plays it cool and says, "Sometime, I'll let you know."